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MA103 Mock Midterm –Answers

**** Please remember that the mock test was meant as a means of providing an extra set of practice
questions and basis for a review class - regardless of the format for your actual midterm, we use traditional
types of problems for the mocks so that you can test your understanding of the concepts/methods involved.

Do not study for the midterm based solely on the topics covered by the mock test! Go back through
notes/labs/homework to ensure you have reviewed all concepts discussed in the course.

1. (a) 1 (b) 1 (c) [ 1; 1] (d) (e) x = 3; 3 (f) cos (x)

2. (a) F (b) F (c) T (d) F

3. (a) e2 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 0

4. (a) f is cont. at x = 1 (b) from (a) alone, cannot determine if f is di¤’ble at x = 1

5. k 0 (2) = 24 9 ln 3

6. y = 12x 21

7. The volume is increasing at approx. 26.8 cm3 /min when the pressure is at 80 kPa.

8. — —
3 1
9. 63:5 4
2 :
10. (a) Use EVT: Absolute maximum value of + 2 = 16:153 (occurs at x = 2 );
25 72 60 3 :
absolute minimum value of = 1:054 (occurs at x = 56 );
" p #
25 72 60 3 2
(b) Rangef : y 2 ; +2 ; IVT and part(a)

11. (a) Note –Domf : (0; 1); H.A.: y = 0; V.A.: x = 0

(b) increasing for x 2 0; e1=2 ; decreasing for x 2 e1=2 ; 1

! Note –relative and absolute maximum at e1=2 ; 5e ; no relative nor absolute minimum points

(c) concave down for x 2 0; e5=6 ; concave up for x 2 e5=6 ; 1

! Note –pt of in‡ection at e5=6 ; 3e25

Extra –intercepts: (1; 0) ; Graph: 2

-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6

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