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A Qualitative Study of Coping Strategies for Anxiety Among

Senior High School Students During Pandemic











Title Page

Table of Contents i

Abstract iii


Problem and Its Background 1

Review of Related Literature 2

Research Gap 3

Statement of the Problem 3


Research Design 4

Sampling Method 4

Participants 4

Research Locale 4

Instruments 5

Data Collection Procedure 5

Data Analysis 5

Ethical Considerations 6





A. Communications 15

B. Instruments 22

C. Timetable 24

D. Transcriptions 25

E. Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae 38


List of Tables

Table 1: Factors in Anxiety 7

Table 2: Coping Strategies for Anxiety 9

Table 3: How does it help them overcome Anxiety 11

List of Appendices

Appendix A 15

Letter of Approval 15
Invite Letters to Participants and Consent Forms 16

All Accomplished Invite Letters to Participants and 16

Consent Forms

Reply Letters of the Participants 20

Appendix B 22

Survey Questionnaire 22

Demographic Surveys 23

Participants’ Demographic Profile Excel Sheet 23

Interview Protocol 24

Appendix C 24

Gantt Chart

Appendix D 25

Individual Transcripts 25

Codes/Categories/Themes and 35

Data Analysis

Appendix E

Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae 38



Title : A Qualitative Study of Coping Strategies for Anxiety

Among Senior High School Students During Pandemic

Researcher : Luis Gabriel C. Ibarrola

Degree Working For : Grade 12 - STEM

Name of Institution : AMA Computer and College Makati

Adviser :

This study aims to know what are the different coping strategies for anxiety among senior high

school students during this pandemic. To answer this question, the researcher conducted an

interview with open-ended questions answering the questions: what are the factors that lead the

students to experience anxiety during this pandemic, what are the different copping strategies

for anxiety, and how do these coping strategies help the students overcome their anxiety.

Results of the study showed that the respondents experience anxiety during pandemic

sometimes, and the factor that mostly affect the students is the school related activities. Results

also revealed that doing their ‘hobbies’ and ‘other’ things, help them cope up with their anxiety

during this pandemic. By doing those coping strategies, students are motivated to do their task

and other things that they need to accomplish. Students need to take a break if they are feeling

exhausted from school works.

Keywords: Anxiety, Coping Strategies, Pandemic, School, Motivated.


Chapter I


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the background of
the study, the statement of the problem, significance of the study and scope and
delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Nervousness is a sense of anxiety, for example a stress or dread that can be gentle or
serious. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the mental and passionate effect is
additionally clear. Its development and spread make a great deal of worry for individuals
prompting expanded degrees of uneasiness (Baloran, 2020).

Most students studying in nursing education are continuously affected by anxiety.

“Academic performance, pressure to succeed, and post-graduation plans” (Savitsky et al. 2020),
are three common concerns of all nursing students in their education. Since the start of
Covid-19 pandemic, the stress factors add up to the cause of anxiety to the nursing students
such as being infected. Which means, students have been experiencing anxiety even before
the pandemic comes and as Covid-19 infection continues to increase and as most of the
country goes to lockdown, the anxiety factors add up to the students.

Recent studies about anxieties have led to a conclusion that this pandemic really
adds up to the factors of anxiety especially to the college students. In addition to this, one of
the factors that college students experience anxiety is that they feel uneasy that they will be
infected by the virus. Also, recent studies have led to a conclusion that following the
protocols given by the government will lessen their feelings of anxiety. However, they have
not led to a conclusion on what are the factors of anxiety for the Senior High Students and
its Coping Strategies given that they are mostly staying at home. Some are with their
parents and some are by themselves only. It lacked explanation on how this Covid-19
pandemic really damaged the Students pertaining to their emotions and education caused by

The purpose of this study is to determine what are the common factors that lead the
students to experience anxiety during this pandemic. From those factors, this study will
determine what are the coping strategies for anxiety among Senior High School students
and how it helps them overcome their anxiety during this pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that lead the students to experience anxiety during pandemic?

2. What are the different coping strategies for anxiety among Senior High School during

3. How can these coping strategies help in overcoming anxiety among the Senior High
School Student?

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study covers the coping strategies for anxiety during pandemic
among the Grade 11 Senior high school students. T

Review of Related Literature

There was some research and journals about Anxieties.

Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety and Coping Strategies of Students during

Covid-19 Pandemic

Nervousness is a sense of anxiety, for example a stress or dread that can

be gentle or serious. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the mental
and passionate effect is additionally clear. Its development and spread make a
great deal of worry for individuals prompting expanded degrees of uneasiness
(Baloran, 2020).

Anxiety and Coping Strategies among nursing students during the Covid-19

Most students studying in nursing education are continuously affected by

anxiety. “Academic performance, pressure to succeed, and post-graduation plans”
(Savitsky et al. 2020), are three common concerns of all nursing students in their
education. Since the start of Covid-19 pandemic, the stress factors add up to the
cause of anxiety to the nursing students such as being infected. Which means,
students have been experiencing anxiety even before the pandemic comes and as
Covid-19 infection continues to increase and as most of the country goes to
lockdown, the anxiety factors add up to the students.

Coping Strategies of Students for Anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in


According to the study of Hossain M. et al. the college understudies

detailed, that methods for dealing with anxiety and strategy for practical
adaptations were expected because of undeniable degrees of uneasiness and
mental strain during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that Covid-19 really
affected the mental health state of the students, not just affected, but also adds up
to the factors on why they experience anxiety even before the pandemic. The vast
majority of the respondents announced the brief conclusion of their scholastic
organizations because of COVID-19. Mental worries, like absence of rest, basic
encouragement, mental help and social allure, were likewise revealed.

Research Gap

Recent studies about anxieties have led to a conclusion that this pandemic
really adds up to the factors of anxiety especially to the college students. In
addition to this, one of the factors that college students experience anxiety is that
they feel uneasy that they will be infected by the virus. Also, recent studies have
led to a conclusion that following the protocols given by the government will lessen
their feelings of anxiety. However, they have not led to a conclusion on what are
the factors of anxiety for the Senior High Students and its Coping Strategies given
that they are mostly staying at home. Some are with their parents and some are by
themselves only. It lacked explanation on how this Covid-19 pandemic really
damaged the Students pertaining to their emotions and education caused by

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that lead the students to experience anxiety during

2. What are the different coping strategies for anxiety among Senior High School
during Pandemic?

3. How can these coping strategies help in overcoming anxiety among the Senior
High School Students


Research Design

A qualitative research case study will be used to conduct the study where
an interview will be used to collect the data from students. The study will use an
exploratory data analysis and descriptive analysis. The exploratory data analysis
will determine what are the coping strategies for anxiety among Senior High School
Students during this Covid-19 pandemic, while the Descriptive analysis will then
describe the findings and the collected data of the study.

Sampling Method

The population of the study will involve students at the Senior High Level at
Philippine School (Bahrain) where convenience sampling of students was used for
the selection of the participants. The basis for choosing the participants should
currently be studying at Philippine School (Bahrain) at the Grade 11 Level Senior
High Students.


The population of the study will involve a total of 8 students from Grade 11
Senior High School studying at Philippine School (Bahrain). A total of 7 students
came from the STEM strand and 1 student came from the ABM strand. The basis
for choosing the participants should currently be enrolled and studying at Philippine
School (Bahrain).

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at the senior high school education level
(Grade 11), which is located in Philippine School(Bahrain) located in A’ali Bahrain.


To obtain information for the coping strategies for anxiety among Senor
High School Students, an interview protocol took place. The instrument that was
used was interview that will question the respondents on their perceptions on the
factors that lead the students to experience anxiety, the coping strategies for
anxiety, and how does it overcome their anxiety during this Covid-19 pandemic.
The interview that was used in this study includes open-ended questions.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher conducted an interview to the chosen Grade 11 students

from ABM strand and STEM strand about their coping strategies for anxiety during
this Covid-19 pandemic. The interview included what are the factors that lead the
student to have anxiety problems. Before the researcher conducted the interview,
an email was sent to the class adviser and the principal to be able to conduct the
data collection. The researcher should get to know first with the interviewee. The
interviewer will then tell the interviewee the purpose, importance, scope, of the
study. After that, the interviewer conducted an interview. The gathered information
and data will then be recorded and analyzed

Data Analysis

The gathered information from the Grade 11 students on STEM strand and
ABM strand will then be using the thematic analysis. The data will be analyzed and
categorized into tables: (1) Factors that lead the students to experience anxiety, (2)
Coping strategies for anxiety (3) How does it overcome their feeling of anxiety This
will then be labeled into themes to (1) What are the factors that lead the students to
experience anxiety during this pandemic, (2) What are the coping strategies for
anxiety among Senior High School students during this Covid-19 pandemic, and
(3) how does it overcome their feeling of anxiety during this pandemic.

Ethical Considerations

This research only signifies that the perceptions of the Grade 11 Senior
High School Students at Philippine School (Bahrain) on using Twitter as a way to
maintain a good mental health will then be used only as part of the requirements
of the Philippine School (Bahrain).

Results and Discussions

Theme 1: Factors that Lead the Respondents to Experience Anxiety During

this Pandemic

Table 1.1: Shows the Frequency and Percentage on how often do the respondents
experience anxiety during this pandemic.

Themes Frequency Percentage

Frequently 2 25%

On certain occasions 6 75%

When table 1.1 is analyzed, it is revealed that on certain occasions or

“sometimes”, students experience anxiety during this pandemic with a percentage
of 75% and a frequency of 6.

Table 1.2: Shows the Frequency and Percentage of the things that make the
respondents uneasy during this pandemic.

Themes Frequency Percentage

School Related 6 33%

Covid 3 17%

Health of Loved Ones 3 17%

Protocols 2 11%

Others 4 22%

Findings show that the highest percentage of the things that make the
respondents uneasy during this pandemic is ‘school related’ with a percentage of
33% and a frequency of 6. The lowest is the ‘protocols’ that the government
implemented with a percentage of 11% and a frequency of 2.

It is supported by (Khoshaim et al. 2020) that undergrads all over the planet
experience the ill effects of mental dreariness, especially sadness and tension,
because of worries about the future and scholastic strain, for example, overseeing
upsetting undertakings and tasks and pursuit to work on their academic

Theme 2: Coping Strategies of the Respondents to Anxiety during this


Table 2.1: Shows the Frequency and Percentage of the things that the
respondents do when experiencing anxiety during this pandemic.

Themes Frequency Percentage

Playing Games 4 14%

Watching 3 10%

Talking to friends/loved 3 10%


Hobbies 6 21%

Listening to Music 3 10%

Relax 4 14%

Others 6 21%

Findings show that on table 2.1, the highest percentage of the things that
the respondents do when experiencing anxiety during this pandemic is ‘hobbies’
and ‘others’ with 21% and a frequency of 6. The lowest percentage is ‘watching’,
‘talking to friends/loved ones’, ‘listening to music’, with 10% and a frequency of 3.

To specify the ‘others’, the respondents' responses are “Praying”, “Think


Positive”, “Encourage Self”, “Eating and Enjoying”, “Taking a Shower Using Warm
Water”, and “Exploring and Learning”.

In the study of (Nurunnabi et al. 2020) findings showed that the coping
strategy used by the students during the Covid-19 pandemic is “Mental
Disengagement” with a mean of 2.55.

Table 2.2: Shows the Frequency and Percentage on how does it help the
respondents do things easily

Themes Frequency Percentage

Mood Boost 2 14%

Relaxed 7 50%

Stopped Overthinking 3 21%

Others 2 14%

Findings show that on table 2.2, the highest percentage on how it helps the
respondents do things easily is ‘relaxed’ with 50% and a frequency of 7. The lowest
percentage is ‘mood boost’ and ‘others’ with 14% and a frequency of 2.

The respondents are more relaxed when doing their said coping strategies
for anxiety during this pandemic. It also makes them stop from overthinking during
this pandemic. Also, it boosts their mood when doing those said coping strategies.

Theme 3: How can these coping strategies help in overcoming anxiety during
this Pandemic

Table 3.1: Shows the Frequency and Percentage on how the said coping
strategies help the respondents in doing their school work.

Themes Frequency Percentage

Mood Boost 3 19%

More Energy 2 13%

Focus 5 31%

Motivates 6 38%

Findings show that the highest percentage on how the said coping
strategies help the respondents in doing their school work is it ’motivates’ them with
38% and a frequency of 6. The lowest percentage is ‘more energy’ with 19% and a
frequency of 3.

When doing those said strategies, many of the respondents answered that
they were motivated to do their school work, it was followed by making them focus
on their tasks, followed by boosting their mood, and then it gives them more energy
to do their school work during this pandemic.

Table 3.2: Shows the frequency and Percentage on how the said coping strategies

help in accomplishing the things that they need to do everyday.

Themes Frequency Percentage

Set Schedule 3 16%

Encouraged 4 21%

Others 6 32%

Findings show that doing those said coping strategies, the highest
percentage on how the respondents accomplish the things that they need to do
everyday. is ‘Others’ with 32% and a frequency of 6. The lowest percentage is ‘Set
Schedule’ with 16% and a frequency of 3.

To specify the ‘others’, the respondents' responses are ‘Positive Pressure’,

‘Stopped Overthinking’, ‘The Opposite’, ‘Focus’, ‘More Bond with Friends’, ‘Take
Better Care of Self’. Results showed that in doing those said coping strategies,
students are encouraged and motivated to do the things that they need to
accomplish during this pandemic. They also set a schedule to balance their time in
doing other things. It also gives them more energy, and lastly, they make sure that
as they accomplish it, it is quality work and everything works out for the best.



Based from the results of the study, it is revealed that on certain occasions
or “sometimes”, students experience anxiety during pandemic. And the factor that
lead the students to experience anxiety the most is the ‘school related’ activities.
There are also other factors such as being infected with ‘Covid’, the probability that
the ‘health of their loved ones’ will be affected, the ‘protocols’ that were
implemented by the government, and ‘other’ factors that lead them to experience
anxiety during pandemic. In addition to that, most of the respondents do their
‘hobbies’ in order to cope up with those factors given by the respondents. It is
revealed that doing their said coping strategies help them overcome their anxiety
and do things easily. In addition to that, doing those said coping strategies makes
them feel more ‘relaxed’. In the theme “how can these coping strategies help in
overcoming anxiety during pandemic”, it ‘motivates’ them to do their things that
they need to accomplish.

The following recommendation was developed based on the outcomes and

conclusions of the study.

- Take a break when feeling exhausted from school works and other activities
- Engage in activities that makes them feel at ease and doesn’t affect their
mental health.
- Seek guidance from parents when feeling anxious
- Conduct more studies about coping strategies for anxiety during this


Baloran, E. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies of

Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. Taylor & Francis Online.                   

Islam, A., Barna, S.D., Raihan H., Khan, N.A., Hossain T., (2020). Depression and
anxiety among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in
Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional survey. Plos One.                           

Khoshaim, H., Sukayt, A., Chinna, K., Sundarasen, S., Kamaludin K., Baloch, G.,
Hossain, S. (2020). Anxiety Level of University Students During Covid-19 in
Saudi Arabia. Front Pyschiatry. url:

Lu, X., Lin, Z. (2021). COVID-19, Economic Impact, Mental Health, and Coping
Behaviors: A Conceptual Framework and Future Research Directions. Front
Psychol. url:

Nurunnabi M., Hossain S. F. A., Chinna K., Sundarasen S., Khoshaim H. B.,
Kamaludin K., Baloch G. M., Sukayt A., Shan X. (2020). Coping strategies of
students for anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: a cross-
sectional study. F1000 Research.  url:

Savitsky B., Findling Y., Ereli A., Hendel T. (2020). Anxiety and Coping Strategies
Among Nursing Students During Covid-19 Pandemic. Ashkelon Academic
College.                                             url:

















Jewel Transcript
Interview Codes

Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Sometimes
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Jewel: “For now, I don’t feel uneasy nor fear.

But during the high of Covid-19, I sometimes
felt uneasy because of the uncertainty of
plaguing the whole world and my family.
Luis: What are the things that make you feel Only one thing
uneasy during this pandemic?
Stay at home
Jewel: “The biggest thing that makes me feel
uneasy during this pandemic is knowing that
I can’t go out, because there is so many
requirements (vaccinated, and social
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re Watching movies
feeling uneasy during this pandemic?
Doing hobbies
Jewel: The first thing that I do whenever I feel

uneasy is writing my book, movie marathons Exploring and Learning

(horrors),playing the guitar, writing and
learning new songs.”
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Yes
things easily?

Jewel: “ Yes, it does help me overcome my

uneasiness when doing those things”
Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, More Relaxed
in what way does it help you?
The overthinking has stopped
Jewel: “By doing those what I said earlier, I
realized that I was more relaxed, and the Mood boost
overthinking has stopped, and also mood has
gotten better.”
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it feeling better
help you achieve your school works every
day? Mood boost

Jewel: After doing those things I said earlier I More energy

then started feeling better, I feel like my
mood has gotten better, I feel invigorated to
do school works
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the
things you need to do during this

Jewel: During this pandemic I feel like I Best thing is to take better care of self
wanted to finish my book and to take care of
myself. These coping strategies are just
simple steps to take better care of myself.
Which I feel like is the best thing to do during
this pandemic.

Miko Transcript
Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Often Times
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Miko: Often times, meaning frequently/ many

Luis: What are the things that make you feel Overthinking
uneasy during this pandemic?
Difficult to continue education
Miko: Í would say that there are times
where I think that there is never ending Stay at home
pandemic since there are different
variants of the virus. Difficulties to Limited bonding
continue education, not being able to play
sports with friends, limited bonding Fear that relatives will be affected
outside with my family, when my parents
get covid (frontliners), losing my

grandparents in the Philippines, not being

able to hang out with the person you
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re Communicating with loved ones
feeling uneasy during this pandemic?
Listening to music
Miko: Being able to communicate with
friends and family in order to make me Playing online games
calm and make me relax as well. Listening
to music and playing online games with
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Somehow
things easily?

Miko: Somehow it does overcome the fear and

make me calm
Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in More relaxed
what way does it help you?

Miko: Since most of the time you are alone at

home, so talking with my friends and family
makes me more feel comfortable and it helps
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it
help you achieve your school works every
day? inspiration and motivation

Miko: By simply communicating with your

friends to ensure that you and your friends
are doing their best in, basically they can be
your inspiration and motivation.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the (Cycle)
things you need to do during this
pandemic? Motivation

Miko: MOTIVATION – the motivation you get Quality of Work

to work with your friends
Efficient Goal Accomplishment
QUALITY OF WORK – makes your work much
more effort Friends


rewarding yourself that you made an effort to

FRIENDS – after doing your work it makes

you bond with them more.

Katie Transcript
Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Sometimes
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Katie: I only feel fear sometimes this

pandemic specially when we go outside or
public places because you can’t see the virus
and it’s hard to protect yourself
Luis: What are the things that make you feel Fear of catching the covid
uneasy during this pandemic?
Online Class
Katie: Aside from being paranoid, more on
like being conscious on having a covid. Aside School Related activities
from it is the Online Class, I feel anxious
whenever the teacher would call me and ask
me to recite. Also doing tons of homeworks
and projects
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re
feeling uneasy during this pandemic? Taking a shower using warm water

Katie: For me when I feel uneasy, I just Eating and enjoying

found out this routine only on my last school
year. The first thing I do is to take a shower
using warm water and to stay an hour or
more than an hour because it lessens the
stress and reflect on myself. After I take a
bath, I eat something then enjoy my time.
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Yes
things easily?

Katie: Yes, it does help me

Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in More relaxed
what way does it help you?
Mood boost
Katie: Relaxing inside the bathroom helps me
reduce my stress, having my own time is very
helpful for me specially to my mental health. I
have time to reflect to my actions and
thoughts. Also helps me brighten up my mood
after having a stressful day
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it Focus
help you achieve your school works every
day? More productive

Katie: Helps me to focus more on my tasks,

and be more productive as a student. Because
after doing my said coping strategies I feel
like I’m a new person.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the Focus
things you need to do during this
pandemic? More energy

Katie: It has similarities on how I also Mood Boost

achieve my task related to school, more
focused on what I’m doing, more energy and
recharged. Being relaxed makes me feel in a
good mood and that makes me productive
and happy around people.

Scaramouche Transcript

Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Sometimes
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Scaramouche: I sometimes do feel uneasy

during the pandemic, I sometimes realize that
my parents who are going out to work
everyday, my relative that are living in the
Luis: What are the things that make you feel Health of loved ones
uneasy during this pandemic?

Scaramouche: The main thing that makes me

feel uneasy would be the health and safety of
my family, relatives, and friends. It would
disappoint me knowing that I couldn’t do
anything to help them.
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re Relax
feeling uneasy during this pandemic?
Calm down
Scaramouche: Whenever I feel uneasy, I try to
relax, calm down, and play video games to Play video games
take those thoughts out of my mind. These
will maintain my cool, and lessen my anxiety.
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Yes
things easily?

Scaramouche: Yes, those said ways have

made me distracted to get those thoughts out
of my mind.
Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in Distracting self from overthinking
what way does it help you?

Scaramouche: Trying to relax and calm

down, helps me to think and act rationally.
Playing video games helps me take the
thoughts that are making me feel uneasy out
of my mind. I play video games as a
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it Focused
help you achieve your school works every
day? Less pressure

Scaramouche: It has made me think more Enjoy and Have Fun

carefully and act of the things I’m currently
working on. It also has made me maintain my
cool in any pressure situation. It has also
taught me to enjoy and have fun while doing
my school works.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the Motivation
things you need to do during this pandemic?
More Capable
Scaramouche: It has motivated me to do the
things that I need to do during this pandemic.
It has made me realize that I could do it and

more motivated than I usually am. I feel that

I’m more capable to start and finish the things
that I want to accomplish. One of my goals is
to lose weight

Kyle Transcript
Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Sometimes
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Kyle: “I only feel fear and uneasiness

sometimes, because of the protocols that
the Kingdom of Bahrain has
Luis: What are the things that make you feel Catching the virus (before)
uneasy during this pandemic?
School works to be done (present)
Kyle: I guess the biggest fear that I had
was being infected by the Covid-19, but
right now, it has to be the staggering
number of projects that has to be
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re Playing Games
feelinMg uneasy during this pandemic?
Watching movies
Kyle: Play games like valorant, clash of
clans, wildrift and once in a while, mobile Things that can be done at home (chores,
legends. Also, watching movies and series. workout, cooking)
When I feel like being unhealthy lazing
around, I do chores, workout once in a
while and do hobbies such as cooking.
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Yes
things easily?

Kyle: For the most part, I’d say yes since I

guess I was really afraid of covid due to
the news I hear about the virus outbreak.
I kind of overcame the fear and
uneasiness to a certain agree.
Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in More relaxed
what way does it help you?
Keeps mental health healthy

Kyle: Helped me feel more relaxed and

get my mind off of the issue which is the
pandemic. But I guess, adjust to the new
normal and help to keep my mental
health healthy.
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it
help you achieve your school works every
Stop having negative thoughts

Kyle: Helps me through keeping my mind Focus

off certain negative emotions or mentality
such as anxiousness and nervousness. I
could focus more on getting my school
works done without being disturbed with
those negative emotions.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the
things you need to do during this pandemic? Sometimes, it’s the opposite

Kyle: Well sometimes, it’s quite the More energy

opposite. I tend to do more of those
coping mechanisms and tend to forgot to
accomplish them in time. But like I said,
help me to avoid negative emotions and
in a way, it refreshes me and keeps my
mind to be more active and complete
work with quality that I’d say is
appropriate for a certain task.

Arizona Tea Transcript

Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Often
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Arizona Tea: I feel it often

Luis: What are the things that make you feel Personal matters
uneasy during this pandemic?
Arizona Tea: Mostly personal matters.
Then academics
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re Listen to music
feeling uneasy during this pandemic?
Arizona Tea: Whenever I feel anxious I
listen to worship songs and take a nap. I Hobbies (journal, sketch)
journal. Sometimes I sketch. If I can, I take
walks and listen to music as well. Workout
Working out helps as well, But if I need to
feel at ease as soon as possible, I say Encouraging self
affirmations and do things that calm me
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do
things easily?
Arizona Tea: Yes
Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in Stopped overthinking
what way does it help you?

Arizona Tea: It helps me stay in the

moment, and grounded. So it reminds me

that I don’t have to worry about the past

or the future.
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it One task at a time
help you achieve your school works every day?

Arizona Tea: It helps me to move

forward and do one task at a time, instead
of doing nothing and procrastinating.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the Everything works out for the best
things you need to do during this
pandemic? Stopped overthinking and encouraged
her to do it

Arizona Tea: It reminds me that

everything works out for the best case
scenario anyway, and that I shouldn’t
have to worry or be anxious about
anything. And that I just have to do it.

AVAX Interview
Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy Sometimes
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

AVAX: Well I sometimes feel uneasy or

having the fear during the pandemic.
Since we’re in the pandemic right now
and there’s still covid and that is what I
fear the most. I say sometimes because it
is unexpected that you would be infected
by the covid itself.
Luis: What are the things that make you feel Not feeling calm because of covid
uneasy during this pandemic?

AVAX: One of course, sometimes I don’t

feel calm, knowing that covid cases is still
increasing these days.
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re
feeling uneasy during this pandemic? Forgetting things

AVAX: Because of that, I would just calm Play Games

myself by trying to forget and doing
things such as playing video games, Watch youtube videos
watching youtube videos and just think
positively that everything will be okay. To Think positive
add to that, to talk to my friends as well in
a laughing way. Talk to friends
Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Yes
things easily?

AVAX: Yes it does

Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in Forgetting

what way does it help you?

Peace of mind
AVAX: It helps me forget since at some
point there are still things that are
happening around you. It just calms my
mind and makes me forget what I was
actually fear of.
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it Motivation
help you achieve your school works every

AVAX: Well ofcourse video games doesn’t

help me achieve my school works. But
watching youtube videos helps me in
achieving my school works since
sometimes I watch educational videos.
Whenever I do talk with my friends, it
motivates me to do my task as well. I
would motivate also myself by watching
to youtube videos.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the Helps me set a schedule
things you need to do during this
pandemic? Positive pressure

Balancing my time to do other things

AVAX: I would set myself a schedule,
giving myself a positive pressure to
complete my things. I also try to balance
myself to finish my other things such as

Nobita Interview
Luis: How often do you feel like you are uneasy
and you feel like you’re having the feeling of Sometimes
fear during this pandemic? (Always, Sometimes,

Nobita: I would say sometimes

Luis: What are the things that make you feel Future plans
uneasy during this pandemic?
Family’s health and education
Nobita: I have a lot, my future plans
including college applications, my family’s School
health, my older brother in college and
Luis: What are the things you do when you’re Listening to podcast
feeling uneasy during this pandemic?
Nobita: For me, I listen to podcast where
I cope up the things or the comfort Talking to friends
podcast. Also praying, helps me calm
myself believing that God is with me.

Talking to my friends that I trust

Luis: Does it help you overcome it and do Yes
things easily?

Nobita: Yes
Luis: Based on your answer to number 4, in The encouragements and assurance is
what way does it help you? enough

Nobita: The encouragements that they

have given me and also the assurance, is
enough for me to overcome all the
uneasiness and anxieties that I fear
Luis: From your answer earlier, how does it Motivatation
help you achieve your school works every
day? Encouragements

Nobita: It helps me because the

motivation that I know that I can do
things and encourages me.
Luis: How does it help you accomplish the Keeping on moving forward
things you need to do during this

Nobita: Helping me keep on going in

whatever,whenever, and wherever God
wants me to be.



Luis Gabriel C. Ibarrola

Phase 9A Block 54 Lot 7-9
Governor’s Hills Subdivision
General Trias, Cavite
(09) 45 825 1029

Seeking a job to be a mechanic
2022 – Present AMA Computer College Makati
Grade 12 (Senior High School)

2019 – 2021 Philippine School (Bahrain)

Grade 9 – Grade 11 (Senior High School)
With Honors (Grade 11)

2017 – 2018 Governor Ferrer NHS Biclatan Annex

Grade 7 – Grade 8
With Honors (Grade 7)

2013 – 2016 Governor’s Hills Science School

Grade 3 – Grade 6

2010 – 2012 Saint Joseph Academy of Dasmarinas Inc. (SJAD)

Preparatory – Grade 2
● Participated in Math program when I was in Elementary
● Good in Problem Solving and Mathematics
● Knows how to speak in English
● Fast Learner
● Can communicate with others
● Willing to learn from the higher-ups

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