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France, Belgium, Italy and certain of the cantons in

second line of the French came on, only to be engulfed in the

On the cessation of the Spectator, Steele set on foot the

a singular one, of the form ``This object (e.g. rose) is

camp is now named Marlborough Lines, with a field artillery

distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction.

in Jamaica, whence it has been carried to other West Indian

and probably for long its political and social centre. The

Germans. His efforts met with great success, and in 1800

the lapse of about three-quarters of an hour, at Standon, near

between agriculture and chemistry. The Board of Agriculture

were made for a general insurrection, and Alexander, who knew

taken. The bones of other associated animals, says John B.

though he did not live to see it, was planned under his

taking refuge for a while with Thurkill's fleet, escaped to

country, Lake Stefanie, the Chuwaha of the natives, completely

somewhat primitive fashion. The splendid forests, of which

is not yet concluded.'' The difficulty is that we have but

penetrated by certain red rays belonging to a narrow region

universal history (Liber Memorialis) from the earliest

the most attractive cities in Australasia. South Adelaide is

regulated by mere account keeping. The contests might be settled

England, Alfred merely keeping a force of observation on the

the railway from Baza to Lorca skirts the Almanzora valley

quo. Anastasius afterwards built the strong fortress of

celebrated the judgment of Heaven descended on the guilty

the Mahommedans considered it desecrated, and it has never

linen bags the consecrated Hosts to carry to the assisting

special articles on those structures. (For further details, see W.

continually more difficult to get to sea, or to keep the sea

is the dense forest zone of the Aruwimi district of the Congo

is 16,870), and from them to the south-west long spurs divide

the atmosphere can be exactly regulated. This form of treatment

had been already begun in 1613 (see DULWICH.) Alleyn was

of all shell of 4-in. calibre and upwards (also with all other

thousands of them secretly adhere to their original faith. In

emperor Hadrian, and others on their banishment from Italy in

earlier part of the Achaemenid period. The Aramaic alphabet

House, served to make him conspicuous before congress and the

Delphi, and not far from the Thessalian Larissa. During the

panoramic plan (1839), was among the fruits of a cruise which

most progressive and occidental of all the cities of North

circumstances was undeniable and glaring. It was impossible

to support the natives of the Fur Seal Islands. This policy

and public works), Bulgaria (commerce and agriculture), Denmark,

been infrequently invoked of late years, which rests upon the

and potash (Annales de chimie, xxii. 258). Soon after,

expenses of his elevation, Albert had borrowed a large sum of

M. Fiske (later Helen Hunt- Jackson, "H. H.") were born here.

which cold water is made to flow. These vessels, as well as

colour. On germination it gives rise to a row of cells in

March 1511, by Julius II. He was abbreviator under Leo X.,

{Jurassic N. Africa; E. Africa;

Crasleiten Pass (Vniolet Glen to thegrasleiten Glen), foot path. . . . . .8,521

As Commander Todd, in his report to the United States

marriage, order that the husband shall, to the satisfaction

ALIN, OSCAR JOSEF (1846--1900), Swedish historian and

it is rather the fruit of great talent working in close

in few business matters requiring arithmetical calculations

to the llama, but has the same unpleasant habit of spitting.

the parent of the Arabic writing of the present day. Another

O" are separately formed (in neighbouring planes ellipses are

to commemorate the defeat by the Turks of the emperor Charles

of Para, S. by the state of Matto Grosso and Bolivia, and

to ``spheres of influence'' is contained in the Berlin Act.

up the valleys which join the Kabul from the north--through

Byron from Plymouth on the 9th of June with thirteen sail of

while there is no difficulty in recognizing skim-milk cheese.

Brinkburn and Lanercost. The arrangement of the monastic

a fresh commission was established by royal decree of the 16th

on the farm, excepting the small amount exported in meat and

commentaries. To judge by certain signs, of which Spinoza

leave Zwickau, Munzer visited Bohemia, resided two years

1845); L. Oppenheim, International Law (London, 1905); and the

cats. This has been especially the case in Hawaii and New

and therefore most generally used archaeological criterion.

The Praeneste fibula.

small islands in the Gulf of Guinea, are of volcanic origin.

spot, where a priest resides to receive their offerings and

in admirable contrast with some of his contemporaries.

on a precipitous summit above the Indus, which it was said

need of conveying heat to the air through a metallic shell.

yields the only true delight, namely, spiritual enjoyment.

AIDIN. (1) A vilayet in the S.W. of Asia Minor including

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