5.1 Reviewer

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1. Which of the following is a central nervous system depressant?- Alcohol

2. MDMA (ecstasy) can cause someone to see/hear/feel things. Ecstasy is classified as a ________.
3. A kind of drugs that relax muscles and provide relief as a sedative.- Depressants
4. Drugs that speed up the central nervous system such as methamphetamine or cocaine.- Stimulants
5. Cocaine is considered as ___________.-Stimulant
6. What organ is responsible for the breakdown (metabolism) of alcohol?- Liver
7. Which of the following is most closely associated with physical dependence on a drug?-Withdrawal
8. The active chemical in marijuana is:- Tetrahydrocannabinol
9. Which of the following is not a type of stimulant?- LSD
10. All substances can be toxic. It just depends on the_______________.-Dosage (quantity)
11. The uncontrollable use of a drug is ___________.-Drug Addiction
12. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is __________.-A group of birth defects caused by a pregnant woman's drinking
13. Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system such as alcohol.- Depressants
14. Which test is correctly matched with the drug it tests for?- Scott test – cocaine
15. Alcohol is considered as ____________.-Depressant
16. Chemical substances that cause a change in a person's physical and psychological state. They can change
the way you think, act, and feel and can be natural or synthetic.- Drugs
17. Dangerous Drugs affect the central nervous system which controls all functions of the body.- Most
18. The active drug in cigarettes is:- Nicotine
19. A drug that relieves pain, dulls the senses, and causes sleep.- Narcotics
20. Controlled substances are defined as:- Illegal drugs whose sale, possession and use are prohibited
because of the mind altering effect of the drugs and potential for abuse.
21. Opium is given to a cancer patient for pain management. Opium is classified as:- Medicinal Drug
22. The method of drug use that significantly increases the user's risk for hepatitis and HIV infection is:-
23. Simon’s reagent and shabu combined will yield visible result?- Blue
24. Drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases and other conditions.- Medicine
25. Opioids (narcotics) is considered as __________.-Relieve pain
26. Alcohol is a depressant because it ____________.-Slows down the activity of the central nervous system
27. Which of the following characteristics is commonly associated with addictive behaviors?- All of the above
28. Methods used to test drugs are the following, EXCEPT:- Neutron Activation Analysis
29. All of the following are general rules for preserving drug evidence, EXCEPT:- Some items are placed in an
open envelope, while others are placed in airtight plastic containers.
30. What is a problem with narcotics?- They are very habit forming and have a high probability of overdose
31. Positive result of Marijuana if combined with HCl?- Effervescence
32. The most likely physical reaction to amphetamine ingestion is:- Alertness
33. Which of the following is not an effect of hallucinogens?- Induces sleep
34. Which of the following promote cell and tissue growth?- Anabolic steroids
35. Drugs such as barbiturates and benzodiaopines that relieve anxiety and produce sleep are called:-
36. Which of the following is not a type of narcotic?- Ecstasy

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