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Grade 5

Chapter 5
Light & Shadows
Week 10
TB pg. 87-90
WB pg. 83-84
Materials, which allow complete transmission of
light, are called transparent. Any object can
be seen through the transparent material.
Almost all the light that encounters a transparent
object will pass directly through that object. You
can see details like colours through transparent
eyeglasses, light bulbs,
and cling wrap are
some of the things that
are made from
transparent materials.
The word translucent is an adjective used
to describe something
“allowing light to pass through but not
showing the distinct images on the other
If an object is
translucent, you can see
that there is something
on the other side of it
when looking through it,
but you can’t tell exactly
what you’re seeing.
Materials like frosted glass and
some plastics are called
translucent. When light strikes
translucent materials, only some of
the light passes through them.
The light does not pass directly
through the materials.
From longest to shortest wavelength,
they are , , ,

, , , and .
Light absorption is the
process in which light
is absorbed and
converted into A black object absorbs
energy. all wavelengths of light
and converts them into
heat, so the object
gets warm.
Materials such as wood,
stone, and metals are
opaque to visible light.
1. Spectrum /ˈspektrəm/: a band of coloured lights in
order of their wavelengths
2. Thermal /ˈθɜːml/ : connected with heat
3. Distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ : easily or clearly seen
Grade 5

Chapter 5
Light & Shadows
Candela indicates
the strength of
the light emission.
Lumens are how
much light is given

Lux is how bright

your surface will be.
The luminous intensity or its candela value
indicates how intensively the light is emitted. The
more Focused the light is emitted, the more
intense it is.
Luminous intensity is an important value for comparing
different lamps. Lamps with the same luminous flux can
have completely different luminous intensities due to their
beam angle.
The beam angle indicates the angle at which the light is
emitted by the lamp.
The diagram shows two lamps with
the same luminous flux (lumen) but
different beam angles. The luminous
intensity of the lamp with the smaller
beam angle is higher than that of the
lamp with the wider beam angle.

A standard candle, for example, emits a luminous

intensity of 1 cd, i.e., it emits about 12 lumens (lm)
in all directions.
For example, there are labor-law
requirements for how brightly a
work area should be illuminated
Lux provides information for employees.
about the illuminance. It is a
measure of the brightness
with which an area is
illuminated. Lux indicates how
much luminous flux (lumen) of
a light source arrives per
unit area of a receiver
surface. The value lux is
purely a receiver quantity.
For example, there are labor-law
requirements for how brightly a
work area should be illuminated
for employees.
The further away the
area is from the light
source, the lower the
illuminance. The lux
value determined can be
used to determine
whether certain areas
are sufficiently well lit.
A luxmeter measures the illuminance (lux). The value
indicates how bright it is at the measuring point.

The luxmeter consists of a

photo sensor and a display.
The photo sensor usually
consists of photo diodes
that detect the light. The
measured lux value then
appears on the display.
thousand of
lux to only a
few hundred
depending on
the weather
conditions &
time of day.
For commercial &
industrial environments
where specialised tasks
are performed e.g.
professional indoor sport,
detailed drawing or
mechanical work,
prolonged small size & low
contrast visual work etc.,
this can require
illumination levels from
1,500 all the way up to
20,000 lux in extreme
1. Luminaire /ˌlü-mə-ˈner/ : a complete lighting unit
2. Wattage /ˈwä-tij/ : amount of power expressed in watts
Objects that do not allow light to pass
1 through are called ____________.

Objects that allow most of the light to

pass through are called _________.

1. opaque 2. transparent
3 Translucent is ________________________.

4 What is the example of transparent object?

5 What is the example of translucent object?

4. glass,
3. Objects that plastic cup
allow only some
light to pass
through 5. Thin fabric,
baking paper,
frosted glass

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