Stopwatch 2 Unit 5 Vocabulary 2 (2.5.V2) PDF

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Unit 5 Vocabulary Worksheet 2

1 Unscramble the words. Then classify them in the table.
0. fuwla awful 3. nikd
1. agetr 4. eltigeltnin
2. inec 5. deur
Positive Negative

2 Look and label the thermometer using the letters in the box.


3 Look and complete the sentences.

awful funny great nice outgoing rude serious shy

0. Fran always makes me laugh. She’s so funny !

1. Terry loves being with people. He’s really .
2. I hate papaya. I think it tastes .
3. Our teacher doesn’t like us making jokes. She’s very .
4. I really enjoyed the new James Bond movie. It was !
5. I don’t like the way your girlfriend speaks to you. I think she’s .
6. It’s a day. Why don’t we go to the park?
7. Amy doesn’t talk much because she’s really .
2 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 2.5.V2

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