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Long ago there was a lonely girl.

The girl named Amelia she was surrounded by people and had all the things
she could desire. But if she had everything, why was she so alone?

Amelia was spoiled by her rich parents. Dresses, jewelry, and all the attention anyone could want. But she did
not want these things. She would retreat to the library and would retreat to the library and would get lost in
adventures and love tale printed on the pages before her.
Oh, how she wanted these adventures! She wanted to be swept off her feet by magical experiences. But
Amelia was forbidden to leave the castle she called home.

One night, Amelia could not take the silence any longer. She needed to fill the void that had buried in her
heart. So the lonely girl decided to run away. She slipped out of the castle and ran into the night, bringing only
the clothes on her back. She ran hard and fast into the night. The stars freckled the sky above her, illuminating
an unknown path before her.

She ran until her feet ached and her lungs screamed. Soon her home town was out of sight. Adrenaline rushed
through her veins, pushing her further no matter how much she ached to stop. Soon the cobble stone path ran
its course and she found herself in front of a dense forest. Air burned her lungs as she caught her breath. This
is the adventure she had been craving for. The moon was high was in the sky now, casting shadows around
her. She approached the mysterious forest and was swallowed by the darkness.

Amelia wondered through the trees. Her eyelids became heavy. She needed rest. She quickly found a tree and
climbed up high and found a large branch to sleep in for the night. The fresh air opened her lungs and she had
no trouble falling asleep that night.

She woke up with the sun in her eyes and the birds singing good morning. Though her back was stiff from her
unusual sleeping arrangements, the girl was wide awake. She quickly climbed down and began her adventure.
Amelia, though surrounded by no one, didn’t find herself as lonely. She skipped across the vast forest, taking
in the new sights.
She talked and hugged the trees around her and stroked wild flower peddles. She tasted delicious and foreign
berried. Her feet ached from her miles of walking, but it didn’t stop her.

Amelia wandered far and wide, not thinking that civilization would be near. Soon the trees began to fan out
and a small field came into view. Tiny white and yellow flowers scattered across the lush green field. In this
green field was something she did not expect.

A small cabin was built right in the center as sunlight lit it for display. Curiosity lit up inside her and she slowly
approached it. The cabin was not very big and it had to windows and a porch. No lights were lit inside. Amelia
walked onto the porch with caution. The cabin was built by hand and with great precision and care. Amelia’s
hand extended for the doorknob when a voice came from behind her.
“I wasn’t expecting visitors,” said the voice.

Amelia froze. She slowly turned around to see a young lady, no older than her, standing before the steps. She
had silky hair and sun kissed skin. Amelia stammered for an apology, but the stranger just laughed. The
woman walked up the steps and stopped in front of the girl, “You don’t look like from around here,” she said
with a grin.
Amelia remained silent. No words would form. She could see the stranger clearly now. She had several scars
on her skin and beautiful hazel eyes. She was barefoot and wore leather skins that the girl assumed that she
had made herself. The stranger spoke up again, “Can you talk?”

Amelia nodded nervously. The stranger smiled, “Why don’t you come in? Looks like you were headed in there
anyway.” Amelia flushed with embarrassment and followed behind her.

The cabin had one room, the bedroom. The rest was open to lounge and cook. She immediately felt at home.
The stranger introduced herself and welcomed the girl into her home. Animal skins and skulls decorated the
home. Candles littered the window sills and tables. This stranger was huntress and a tough one, at that. The
girl felt her pulse race under her gaze. The girl told the huntress what had brought her there. The huntress
smiled, “You are welcome here. You can stay or leave as you please. Berries and vegetables are provided as
well as fresh game.”

The lonely Amelia face lit up with joy. That is how their friendship began. Days turned into weeks. And weeks
turned into months. The huntress took the girl on adventures and traveled the forest and beyond. While the
huntress went out to catch game, the lonely girl would stay and harvest from their garden. After meals, they
would share stories of their past and laugh at their mistakes. At night, the two would huddle for warmth in
their bed. And one morning, Amelia realized that she wasn’t so lonely anymore. But our story doesn’t end

As days went on, she would realize how her cheeks would become warm when the huntress would look at
her. Soon touches became more frequent and began to linger. Oh, how the huntress would tease the girl,
setting her on fire. Their conversations became deeper and the two began to sleep closer. And one night the
girl woke up to a soft touch to her lips. So innocent and tender. Their days began with tussled hair and cheeky
grins. And their nights would end with heat and delayed breaths. The two became one and their lives would
never be the same. The girl had never experienced happiness like this before.

One day, the huntress and the girl ventured to the market The huntress yelped in glee and rushed to another
girl’s side. Amelia looked to see her huntress embracing someone unknown. The huntress waved over her and
introduced her to the stranger. The three agreed to catch up with one another. But the huntress ill informed
the strange beauty of what she and the girl shared.

Amelia became aware of how the two interacted with each other. The huntress looked at the enchantress like
the way she looked at her. Something began to bubble up inside of Amelia. This feeling was foreign to her.
What was this? She didn’t like this feeling. Soon their lunch ended and the enchantress went on her way.

Amelia and her huntress returned to their home. Things went back to the way they were and their nights and
days continued with a shared love. But then things changed.

The huntress had become more absent and Amelia was left alone in the cabin. The huntress would return with
hilarious stories from her time spent with the enchantress. That unwanted feeling became more frequent and
headaches began to plague her when the huntress left.

Amelia noticed how her huntress didn’t look at her the way she used to and soon the girl became lonely again.
She looked around their cabin, that warm homey feeling filling her heart. The lonely girl grabbed her bag and
placed a note addressed to her huntress. And lonely Amelia with a heavy heart left the cabin and made her
way back to her castle.

Submitted by: Dyn Maxell C. Abalos

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