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Submitted To:
DR. Hanady Ragaee

Submitted by:
Nahla Farid Nasr
Ahmed Nasr Fahim
Ebtesam Hassan Ahmed
Ehab Mostafa Mohamed
Ahmed Maher Abdel Halim
Mohamed Helmy Barhoma
Table of Contents

 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................

 LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT INTRO .............................................................................................

 KHALED BICHARA INTRO (BIO) .....................................................................................................

 THE ICE BERG MODEL ..........................................................................................................................

 PREFACE ..........................................................................................................................................

 ICE BERG FOR KHALED BICHARA.................................................................................................

 3V FOR KHALED BICHARA .............................................................................................................

 FOUR DIMENSIONS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR D.I.S.C .........................................................................

 PREFACE ..........................................................................................................................................

 DISC FOR KHALED BICHARA .........................................................................................................

 THE MOST OBVIOUS BEHAVIOUR FOR KHALED .........................................................................

 INDICATORS .....................................................................................................................................

 TYPES OF LEADERS .............................................................................................................................

 PREFACE ...........................................................................................................................................

 KHALED BICHARA’S SUCCESS STORY IN LEADERSHIP MANAGMENT ......................................

 THE INTELLIGENT CAREER THEORY ..................................................................................................

 PREFACE ...........................................................................................................................................

 WHAT KHALED SAID !! .....................................................................................................................

 MODELING .........................................................................................................................................
 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ..................................................................................................

 MOTIVATION ..........................................................................................................................................

 LEADING GROUPS AND TEAMS ..........................................................................................................

 THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE .......................................................................................................

 GLOBAL LEADERSHIP ..........................................................................................................................

 DEFINITION OF GLOBAL LEADERSHIP ..........................................................................................

 CHARACTERS OF GLOBAL LEADER ..............................................................................................

 DEVELOPING GLOBAL LEADERS ..................................................................................................

 A JOURNEY OF SUCCESS ...............................................................................................................

 SKILLS OF GLOBAL LEADERS ............................................................................................................

 DECISION MAKING .................................................................................................................................

 REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................................


Leadership is a concept, In order to implement this concept in an effective and worthwhile manner, the
individuals need to acquire an understanding in terms of meaning and significance of leadership. When
they understand the meaning and how this concept will prove to be useful to them in carrying out their job
duties well and achieve the desired goals.

The leaders have the main objective of providing knowledge, support and assistance to their subordinates
in carrying out their job duties in a well-ordered and regimented manner and achieving the desired goals
and objectives.

When the leaders are performing their job duties or are working with other individuals, they need to
inculcate the traits of morality and ethics and lead to goodwill and well-being. Furthermore, the leaders
need to be well-aware in terms of measures and approaches to cope with changes and ensure that they
prove to be efficacious, and useful to the members as well as the organization as a whole.

Leadership and management are viewed as synonymous, but there are differences between the two. The
leadership is often associated with the enthusiastic behavior of the followers. Leadership does not
necessarily take place within the hierarchical structure of the organization. In other words, there are
number of individuals, who operate as leaders, without their role ever being clearly established and

A leader is the person, who has sufficient influence to bring about long-term changes in the attitudes and
to make the changes more acceptable. It is primarily associated with stimulating the mind-sets of the
individuals towards the implementation of job duties (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories,

Management is the process of getting things done through and with others to achieve the desired goals
and objectives. The management reacts to specific situations and develop concern in providing solutions
to short-term problems. Management is regarding relating to individuals, working within the structured
organization and with the prescribed roles. The managers may not put into operation the leadership
functions in terms of individuals external to the organization. The differences between leadership and
management are stated in terms of various aspects, i.e. creating a schedule, developing a network for
achieving the schedule, execution and outcomes.
(Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.)
Background. I
 Khaled Bichara was born on 27 July 1971 in Cairo, Egypt.

 He earned his B.Sc. degree from The American University in Cairo in 1993 with a major In
Computer Science and a Minor in Business Administration.

 He has also attended a number of professional and postgraduate courses, including the Executive
Program for Growing Companies at Stanford University and another at the American University of
Cairo Institute of Banking and Finance.

 He had a vision: Internet is the future - it is going to be big, it should be mainstream!

Background. II
 He wanted to be different: not only will he provide internet access, but also internet services!

 In 1996, after a short experience with Microlab, a software company ,It’s all started as a marketing
Project called “Link Egypt”, the first to offer internet services in the country.

 Under his leadership, Link Egypt became LINKdotNET, an ISP with a market share of 30% and
provider of large number of internet and mobile based services.

 In 2001, following successful negotiations, Microsoft chose to partner with LINKdotNET Headed by
Bichara to launch MSN Arabia, the Middle East’s first global portal, bringing Full internet experience
of MSN to users in the region.

 LINKdotNET, under Bichara's leadership acquired eight internet companies, this Acquisition
increased the workforce to more than 1,500 making the company one of the largest private ISP in
the region.

 In 2003, Business Today Egypt chose Mr. Bichara as the “Young Executive of the Year” For
executives under the age of 40.

Background. III
 In 2005 Bichara was appointed to head the fixed line and portal business unit at Wind
Telecommunication S.p.A., a subsidiary company of Wind Telecom S.p.A. located in Italy.

 In 2006 he was promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer of the company, (is one of the
Highest-ranking executive positions in an organization, COO is usually the second-in-command at
The firm, The COO Is responsible for the daily operation of the company and its office building and
Routinely reports to the highest Ranking executive usually the chief executive officer CEO), to
Become the first Egyptian and Arab to lead a European telecommunications company.

 During this period he was responsible for the transformation of Wind Telecommunication S.p.A.,
Initially a company on the downturn, he played a key and instrumental role in restructuring the
Company’s organization and business sectors and services provided by the company, which led to
The successful turnaround of Wind from a continuously loss making company to one of the best
Performing mobile, fixed line and broadband integrated operators in Europe within a record time
Span of three years, he made sure that he had the right team in place, so he looked at the team
And figured that just by changing 20 team members in an 8500 person company, so that’s how he
Turned the company into a profitable one.

 He was dynamic and energetic, he brought a wealth of experience in both telecommunication And
information technology coupled with a strong management and entrepreneurial expertise, So he
approved an action plan to develop the company and its working systems by injecting New
investments to maximize its revenues and profits and introducing a new set of value Added services
such as video on demand, voice IP and triple play.

 In 2009 Mr. Bichara was Group President and Chief Operating Officer of VimpelCom Ltd. As Well
as Group Executive Chairman of Orascom Telecom Holding to gear the Group Into a more
Aggressive period of growth and transform Orascom Telecom Holding into a More innovative,
Integrated and agile global company.” Bichara played a pivotal role in The $6.6 billion merger of
VimpelCom with Wind Telecom S.p.A, for a total consideration of $25.7 billion to create the World's
sixth telecommunications carrier, Bichara managed 10 operations across the globe Through
Orascom Telecom Holding and Wind Italy, as well as 22 operations across through VimpelCom.

The ICEBERG theory say that we only deal with that which we perceive with the naked eye, the rest goes
unnoticed, which can be compared with an iceberg. There is a conscious part of the information about
10% - 20%, but there is also another unconscious part underneath about 80% - 90%.

We are like icebergs, with our behavior above the surface visible to others. Things that drive our behavior
are hidden to others below the surface. Like moving an iceberg, it can be difficult if not impossible to
change behavior without understanding and shifting what is below the surface. It can also take only a
slight shift below the surface to have an immediate impact on behavior above the surface.

From this concept we should say that Leaders are mostly entitled to apply this theory through analyze
below the berg of their team players, to enable them to coach the team members & people they’re
entrusted with leading in a right way, and enable them to deal with the performance issues with their team,
as they have the responsibility to coach them up or to coach them out.
Here’s one of the leaders that we will take as one of the most successful leader, and as we go deeply we
will discover that his origin, education, values, and beliefs sharpened his type of leadership.

Country of origin
• Khaled Bichara was born on 27 July 1971 in Cairo, Egypt.

• He earned his B.Sc. degree from The American University in Cairo in 1993 with a major In Computer
Science and a Minor in Business Administration.

• He attended a number of professional and postgraduate courses, including the Executive Program
for Growing Companies at Stanford University and another at the American University of Cairo
Institute of Banking and Finance.

Values & Beliefs

• His vision: Internet is the future - it is going to be big, it should be mainstream!

• He wanted to be different: not only will he provide internet access, but also internet services!

• He was dynamic , energetic & risky person , he brought a wealth of experience in both
telecommunication and information technology coupled with a strong management and
entrepreneurial expertise

• He want to changing people lives

• Providing services that did not exist

• Directing people towards the future

• He believed that passion is everything you need to be successful in your career Life

• He believed in the power of team collaboration, and how You have to find the right formula to
structure an effective team

• He also believed in loyalty and meritocracy


The 3V’s of communication are quite relevant. Depending on the communication scenario, the weight of
one “V” over the other may shift, which depends on: • 55% Body Language • 38% Voice Tone, Tones… •
7% Words

In general, it’s not just what we say, but how we say it, and how we look when we say it. When delivering
information, the non-verbal aspects of vocal tone and body language influence the actual verbal message.
For example, stating “That’s great!” can be interpreted for its verbal content only and appear to be a
positive statement. However, if you change your tone to convey sarcasm, the message is changed.
Add the visual component of rolled eyes and a shaking head, and the message is further altered. We
must consider the visual, vocal, and verbal modalities when communicating and make sure that
they support each other. When they are not congruent, the listener will often become confused and rely on
the most dominant “V”.

Khaled Bichara as a role model for the leader with his very high communication skills, he had the ability to
mix between the three V in most of his presentation and life talks , he was an influencer , had the power of
convincing , motivating , inspiring , and delivering the right information, as shown in the link.

DISC is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton
Marston, DISC measures dimensions of your personality. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental
health, or values. DISC profiles describe human behavior in various situations—for example, how you
respond to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace, and how you respond to rules and
procedures. It measures tendencies and preferences, or patterns of behavior, with no judgment regarding
value or alignment with a skill set or job classification. DISC is a tool for dialogue, not diagnosis.

At its broadest, DISC measures four aspects of personality: dominance (D), influence (I), steadiness (S),
and conscientiousness (C). These are the foundational traits from the original DISC model.

The DISC model will help us to understand Khaled Bichara’s personality by describing four main, or
primary, behavioral style

Dominance (D)
Khaled Bichara see challenges to overcome and see himself as more powerful than the challenges. He
always try to change, overcome or control things, He was placing emphasis on accomplishing results
and his confidence of himself helped him in dominating the situation to overcome the different obstacles
on his way.

Influence (I)
Khaled Bichara had a strong I-tendency, He try to exercise influence over others out of a feeling of
being powerful in favorable surroundings, and wish others to share their perception. He always try
to exercise influence, as He was convinced that He can. He was distinguished by his ability to
influence and perused others, and openness relationships.

Compliance (C)

Khaled Bichara was an accurate person and he was interested by facts and details. He use careful analysis as a
basis for working towards the achievement of high standards.

Steadiness (S)

Khaled Bichara doesn’t had Steadiness personality (S) or even very low as He always looking to change the people
life and surrounding the humanity with more advanced life and techniques, He wasn’t one of the people that wish to
preserve his favorable surroundings and see himself as less powerful than their surroundings, and not convinced that
the whole is good enough and ought to remain as it is.


Dominance & Influence Behaviors

Khaled Bichara, 48, passed away in a tragic car accident on Friday morning. His passing deeply shook Egypt – those
who knew and didn’t know him. An innovator, risk taker and brilliant mind, Bichara is not only considered a pioneer of
the Internet in Egypt, but an empathetic business leader who touched the lives of thousands of people. A simple
scroll on social media the past few days saw hundreds of people mourn the loss of this icon.

Parallel to his work scaling enterprise businesses, he was a mentor, advisor and investor in the next generation of
Egyptian entrepreneurs. Many speaking engagements saw hundreds of people flock to listen to his vision and special
philosophy when it came to building and scaling companies.

Joking at many of these events, he referred to himself as the “numbers guy.” Bichara was a firm believer in
“quantifying” things. He encouraged entrepreneurs to “quantifying success,” explaining “if you can’t measure it, you
can’t improve it.” He also warned entrepreneurs in one of his TEDx Talks from “the illusion of stability,” and
advised them to “comparatively quantify” the position of their companies instead.
“When businesses are stable, they are actually at risk.”

On Taking the Leap

The internet pioneer was a big risk taker, albeit a calculated one. Khaled Bichara saw risks as an essential
part of the journey to success, but stressed that they do not happen in a vacuum.

“You always have to take risks to improve and move forward, the only way you can take risks is by
quantifying, by ensuring that this illusion of stability is not your biggest enemy, making you give up your full
potential, whether it’s your personal potential, your team’s potential, your company’s potential or your
country’s potential.”

His behavior could be concluded in the following ones:

 Daring  Confident
 Decisive  Convincing
 Direct  Enthusiastic
 Innovative  Analytical
 Persistent  Conscientious
 Problem solver  Courteous
 Results-oriented  Diplomatic
 Gets straight to the  Fact-finder
point  Mature
 Risk-taker  Patient
 Self-starter  Precise
 Accepts challenges  Good-mixer
 Persuasive
 Popular
 Inspiring
Illustrative Example

Khaled Bichara '96 may be a well-known business mogul now, but in the late 1990s, the bank had so little
faith in his startup’s venture that he had to take a loan for the business out against his house.

Luckily, the venture he was risking his house for was the internet. Bichara co-founded LINKdotNET, the
first internet service provider in Egypt.

“Starting a business around the internet, people weren't sure if it would be something,” Bichara said. “It took
us a whole year and a half as a company to do our first transaction.”

His risk paid off. Bichara is now the CEO of Accelero Capital -- a company he also founded, but his résumé
weaves through various companies. Previously, he was the president and COO of VimpelCom Ltd.,
executive chairman of Orascom Telecom Holding and chairman of Wind Telecommunication in Italy, a
company he revitalized in just three years.

The telecommunications and information technology expert has been sharing his wealth of knowledge with
Egypt’s burgeoning entrepreneurial and tech scene. In a Ted Talk given in Rome in 2015, Bichara warned
against the comfort of stability. This was the case even when he was graduating from AUC in 1996 and
decided to try and make LINK Dotcom work instead of taking a stable job at his family’s business.

Now, after another career shift of his own, he echoes that advice.

“Throughout my career, I’ve always tried to take the next challenge,” Bichara said, and right
now, he says, is the best time for young people in the country to do the same”.

“Sometimes you get pushback. It doesn't mean you have to follow it. It just means you have to
think again and analyze [your idea].


Before going through Khaled’s Leadership Type and Style, we will do a short definition and introduction
about both Types and Styles, so we can define what is his Type and Style.

Types of Leaders

Each Leader has his own Type of Leadership Management , and each of the following Types are
known in the market , but the best way of Management is to have a mix of them in your Type , so
you can manage better the people in your team and the company you are working for ;

 By Charisma

The personality here is the key, you have the character ever to either convince or order people
around you with what you want.

 By position

You born to be in this position, may be you don’t have the full right skills or technicalities to be here,
but you have the power comes from your position and use it as a management type.

 By moral example

You have the experience for how to manage the people and manage your needs with all parties.

 By power held

The company gave you’re the needed power to be a manager, like the owner’s son

 Intellectual leader

When you have the evidence of your high level of education or experience, then this is your type
here if you became a Leader because of that. Because of ability to accomplish things

When you are finishing all requirements on time with the highest level of quality, then this is your
Leadership Styles

• Delegating
• Selling
• Participating
• Telling

Style Task Relationships Decision Willing

Delegating Low Low Responsible Willing

for decision

Participating Low High Facilitating Able but unwilling

Selling High High Explaining Willing but unable

Telling High Low Instructing Supervising

Different between Manager and Leader in terms of

• Planning
• Organizing
• Directing
• Controlling

Activity Manager Leader

Planning Setting Budgets , targets , steps , and Setting Strategies , Directions , mission
finding recourses and vision
Organizing Creating Structures , JD , Authority Preparing People for Strategy and
Matrix , and Training handling the communication and network
between Dept.
Directing Negotiating skill is high , and solving Pushing and empowering people
problems is the main for him
Controlling Creating control System to identify and Motivating and inspiring people to finish
fixing the variances the jobs
You always have to take risks to improve and move forward, the only way you can take risks is by
quantifying, by ensuring that this illusion of stability is not your biggest enemy, making you give up your full
potential, whether it’s your personal potential, your team’s potential, your company’s potential or your

Give a lot To

Build a Power

Passion is the Secret to


Move first and expand Fast

Stability is an illusion, Take Risks

Move first and expand fast

• Bichara set a true example of a pioneer; in the 90s the banks had so little faith in his First start up’s
venture that he had to take a loan for the business out against his House.

• Bichara was a big risk taker albeit a calculated one, and luckily the venture he was Risking was the
internet, so that’s how he founded his first internet company back in The 90s that turned to be
LINKdotNET, which was the first internet service provider In Egypt and the first in the market to offer
internet services, that’s helped Egyptians To use the internet more,under Bichara’s management,
Link Online owned the Following websites: Masrawy, Yalla Kora, Otlob, El3ab, Yalla Bina, Career
Mideast .Com, Jawhara .Com and Arabia .Com.
Stability is an illusion, take risks

• He believed in the start-up concept, he started his own business even before the Start-up term went
viral and entrepreneurship become a wide used term.

• “Starting a business around the internet, people weren’t sure if it would be something” Bichara

• “It took us a whole year and a half as a company to do our first transaction” Bichara said.

• Then after starting LINKdotNET Company with 1.1 million Egyptian Pounds and later, he Sold it for
USD 130 Million.

Passion is the Secret to Success

• Bichara believed that passion is everything you need to be successful in your career Life; he once
said, “There’s no secret sauce to success”, in one of his TEDx talks, Bichara explained that in order
to be successful, you have to find something you Love and you’re good at, find a job that will keep
you excited most of the day Wanting to go to your office; if that feeling ever stopped then you should
not Continue doing what you are doing.

• According to his TEDx talk, he was the president and chief operating officer in a huge company that
makes 25 billion USD per year, and he quit this position to start His own start-up, he told his
manager that he wakes up with no passion for this job anymore!

Build a Power Team

• Bichara believed in the power of team collaboration, and how you have to find the right formula to
structure an effective team.

• Bichara also believed that loyalty and meritocracy were essential to keeping the Right team, but
loyalty on its own was not enough, therefore, loyalty should be rewarded with professional
development, while merit should be rewarded with higher rank.

• Bichara’s advice urged every manager to develop a team that can cope with any Upcoming changes
in the market and can still strive to succeed.

• To apply Bichara’s management style, you have to recognize each member’s value, Allow your team
members to take risks, receive appreciate, and communicate more Information.
Give a lot to People

• Bichara was one of the most respected people in his field.

• Bichara was obviously a beloved manager and leader, all of those he worked with keep mentioning
how great he was, and how he was always helping others, with whatever they need and he played
an effective role in Teaching and inspiring and improving everyone he worked with.

• He was generous enough to be a mentor to many start-ups, supporting Young Entrepreneurs in

following their talent and passion without saving any energy as he thinks that entrepreneurship is the
best bet for a better Economy and better future.

• As a founding board member of Endeavour Egypt almost 11 years ago, He was one of the earliest
supporters of entrepreneurs in Egypt, the Endeavour Network has grown to encompass 52
entrepreneurs and 32 companies who have created thousands of jobs.

• Bichara’s legacy will continue to live on through his work, the companies He invested in, the
initiatives he supported, the entrepreneurs he mentored And the people he inspired, through
Accelero Capital and A15, he invested In high potential companies such as PayMob, Mumm, Kijamii
(now GP&K) And as chairman, he had a big hand in the region’s first dragon exit with Fintech start-
up, TPAY



 Organizations in the knowledge economy need to broadly practice ‘intelligent enterprise’ (Quinn,
1992) through the application of distinct knowledge-based competencies. Quinn and other writers
concur that these organizational competencies fall into three broad areas: culture—reflecting the
organization’s overall sense of mission and purpose; know-how—reflecting what the organization
has the ability to do; and networks—reflecting the organization’s overall links with suppliers,
customers and other business connections.

 The three areas of organizational competencies are interdependent. Organizational culture may
drive or inhibit the application of effective know-how, for example through the collective efforts of
a project team. The development of new know-how may contribute to the development of new
customers, and thereby the organization’s networks. Those networks may also influence the
overall culture of the organization through the kind of work they expect it to perform. The concept
of the intelligent career responds to the three broad areas of organizational competency outlined
above. Accordingly, intelligent career theory posits three ‘ways of knowing’, called knowing-why,
knowing-how and knowing-whom (Arthur, Claman & DeFillippi, 1995). Specifically, knowing-why
connects with company culture, knowing-how connects with company level know-how and
knowing-whom corresponds to the company’s networks, as described below.

 Knowing-why involves themes of individual motivation, the construction of personal meaning and
identification. As such, it incorporates traditional career development concerns about individual
uniqueness, reflected in constructs such as personality, aptitudes, values and interests.

 Knowing-why further incorporates attitudes to family, lifestyle, and other non-work factors that
affect career choice, adaptability and commitment. Knowing-how reflects an individual’s
repertoire of job-related skills and expertise. These may include formal qualifications and training,
as well as informal and tacit knowledge that emerges from work experience. People may have,
or may wish to develop, a broader set of knowing-how skills than their present job demands, and,
therefore, may seek to expand or change their work arrangements to enhance career
opportunities and employability.

 Knowing-whom involves a person’s work relationships and includes supplier, customer, industry,
occupational and internal company connections that can support his or her unfolding career.

 Knowing whom also incorporates broader contacts with family, friends, fellow-alumni, and
professional and social acquaintances. Any of these contacts can enhance a career by providing
support, transmitting reputation or affording access to information.
 You know that, in order to progress in your career, you need to rack up experience and expertise in
your chosen area.

 You know you need to acquire a specific degree, attend some training courses, and get a job to
build up your experience and understanding. You need to find ways to challenge yourself, to up skill
and stretch your strengths.

 So why is it that so many of us, having done all of the above, find ourselves stuck in a career that
isn’t making us happy or unable to move on?

 I came across a career development model recently that clearly and simply nails this issue – by
highlighting that in our scramble for experience and skills we often overlook two other critical
elements that we must invest in order to be successful – and happy.

 Having delivered a leadership development center recently as well as providing career coaching to
some unhappy (yet successful) individuals, I’ve been pondering what it takes to progress at work or
move into a new area.

Knowing how

The first element is the how. How do I get from here to there? What skills, experience, qualifications,
knowledge do I need to progress?

For me, that included getting a psychological degree, training in areas that I knew consultancies
used, getting a job in an organization where I knew I could gather the experience and skills I needed
to go further, But for many of us, that’s where our thinking stops. We assume that once we’ve got all
that in place, we’re golden. That we’ll get where we want to get.
But without asking why we want to get there, we’re in for trouble.

Knowing why

How many of us ask ourselves why we want this career? What is it about this path in life that
appeals to our passion that taps into what motivates us, that is aligned with our values?

Sadly, I think it’s very few. Which is why I come across so many people stuck in a job that doesn’t
make them happy. And often, it seems they come to the realization that this job is not for them just
at the point when they become really successful in it. They’ve reached a plateau in their satisfaction
levels. It’s almost a kind of mid-life crisis.

But it stems from never having considered what our drivers are. We might fall into a career because
that’s what our parents did. I almost became an engineer because that’s what my father did for a

We’re led by our role models, or by their expectations, or simply because we didn’t come across an
alternative. So we pursue this career, get all the training and experience we need to be successful.
And then, a few years down the line, find ourselves somewhere that doesn’t connect with who we
are deep down.
For instance, fairness might be a key value for you, then you realize you’re working for an
organization that doesn’t treat people fairly – and that’s why you’re uncomfortable in it.

By knowing ourselves better – what drives and motivates us, what energizes us, and what our
values are, we can make sure the path we follow is one of our making – not someone else’s.
But there’s a third element we need to address before we can be truly successful.

Knowing whom

As important as knowing how and knowing why, is knowing whom. As the old saying goes, “it’s not
what you know, it’s who you know that counts.”

Many of us use networking in our roles – to build our business connections for instance. But it’s
often the element that gets forgotten about when it comes to building our careers.

But people hire people. So making connections with those who can help you progress is vital.
Relationships are just as important as skills. These connections will give you the real insights you
can’t find by Googling.

So consider who you need to know to progress in your chosen field. Is there a society you should be
a member of? Are there leaders in your organization you could do with knowing or thought leaders
you should follow on LinkedIn? Is there a friend working in the industry who could tell you what it’s
like and where jobs are advertised? This is not nepotism. Or jobs for the boys.

This is about creating the connections you need – in a positive way – to gain insights which will
enhance your skills and experience and personal drivers.

Because that’s what this model is all about. It’s about considering these three elements – knowing
how, knowing why, and knowing whom – as equal partners in your success.

The eternal networker won’t thrive without the skills and experience underpinning their connections,
while the highly motivated job hunter won’t get far without making a few friends. And the thoroughly
networked, super skilled high flyer may get stuck without knowing why.

It’s about being intelligent about our career choices. About deliberate and conscious investment in
these three elements in order to invest in your future. And who doesn’t want to do that?
Transformational Leadership
Khaled on his journey by joining the Italian-based Wind Telecommunication as a COO, he was
aware with transformational leadership principles. In this topic we will cover how Khaled had
transformed companies giving wind as an example by following the below points:


• The company was on the brick of failure with millions of dollars in loses annually,
he had more than 8k employees around his neck. He believed in transformation,
he wanted to set a vision, to create the passion for the employees. And he
started by the change, it was simple.

• From those 8k employees, he replaced only 20 managers, and that was sufficient
for the change to happen. Awareness raised; vision deployed successfully.

• Moreover, he believed that loyalty and meritocracy were essential in any team
but should be rewarded differently. While he saw loyalty as essential to keeping
the right team, loyalty on its own was not enough, it had to come with merit.
Therefore, loyalty should be rewarded with professional development, while merit
should be rewarded with higher rank


• When managing large or even smaller teams, there should be some sort of
processes to maintain business continuity and flow. Khaled had to ensure that
those processes were delivering the message, the vision and was very careful
not to overwhelm the passion of the employees. He was flexible with the change;
he challenged the process to get the best results out of them. Khaled listened
and cared about the passion of the employees.


• Khaled was referred to as the “number guy”, he was a strong believer in

quantifying things. He encouraged the concept of turn success into numbers,
quantify your needs, so you would identify weakness, strength, and opportunities.
That also helped in better forecasting and planning.

• He portrayed how the former companies’ satisfaction with stability and natural
need to keep things as they are, was the very reason their products ceased to
exist. Their lack of comparison or “comparative quantification” to other upcoming
players in the market, led to their demise.

• Winning the heart of your people is the true success. Bichara was very generous,
and respectful in the field. He was mentoring small and uprising start-ups to help
them grow, without saving any energy or time, as he believed that
entrepreneurship is the best bet for a better economy.

• In addition, he was a beloved manager and leader and played an effective role in
teaching and improving everyone he worked with.

• He recognized teams’ achievements and remarks, rewarded those who excelled

at their work, and kept a vivid spirit for the people to love what they were doing.

• As a founding board member of Endeavor Egypt almost 11 years ago, He was

one of the earliest supporters of entrepreneurs in Egypt, the Endeavor

• Network has grown to encompass 52 entrepreneurs and 32 companies who have

created thousands of jobs.

• Bichara’s legacy will continue to live on through his work, the companies he
invested in, the initiatives he supported, the entrepreneurs he mentored and the
people he inspired, through Accelero Capital and A15, he invested in high
potential companies such as PayMob, Mumm, Kijamii (now GP&K) And as
chairman, he had a big hand in the region’s first dragon exit with Fintech startup,

• Bichara’s last post on social media was on 26th Jan 20, providing advice to
Young entrepreneurs on how to kick a startup, and how he believes that
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are the best bet for a better future.


• The best way to deliver a message is to make it alive, Bichara was a live
example, he had created standards of excellence; sat an example for others to

• In his communication, he made sure that he was inspiring the vision, which was
shared, he stressed on that vision in all his communication.

• Khaled always believed that awareness starts from sharing the same vision and
mission with everyone involved, and he was very keen to apply that whenever
the company/team he managed.

• According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, after fulfilling the basic needs

(Physiological needs) seeks to fulfill the Psychological and self-fulfillment needs.
Bichara unconsciously adopted all the techniques to his employees and

Share vision and set clear goals

• He was very keen to share the vision not only with top management, but to all
business line beneath. Even when sat the processes, he was very cautious to
make sure that they deliver the message and the vision very clearly.
Communicate with your staff

• The best way to deliver a message is to make it alive, Bichara was a live
example, he had created standards of excellence; sat an example for others to

• He was checking in regularly with his teams and gave them the opportunity to
come and talk to him. Made sure he was available to contact and was open and
approachable in his attitude to communication. That would make his staff feel
involved in the business and its operations which would further motivate them to
achieve better results.

Give positive feedback and reward your team

• When employees achieved results, put in extra efforts, or did outstanding work
He was sure to tell them that he is grateful and was specific in your praise. He
developed a very remarkable rewarding system for those who made

Provide opportunities for development

• Winning the heart of your people is the true success. Bichara was very generous,
and respectful in the field. He was mentoring small and uprising start-ups to help
them grow, without saving any energy or time, as he believed that
entrepreneurship is the best bet for a better economy.

• In addition, he was a beloved manager and leader and played an effective role in
teaching and improving everyone he worked with.
Leading Groups and Teams
Khaled Bichara believes that we can do it together that’s why LINKdotNET, under Bichara's
leadership acquired eight internet companies, this Acquisition increased the workforce to more
than 1,500 making the company one of the Largest private ISP in the region.

In 2008 he was working on restructuring the Company’s organization and business sectors
and services provided by the Company (Wind), he evaluated the team and figured that just by
changing 20 team members in an 8500 employee company, so that’s how he turned the
company into a profitable one and developing the employees from group to be team members
one vision one goal.

About Groups & Teams

A group is a collection of individuals who coordinate their individual efforts. On the other hand,
at team is a group of people who share a common team purpose and a number of challenging
goals, members of the team are mutually committed to the goals and to each other.

Roles in Groups
 Task Oriented Roles

Task-oriented leadership focuses on achieving goals, Task-oriented leaders

delegate assignments, set clear processes and issue deadlines to ensure all group
members remain focused and deliver their part of the project within the designated

 Maintenance Roles

Maintenance functions help build a group's sense of identity and develop the social
relationships in a group. Initiating: Proposing tasks and goals, defining the problems,
suggesting procedures and solutions all help to give direction and purpose to a
 Individual Roles

Individual roles, includes any role that detracts from group goals and emphasizes
personal goals, when people come to a group to promote their individual agenda
above the group's agenda, they do not communicate in ways that are beneficial to
the group.

Group Types

 Command Group

Is a formal group and committee group, determined by the organization’s hierarchal

chart, composed and providing full spectrum decision and intelligence solutions
related to safety, security, assist in reduce risk and accomplish organizational
Khaled Bichara didn’t find a committee group to take decision he developed this on

 Task Group

Task groups are groups of individuals brought together to accomplish a specific

action or produce a product, thinking about some of the pitfalls that task groups can
 Interest Group

Interest group is usually informal, and is a group of people who band together to
attain a specific objective with which each member is concerned, within an
organization, this might be a group of people who come together to demand better
working conditions or a better employee evaluation process.

 Friendship Group

These are groups of people who have come together because they share common
ideals, common interests or other similarities, like age or ethnic background, the
friendship groups serve social, professional, and psychological purposes, It is the
place where individuals meet and greet where they network, and where they inspire
the discouraged, comfort the broken-hearted, and celebrate the successes of the

 Reference Group

A reference group is a group to which an individual or another group is compared,

used by sociologists in reference to any group that is used by an individual as a
standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior.

Group Composition

 Homogeneous group

Homogeneous group is the placement of students of similar abilities into one

classroom, all gifted children within the same grade level will be in the same
classroom, the term more often refers to students with disabilities rather than
students who are gifted or advanced.

 Heterogeneous Group

An aggregate of individuals or other elements that are different from one another in a
number of significant respects, in a social context, heterogeneous group might differ
in age, socioeconomic background, values, work experience and education.
That why Khaled Bichara focused on this tactic as he had different people to
Stages of Group Devolvement

Khaled Bichara believes that he can use the development tactic at all companies
that he leaded and he already did these stages.
Types of Teams
Khaled Bichara was developing his team to select the best team structure for a project
to take the functional team to the next level, consider running a program in-house to
improve communication by giving his team the tools to give feedback without causing
offense, additionally it may be worthwhile getting clear on each individual teams’ goals,
identity and preferred support methods to boost productivity and individual employee

 Problem Solving Teams

Functional teams are permanent and include members of the same department with
different responsibilities to improve work activity or to solve specific problem, a
manager is responsible for everything and everyone reports to them, this is the
typical top-down management approach that you’ll see in most organizations, across
all organizational teams it’s important to priorities workplace culture the foundations
of which are communication and trust.
 Self-Managed Work Teams

Khaled Bichara was preferred this kind of team management Generally, individuals
in self-managed teams are employees of the same organization who work together,
even though they may have a wide array of objectives, their aim is to reach a
common goal, they operate without managers and are relatively autonomous,
sharing responsibility and leadership, high-performing teams can often fall into this
category, People working in startups or small businesses may also find themselves
in this type of team dynamic, it can be difficult for people who have worked in other
types of teams for most of their career to adjust to this way of working, so there will
likely be an adjustment period of sorts, it’s crucial that self-managed teams know
how to deliver feedback and have tough conversations with tact, without high levels
of communication, trust, autonomy and mutual respect, self-managed teams will find
it difficult to thrive.

 Cross-Functional Teams

Cross-functional teams are made up of individuals from various departments, these

teams tackle specific tasks that require different inputs and expertise, this can
happen when various teams need to work on a project together to get the best
outcome, this can be a difficult dynamic to navigate if teams have been operating in
a silo approach up until the point of collaboration, it’s crucial that the different
personalities and perspectives are embraced, and that everyone in the cross-
functional team are working to their strengths.

 Virtual Teams

Khaled Bichara was dreaming to support business in Egypt through LINKdotNET in

virtual life through the internet, virtual teams are made up of individuals who work in
different physical locations and who use technology and collaboration tools to
achieve a common goal, with more employees looking for work from home
opportunities, virtual teams will become much more common in the future of work,
you may even have a few remote team members in your organization right now who
need to collaborate within a functional or cross-functional team, it’s important for
virtual team members to be involved from a cultural perspective within your
organization, Having face to face video calls and giving your team members the
opportunity to connect on a personal relationship level will help to improve rapport
and moral.
Leading Effective Team

Khaled Bichara had vision was very willing to lead change, keep big picture in mind and
let people to lead, he was working to develop the characteristics and behavior of his

 Understanding the vision, mission and goal.

 Trust.
 Integrity.
 Empowerment.
 Delegation.
 Decision Making.
 Accountability.
 Ownership.
 One team - Team work.
Khaled Bichara was believing in organization culture comes from up to the down and every
leader is responsible to build the company culture, should share the vision, mission and goal,
he was working on the working environment for employees to be very friendly, as a leader or
executive offer help when needed direct people to Innovation, Creativity, risk taking, take
responsibility for decision making and problem solving, always opened communication and
just knock the door open door policy and trust on them.
Definition of Global Leadership

The Global leadership is defined into who influence and bring about significant positive
changes in firms, organizations, and communities by facilitating the appropriate level of trust,
organizational structures and processes, and involving multiple stakeholders, resources,
cultures under the various conditions of temporal, geographical and cultural complexity.

Global leadership is far more complex than domestic leadership, due to the pressures and
dynamics of global competition that broaden the scope of a leader’s work. A global leader
must understand and be able to manage cultural differences, and allow a flexibility in his or
her leadership style to accommodate them and make them work, grow and change together.

The term “global leader” may also be misunderstood to mean that a leader must be part of an
organization’s upper echelon; but that is as misleading as defining someone as a global
leader just because they’re leading a global team. Anyone in the public, private, and nonprofit
sector who leads global change efforts is a global leader.

Characters of Global Leader

Five emerging Characteristics of Global Leaders

Thinking globally

The trend toward globally connected markets will become stronger. Leaders will need to
understand the economic, cultural, legal, and political ramifications. Leaders will need to see
themselves as citizens of the world with an expanded field of vision and values.

Two factors making global thinking a key variable for the future are the dramatic projected
increases in global trade and integrated global technology, such as e-commerce. Future
leaders will have to learn how to manage global production, marketing, and sales teams to
achieve competitive advantage.

New technology is another factor that makes global thinking a requirement for future leaders.

New technology will make it feasible to export white-collar work around the world. Computer
programmers in India will communicate with designers in Italy to help develop products that
are manufactured in Indonesia and sold in Brazil.

Technology can help break down barriers to global business. Leaders who can make
globalization work in their favor will have a huge competitive advantage.

Appreciating cultural diversity

Future leaders will also need to appreciate cultural diversity, defined as diversity of leadership
style, industry style, individual behaviors and values, race, and sex. They will need to
understand not only the economic and legal differences, but also the social and motivational
differences that are part of working around the world. Understanding other cultures is not just
good business practice – it is a key to competing successfully in the future.

An appreciation of cultural diversity will need to include both the big and the small things that
form a unique culture. Religion is one of the most important variables affecting behavior in a
region. Smaller issues, such as the meaning of gifts, personal greetings, or timeliness, will
also need to be better understood.

The ability to motivate people in different cultures will become increasingly important.
Motivational strategies that are effective in one culture may be offensive in another culture.
Leaders who can understand, appreciate, and motivate colleagues in multiple cultures will
become an increasingly valued resource.
Demonstrating technological savvy

Many future leaders who have been raised with technology view it as an integrated part of
their lives. Many present leaders still view technological savvy as important for staff people
and operations, but not for them. We need not all become gifted technicians or computer
scientists, but we need to:
Understand how the intelligent use of new technology can help us
Recruit, develop, and maintain a network of technically competent people
Know how to make and manage investments in new technology
Be positive role models in leading the use of new technology

Organizations with technologically savvy leaders will have a competitive advantage. Without
technological savvy, the future of integrated global partnerships and networks would be

Building partnerships and alliances

More organizations are forming alliances today. This trend will be even more dramatic in the
future. Reengineering, restructuring, and downsizing are leading to a world where outsourcing
of all but core brand-related activities may become the norm. The ability to negotiate complex
alliances and manage complex networks of relationships is becoming increasingly important.
Joint leadership of new business models is vital to a successful global venture.

The changing role of customers, suppliers, and partners has implications for leaders. In the
past, it was clear who your friends (customers and collaborators) and enemies (competitors)
were. In the future, these roles will become more blurred. Building positive, long-term, win-win
relationships becomes critical.

Sharing leadership

Sharing leadership is a requirement, not an option. In an alliance structure, telling partners

what to do and how to do it may quickly lead to having no partners.

In dealing with knowledge workers–people who know more about what they are doing than
their managers do–old models of leadership will not work. Future leaders will operate in a
mode of asking for input and sharing information. Knowledge workers may well be difficult to

They will likely have little organizational loyalty and view themselves as professional free
agents who will work for the leader who provides the most developmental challenge and
opportunity. Skills in hiring and retaining key talent will be valuable for the leader of the future.

Most high potential future leaders see the value of these new competencies and are willing to
have their performance measured by them.

Future leaders may be recruited to help mentor present leaders. If future leaders have the
wisdom to learn from the experience of present leaders, and if present leaders have the
wisdom to learn new competencies from future leaders, they can share leadership in a way
that benefits the organization.

Developing Global Leaders

Get vision from the top

First, corporate senior leadership must be able to give the business vision and strategy for
achieving the desired global pre-eminence they seek in their respective industry. The C-suite
can give insights for developing global leaders while acting as exemplars, teachers, and
mentors for the up-and-coming leaders who will be taking the business overseas. Senior
leaders must provide the core focus areas needed to win in the global marketplace.

Global leaders currently are in high demand. But the fact is, few companies are doing an
effective job of identifying, preparing, and maintaining the skills people need in the global
marketplace. Technology continues to connect us around the world and thereby increases the
demand for better educated and more culturally literate and sensitive business leaders.

Push full business immersion

Several years ago, I lived in various cities across Flemish-speaking Belgium. I attempted
learning the Dutch-equivalent language before leaving North America, but nothing could make
up for the full immersion experience after arriving in Antwerp. The reality of hearing the speed
and dialect of the Belgians I conversed with was nowhere near the classroom experience I
had back home.

Developing global business leaders requires a similar immersion into the real world of the
local businesses either directly or by remote learning through technology. Leaders must
understand the cultural ways of conducting business. Companies can draw upon local
resources from each country where they are present to provide curriculum content, learning
resources, and even mentoring wherever possible.

Seek diversity-minded candidates

Developing global leaders requires finding the right people right from the beginning. They
must have certain innate abilities such as respect, integrity, good communication skills,
transparency, and open-mindedness, and be a team player. Diversity skills are not just about
dealing with ethnicity and cultural differences. A good leader needs facilitation skills to lead
virtual teams and a strong ability to collaborate with the diverse thinking and learning styles of
a global business team.

There is no better global leadership training than directing a project team with members from
several countries. Leader progress should be measured by the success of the mutual
interactions, positive perceptions of team members, and ability to influence a desired
outcome, as well as the bottom-line results of the business project.

Identify global leadership competencies

For the long-term success of any organization, a set of global leadership competencies is
needed. Leaders must evaluate the future leadership roles within the global context and then
identify the skills needed for these roles. It then will be easier to determine the abilities of
potential candidates and what the talent pool looks like with the demand for upcoming global

By creating a global leadership competency model, you will be ahead of the game with your
learning and development plans. Having a global leadership competency framework will guide
you with the design and development of your learning objectives, content, and programs to
teach or deliver through all the learning vehicles available.
Many of the competency skills identified as essential for global leaders are not ethnic or
culturally based. It is having a global focus on typical leadership skill areas such as change
management, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, influence, strategy, and

Do not forget the language

Companies are relying less and less on specific, customized global leadership learning
content tailored to regions or countries. However, what can never be forgotten is the
importance and increasing demand for global leaders to learn the language skills of the
country they are serving or living in.

Consider how Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, used his proficiency in Mandarin last year
at Tsinghua University when answering audience members’ questions. The positive impact
reverberated around the world and possibly could influence Beijing’s decision to lift the ban on
the popular social media site. Good language skills help demonstrate a leader’s desire to be
seen as a global leader in the eyes of the respective country’s employees and their

Improving global leadership development requires L&D professionals to take the necessary
steps to deliver essential competency skills at an increasingly fast pace as the world becomes
smaller through international trade agreements. As ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius
said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Khaled was very popular in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Egypt and served as a mentor
to many startups. According to his LinkedIn, he was also a board member of Cairo-based
fintech Pay mob.

In 1996, after a short experience with Microlab, a software company, he co-founded
LINKdotNET (at the time called LINK Egypt) an Internet Service Provider (ISP) company in
Egypt. In 2000, he was appointed by Orascom Telecom Holding as the company's Chief
Internet Strategist. In 2002, Khaled Bichara was involved in a partnership
between Microsoft and LINKdotNET which resulted in the launching of MSN Arabia, the first
global portal of its kind in the region.

LINKdotNET, under Khaled Bichara's leadership, acquired eight internet companies. This
acquisition increased the workforce to more than 1,500 making the company the largest
private ISP in the region.

Khaled Bichara became a member of the board of directors at Orascom Telecom Holding in
2003. He was also recognized as the “Young Executive of the Year” by Business Today

Wind Telecommunication S.p.A.

Bichara was appointed to head the fixed line and portal business unit at Wind
telecommunication S.p.A., a subsidiary company of Wind Telecom S.p.A. located in Italy, in
2005. He was promoted in 2006 to the position of Chief Operating Officer of the company.

During this period he was responsible for the transformation of Wind

telecommunication S.p.A., initially a company on the downturn, in just three years, into one of
the best performing mobile, fixed line and broadband integrated operators in the continent.

Orascom Telecom Holding

Orascom Telecom Holding became the largest investor in LINKdotNET in 1999 with a 54%
stake in the company. In 2000, Khaled Bichara was appointed its Chief Internet Strategist
before joining the board 3 years later. In April 2009, Khaled Bichara was appointed the Chief
Operating Officer (COO) of Orascom Telecom Holding, replacing the former officer Emad

In November 2009, the company announced Khaled Bichara's appointment as the new
Group Chief Executive Officer of Orascom Telecom Holding saying “Khaled is dynamic,
energetic and will be able to draw on his successful experience in the restructuring of Wind to
gear the Group into a more aggressive period of growth and transform OTH into a more
innovative, integrated and agile global company.”
Khaled BICHARA, Hard and Soft Skills
As he B.Sc. Degree- AUC a major- Computer Science & Business Administration also He
has also attended a number of professional and postgraduate courses, including the
Executive Program for Growing Companies at Stanford University and another at the
American University of Cairo Institute of Banking and Finance.

And a founder of link Egypt. Bichara was possess an amazing both hard and soft skills, from
math or ability to use computer programs. Also, communication and listening, getting along
with other people.

What skills makes Bichara successful?

 Leadership Skills

Companies want employees who can supervise and direct other workers.
In 1996, after a short experience with Microlab, a software company, it’s all started
as a marketing Project called “Link Egypt”, the first to offer internet services in the
Under his leadership, Link Egypt became LINKdotNET, an ISP with a market share
of 30% and provider of large number of internet and mobile based services.

In 2001, following successful negotiations, Microsoft chose to partner with

LINKdotNET Headed by Bichara to launch MSN Arabia, the Middle East’s first global
portal, bringing Full internet experience of MSN to users in the region.

LINKdotNET, under Bichara's leadership acquired eight internet companies, this

Acquisition increased the workforce to more than 1,500 making the company one of
the largest private ISP in the region.

 Teamwork

Bichara believed in the power of team collaboration, and how you have to find the
right formula to structure an effective team.

Bichara also believed that loyalty and meritocracy were essential to keeping the
Right team, but loyalty on its own was not enough, therefore, loyalty should be
rewarded with professional development, while merit should be rewarded with higher

 Communication Skills

Bichara was owned a splendid communication skills allows him to be loved and
close to all of his employees, his recorded TV shows and TEDx speaking how easy
he was control with communication.

 Problem Solving Skills

Most employees find the working environment of LINKdotNET very friendly. And
state CEOs offer help when needed.

Bichara was obviously a beloved manager and leader, all of those he worked with
keep mentioning how great he was, and how he was always helping others, with
whatever they need and he played an effective role in Teaching and inspiring and
improving everyone he worked with solving any problems they face.

 Work Ethic

One of the most Bichara direction attributing the rights to its owners, he said if you a
great manager so you have a great team as it’s not possible to do everything by
yourself. So he was introduce his employees by them work achievement.
Also, Bichara’s management style, you have to recognize each member’s value,
allow your team members to take risks, receive appreciate, and communicate more

 Flexibility/Adaptability

Bichara believed that passion is everything you need to be successful in your career
Life; he once said, “There’s no secret sauce to success”, in one of his TEDx talks,
Bichara explained that in order to be successful, you have to find something you
Love and you’re good at, find a job that will keep you excited most of the day
Wanting to go to your office; if that feeling ever stopped then you should not
Continue doing what you are doing.

According to his TEDx talk, he was the president and chief operating officer in a
huge company that makes 25 billion USD per year, and he quit this position to start
His own start-up, he told his manager that he wakes up with no passion for this job

 Interpersonal Skills.

He was generous enough to be a mentor to many start-ups, supporting Young

Entrepreneurs in following their talent and passion without saving any energy as he
thinks that entrepreneurship is the best bet for a better economy and better future.

As a founding board member of Endeavor Egypt almost 11 years ago, He was one
of the earliest supporters of entrepreneurs in Egypt, the Endeavor Network has
grown to encompass 52 entrepreneurs and 32 companies who have created
thousands of jobs.

Bichara charismatic power

Was a great charisma In 2006 he was promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer of the
company, (is one of the Highest-ranking executive positions in an organization, COO is usually
the second-in-command at The firm, The COO Is responsible for the daily operation of the
company and its office building and Routinely reports to the highest Ranking executive usually
the chief executive officer CEO), to Become the first Egyptian and Arab to lead a European
telecommunications company.
To cut away the surrounding clutter, to enable one to see a path to an objective and, by
taking a decision (or a series of decisions), to follow that path with all of its implications.

-The selection of an option over others (which could include no action).

-Under conditions that are uncertain.

-Which exposes you to a risk.

-In order to reach a specified goal, objective or outcome.

-The situation is uncertain.

-The situation is inherently complex with many different issues.

-There are several objectives but one or more is blocked.

-Different perspectives can lead to different conclusions.

According to his TEDx talk, Bichara was the president and chief operating officer in a
huge company that makes 25 billion USD per year, and he quit this position to start His
own start-up, he told his manager that he wakes up with no passion for this job
Points to watch out for when making decisions:
 Haste.

 Narrow perspectives.

 Over-confidence.

 Rules of thumbs.

 Filtering.

 Juggling.









Bichara was a decision maker and big risk taker albeit a calculated one, and luckily
the venture he was Risking was the internet, so that’s how he founded his first internet
company back in The 90s that turned to be LINKdotNET, which was the first internet
service provider In Egypt and the first in the market to offer internet services, that’s
helped Egyptians To use the internet more, under Bichara’s decision management, Link
Online owned the Following websites: Masrawy, Yalla Kora, Otlob, El3ab, Yalla Bina,
Career Mideast .Com, Jawhara .Com and Arabia .Com.
Group Opinion

• Bichara was a wise manager along with his group, he managed developing
LINKdotNET in a very short time.

• His success story with his team in LINKdotNET nominated him also to lead, and
to manage the successful turnaround of Wind Telecommunication.

• Partnering with Sawiris was a great hit that boosted the company.

• They managed to stay on top despite the global names they were competing with
in the IT market.

(Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.)

“The Secret Sauce”

“The Legacy of Khaled Bichara”

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