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good evening [Music] let's pray although we thank you for the privilege of
gathering in your name i ask you our king that you will give us counsel what's the
wisdom to attain the things that you have ordained father ask that we find you you
promised if we would seek you we would find you be done to us according to
your words in the name of jesus amen this evening we will continue to look at the
foundational teachings of christ [Music] like every other class we will build on
what has gone ahead and your ability to comprehend each successive class will be
highly influenced by what previous classes you've been part of so do your utmost
to keep up with the classes if you cannot tune in unfortunately due to coverage
issues like yesterday night yesterday evening due to network coverage issues poor
quality due to the weather um i believe you can you might still be able to get
through some audio audio is easier requires less than video so listening in is okay
but um if you can't even achieve that then um we do have content on some of this
already on our on uh on the church website so you can get a grasp of certain
things i know we are constantly giving new content like yesterday [Music] so
[Music] i would like for you to [Music] do your best to keep up if you're here in
city you try and be here physically or in person and follow through okay um so
today we will look at the first on the list of foundational doctrines repentance
from dead works repentance from dead works definition of terms we will look at
what repentance means and then we will look at why should we repent we will
look at who should repent we will consider what is salvation [Music] that's the
basic outline the word repent is translated from the greek verb metaneo mataneu
[Music] in the greek it means to change your thinking it does not mean to turn
around it means to change your thinking it means to adjust your mentality that's
what it means so the question we need to ask ourselves whenever we think of
repenting whenever the concept is before us should be are we changing our
thinking have we changed our thinking [Music] so the greek noun of the verb
metaneo is metanoia it refers to change of thinking yet different dimensions
required for in which we should change our thinking you don't change you're
thinking one thing the primary one is oh i changed my thinking about god i
changed from this moment how i have related to god have perceived god how i
have pursued god how i conceived of god that's the first level of change of
thinking required typically to involve feeling a strong abhorrence you know a
disgust with how you have lived in the past to typically require that you're going
to be concerned how how have i been thinking how have i felt about god you
know and um it will make you realize that my ways of thinking have hurt god
have offended god have been sinful and as you begin to see how terrible sin is
you begin to decide no i don't want to keep doing these terrible things so i want
you to see how the change of thinking works and how it fits into why many
people equate the word repent with turning away from sin the reason why we
want to distinguish it in a way is that you can change your mind and your thinking
about almost anything and long long after you become a christian long after you
become a child of god you still need to repent about different things remember
when the lord jesus said if your brother offends you and comes back seven times
in a day to repent you have to forgive him does it mean your brother came back to
get born again seven times did you go to people to get born again no he regretted
his actions he acknowledged that his thinking was unacceptable and come to tell
you about what i was opposing you i've come to see that you were right and i was
wrong just an illustration from scripture another word often translated repent in
the scripture is mehta melomai mehta melomi accords about six times in the king
james version and he refers often to the concept of regret now it's similar so it's
put across as the same word but to regret to repent one's self okay you see it used
when jesus told the story matthew 21 verse 28 to 29 about a man who had two
sons and he came to them and he said to the first grand walk in my vineyard today
he answered i will go and he didn't but another one said i will not but afterwards
he repented meta meh lah and went he repented changed his thinking he regretted
his thinking he regretted he went like oh why did i do that made a change it's also
used about judas when he scripture says now when judas in matthew 27 verse 3
who had betrayed him saw that jesus had been condemned he regretted what he
had done and returned the 30 silver coins to the chief priests and the elders he
regretted he met her melomay [Music] that happened to him he regretted it and he
went and gave back the coins all right so regret is a word that you realize is also
translated thus and it's good we know it now if we consider this our understanding
now of the word you know you realize that someone who has repented or
undergone repentance is someone whose mind has changed so if you're talking to
someone and they say oh i would have taken you along with me to go shopping at
the early morning market by the beach but of course i know you never do so
today uh but uh i'm about to the other person no no no no i've undergone
repentance about that simply means i've changed my thinking about it is this clear
it's a it's words were bored to convey christian thoughts just like we use words to
describe from any language you use words okay it's good to understand how it
was used originally and understand yes they may be adopted and used a bit
technically specifically however [Music] the etymology the root of that word
helps you perceive it right and understand that if the word may have changed
meaning over the years had it changed at the time when it was written how was it
used to understand what they are saying you need to go to how they thought okay
who are the people that she repents that's the next question number one
unbelievers absolutely need to repent every unbeliever needs to repent now to
buttress the point i made with the original with the definition of the word repent
the lord jesus went out john the baptist went out the disciples went out jesus's
disciples and what were they saying repent he said tell them send them out two by
two repent for the kingdom of god is at hand heal the secrets the dead cast out
demons and tell them the kingdom of god is repent says the lord jesus began to
before that john came john who was to prepare the way before him scripture say
john came and he preached to them repent for the kingdom of god is at hand jesus
came these are the first words repent change how you think why the kingdom of
god is at hand if you don't change how you think and the kingdom of god meets
you with your own thinking it won't turn out well for you that's the only reason
he's saying she change how you think about everything about sin about what is
right he said when the holy spirit comes you convict the world about sin
righteousness judgment he'll challenge them say hey how you think about sin is
wrong sin is wrong and i'm not saying the same thing how you think about
righteousness is wrong this is not righteousness this is righteousness there's a
righteousness according to the law there's a righteousness that comes with it
amongst other things how you think about judgment is wrong this is the right way
to think about judgment it's not going to end that way when you die and you carry
money with you to your burial site you not have you not pay anyone to cross the
sticks with you if you were a greek imam you will not settle the ferryman all
those ideas change how you think this was the message but it did not begin with
people who do not did not believe in the god of israel it began with people that
believed in yahweh jesus john the baptist were not preaching to romans or greeks
they were preaching to israelites that went to the temple that worshiped gathered
weekly in the synagogues yes and it is them they were telling to repent what's all
this to me it means the next point that the second group of people that are
supposed to repent are christians just like the people in the time of the lord jesus
they were jews that believed in the one true god and he told them to change their
thinking now let's go back and look at what the scriptures say why do unbelievers
need to repent romans 3 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god
acts 3 verse 19 therefore repent and convert so that your sins may be blotted out
he's speaking to the jews when the times of refreshing shall come from the
presence of the lord acts 2 35 to 39 and hearing this they were stabbed in the heart
convicted in the heart and said to peter and to the other apostles men and brothers
what shall we do then peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you
in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift
of the holy spirit for the promises to you and to your children and to all those afar
of as many as the lord our god shall call okay what happens when unbelievers
repent in this specific instance people that did not believe in jesus people that do
not believe on jesus for salvation they are everywhere they could be in church
every single sunday but they have not believed on jesus for the forgiveness of
their sins they have not believed on jesus for salvation they don't know to they
don't know how they don't know what these people have an experience something
happens when they come to the lord and that's something they need to be told
about that's why we are meant to preach that's why we are meant to tell people
what happens is romans 10 verse 9 to 11 because if you confess the lord jesus and
believe in your heart that god has risen from the dead you shall be saved for with
the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth one confesses unto
salvation for the scripture says everyone believing on him shall not be put to
shame this is what happens you will not be put to shame you become righteous
you attain salvation you believe in the heart unto righteousness you confess with
the mouth unto salvation to be saved so terri we're going to look at the trifold
soteria what it means to be saved it's very important god's children need to
understand what it is jesus did so we saw that christians need to be saved or need
to repent also therefore all you brothers let me show you to you romans 12 1 2 2
therefore i urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy to offer your
bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your true and proper
worship do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind you remember the word metamorphaeo as metamorphosis
to be transformed to be changed in your thinking renewed in your mind and he's
talking to you brothers and sisters and beseeching you and begging you offer your
bodies as living sacrifices change how you think if you don't change how you
think you can't offer that body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god it's
not enough to change your mind about who is the lord oh jesus after that change
your mind about how you live with your body and everything then you will be
able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will it's
only then that you'll be able to know what god's will is many people thought that
the moment they became believers that they will suddenly know god's will clearly
no you don't the only condition on which you know god's real you can test and
approve and be certain this one is god's will is after you have offered your body as
a living sacrifice holy pleasing acceptable to him those are the conditions for
discerning his will just like the lord jesus has said in john 7 17 if any man will do
my will then he will know if the teachings are from god the apostle paul pointed
out the importance of these things to us as a man thinks in his heart proverbs 23 7
a luke 6 45 mark 7 verse 20 to 23. let me read that just part of that okay your
inward thoughts and desires will manifest as good or bad deeds it starts from the
heart it always starts from the heart you can't have your deeds do something your
heart does not agree with okay jesus said it it's what comes out of a man's heart
that defiles him he was saying very clearly that it's not physical food that is passed
out in the toilet that defiles you might make you physically sick but god is a spirit
god looks at the heart it's what happens in your spirit within you that god cares
about he said it's what comes out of your heart that defiles you and that is as
thoughts which become deeds thoughts which become actions you know we just
read romans 12 1 and 2. luke 6 verse 45 a good one out of the abundance of the
good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good and an evil man out of
the evil treasure of his heart brings for that which is evil for out of the abundance
of the heart his mouth speaks from inside he comes outside from the treasure of
the heart see this is renewing the mind you can't externalize it it's what the
pharisees didn't have they had external doings without internal states with the lord
he says claim first the inside of the cop then the outside will be clean you start
from the inside so that you are genuine through and through not walking on
external strongly while not caring about your internal state no the two must go
hand in hand but priority is internal first it's easy to not do something when you've
taken care of it within it's very hard when you haven't you can only act so long
take away all the disparaging looks take away all the things that will frown at you
and you will commit any sin that you ponder mark 7 verse 20 to 23. i gave you
already and he said that which comes out of the man that defiles the man for from
within out of the hearts of men proceed evil thoughts adulteries fornications
murders that covetousness wickedness deceits lasciviousness that's lost sexual lust
and evil i blasphemy pride foolishness this is jesus speaking all these evil things
come from within and the father man these are the things jesus the lord came and
stressed so hard before that there was a different way of thinking but the lord
jesus comes and begins to punch the light out of all the empty practices and
stresses that no no no it's your inside it's your inside that matters we can conclude
therefore that a person will eventually carry out what he thinks uncontinually
remembers philippians 4 8 where he said therefore whatsoever things first he said
in verse 6 do not be anxious for anything why because anxiety and worry is
against the will of god you are commanded matthew 6 not to worry but here he is
saying whatever things are true whatever things are honest whatever things are
pure whatever things are lovely whatsoever things of good report if he has virtual
priests think on these things he tells you see it's your heart he's talking to children
of god and he's instructing them on how to think because that's what matters you
know the things that influence how you think are the things happening around you
in your society economically the times we are living in how you erase the
environment the people that have taught you your education the temperaments
your natural temperament and your value system what you deem right or
acceptable those are the things that influence you metanoia repentance therefore
refers to positive changing in your thinking in your ways of thinking the positive
adjustments in line with what god says not your upbringing not your education it
must be in line with what god says it might be in line with what god says for it to
be the repentance that is acceptable to god it has to be in line with what god says
it's not just about sin it's about it's about it's like moving you aside and someone
else coming to live through you and yes that's the plan christ in you inside you is
the hope of glory so it's like raising if i may say the lord jesus christ again as a
child it's like the lord jesus being born within you and growing like he grew
within mary the lord our god wants you to be born again that's of the spirit from
above and from your inside he wants there to be new growth at every stage how
that child is thinking that's your spirit my learning and thinking and changing and
displacing the old man that was here revelations two verse five says consider how
far you have fallen repent and do the things you did at first do you see him say
that who is he talking to the church in ephesus he's telling if you want to know
about the church in ephesus go back read revelations start from chapter 2 verse 1
and look at the commendations that the lord jesus gives them very outstanding
church very impressive and this is from the mouth of the lord oh yeah i know you
guys you guys are awesome you guys you do this you do this there's no question
if you know any church that would be commended like the church in ephesus i'd
like you to tell me where to find them i like to worship with them i i i i want i'm
looking for a solid church to join oh dear god i am so tempted to read it let's read
it quickly revelations chapter 2 verse 1 listen to jesus says to these people to the
messenger of the church in ephesus right the one who holds the seven stars in his
right hand the one who walks among the seven gold slam stands says this i know
what you have been doing your toil hard work and your endurance i also know
that you cannot tolerate evil people you have tested those who call themselves
apostles but are not and have found them to be false you have endured and
suffered because of my name yet you have not grown weary isn't that good if god
told you that if he's smiling for the next year that's sucking around people think
you've gone off your rocker [Music] let me read basically but this is to your credit
you hit the actions of the nicolaitans which i also hate see you and jesus show that
to show that hitting something i mean you're made in between however i have this
against you say whatever this is about to be serious and he goes right in the
middle of that you abandon the love you had at first therefore remember how far
you have fallen that means it's something they had attained then they lost it and he
says repent metanoia and go back to what you are doing at first and you might
think well it can be that serious no it's so serious he says if you don't i will come
to you and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent side notes
people have asked what happened to the church in talking maybe nigeria not
become that this is what happened to the church in talking these guys were in
talking anyways i want us to understand that repentance is not for non-believers
only the christian that says he does not need to repent is saying that he doesn't
need to change his thinking about anything that his thinking is exactly the same as
god's thinking you're here and that's you can i see your hand please i'd like to
meet you after this meeting and follow you home i'll ask you master where do you
stay i'll drive you myself i will hang around you like you can't believe everybody
has something wrong with you i think this is an area where you're not thinking
right the lord our god knows the correct way to think and he he tells you st think
like me remember isaiah 55 as far as i have the earth saw my ways above yours
and my thoughts my thinking is above your thinking but there's a time you were
like a child you thought like a child he wants us to grow up into man he wants us
to think like him in all things in all things every aspect of life so christians believe
us you need to repent also a little more evidence james 1 22 do not merely listen
to the word and so deceive yourselves just like matthew 7 says from verse 21
don't deceive yourself by listening to the word consistently i know i never miss
church meetings i never miss bible studies doesn't mean anything do what it says
that's james 1 22. you're deceiving yourself if you're not doing what it says you
must do what it says we repent of sin when we accept jesus as our savior and
choose to turn to god however we must continue repenting renewing our minds it
doesn't after we get born again when should christians repent first john 2 verse 1
to 3 my dear children i write this to you so that you will not sin but if anybody
does sin we have one who speaks to the father in our defense advocates jesus
christ the righteous one he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and not only for
ours but also for the sins of the whole world we know that we have come to know
him if we obey his commands so this is what happens and this is when you should
repent when you have sinned it's really easy that first john chapter 1 verse 9
shows you what happens when you repent if we confess our sins he is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if you the
same way you confess jesus as lord it means acknowledging it outwardly same
way if you acknowledge your error outwardly as opposed to refusing to agree
with the truth he promises that he will cleanse you he will forgive the sin and he
will cleanse you that's why he tells you have a defense so he tells you how to do it
and then he tells you little children i'm not saying sin but if you do i was just
telling you how you get forgiven through your defense attorney okay james 5 16
goes on to elaborate on how you may need to confess this sometimes confess your
thoughts to one another say confess it and pray for one another that you may be
healed the effectual favor and prayer of a righteous one avails much this is said to
christians you want to understand it better you need to read it from about uh verse
10 11 12 14 to 16. just read down the scriptures tell you is there any among you
that is afflicted let him pray is anyone sick if you are glad sing psalms but if you
are sick ask for the elders of the church to pray for you and he says when they
come if you have committed sin confess it and he promises that if you repent
healing will come to you in areas where you were actually sick physically in the
main but also in the soul many people have a sickness of the soul many do not
understand that demonic oppression is sickness of the soul it's affliction scriptures
tell you that the lord jesus healed them of oppressive spirits he healed them of
demonic spirits so that's the expression used next to the concept of casting out
demons it's called healing the idea of saving you from something taking you out
of the grasp of that which causes you affliction so healing is not just you know
heal those that were tormented by spirits the bible says he healed those that were
tormented sometimes that torment manifested in physical ailments but other times
it's psychological elements and the person can be tormented acting like they are
crazy walking around the streets speaking to people that don't exist just
psychologically unstable increasingly around the world you hear assertions people
being said to be bipolar or schizophrenic all sorts of words and expressions panic
disorders anxiety these others panic attacks what are those things well i had a
panic attack and many people in western society they talk about it and so it's the
norm as the human being that's educated should suddenly start hyperventilating
what's normal about that nothing and that could go like that evenly and christians
have some of these things too you have no business having any such problem
none whatsoever jesus provided for taking that away and we've seen him taking a
lot of that we you hear people say they suffer from mood swings into these
terrible moods for two weeks may not talk to anybody then they swing back
they're back and forth bipolar there's nothing normal about that we've seen people
pray for we've prayed for people it ended and they became normal people they
were normal all the time people whose mothers and fathers left them alone when
the seasons came that's demonic sickness that's sickness that's not help there's
nothing normal about that okay i'm not supposed to preach i'm supposed to be
teaching make sure you understand it because if you don't understand it you suffer
unnecessarily like to no purpose at all that problem could be gone in one minute if
only you knew but there are people taking meds on medication prescriptions for
for 50 years sleep apnea sleep paralysis you lie down you can't wake up you can't
stand up what is that and once you stamp some heavy name that ends with tear
sea on the top of it people say oh no it's a medical condition it's amazing how
many medical conditions the spirit of god can get rid of so easily confess your
fault to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed effectuate
five and private righteous one avails much what happens when christians do not
repent remember the height from which you are following revelations 2 verse 5
ready already remember the height from which you have fallen repent and do the
things you did at first if you do not repent i will come to you and remove your
lamp stand from its place the lamp stand here was the churches where the
churches he said he removed their church from space that's how churches move
not just physically a church may continue to seem to exist physically but
spiritually has been moved from its place and you understand it it occupied a
place if you read revelation chapter 1 the lord jesus was walking among the lamb
stands even when he introduced himself to the church in ephesus like he did to
every other church introduce himself differently to all the churches and it says
he's the one that walks among the lampstands amongst the churches that holds the
seven touches in his hands and he's in the midst of the seven lampstands when he
says he'll move you from your place it may mean unlikely often does that he's no
longer in your midst no longer speaking to you like before that's how many
churches become dead they have a form of godliness without the power thereof in
the center because they've been moved from their place another thing that
happens when you don't repent first corinthians 11 28 to 32 a man ought to
examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup for anyone who
eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the lord eats and drinks judgment
on himself this is why many among you are weak and sick and a number of you
have fallen asleep that's died but if we judged ourselves we would not come on
the judgment when we are judged by the lord we are disciplined so that we will
not be condemned with the world okay second corinthians chapter 12 verse 20
and 21 for i fear lest when i come i shall not find you such as i wish and that i
shall be found unto you such as you desire not lest there be debates endings rats
strives back bitings whisperings conceits tumults unless when i come again my
god will humble me among you and that i shall mourn over many who have
sinned already and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and
licentiousness which they have committed who is he talking to unbelievers or
believers these are christians and he's talking about sorrow talking about troubles
that exist because of the lack of repentance among christians when christians don't
know they ought to repent this is the result chaos and sorrow so what is salvation
what is salvation salvation is redemption from bondage to sin and victory over
death salvation is in three dimensions or levels the salvation of the spirit salvation
of the soul and salvation of the body [Music] there are many arguments among
christians which would be resolved so easily evenly we understood this scriptures
do not contradict themselves rather when we are unlearned or ignorant we
contradict ourselves so we must come to god humbly and ask him what do you
mean why do you say i'm saved why do you say i'm being saved why do you say i
will be saved which one is it remember growing up and hearing these things and
being confused about them [Music] and uh it's obvious that if we keep asking he
will answer i kept asking and i got answers salvation is redemption to be
redeemed from bondage to sin and victory over death the most important part you
have to be saved from the penalty of sin which is death immediately it's a victory
of our death it's how victory over death begins for us what happened in romans 5
is that sin entered the world and death so god wants to save us from the rule of sin
and death romans 5 17 says through one man's sin death reigned as a king god
wants to bring you out from under the rule of death in yesterday's class in
answering a question i took us to leviticus chapter 25 and showed you how we
have two rulers romans 6 and that is the one who rules over all men minus jesus
but when you come to the lord he immediately frees you from bondage to sin and
becomes your redeemer your clothes your clothes kinsman who pays the price for
your redemption when you're unaware of this you act like you're still undersea
room and when he whistles you go back and put your neck under his yoke and he
drags you off and makes you walk his fields as usual ignorance is the reason god's
people perish very often but if we reckon ourselves rightly to have been saved
from sin we are set free in very powerful ways so let's look at this [Music] work
of salvation you find in leviticus chapter 25 verse 47 to 48 i'll only read the last
part after he's sold a brother sold he may be redeemed again one of his brothers
may redeem him i just made that point if you look at hebrews 2 verse 14 to 15
since then the children have partaken of flesh and blood he also himself likewise
partook of the same that is flesh and blood the lord jesus in wanting to save us
became like us that through death he might destroy him who has the power of
death that is the devil and deliver those who through fear of death where all their
lifetime subjects to bondage so the lord jesus becomes a person through that he
takes on the devil so he can deliver us who through the fear of death were brought
in bondage to him one of the worst ways the devil holds us is by making us afraid
of that then he can't tell you to do anything you compromise anything but if you
refuse to be afraid of physical death or social debt or any kind of debt at all you
suddenly walk free the devil has no hope the devil's primary power is through fear
fear of death not even of that fear of death he uses the fear of death to control the
earth so the lord jesus came to save us from this fear to deliver that's the word
romans 6 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under law
but under grace sin shall not have dominion over you shouldn't salvation is
redemption from bondage to sin and victory about death we saw this we are going
to begin to look at how god does this for us we find it in first thessalonians 5 23
and may the god of peace himself fully sanctify you may your holy spirit and soul
and body be kept blameless at the coming of our lord jesus christ may your whole
spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our lord jesus christ this is
how the lord wants to save us he tells you he wants not just your spirit blameless
christian believer he wants your spirit blameless he wants your soul blameless he
wants your body blameless any part of this blame worthy will have accounting to
give he wants every part of you blameless this is why salvation goes on because
it's in three dimensions and here we have a chart that we will refer to on and off
which will help you in some way better appreciate the things that the lord does
just make it a bit bigger the things that the lord desires for you you can see a road
map here you can know what to look at or look for at each stage if you understand
this beautiful map that the scriptures have provided for us you can test yourself to
see where you are at different seasons and times at different seasons and times
you can get to know i think i am going back remember remember from where you
have fallen how can you know where you fall and when you don't know where
you are or where you have been there has to be measurable options for us to use a
point of reference a compass am i here now or am i here am i back there have i
found a way have i moved on into the truth am i in the life if i'm in the life when
did i find the truth at every stage you are somewhere in one of these three
dimensions you are preaching from one of them so i'll say to you at once you
were saved you are being saved you will be saved when you turn to the lord jesus
christ if you have you were saved in your spirit right now in your soul your mind
you are being saved the spirit your pneuma is born from above your soul is the
natural man suki your body soma will be saved to be redeemed in the future this
process [Music] it's the story of the shepherd and the sheep it's the journey of
everyone that comes to the lord the book of acts chapter 16 verse 30 to 31 let's
look at a few of those scriptures then he brought them outside and asked sirs what
must i do to be saved they replied believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved
will be you and your household believe in the lord jesus have faith in the lord
jesus you will be justified as you partake in christ your passover which has been
sacrificed you discover the way you enter the outer court by asking righteousness
is imputed and you are now amongst the cold that's what the philippian jailer was
promised ephesians 2 verse 5 to 9 says even though we were dead in
transgressions you made us alive with christ by grace you are saved and he raised
us up with him and sit at us with him in the heavenly realms in christ jesus to
demonstrate in the coming ages the surpassing wealth of his grace in kindness
towards us in christ jesus for by grace you are saved through faith and this is not
from yourselves it is the gift of god it is not from works so that no one can boast
so it's not due to anything you did that's why it's just by asking first peter 1 verse 9
says because you are attaining the goal of your faith the salvation of your souls
you are attaining the goal of your faith which is the salvation of your souls for the
message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who
are being saved it is the power of god romans 5 do you hear him say the goal of
your faith is the salvation of your souls you know what a goal is are you at a goal
if you are being told that the goal of what you're doing is something are you at
have you attained the goal yet you're yet on the way so it tells you what the goal
of your faith is that is the salvation of your souls not of your spirit say so that
because yes it's your soul that you're trying to save you're having faith so you can
achieve hope because hope does not make a shame but the faith of many can be
shipwrecked for the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are
perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of god to us who are being
saved the message of the cross is the power of god much more than i'm reading
romans 5 verse 9 now so you see you're being saved romans 5 much more than
because we have now been declared righteous by his blood we will be saved
through him from god's wrath you will be saved matthew 10 22 and you will be
hated by everyone because of my name but the one who endures to the end will
be saved these are the scriptures of our god justification is what you acquire when
you turn to the lord justification the word new man that we normally refer to as
spirit is the breath of life that's it it's the vital principle by which the body is
animated that this body is not lying down stiff but it's moving around that you can
look at me and think swan it's because of the spirit in genesis 2 7 so the lord god
formed the man from the dust of the ground breathed life into his lungs and the
man became a living being job 33 verse 4 the spirit of god has made me and the
breath of the almighty gives me life proverbs 20 27 the human spirit is like the
lamp of the lord searching all his innermost parts this is what the spirit is about
the spirit enjoys justification justification is a greek word the curses and it
describes the act of god declaring men free from guilt unacceptable to him this is
the biggest deal i like it how someone said it just as if i had never seen so what
happens when you come to the jesus to the lord jesus and you get forgiven and
saved in the first phase in the first dimension is that god looks at you and you
have done nothing wrong in spite of everything you have done since you were
born you're the guiltless one you come before him and he doesn't go take him
away from here he's guilty no he goes oh my child welcome that's god's heart to
all who believe on him you don't come and he goes well well i'm still considering
you stay stand stand aside that's let's watch you let's watch you for a few years
let's see if you will that's not what happens he accepts you at once what do you do
you believed and you come first you believe in the heart confess with the mouth
you enter the category of accepted ones the called ones became part of his church
he accepts you okay so the chaosis is justification it's the first phase and it is
acquired by faith only many people have never been justified because they can't
believe it really like how do i have to achieve this you mean everything i've done
you don't know what i've done now tell me what i've done now do you still think
god can forgive me like that yes why because all have sinned if he can't forgive
you then he can't forgive anyone sin the wages of sin is death so everyone
deserves to die if anyone is kept alive you two can be kept alive so for some
people it's too good to be true you can't accept it their background what they've
done just the incredible hardness of their hearts the wickedness some grew up in
church on didn't but the point is they believe it's not possible for the lord to
forgive them the lord wants you to know it is and he forgives you and accepts you
if you will meet his conditions that is to confess with your mouth believe in your
heart that the lord jesus came from the father just to do this to say come to me or
either live a heavy laden bracket with sin many cases i will give you rest you're
tempted to feel how much will you take for that to be possible i can't afford it
nothing all you need to do is come really yes just come just come yield accept it
just ask me open your mouth and ask forgive me many people have left there no
others do the opposite they live in sin and say i'm forgiven actively one extreme to
the other the truth is you come to the lord he accepts you he says you are innocent
that is justification that's in romans 10 verse 9 to 10 if you declare with your
mouth jesus is lord and confess with your mouth and believe in your heart totally
already romans 5 verse 1 to 2 romans 5 1-2 therefore since we have been justified
through faith you're hearing since you have been justified through through faith
we have peace with god you have peace with god i'm not feeling i was
remembering something i did do you want god to take away your brain because
you came to jesus you want to lose your memory well have amnesia you will
remember second the devil your enemy will hit you he tell you hahaha you can be
forgiven do you remember do you remember i expect you to laugh back at him
hahaha i believe what god says every single time let him go away laugh right back
it's a it's a battle of who whose reports you will believe fortunately very many
times christians seem to prefer to believe the devil since he loved to harass and
god doesn't harass god is kind and gentle and he's calming so he may kind of sing
a song over here quietly the devil is a har he harasses and we tend to listen more
to those who harass us and shout and make noise but you must know that he no
matter how much harasses he can't come in and slap you or beat you or drag you
so ignore him that's one reason you should read your bible a lot and keep
company with those and love god a lot you save yourself a lot of time just don't
mind him i don't know how to explain it he's the lion behind the iron bass roaring
there's no need running to go and stand there you might as well stand close to the
ion bus or the glass pane he can't reach you stay within the distance and loud and
be there no matter how much he rolls and he can reach you you know some of us
you're that person that is in the zoo and you go stand 10 meters from the thing you
came to look at ignoring how thick the glass is and how long it's been there and
how that place was constructed you're the one person out of the 28 000 people
that visited that zoo that think that on the day you come [Music] the gorilla
breakthrough just you are that person so you stand from a distance your whole
family goes near you you are not that one person who comes with sin so black so
scarlet that the lord jesus can't forgive it there's nothing you have done that
compares to what has been done so you might as well accept it and you might as
well laugh right back at the devil if that monkey that orangutan that gorilla goes
do the same thing right back at the bear you can add fingers to your ears there's
nothing he can do about it that's the truth the quicker you settle on these things the
happier you'll be quicker we have been justified through faith that's how we have
peace with god through our lord jesus christ through whom we have gained access
by faith into this grace in which we now stand you have gained access by faith
into this grace hello yes i i'd like to come into the grace of god his mercy his
power his ability where's your ticket faith you believe i believe are you sure you
believe i believe and i even say i believe jesus is lord and he has forgiven me i
want to be reconciled to him okay and you're in grace you step into grace into this
grace in which we now stand and we boast in the hope of the glory need my
diagram a boost in the hope through faith we enter i boost in the hope of glory
these patterns keep occurring the scripture sometimes it's this this this sometimes
it's this to this to this it's but you notice different words are used that you will
constantly see it and they are coined this way in the scripture in this order faithful
love these three by all every single one of these things because the god who loves
to express himself in trees knows what is possible and what is not and with him
nothing is impossible amen with him nothing is impossible so we boast in the
hope of attaining god's glory that's our assurance we acquired it by faith hope that
is sin is not hope okay so we'll talk about things like that more ephesians two
verse eight and nine one more time what is by grace you have been saved through
faith and this is not from yourselves it is the gift of god not by works so that no
one can boast it's the gift of god it is the gift of god grace the grace that saves you
saving it is the gift of god [Music] the faith to believe it is the gift of god every
good gift is from above all have sinned four shots the wages of sin is death
romans 3 says the gift of god is eternal life through christ jesus promises that
you'll be justified it's the gift of god next stage tri-dimensional soteria the three-
dimensional salvation is sanctification you are being saved the first stage you are
saved now you have hope you can partake in the pentecost the feast of weeks you
know the truth you go beyond the way you seek peace and you go beyond being
called to being chosen this the dimension for truth it's the salvation of your soul
it's the ongoing process throughout your life so the suke the soul the word from
which you have psychology psyche and every other thing that has to do with the
mind psychiatry and so on it's the seats of feelings scriptures describe the the the
bible dictionaries describe it as a seat of feelings desires affections aversions
offered as our hearts our soul refers to our mind our reasoning our intellect refers
to your emotions oftentimes this is what people refer to as themselves when you
say that's how i am that is me often a complex of how you feel and your
experiences through life what has shaped you your family your temperament all
of that together brings you to this place deuteronomy 6 verse 5 says you are to
love the lord your god with all your hearts all your soul and all your strength okay
what happens here the salvation at walk here is not justification it is sanctification
the greek word is hagiasmus refers to consecration or purification refers to the
effect of that consecration of purification it refers to sanctification of heart and
life know what consecration means it means to set something apart it means to set
something aside to consecrate something for a purpose you could consecrate a
cow leg for an occasion you set it aside no one should touch this meat catchy
come here what did i say you haven't even done anything putting your ear what
did this [Music] you have proper parenting this meat is set aside don't touch it the
concept of sanctification to be holy means to be set apart argus holy to be set
apart [Music] romans 12 2 do not conform to the pattern of this world but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and prove
what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will okay we have seen it earlier
on beseech you you present your body is a living sacrifice sanctified holy set
apart [Music] for this is your reasonable worship or service this is your reasonable
service so your life your body you are meant to be set apart it's this setup setting a
path process that is known as sanctification that's why it's a process sanctifications
ongoing ephesians 4 22-23 says that you put off concerning the former lifestyle
conversation in the king james the old man put off the old man which is corrupt
according to the deceitful lost but corrupts the old man it is deceived by its desires
deceitful desires so its desires its emotions tell it if only you go this way you will
have found true love finally your soulmate that one person that is on earth you
have met joy predetermined has been achieved till six months later as you weep
and carry your bag and head out the door yet once more you have this covered
that tree is not four because your heart is so so you walk out the door now the
truth is there is a process i can't shake free that is not folklore and that is ah this is
terrible i keep hearing what's in my mind okay um put off concerning the former
conversation the old man it's corrupt according to deceitfulness and be renewed in
the spirit of your mind be renewed in the spirit of your mind it tells you so this is
the opposite you're deceived so in your mind this deceptive desires and then
there's a new mind the old man i had said earlier on before i even read this goes
with the other the new man goes um please where's the new mind please i like the
new mind please oh give me some water it washes it takes a bath in the word of
god of course as you soak in how god thinks as you spend time looking at the
thinking of our god the mind changes and you can perceive things much more
clearly um yeah well i think maybe i could like you and would like to spend my
life with you but on what business do i want to spend my life with you what oh
because you acted in such a dashing manner the worst crooks are dashing my lady
he laughs it off and he doesn't laugh it of it because i am serious and you hope
against who anyone can be a fraud the sister of us was telling us one of the leaders
in our congregation was talking about how many years ago two friends they were
acquainted i don't think she knew two people were pressuring her for marriage
they said we'd like to spend separately i'd like to spend my life with you and i'd
like to spend my life with you she discovered later much later that they were
friends and they were competing overhand they actually we're not competing over
how they one day she comes across one in a club and there's a pretty girl with him
and he looks at her and introduces her to this girl and says oh this is my girlfriend
this is my school daughter she was a school daughter she just didn't know all this
there he doesn't for a moment hot and um she knows immediately that she was
nothing another time the other one is winking behind the scene please please
please don't give any sign that i knew you please because this is the original in
fact you're nothing really and it is while these people existed that they were both
sending her messages saying please will you spend your life in they're playing
games with her they were playing game they obviously probably had a discussion
and say we'll see i'll be the one that that she agrees to but if she had agreed they
would have immediately have gone see i won uh please i was joking what they
think it's not amusing right have you look extremely bothered like that's even
funny if if if you were sanctified these things wouldn't work on you why because
you have gone aside to lord you wouldn't be led by deceitful lusts i was
explaining deceitfulness deceitful desires desires that deceive you because i've
gone to the lord lord many to be honest you will even go to the lord i mean what
kind of person is he is this a person a child of god should be spending time with
what does my word say it says you should marry in the lord is he in the lord huh
first corinthians 7 says should be in the lord how are you going to just casually
marry anyone so the lord god has not saying it ah when you marry will you ask
him to come and have a say in it oh you will but you don't want him to have any
say about it are you also going to deceive god so the correct thing to do would
have been let's say they said they were christians and showed some seriousness
and she herself was a christian she wasn't she was just i didn't know what kind of
christian she was she had backslidden he should have gone to the lord and said
lord with sanctified my lord um so there's this guy and there's that guy what do
you say lord is any of them [Music] um acceptable as a spouse and as long as the
lord kept quiet you keep quiet because that's what the new man does god is holy
so he says you be holy in all your conduct in your lifestyle god is haggios
therefore you behave yours the process of being haggais is sanctification makes
you sanctified we can't say holification sanctification makes you holy do you
understand that's how that is how you so how are you going to say i am holy be
holy how does god make decisions with his emotions no so if you're going to be
like god emotions are please emotions wait i'm really angry right now i'd like to
burn them all up burn them all up this ammo right you guys are really nasty oh
wow you've been burning children to molech i would like to fry you all since
yesterday uh but what does my law say oh their cup must be full oh i have to wait
till that cup is full abraham this land you can't have it yet you guys need to roam
around that's true take a stroll a few hundred years come back these guys cops not
fool that's your god i'm giving you just come how many years do you think you've
got today total 400 years abraham the land is for you guys there's no argument
that your cup must be full there's a process i can't go with how i feel that's the god
you serve are you gonna be like him he's holy you are meant to be holy then you
will not be led by emotions emotions will pull it's not that you won't feel them but
they will not control you that's what god told cain when he emote emotions told
him kill him moshe and the devil satan sin crouched at the door and he said no
and god told him senator scratch out the door his desire is for you but you should
rule over it he didn't he yielded like many of god's children who do not take the
lesson and you yield to emotions you yield to emotion and if you are like me and
anyone else that has yielded to your emotions let me tears and you can keep a
straight face and act like what's he talking about any kind angry emotions lostful
emotions hopeless emotions and all negative emotion if you follow it through and
you feed it instead of stopping it it ends badly i was angry i was angry i was not
trying to wound him he is wounded i think you need to go with the police there
will visit you in prison emotions they take flight the way they arrive is the way
they live sanctification frees you from these things where you stand and say what
does my holy god say ah take instructions emotions calm down stop it do not do
what you like philippians 2 verse 12 therefore my beloved as you have always
obeyed so now not only as in my presence but much more in my absence work
out your own salvation with fear and trembling walk out your own salvation that
sounds so much like you're telling us to use works it's not justification salvation
aids salvation and you walk it out with fear and trembling you are the one that
works it out you are the one like inefficient for you put on you put off the old and
you put on the new james 1 verse 21 so get rid of all the filth and evil in your
lives and humbly accept the message god has planted in your hearts for it is strong
enough to save your souls that translation is interesting james 1 21 it says
therefore in king james new king james lay aside all filthiness and overflow of
wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted world which is able to save
your souls able to save strong enough to save your souls because your souls are
not yet saved it's plain the souls are being saved philippians 2 i told you that you
walk out your own salvation it makes it personal i can't do it for you i can help
you but you must do it he says you do with fear and trembling the atmosphere for
the walking out of your salvation is with fear and trembling when you're shaking i
would like to follow these emotions but no no no this is wrong if i do this i might
lose my place i might that it's fear and trembling is not we rejoicing and glee
sanctification doesn't typically happen be rejoicing and glee you can see that in
the book of hebrews chapter 12 if you want to write down you can write down
from verse 3 2 11 but i want you to look at the only verse 10 and 11 for a short
time they disciplined us as they thought best but god does it for our good god
disciplines us for our good so that we may share in his holiness in his
sanctification in his hagiasmus god disciplines you and you're wondering oh yes
that's god's discipline it's only when he speaks to you that's a fabrication we like
fabricating things what does verse 11 tell us about discipline no discipline seems
pleasant at the time but painful if it wasn't painful don't call it discipline he didn't
say some discipline he says no discipline is pleasant at the time you're receiving it
but painful all discipline is painful if you're going through something that is
making you holy and it's not painful it is not discipline and it is therefore not
making you holy no discipline is without pain i repeat i know god disciplines us
with his words he does and if that those words don't cost you pain shame if there's
no fluttering within we don't feel anything if a dread doesn't come over you if
some condition other than the normal does not happen don't call it discipline just
take it like a nice station you had you don't tremble at every conversation you
don't tremble at every call you get a call hi it's me mandy oh wow mandy such a
lot so good to hear from you yeah i just wanted to tell you i'm coming to your
town you're moving there with our fam my family they're gonna stay for two
years my office sent us yes we'll be staying in the estate you know our office has a
lot of money and they like to give their staff the best please visit us as soon as
possible i'll be coming on the second flight tomorrow da da da da da happy happy
that car ends oh you feel like telling everybody that's my friend wow it's a happy
call there's no pain hello yeah am i speaking with mr yes and you are the father of
a certain yes is there a problem um mr i'm sorry some people some women the
phone had fallen and they wet themselves and everything on earth has happened
some men the knees buckle that conversation came with pain are you
understanding words can carry pain i'm not saying they don't i needed to illustrate
that the law can speak to you and it's discipline if you've ever had a prophetic
word that contained a warning fear a godly fear sorrow comes on you there are
words that you're told and suru comes on you like a cloak shame that's pain so
god can use words and he prefers to use words most of the time but it is wrong to
say he uses only words it's false why you have to use the scriptures the set apart
book sanctify them by thy truth your word is truth john 17 says so you must go to
his words the scriptures that contain his words and look at it and see how he
discipline people because there's multiple records of god disciplining people first
corinthians chapter 10 tells you you should observe these things that happen to the
former generation our ancestors the jewish ancestors as an example for you and
he used it to warn them that is how he tells you how they were disciplined there
was debt involved there was snakes there was fire there was burnings there was
plague that's very clear in first corinthians 10 it actually connects their life
experience with our life experience in the church it's written to corinthians gentile
converts and jewish ones in that town and then there is all the other examples
from genesis to revelation of god's discipline and god i use this word to know he
uses all right again as students of this school expect me to say nothing but the
truth if you don't agree with anything i say ask a question if you object to my
answer present your truth but it must be from scriptures and it must be in harmony
with other scriptures there's no permission to be blind purposely or as paul said
willfully ignorant can willfully be ignorant you may be mistakenly ignorant but
not willfully so i may not be aware of a thing but if i am aware i will share it to
the extent i'm allowed by the spirit of god but i will not hold on to old beliefs do
not hold on to any belief you have there were times i believed all sorts of things
too because i read it somewhere i heard it somewhere this is why you must search
the scriptures and see the things which you hear as soon god does not discipline
people with words only never has never will you heard him threaten the church in
ephesus he didn't say he will talk to them again if they don't repent you don't
repent i'll send you another letter no he said i would take away your church the
lampstand i'll take it away that's something you feel physically in the same way
you can pick your choice from genesis down you can see the discipline of god the
book of judges can see them going all through all through all kinds of
circumstances you can see it in the new testament when he tells the early church
you will be my witnesses first in jerusalem then judea then samara then the ends
of the earth we can see them staying and meeting the temple constantly forever
and not wanting to go out daily they met new people joined them but they did not
go on to samaria and they did not go on to the ends of the earth what happened
you read it after the stoning of stephen in chapter seven you hear that they
scattered that it was due to the stoning of stephen and that the gospel went
through a saturn philip who was a colleague of stephen to samaria and there was a
city white revival you read it it's right there the bible doesn't come up plainly and
say this is why but it tells you that it's the persecution that took them it doesn't tell
you thus they fulfilled the commands of the lord which he had given before the
coming of the spirit but you can see them fulfilling after persecution arose god
uses persecution that's why the lord jesus said to them he said when you're
persecuted in one city flee to the other so one of the major ways the lord
disciplines people is by lying painful circumstances persecution some you feel it
physically some you feel it psychologically emotionally it may come through
words it may come through real physical events many many people have stories
about how their lives changed for good after a particularly traumatic event those
who hold on to the belief that god can never allow traumatic events adults
probably he should never spank each other but the god who says you should beat
your child and save his soul from death he adds that beats him and don't mind his
crying he will not die now their parents are abusive baby smack a child once
twice across his butt the back of his legs or whatever flick him with just a finger a
little pain like the scriptures say he can't possibly die from that now that's very
different from picking a club and clubbing the child you should go to jail it's very
different so discipline some people say no you just talk i've seen them talk and
i've seen it not work who has seen it not work though they talked ah they're gone
johnny no no i have five kids the youngest is one year old and about two and a
half months and he understands no so yesterday he's walking towards my cup
we're having devotions at night and there's a small bottle of eucalyptus oil and
he's heading towards it and he headed from that end of the room so you his
intentions are clear and he gets here and i go no and he stops as is often the case
and looks at it and this battle goes on and it turns and makes a bad comment
[Music] however and heads up [Music] and someone will say as they've said with
many of my kids visitors and other yeah what a good child they like to say that
some children wouldn't listen i said no i trained it to be that's not natural what you
just saw was trained in how don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it don't touch
it don't touch it it's work it's real after you do it depending on the child five times
two times 25 times i am serious then you gain authority in the spirit of sorry
authority in the house and you sit on your chair it's happened with all my kids on
your chair and they are two years old come back and you'll be i knew it before i
married i practice it when i'm married and had children and i have seen it you can
talk can exercise authority from across the room as a preacher i can go and things
happen more effectively than parents who are sitting right by their child how
discipline pain no [Music] you must connect it to the world no you don't just go
doing things there must be a connection with the pain comes and no pain no pain
so you just say the no they remember the pain and because of that i barely
spanked my kids i barely have to fight the battles early you win early once in a
while they're challenged every six months one year at a certain age they'll check
again if you're still the war wrestling heavyweight champion they'll challenge you
again it's it's a normal thing and that's when many parents who may have once
won lose and the belt is taken from them many parents lose it there and the child i
knew i knew i had it to me his daddy mommy was for me so many parents give
up they win by wearing you out that's why perseverance must be added all right
that's free family counseling if you understand this oh your life will be so much
more easy so much so much more easy so i barely parents that discipline based on
emotions they are the ones that keep doing it sometimes they hit the child even
hold the child but i typically don't have to do more than one swat or two three it's
so much easier so i can count how many times have i spanked my kids total
number of times very few times so you can get them to obey you if you will not
be directed by feelings but rather by set apart thinking you understand it and you
practice it to help you first peter 1 9 did i read it for you are receiving the end
result of your faith the salvation of your souls you ready before the end result the
salvation of your soul sanctification is the salvation of the soul it's a lifelong
process and it happens as you hear and obey god's words but also i'll finish
hebrews 12 11 no discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful later on later
on however for those who have been trained by it because discipline is a form of
training there are those that have been trained without discipline it doesn't
produce the same results it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace a
harvest of righteousness and peace i know why many parents won't discipline
their kids some came from an abusive background so they swing to their extreme
they made oats i would never spank my child why because whenever their parents
spanked them they'd give them 32 strokes attempted murders often caught no
that's not the discipline that's brutality that's meanness that's unhealed parents
taking it out it's much better they had self-control then you could give your child
one or two or three strokes so it's really so bad four five six you know if you're in
a culture where you don't even spank at all i'm sorry that's the misery thus the
sorrow that's the pain that's the child with no regard and the thing about these
things that no matter how the child grows the child that was disciplined has far
more regard for each parent than each other wasn't it shows any family look at
families that have grown up oh i love my dad they have a regard for the parents
they're respectful they feel a sense of responsibility towards those parents that did
not abuse them crush them that's not proper that's that and these other ones that
allow them get away with everything are not respected either they are not
respected because the child looks at their life the different events that are caught
in it and wonders why did you not train me better at least you would have been
able to compel me to comply then you allowed me from these habits that i can't
seem to shake now i'm not saying the parents are always at fault their parents that
have done their bits understand me don't feel guilty god was a good father to
adam adam choose to go with madame wonder if it's in the name adam madam
but the point is you may be a good parent and your child goes and falls into bad
company you can't it's not your fault what your child does when he's away from
you or she's away from him but when he or she is with you you owe them a duty
from a young age to discipline them when you've done your part you've done your
part don't feel guilty about it but if i'm only referring to the sanctification process
there's a fear and trembling that should go with it oh daddy won't look kindly on
this mommy won't take this there should be some fear a child that has no fear that
the parlor is upside down and they hear you driving through the gate and nobody
thinks of reordering anything and they are in their early teens or they are almost
something wrong there if things are wrong let's not talk about things being
scattered they may have been played and it's okay to play but if you're doing
something wrong and they pay you no mind in spite of your presence then you
know you have not trained them you have not trained them simply means you
didn't train them with discipline and discipline is painful so if it's just telling them
pick up your toys pick them up never leave them behind when you're going
somewhere else where are you going come back here are you going to eat and
why are you leaving all these toys out here for pick them and if they you know so
the fact that they run down the stairs and then they have to come back up or you
went down and said go upstairs and pick up there's some pain in that a little not
really okay i pray i don't want to stretch the illustration where the things like oh
the child momod you kept quiet it's ridiculous if the mama and mother and say
things oh i don't like this one again well if they are young they stay in their teens
you have hope just don't let them hit 20 with them they hit 20 i'm sorry it means
you've created an entitled being one who feels entitled to be waited upon you
probably used to pick up after that but even if you've been doing it it's not too late
stop it change it this is how to train by discipline it will acquire you peace the fruit
of righteousness and peace you're going to be able to talk on the phone and have
things done and another person will have to say it 50 times johnny did you hear
me johnny did you hear me every time i see a parent in the movie so in real life
johnny johnny johnny come back and johnny slam the bam how ridiculous you
should even be able to walk away if you even think i am not done with you you
shouldn't even be able to turn your back he'll be asking that that are you done can
i go now it shouldn't be an attitude that you're flaunting openly you can have that
at the inside you could be tearing out your hair inside your heart but on top better
look different give no sign that alone is self-control and being able to have such
self-control will help that child you understand that's the idea you think the
soldiers being trained through difficulty you think they enjoy what they are going
through no but they are taught to have self-control okay self-control it is so this is
how sanctification works by hearing and obeying but what will make you be
disciplined then you become a child that gives god peace and produces righteous
fruits and people look at you and you produce good fruits and they go wow a
good christian yes because you are trained with discipline god would step in and
smack you major way does it is through people leaders in the church through
older brothers and sisters in the lord people without other brothers and sisters in
the lord without god's parenting are a certain way those that had it are resetting
me over the 30 something years of being born again you can see it the one that
god steps in when they misbehave that so you see some christians very obedient
very obedient they you you hear them do the strangest things god tells them and
you say wow you're so amazing you mean you just went to preach to boko haram
you should find out how they became that compliant it's not enough to just say oh
wow just love love is a major part but it's not just love sometimes it's proper love
revelations 3 love him whom the lord loves he chastises hebrews 12 love verse 6.
i didn't read it for the lord disciplines the one he loves and he punishes every son
he accepts every the one he loves he disciplines so when no long ago i discovered
and i told god please don't do it to me we have if you're not being disciplined by
god i feel i apologize on his behalf i'm sorry you have not yet been loved because
the one he loves the disciplines just like that parent if you truly love your child
you know if he has this attitude through tantrums and you let him through my kids
never threw tantrums i read about it all my life saw people do it the moment i
would see that end it before it begins it's like a weed i pull it up before you can
grow so there's no record of my kids sitting on the ground and kicking their feet i
end it when they as before they can talk we end that stage so there's nothing like
rolling on the ground screaming not to talk about doing something if you drive i
mean i remember my first son i gave him half a biscuit and he says what is this in
a split second i pop it in my mouth and walk away he has never refused anything
from me since then there doesn't have to be any spanking it's just love i love him
so much so i ate it for him there's no long talk there's nothing like you know what
take it this is what how much money did he give me to buy the business i checked
i couldn't remember how much so since i realized it was the matter of
embezzlement it was my biscuit before was my biscuit when i gave it to you and
it was my biscuit when it was in my mouth watery nice as i munched and walked
away and he must have stood in shock in his four year old mind oh [Music] the
wise men in him said come let's agree never refuse what you're given even if you
don't like it that much the peaceable fruit of righteousness peace peace peace you
will have peace the child will have peace everybody has peace [Music] who is
that silence it's like the radio went off as a person right you want that fight so
much suffering but you could have had peace shalom yes at is no more screaming
no more we are dead we are dead here life is easier believe me if the father
disciplines you everyone's life is easier wherever you go because you have been
shaped by discipline trained as the bible says by discipline this is the salvation of
your soul and it's a lifelong process may have moved somewhere you didn't ask
permission and you moved and you get there somewhere oh yeah i had a horrible
state recently some months ago the person resigned from a job turned down the
job better job offer from a bank here he resigned from the bank where she was
working ahead of dubai and so to get a job and the flight in the way to board the
flight to after arriving that you saw he noticed we are sorry about this job offer
was rescinded withdrawn so she came back to nigeria to no job minus this
transport fair it was every other thing involved in the ramifications of moving
from one country to another that is painful but i can assure you there are people
like that once that happens once they will never make a decision without putting it
through [Music] 10 levels of profit talk about being diligent are you saying i
should come please send a signed agreement send an agreement in the event of
this job offer being withdrawn before the adoption of same by wow you get
lawyers you would secure yourself you would have taken a leave from your
workplace and you have resigned and gone many many things there's a way all
right this process people is called sanctification the final stage and salvation is of
the body of soma soma is the body of both men or animals the living body first
corinthians 15 42-45 says it is the same with the resurrection of the dead what is
sown is perishable what is raised is imperishable it is sown in this honor it is
raised in power it is shown a natural body a soul driven body it is raised a spiritual
body i want you to understand that something very interesting natural body it's
raised a spiritual body okay i want to show you something okay i'll show you the
[Music] did i tell you what the what soul is from suke suke when you come across
what natural in your new testament it's the word sukikos a soulish so when he
says his son a natural body it's sown as a body that is [Music] powered by the soul
is sukhiko's body the bible says it to be raised a pneumoticus body a spiritual
body pneuma this is how this life is you have a soulish body that's why we die
even though we have come to jesus because the soul that sins so that that is still at
work in our bodies in our body parts our members because we are a soulish body
we are under the first death after adam sin all men came under the judgment of sin
and death it's only after this happens that that would lose its thing in the same
chapter 15 you'll see that okay but we will be raised a spiritual body this body that
will be glorified will be powered not by the soul the suke but by the pneuma the
spirit the flesh is run by blood you know that once the blood is gone you die
because your soul your life the life of the soul the living soul is found in the blood
have you read that leviticus 17 the life is in the blood this body will not have its
life in the blood but in the spirit we'll study this in more depth when we get to
what the resurrection of the dead so the body so also it is written the first man
adam became a living person the last adam became a life-giving spirit this is
claire this is the stage where you attain love the destroyer abide faith hope and
love love is the greatest god tabernacles with us he's no longer visiting the feast of
tabernacles is fulfilled he doesn't come and go he tabernacles with us you
experience life this is the life that everyone wanted to enter in the time of jesus
they would ask him how would i how must i what must i do to enter life life of the
age it's the equivalent of entering the holy of holies you entitled by knocking
knocking is the thing that requires physical pain [Music] asking you're given that
seeking requires some effort bending searching knocking requires actual impact
on your body that is how you enter glory you attain joy unspeakable and full of
glory and you are the ones that are not just called and chosen bible says within
where those are called chosen and faithful either endorsed to the end will be saved
you were faithful so you will be saved this is the path that will be saved it's not
being saved now no it's deteriorating second corinthians tells this body to die it
will be saved it's a futuristic event it will happen at the first resurrection and the
general resurrection that's when these bodies will receive a new body this process
known as glorification follows after sanctification it's the word doxazo doxa is
glory in the greek dog zazu is to make glorious to impart glory to something okay
to render it excellent to honor it to do or not to to make renowned to cause the
dignity or the what of someone or something to become manifest and
acknowledged that is what dr is a process that god wants to bring our bodies into i
just read it for you in first corinthians 15 42 and 43 to be raised in power even
they were sown in weakness which is shown in this honor it's raised in glory so is
the resurrection of the dead romans 8 23 and not only so but we who have the first
fruits of the spirit even we have sorrow in our minds waiting for the time when
we will take our place as sons that is the salvation of our bodies do you hear that
the redemption of our bodies this is the salvation of the body we are waiting we
are it says creation is groaning waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god
this is when it will happen when the body receives the honor the glory that god
has kept the renown the time is coming god has promised this will happen it's
called the salvation of our bodies finally today i'm reading daniel 12 2 3 it says
multitude to sleep in the dust of the earth will awake some to everlasting life
others to shame and everlasting contempt those who are wise will shine like the
brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars
forever and ever do you hear that they'll rise from the dead they'll shine like the
brightness of the heavens they look like stars the sky this is the promise of
glorification it's a real promise this is what the early church knew about this is
what jesus preached this is why being a christian was a big deal i believe it's the
lack of this knowledge that is the reason why being a christian today means nearly
nothing because we don't know the advantages we've been told that it means
going to heaven and that's not what it means scriptures say that there's a process
we must go through if we endure and go through his process we'll be happy i've
come to the end of what i have to say today if there are any questions i'll take
them in a few minutes we have and we'll call it a day till tomorrow yes any
questions online students present students now if you are new to these classes
very few of you one or two or three of you may have not attended these classes
um don't make the mistake of waiting and say uh but others are not asking how
will i ask because 90 something percent of the people here have have gone
through this class before just letting the cat or the dog out of the bag see a dog or
a cat how do we settle on cats that's against all cats worldwide so if you have a
question and i know sometimes you need to assimilate i've said a lot but um as
long as it's involved with this again i know some people after the classes um they
ask the questions sometimes weeks later that's when thing two plus two begins to
make sense someone was telling me about how when they came nearly uh years
ago to our local assembly where we used to teach these things for every new
person over a couple of months um so he didn't understand anything that was said
that none of it began to sink into much later the words just flew over his head all
right so it's okay for it to fly over your head but if you do have a question never
i'm just saying don't ever look around you and say if they want to ask let them ask
they've already asked in the past many times and got an endless answer sir just
think look out for yourself whenever you come here and don't be shy or afraid of
anything all right if there's no question i'll go ahead and we'll pray briefly and call
it a day just thank god for the things you've heard the tri-dimensional salvation of
our god father we thank you we are grateful we are grateful we are grateful have
your way in our lives in the name of jesus father after your salvation process
which you but began when we called on the lord will continue help us in your
discipline help us be trained by discipline may we not lose the benefits of peace
and righteousness when you discipline us to endure help us walk out our salvation
with you and tremble blessed be your name in the name of jesus bless everyone as
they go bring us back tomorrow to do you more and more amen all right before i
beat you good night i am supposed to possibly if i could have my phone have an
online conference um with someone in the in the u.s so the timing is an issue that
it might affect i don't know if they've sent me the time i was told many weeks ago
so i was trying to adjust the round oh yeah it's not here i'm sorry so i won't be able
to tell exactly because i would have said that we'll have a class by 10 to about 12.
but i can't tell you we'll put out a notice this night this night this night you'll know
what time we're having a class tomorrow if it's in the morning in the afternoon or
both okay um yeah that's the way it is but definitely we do not have a six o'clock
too much why is that right so i'll be having a church meeting from six o'clock and
i may even have this other meeting on instagram but i'll ask that you just stay in
touch so that you know what time the morning or afternoon class might hold but
definitely um we should be here on thursday probably in the afternoon and
evening too that will help us god bless you good night

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