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back to glucose. In addition to providing new glucose molecules, glycogen and other nutrients, buildup of lactic acid and ADP,
this conversion reduces acidity of the blood. Anaerobic and failure of action potentials in the motor neuron to release
cellular respiration can provide enough energy for about 30 to enough acetylcholine.
40 seconds of maximal muscle activity. Together, conversion of
creatine phosphate and glycolysis can provide enough ATP to Oxygen Consumption After Exercise
run a 400-meter race.
During prolonged periods of muscle contraction, increases in
Aerobic Cellular Respiration breathing rate and blood flow enhance oxygen delivery to
Muscular activity that lasts longer than half a minute depends muscle tissue. After muscle contraction has stopped, heavy
increasingly on aerobic cellular respiration, a series of breathing continues for a while, and oxygen consumption
oxygen-requiring reactions that produce ATP in mitochondria. If remains above the resting level. Depending on the intensity of
sufficient oxygen is present, pyruvic acid enters the mitochon- the exercise, the recovery period may be just a few minutes, or it
dria, where it is completely oxidized in reactions that generate may last as long as several hours. The term oxygen debt refers
ATP, carbon dioxide, water, and heat (Figure 10.12c). Although to the added oxygen, over and above the resting oxygen con-
aerobic cellular respiration is slower than glycolysis, it yields sumption, that is taken into the body after exercise. This extra
much more ATP. Each molecule of glucose yields about 36 mol- oxygen is used to “pay back” or restore metabolic conditions to
ecules of ATP; a typical fatty acid molecule yields more than the resting level in three ways: (1) to convert lactic acid back
100 molecules of ATP via aerobic cellular respiration. into glycogen stores in the liver, (2) to resynthesize creatine
Muscle tissue has two sources of oxygen: (1) oxygen that phosphate and ATP in muscle fibers, and (3) to replace the
diffuses into muscle fibers from the blood and (2) oxygen oxygen removed from myoglobin.
released by myoglobin within muscle fibers. Both myoglobin The metabolic changes that occur during exercise can
(found only in muscle cells) and hemoglobin (found only in red account for only some of the extra oxygen used after exercise.
blood cells) are oxygen-binding proteins. They bind oxygen Only a small amount of glycogen resynthesis occurs from lactic
when it is plentiful and release oxygen when it is scarce. acid. Instead, most glycogen is made much later from dietary
Aerobic cellular respiration supplies enough ATP for pro- carbohydrates. Much of the lactic acid that remains after
longed activity provided sufficient oxygen and nutrients are avail- exercise is converted back to pyruvic acid and used for ATP
able. These nutrients include the pyruvic acid obtained from the production via aerobic cellular respiration in the heart, liver,
glycolysis of glucose, fatty acids from the breakdown of triglyc- kidneys, and skeletal muscle. Oxygen use after exercise also is
erides in adipose cells, and amino acids from the breakdown of boosted by ongoing changes. First, the elevated body tem-
proteins. In activities that last more than 10 minutes, the aerobic perature after strenuous exercise increases the rate of chemical
system provides more than 90% of the needed ATP. At the end reactions throughout the body. Faster reactions use ATP more
of an endurance event such as a marathon race, nearly 100% of rapidly, and more oxygen is needed to produce the ATP. Second,
the ATP is being produced by aerobic cellular respiration. the heart and the muscles used in breathing are still working
harder than they were at rest, and thus they consume more ATP.
Third, tissue repair processes are occurring at an increased pace.
Muscle Fatigue For these reasons, recovery oxygen uptake is a better term than
The inability of a muscle to maintain force of contraction after oxygen debt for the elevated use of oxygen after exercise.
prolonged activity is called muscle fatigue. Fatigue results CHECKPOINT
mainly from changes within muscle fibers. Even before actual 11. Which ATP-producing reactions are aerobic and which are
muscle fatigue occurs, a person may have feelings of tiredness anaerobic?
and the desire to cease activity; this response, called central 12. Which sources provide ATP during a 1000-meter run?
fatigue, is caused by changes in the central nervous system 13. What factors contribute to muscle fatigue?
(brain and spinal cord). Although its exact mechanism is 14. Why is the term recovery oxygen uptake more accurate
unknown, it may be a protective mechanism to stop a person than oxygen debt?
from exercising before muscles become damaged. As you will
see, certain types of skeletal muscle fibers fatigue more quickly
than others.
Although the precise mechanisms that cause muscle fatigue CONTROL OF MUSCLE TENSION
are still not clear, several factors are thought to contribute. One OBJECTIVES
is inadequate release of calcium ions from the SR, resulting in a • Describe the structure and function of a motor unit, and
decline of Ca2 concentration in the sarcoplasm. Depletion of define motor unit recruitment.
creatine phosphate also is associated with fatigue, but surpris- • Explain the phases of a twitch contraction.
ingly, the ATP levels in fatigued muscle often are not much • Describe how frequency of stimulation affects muscle ten-
lower than those in resting muscle. Other factors that contribute sion, and how muscle tone is produced.
to muscle fatigue include insufficient oxygen, depletion of • Distinguish between isotonic and isometric contractions.
A single nerve impulse in a somatic motor neuron elicits a single the gastrocnemius muscle in the calf of the leg, have as many as
muscle action potential in all the skeletal muscle fibers with 2000 to 3000 muscle fibers in some motor units. Because all
which it forms synapses. Action potentials always have the same the muscle fibers of a motor unit contract and relax together, the
size in a given neuron or muscle fiber. In contrast, the force of total strength of a contraction depends, in part, on the size of the
muscle fiber contraction does vary; a muscle fiber is capable of motor units and the number that are activated at a given time.
producing a much greater force than the one that results from a
single action potential. The total force or tension that a single Twitch Contraction
muscle fiber can produce depends mainly on the rate at which
nerve impulses arrive at the neuromuscular junction. The num- A twitch contraction is the brief contraction of all the muscle
ber of impulses per second is the frequency of stimulation. fibers in a motor unit in response to a single action potential in
Maximum tension is also affected by the amount of stretch its motor neuron. In the laboratory, a twitch can be produced by
before contraction (see Figure 10.9) and by nutrient and oxygen direct electrical stimulation of a motor neuron or its muscle
availability. The total tension a whole muscle can produce fibers. The record of a muscle contraction, called a myogram, is
depends on the number of muscle fibers that are contracting shown in Figure 10.14. Twitches of skeletal muscle fibers last
in unison. anywhere from 20 to 200 msec. This is very long compared to
the brief 1–2 msec* that a muscle action potential lasts.
Note that a brief delay occurs between application of the
Motor Units stimulus (time zero on the graph) and the beginning of contrac-
Even though each skeletal muscle fiber has only a single neuro- tion. The delay, which lasts about two milliseconds, is termed
muscular junction, the axon of a somatic motor neuron branches the latent period. During the latent period, the muscle action
out and forms neuromuscular junctions with many different potential sweeps over the sarcolemma and calcium ions are
muscle fibers. A motor unit consists of a somatic motor neuron released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The second phase, the
plus all the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates (Figure 10.13). A contraction period, lasts 10–100 msec. During this time, Ca2
single somatic motor neuron makes contact with an average of binds to troponin, myosin-binding sites on actin are exposed,
150 skeletal muscle fibers, and all of the muscle fibers in one and crossbridges form. Peak tension develops in the muscle
motor unit contract in unison. Typically, the muscle fibers of fiber. During the third phase, the relaxation period, also lasting
a motor unit are dispersed throughout a muscle rather than 10–100 msec, Ca2 is actively transported back into the
clustered together. sarcoplasmic reticulum, myosin-binding sites are covered by
Whole muscles that control precise movements consist of tropomyosin, myosin heads detach from actin, and tension in the
many small motor units. For instance, muscles of the larynx muscle fiber decreases. The actual duration of these periods
(voice box) that control voice production have as few as two or depends on the type of skeletal muscle fiber. Some fibers, such
three muscle fibers per motor unit, and muscles controlling eye as the fast-twitch fibers that move the eyes (described shortly),
movements may have 10 to 20 muscle fibers per motor unit. In have contraction periods as brief as 10 msec and equally brief
contrast, skeletal muscles responsible for large-scale and power-
ful movements, such as the biceps brachii muscle in the arm and *One millisecond (msec) is 10-3 seconds (0.001sec).

Figure 10.13 Motor units. Two somatic motor neurons (one Figure 10.14 Myogram of a twitch contraction. The arrow
purple and one green) are shown, each supplying the muscle fibers indicates the time at which the stimulus occurred.
of its motor unit.
A myogram is a record of a muscle contraction.
A motor unit consists of a somatic motor neuron
plus all the muscle fibers it stimulates.
Force of contraction

junction Relaxation


Spinal cord neurons
Muscle fibers (cells) 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time in milliseconds (msec)
? What is the effect of the size of a motor unit on its strength
? What events occur during the latent period?
of contraction? (Assume that each muscle fiber can gener-
ate about the same amount of tension.)

relaxation periods. Others, such as the slow-twitch fibers that tion called unfused (incomplete) tetanus (tetan- rigid, tense;
move the legs, have contraction and relaxation periods of about Figure 10.15c). When a skeletal muscle fiber is stimulated at a
100 msec each. higher rate of 80 to 100 times per second, it does not relax at all.
If two stimuli are applied, one immediately after the other, The result is fused (complete) tetanus, a sustained contraction
the muscle will respond to the first stimulus but not to the in which individual twitches cannot be detected (Figure 10.15d).
second. When a muscle fiber receives enough stimulation to con- Wave summation and both kinds of tetanus occur when
tract, it temporarily loses its excitability and cannot respond for additional Ca 2 is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum by
a time. The period of lost excitability, called the refractory subsequent stimuli while the levels of Ca2 in the sarcoplasm
period, is a characteristic of all muscle and nerve cells. The are still elevated from the first stimulus. Because of the buildup
duration of the refractory period varies with the muscle in the Ca2 level, the peak tension generated during fused
involved. Skeletal muscle has a short refractory period of about tetanus is 5 to 10 times larger than the peak tension produced
five milliseconds; cardiac muscle has a longer refractory period during a single twitch. Even so, smooth, sustained voluntary
of about 300 milliseconds. muscle contractions are achieved mainly by out-of-synchrony
unfused tetanus in different motor units.
The stretch of elastic components, such as tendons and con-
Frequency of Stimulation nective tissues around muscle fibers, also affects wave summa-
When a second stimulus occurs after the refractory period of the tion. During wave summation, elastic components are not given
first stimulus is over, but before the skeletal muscle fiber has much time to spring back between contractions, and thus remain
relaxed, the second contraction will actually be stronger than the taut. While in this state, the elastic components do not require
first (Figure 10.15b). This phenomenon, in which stimuli arriv- very much stretching before the beginning of the next muscular
ing at different times cause larger contractions, is called wave contraction. The combination of the tautness of the elastic com-
summation. When a skeletal muscle fiber is stimulated at a ponents and the partially contracted state of the filaments
rate of 20 to 30 times per second, it can only partially relax enables the force of another contraction to be greater than the
between stimuli. The result is a sustained but wavering contrac- one before.

Figure 10.15 Myograms showing the effects of different frequencies of stimulation. (a) Single twitch. (b) When a second stimulus
occurs before the muscle fiber has relaxed, the second contraction is stronger than the first, a phenomenon called wave
summation. (The dashed line indicates the force of contraction expected in a single twitch.) (c) Unfused tetanus produces
a jagged curve due to partial relaxation of the muscle fiber between stimuli. (d) In fused tetanus, which occurs when
there are 80–100 stimuli per second, the myogram line, like the contraction force, is steady and sustained.
Due to wave summation, the tension produced during a sustained contraction is greater than that produced by a
single twitch.

Force of contraction


Time (msec)

(a) Single twitch (b) Wave summation (c) Unfused tetanus (d) Fused tetanus

? Would the peak force of the second contraction in (b) be larger or smaller if the second stimulus were applied a few
milliseconds later?
Motor Unit Recruitment of the neck are in normal tonic contraction, they keep the head
upright and prevent it from slumping forward on the chest.
The process in which the number of active motor units increases Muscle tone also is important in smooth muscle tissues, such as
is called motor unit recruitment. Typically, the different motor those found in the gastrointestinal tract, where the walls of the
units of an entire muscle are not stimulated to contract in unison. digestive organs maintain a steady pressure on their contents.
While some motor units are contracting, others are relaxed. This The tone of smooth muscle fibers in the walls of blood vessels
pattern of motor unit activity delays muscle fatigue and allows plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure.
contraction of a whole muscle to be sustained for long periods.
The weakest motor units are recruited first, with progressively
stronger motor units added if the task requires more force. • C L I NI C AL CO NN ECT IO N Hypotonia and Hypertonia
Recruitment is one factor responsible for producing smooth Hypotonia (hypo- below) refers to decreased or lost muscle tone.
movements rather than a series of jerks. As mentioned, the num- Such muscles are said to be flaccid. Flaccid muscles are loose and ap-
ber of muscle fibers innervated by one motor neuron varies pear flattened rather than rounded. Certain disorders of the nervous
greatly. Precise movements are brought about by small changes system and disruptions in the balance of electrolytes (especially
in muscle contraction. Therefore, the small muscles that produce sodium, calcium, and, to a lesser extent, magnesium) may result in flac-
precise movements are made up of small motor units. For this cid paralysis, which is characterized by loss of muscle tone, loss or re-
reason, when a motor unit is recruited or turned off, only slight duction of tendon reflexes, and atrophy (wasting away) and degenera-
changes occur in muscle tension. By contrast, large motor units tion of muscles.
are active where large tension is needed and precision is less Hypertonia (hyper- above) refers to increased muscle tone and is
important. expressed in two ways: spasticity or rigidity. Spasticity (spas-TIS-i-tē) is
characterized by increased muscle tone (stiffness) associated with an
increase in tendon reflexes and pathological reflexes (such as the
• CL I N IC AL CO NN EC TI ON Aerobic Training versus
Babinski sign, in which the great toe extends with or without fanning of
Strength Training
the other toes in response to stroking the outer margin of the sole).
Regular, repeated activities such as jogging or aerobic dancing increase Certain disorders of the nervous system and electrolyte disturbances
the supply of oxygen-rich blood available to skeletal muscles for aero- such as those previously noted may result in spastic paralysis, partial
bic cellular respiration. By contrast, activities such as weight lifting rely paralysis in which the muscles exhibit spasticity. Rigidity refers to in-
more on anaerobic production of ATP through glycolysis. Such anaero- creased muscle tone in which reflexes are not affected, as occurs in
bic activities stimulate synthesis of muscle proteins and result, over tetanus. •
time, in increased muscle size (muscle hypertrophy). Athletes who en-
gage in anaerobic training should have a diet that includes an adequate
amount of proteins. This protein intake will allow the body to synthesize Isotonic and Isometric Contractions
muscle proteins and to increase muscle mass. As a result, aerobic train-
Muscle contractions are classified as either isotonic or isometric.
ing builds endurance for prolonged activities; in contrast, anaerobic
In an isotonic contraction (iso- equal; -tonic tension), the
training builds muscle strength for short-term feats. Interval training is
a workout regimen that incorporates both types of training—for exam-
tension (force of contraction) developed by the muscle remains
ple, alternating sprints with jogging. • almost constant while the muscle changes its length. Isotonic
contractions are used for body movements and for moving
objects. The two types of isotonic contractions are concentric
and eccentric. In a concentric isotonic contraction, if the ten-
Muscle Tone
sion generated is great enough to overcome the resistance of the
Even at rest, a skeletal muscle exhibits muscle tone (tonos object to be moved, the muscle shortens and pulls on another
tension), a small amount of tautness or tension in the muscle due structure, such as a tendon, to produce movement and to reduce
to weak, involuntary contractions of its motor units. Recall that the angle at a joint. Picking a book up off a table involves con-
skeletal muscle contracts only after it is activated by acetyl- centric isotonic contractions of the biceps brachii muscle in the
choline released by nerve impulses in its motor neurons. Hence, arm (Figure 10.16a). By contrast, as you lower the book to place
muscle tone is established by neurons in the brain and spinal it back on the table, the previously shortened biceps lengthens in
cord that excite the muscle’s motor neurons. When the motor a controlled manner while it continues to contract. When the
neurons serving a skeletal muscle are damaged or cut, the length of a muscle increases during a contraction, the contraction
muscle becomes flaccid (FLAK-sid or FLAS-sid flabby), a is an eccentric isotonic contraction (Figure 10.16b). During an
state of limpness in which muscle tone is lost. To sustain muscle eccentric contraction, the tension exerted by the myosin cross-
tone, small groups of motor units are alternatively active and in- bridges resists movement of a load (the book, in this case) and
active in a constantly shifting pattern. Muscle tone keeps skeletal slows the lengthening process. For reasons that are not well un-
muscles firm, but it does not result in a force strong enough to derstood, repeated eccentric isotonic contractions (for example,
produce movement. For example, when the muscles in the back walking downhill) produce more muscle damage and more de-

Figure 10.16 Comparison between isotonic (concentric and eccentric) and isometric contractions. Parts (a) and (b) show isotonic
contractions of the biceps brachii muscle in the arm; part (c) shows isometric contraction of shoulder and arm muscles.
In an isotonic contraction, tension remains constant as muscle length decreases or increases; in an isometric
contraction, tension increases greatly without a change in muscle length.


No Movement


(a) Concentric contraction while (b) Eccentric contraction while (c) Isometric contraction while
picking up a book lowering a book holding a book steady

? What type of contraction occurs in your neck muscles while you are walking?

layed-onset muscle soreness than do concentric isotonic contrac-

In an isometric contraction (-metro measure or length), MUSCLE FIBERS
the tension generated is not enough to exceed the resistance of OBJECTIVE
the object to be moved, and the muscle does not change its • Compare the structure and function of the three types of
length. An example would be holding a book steady using an skeletal muscle fibers.
outstretched arm (Figure 10.16c). These contractions are impor-
tant for maintaining posture and for supporting objects in a fixed Skeletal muscle fibers are not all alike in composition and
position. Although isometric contractions do not result in body function. For example, muscle fibers vary in their content of
movement, energy is still expended. The book pulls the arm myoglobin, the red-colored protein that binds oxygen in muscle
downward, stretching the shoulder and arm muscles. The iso- fibers. Skeletal muscle fibers that have a high myoglobin content
metric contraction of the shoulder and arm muscles counteracts are termed red muscle fibers and appear darker (the dark meat
the stretch. Isometric contractions are important because they in chicken legs and thighs); those that have a low content of
stabilize some joints as others are moved. Most activities include myoglobin are called white muscle fibers and appear lighter
both isotonic and isometric contractions. (the white meat in chicken breasts). Red muscle fibers also
contain more mitochondria and are supplied by more blood
C H ECK PO INT capillaries.
15. How are the sizes of motor units related to the degree of Skeletal muscle fibers also contract and relax at different
muscular control they allow? speeds, and vary in which metabolic reactions they use to gener-
16. What is motor unit recruitment? ate ATP and in how quickly they fatigue. For example, a fiber is
17. Why is muscle tone important?
categorized as either slow or fast depending on how rapidly
18. Define each of the following terms: concentric isotonic
the ATPase in its myosin heads hydrolyzes ATP. Based on all
contraction, eccentric isotonic contraction, and isometric
these structural and functional characteristics, skeletal muscle
fibers are classified into three main types: (1) slow oxida-
19. Demonstrate an isotonic contraction. How does it feel?
What do you think causes the physical discomfort you tive fibers, (2) fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers, and (3) fast gly-
are experiencing? colytic fibers.

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