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50 Retinoblastoma
Brenda L Callie, Vasudha Erraguntla, Elise Heon and H elen S L Chan

Retinobla stom a is the co m mo nest malignant ocular tumor of those with nonher editary ret inobla stoma was analyzed mat h-
child hood, but is quite rare at one in 20000 live births. I em at ically by Knud son . H e predicted that two mutati onal event s
Unt reate d, the tumor is almos t uniforml y fata l, but with m od ern (M I and M2) were required to initiate reti noblast om a.' The ages
method s of tr eatment the survival rat e is over 90%. An int egrat ed at diagnosis of children with bilatera l and un ilateral retinoblastoma
t eam approach of clinic al sp ecialist s wit h im aging spec ialists, play plotted in a semi -log curve against t he proportion not yet
th er apist s, parents and ot he rs is th e m ost effec t ive way t o diagnosed fitted a simple ex pone nt ial equation which suggest ed
m anage thi s disease . Th e tumor arises fro m prim itive retinal ce lls that it was a single second mutation (M2) in one developing
so th e m ajority of cases occ u r in child re n un der the age of retinal cell that initiated tumor deve lopment (heritable retino-
4 yea rs. U nt il recently, treatment included on ly enuclea tio n blastom a), in th e pre sen ce of a predisposing first mutation (M 1)
or/a nd radiati on . Children with mutat ion s in the RBi t um or in th e germ line. H owever, tw o or more mutations (Ml and M2 )
suppresso r gene m ay develop seco nda ry tu m or s wh en exposed to had to occur in one single developing retinal ce ll in orde r t o
radiat ion so, since the 1990s, t he co mbination of syste mic initi at e retinoblastom a in th e abse nce of a pr edi sposing germ line
chemothe rapy and focal ther apy have bee n wide ly used, in order mutat ion (nonheritable retinob lastom a) .
t o avoid these very serio us side-effects . Thi s "two-hit " hypothesis was expanded by Co mings who
Th e st udy of ret inob lasto ma has led t o a revolution in th e proposed that th e tw o events could be mutation s th at occurred on
und erstanding of cance r in gene ral: st ud ies revealed that bo th th e two different alleles of the pr edi sposin g RBI gene, wh ich as
her editary and nonhereditary t um or s are init iate d by the loss of lon g as one normal allele was pre sent, would normally have
both alleles of the t umor suppressor gene, RB1.2 Th e existe nce "suppressed " tumor formati on in the retina." Th e chance of two
of spec ific genes that no rma lly act to suppress cancer was or mor e pr imitive re tinal ce lls bearin g germ line M I und ergoing
pr edi ct ed from clinical st ud ies of retinobl ast oma.v" wh ich addit ional M2 events is sufficie ntly high that multiple tumor s are
ope ned up the knowled ge of even ts t hat led t o the pr edi sposition a com m on occurrence in her editary retinoblastoma (Fig. 50 .1) .
of cance r in humans. Th e RBI gene was t he first tumor suppresso r H owever, the chance th at both M I and M2 events would occur
gene t o be cloned. ' and the knowled ge abo ut the fun cti on of thi s in the same ret inal cell is so ex t remely-sm all that it is virtually
gene revealed its crit ical role in ce ll cycle regulati on in cance r. impossible for nonher editary cases to have mu ltipl e tumors.
Perhaps because time is required for two mutational events to
PATHOGENESIS OF RETINOBLASTOMA occ u r, or because two affe ct ed eyes com e to attention sooner
---- t han one affected eye, child ren wit h nonhereditar y reti nob lastom a
Heritable and non heritable retinoblastoma
tend to be diagnosed at an older age than children wit h her editary
Nearly 50% of retinob lastoma cases are her itab le, du e t o a retinoblastoma.
mutati on in th e RBI gene, wh ich pr edi sposes a child t o develop In about ha lf of th e cases , the M2 event in t he tumor is loss and
retinal tumors. The hallm ark of th e majority of hereditary cases reduplication of large chro mosom al regions sur rounding RBI ,
is th e occ urre nce of bilat er al or mu lt ifoca l tumors, but 15% of wh ich cou ld be det ect ed by loss of heterozygosit y, or
child re n with unilater al tumor s also have a mutat ion of one allele hom ozygosit y for the M I mutation (Fig. 50.2) . In suc h tumors,
of th e RB 1 gene in their germ ce lls, t hat will be inh er it ed by one th e two mutant alleles are identical and the normal allele is
half of their child ren. Less than 25 % of all cases have a fam ilv m issing. V In the rem ainin g tumors, the seco nd RBI allele
hist ory of ret ino blasto ma, " since usua lly the affec te d child , even acquires a com plete ly differ ent mutation .f
t hose wit h bilat eral disease, has suffered a new ge rm line
mutati on. In familial cases , th e predispositio n to reti noblasto ma
Function of the retinoblastoma protein
is transmitted as an autosoma l dominant t rait.
No nher itable retinoblastoma is caused by mutations in th e same pRB is a 110 kDa ph osph op rot ein that inhibits ce ll prolifer ati on
RBI gene . In nonheritable reti noblastoma, somatic mu tations in by alte ring the ex pressio n of genes whi ch promot e ce ll division,
bot h alleles of t he RB1 gene occur in a single primitive ret inal cell, t hrough interaction wit h th e t ranscription fact or E2F famil y and
which gives rise to a solitary, unilateral tum or. Since no germ cell m any ot he r modifying prot ein s.l' DNA tumor viruses that induce
mutatio n is involved , the disease is not transmitt ed to the offspring. cance r, suc h as human papill om a virus, do so in part by binding
to pRB through the "pocket" region of pRB. Th e act ive form of
pRB is underphosphorylated, and for the cell cycle to proceed ,
Loss of both RB1 alleles induces
pRB has to be inacti vat ed by phosphorylation m ed iated by
retinoblastoma protein complexes of cyelins and cyclin-de pe nde nt kinases.
Th e sim ple clini cal ob ser vati on th at th e childre n with bilat eral Wh y does mutation of a ce ll cyele regu latory gene lead
retinob lastoma t ended to be diagnosed at a younger age than speci fically to the development of retinoblastoma? G ermline

Retinoblastoma 50

- ereditary retinoblastoma. (a) Family tree: mother was cured of bilateral retinoblastoma by enucleation of one eye and external beam radiation
'= : '- -: ' ~ye .
Both children were delivered at 36 weeks gestation to facilitate early treatment of tumors and developed bilateral tumors. Mother and
_ ::re" carry a germline RB 1 mutation (M1, deletion of ATTIC starting at bp 778, reading to a STOP, 9 codons away) that results in no pRB when
2. ::JB 1 allele is lost (M2) from a developing retinal cell, initiating a tumor. RetCam images: (b) prior to treatment , right eye IIRC Group A, more
: - - rom optic disc) of the boy at 3 months , showing two tumors; stable right eye of boy age 4 years after laser, two cycles of CEV with
_~ _ - e A chemotherapy, and more laser treatments . (c) prior to treatment , left eye (IIRC Group B, tumor less than 3 mm from fovea) of the girl at
-5 aser scar and new tumor above nerve at 4 months of age; recurrence in original scar extending toward fovea, with tumor vascularization
~ ~- . uorescein angiograph y; flat scars at age 3 years after laser, two cycles of CEV with cyclosporine A chemotherapy to control recurrence
- _ - ~ ision chemotherap y and more laser. (Images by Leslie MacKeen, Cynthia Vandenhoeven and Carmelina TrimbolL)

: n of RBI leads t o a 40000-fold re lat ive risk (RR) for

Spectrum of RB1 mutations
to m a, a SOO-fold RR fo r sarco ma that is incr eased up to
by therapeutic radiation, but no increase in the RR for The m ajority of RB I mutations are unique to each affec t ed
ernia. 0 Alt hough pRB is pr esent in all cycling ce lls, it s fun c- individual in a famil y, and ar e distributed throu ghout the RB I
d evelop m e nt is hi ghl y ti ssu e -spe cifi c. Thus, m ic e gene w it h no real hot spot s." Sensitive mutation identification
- :1,. .ted t o have no pRB die in utero of trophoblast failure, I I requires d etermination of the copy number of each ex on and the
- : ho u gh man y othe r tissu es have ap pa re nt ly form ed gene promoter in order to reveal large d eletions and duplications,
- .... If the mi ce are rescue d by t h e provis ion of a wild-t yp e sca nning and seque nc ing for point mutations, examining the
-la , t hey st ill d ie at bi rth fro m in ad equate muscl e mRNA t o d et ect or confirm sp lice vari ants, and assay for the
pment . V Th e retina ma y b e uniquely d ependent on pRB in m ethylation st at us of the promoter in tumor samples. Exon
-: be ab le t o differentiat e terminally into adu lt , fu nc t ioning sca nning and seque ncing re veal s ap p rox ima tely 70% of the RBI
-_In th e absence of pRB , prolifer ati on of the suscept ible ce ll mutati on s. Application of all these t echniques, com b ined with a
- - ..Ie: w hen terminal differ entiati on or ce ll d eath shou ld gene d isease- specific focu sed ex pe rt ise, id entifies over 90 % of
.. have occ ur re d . Further mutati on s in oncogenes and oth er th e RBI mutations. When tumor or blood sam ples are subm itted 487
- su ppressor genes (M3-Mn) result in a retinal tumor. 13, J4 t o a clini cal t est laborat or y, it is critical to know that suc h a


Fig. 50.2 Exophyt ic retinob lastoma (IIRC Group D). (a) With retinal detachment in a unilaterally affected 3-year-old boy. (b) B-scan ultrasound showing
calcificatio n in a single tumor beside the opt ic nerve. (c) B-scan ultrasound showing subretinal hemorrhage and no tumor involvement of optic nerve.
(d) CT scan showing intraocular calcification , normal-sized optic nerve. (e) The eye was opened immediatel y after enucleation , in order to obtain live tumor
cells in order to det ermine the two RBt mutations (M1, M2) (homozygous exon 16 deletion C-1450, insertion AT). This mutant RBt allele was not detect ed
in the child's blood , eliminating risk for his siblings. His future offsp ring will be checked for this mutant allele since he could still be mosaic . (f) The child
two days after enucleation, wearing the temporary prostheti c conformer inserted at the time of surgery. The exon 16 RBt mutation of the tumor is not
detected in blood , indicating high likelihood that the retinoblastoma is not heritable, eliminating risk for siblings. Due to the remaining possibility that the
affected child is mosaic for the RB t mutat ion, his future offspring will be tested for this mutation. (Images by Cynthia Vandenhoeven and Carmelina

laboratory does have t he sta te -of-the-art t est sensit ivity, and that Since 15% of patie nts wit h unil at eral reti nobl ast om a have a
the turn-arou nd-ti me in that particular laborat ory is op t ima l, ger m inal mut ati on , it is evide nt that the offs pring of individuals
since these pre requisites grea tl y im pact on care of t he entire wit h u nilateral retinoblast om a have a 7.5% risk of carrying the
retinobl astoma fam ily. abnormal gene. Th e probability of ot he r relatives developing
reti noblast om a can be calculate d in a sim ilar way. IS
Infant s born with th e abo ve-calculate d risks for developing
Genetic counseling for retinoblastoma
retinoblastoma are exam ine d elect ively at regular int ervals to
Wit hout th e knowledge of wh ich RBi allele is m ut ant , t he risk for det ect early tu m ors that can be tr eated to obtain th e best visual
th e re lat ives of retinob lastoma patient s can be estimated. IS result (Fig. 50. I ) . Thi s includes an awak e-exam ination of th e en tire
O ffspring of patients wit h a fam ily history of retinoblastoma or retina of infant s less th an 3 m onths of age, and examinat ions under
bilat eral t um ors have a 50% risk of inheriting the mutant allele and anes t hes ia subseque ntl y every 3-6 months until th ey reach th e age
a 45% risk of dev eloping retinob lastoma . 'W hen two affected of 3 years and several years of furt he r clinic ex aminations .
children are born to apparently norma l parents, one paren t
must be carrying but not expressing t he m utant allele, and hence Impact of genetic testing
th ere is also a 45 % risk that any subsequent child born will d evelop Timely and sensit ive molecul ar dia gnosis of RBi mutati on s
retinoblastoma . The risk that other relatives have inherited the enables ea rlie r treat m ent, lower risk and better health outcomes
mutant allele de pe nds on t he number of intervenin g "apparently for reti no blasto ma pat ients, em po we rs fa mi lies t o make
normal" individuals, each of whi ch have a 10% chance of carrying infor m ed fam ily-planning de cision s, and costs less th an conve n-
but not expressing the mutant allele . The risk th erefore falls by a tional su rvcillanc e.f'" New t umors occurred in 24 % of child re n
factor of 0 .1 for eac h int ervening unaffected generation. wit h retinobl ast om a, much m ore fre que ntly in the per iph eral

Retinoblastoma 50
em phasizing t he importance of a care fu l fundosco pic field .n Osteosarcoma is t he co m m one st second primar y tumor in
non w ith ind ent ati on t o obt ain a clear view of the person s with RBI mutations, but a w ide variety of oth er neoplasms
"",: ', Accurat e molecular an alysis allows definitive identifi- have been re po rted , Since these radi ation-induced tumor s are
;' those famil y members who carry the same mutat ion ve ry d ifficu lt t o treat , more child re n with RBI mutations hav e
- t he proband (Fig. 50 .1) , The un affect ed child ren di ed of t he ir second tumor following the cure of intraocular
. e p reviously cons ide red t o b e at -risk) avoid further retinoblast oma by radi other ap y, than those that ha ve di ed of th e
_- 'e exam inat ions under anes t he t ic and or in the clini c. conseque nces of retinob last oma .
_-:; s in direct co st s from incurred by at-risk child ren in
rni lies avoid ing su ch repeated exa m ina t ions subs ta nti ally Ectopic intracranial retinoblastoma (trilateral
::'.e one-t im e cost of molecul ar testing. Moreover , h ealth retinoblastoma) cont inu e to accrue as succeeding gene rat ions avo id Trilateral retinoblastoma refer s t o a midline intracranial tumor or
- - er essa ry examination s and usu ally d o not need molecul ar a primary pineal tumor associated with hereditary retinoblast oma ,
th at is not a rne tas tasis.v The tumors are neurobla sti c in origin
-e . ult of th e RB1 mutations is usuall y trun cat ion of the and resemble a poorly differentiated retinoblastoma . They arise
: ;: prot ein, which is so un stable th at no mutant pr ot ein is in the vestigial "t hird eye ". Pineal tumor s are est im ated to oc cur
e, Suc h mutat ion s show high pen etrance ( > 95 % of in 2% of cas es of retinobla stoma.i'' but th e fr equen cy ma y hav e
-; l:Tect ed) and expressivit y (aver age of seve n tumors per d ecr eased sinc e che m ot herapy ha s repl aced rad iat ion as primary
,.'ore u nc om m on RBI mutations cause much lower pen- treatment . Sin ce , in most cases, the retinobl astoma is familial or
nd expressivit y !": "in fram e " deletion s or insertion s that bilater al, it is assu med that th e pineal gland , like t he developing
a st able but d efect ive pRB I9 ; prom ot er mutati on s retina, also ha s a risk for malignant tran sformation in the
~ : in a reduced amount of ot he rw ise normal prot ein /" and pr esen ce of an RB1 mutati on . Affected child ren usuall y pr esent
- utations that ma y be addition ally alte re d by unlinked w it h sym pto ms and signs of raised intracrania l pressure and are
- - gen es".21 found t o have a pin eal or parasellar ma ss on C T sca n . Routine
sc ree ning by MRI for tumor s m ay be useful t o detect pin eal
tumors at a stag e w hen th ey can be cure d. f
- -~ manifestations of RB1 mutations
. -5 of RBI also pr edi spo se t o beni gn retinal tumors,
: : ec t op ic intracr an ial retinobl ast oma (t ri lat eral
- st om a}, and second non ocul ar m alignan cies,n ,24 Retinoblast omas are p oorl y differentiated malignant neuroblasti c
tumors, com posed of cells w it h lar ge hyperchromatic nuclei and
-'::' ~ ma sca nty cyt oplasm. Mitotic figu res are common . In some tumors,
. - rna is a nonmali gnant m ani fest ation of th e RB 1 more di ffer entiated ce lls form th e t ypi cal Flexn er -Wintersteiner
,:: Three features charact erize these nonpr ogressive rosettes in w hich co lum na r ce lls ar e uniformly arrange d in
an e levat ed grey retinal ma ss, ca lcificat ion, and su rro u nd - sp he res arou nd a lumen co nta ining the pr imi tiv e inn er seg m ents
_ - : nal pigm ent ep it helium (RPE) pr oliferation and pigm en - of ph ot oreceptor s.F
- Fig. 50 .3a , b) . Su ch features are also seen afte r radiation Tumor cells ofte n outg row their blood supply leading t o necrosis.
:-elt fo r retinoblastoma. If do cumented at all in childhood, A true spo nta neous regression of retinoblastoma, whi ch is very rare ,
- 5 very rare, retinoma is observed as a qui escent tum or th at is probably du e t o ext ensive tumor necro sis resulting in phthisis
- : progressed to full malignancy. Ret inoma m ay d evelop bulbi.22.28 Programmed cell death or apopt osis is also evide nt in t he
- :"e :' [2 mut at ion occurs in a nearl y d evel oped reti nal ce ll, tumors th at gene rally lacked pRB or fun cti onal pRB, supporting the
. .nerefore , has a reduced potential for acquiring t he M3 -Mn idea that th e normal fun ction of pRB is t o promote differ entiation
._: . ns that are ne cessar y for fu ll m alignanc y, re sulting in a over apoptosis in response t o differentiation signals. C alcificat ion is
;- disord ered growt h in the re t ina .' :' Th e importance of alm ost pathognomonic of retinoblastoma, but the origin of this
-:: a re t inom a lies in it s significa nce for ge net ic co u nse ling calcification is not under stood.
- . == ,3) , Th e pr esen ce of one retinom a puts an individual at Two ma in patterns of retinoblastoma grow t h are seen within
: car ry an RB1 mutation. With a famil y hist or y of retino- th e eye . Endophyti c tumors (Figs 50.5 and 50 .6) t end to pu sh
: rna, or multiple retinomas, the individual d efinitely carries into the vit re ous with on ly a d elicate inne r limiting m embrane
1 m ut at ion; other family members t hat carry the same se parat ing tumor from vit re ous . When th e inn er limiting
. t ion may de velop a fu lly mali gnant retinob lastoma. membrane of th e retina breaks, "see ds" float in the vit reou s
cav ity, where they are hypoxic and relati vely re sistant t o therapy.
- _ ond nonocular malignancies When the seeds fall onto the retinal su rface, they can attac h and
cren w it h the hereditary for m of ret in obla st om a are at grow (Fig. 50 .6) . Spread of tumor into the ante rior cha m ber ma y
-eased risk of d eveloping second non ocul ar m alignan cies.r" lead t o hypopyon, rubeosis iridi s and glau coma, with incr ea sed
c:-. ma y occ ur within or outs ide the rad iati on field (Fig. 50.4) . risk of m etast asis. Exophyti c tumor s (Figs 50 .2 , 50 .7) grow into
- arion, pa rti cu larly of infants und er one yea r of age, incr eases the sub retinal space leading t o retinal detach ment over the
nsk of sarco m as and other ca ncers w it h in th e radi ation tumor. Bru ch 's m embrane ma y b e br each ed and spre ad into th e

=- 50.3 (Facing page ) Multifocal unilateral retinorna. (a) Discovered at age 16 years, follo wed for 30 years without change. Note the apparent "seed" in

-~ • treous when the two images are view ed in stereo . Pat ient carries a "null " RBt germ line muta tion (deletion of one copy from the promo ter to exon 7),
---= - :ed by one of his two daughters w ho developed bilatera l retinoblastoma . (b & c) Multifocal bilatera l retinoma discovered in the grand father when his
= a- ccauc hter developed unilat eral retinob lastom a. His daughter had bilateral retinoblastoma and meningioma at age 40. (d) All affected members carry a 489
- _ - germline RBt mutation (heterozygous point mutation in exon 17 resulting in a STOP codon).


() Unilateral retinoblastoma • Bilateral retinoblastom a

M Meningiom a • Retinom a
o Normal * RB1 Exon 17 sto p

490 @)

Retinoblastoma 50
choroid can occur, whic h, when ex te nsive, increases the risk of
spreading ou tside the eye and system ic metast asis. Diffu sely
infiltrating ret inoblastoma is uncommon, and since ther e is no
solid, calc ified tumor mass or retinal de tac hme nt, d iagnosis m ay
be difficult .29
If retinoblastoma metastasizes, it is gene rally becomes evide nt
within 1 months of t he last active tumor in t he eve, and is rare
bevond 3 yea rs without evidence of active tumor inthe eye .' The
mosr common and da ngerous route of m etast asis of reti no -
blas toma is d irect extension into th e opt ic ne rve . T he tumor ca n
grow toward t he optic c hiasm and be yond , or into the
subarachnoid space wit h extensive leptomeningeal involvem ent
(Figs 50 .8 and 50 .9) .30 Direct extension into opt ic nerv e or via
the choroida l vesse ls, or spread along th e ciliar y vesse ls and
ne rves int o the orbit, m ay occ ur in advanc ed cases (Fig. 50 .10) .
Tru e syste m ic m et ast asis m ay occ ur via the choroidal cir cul ati on
or aqueo us drainage, parti cu larly if glauc oma is present .30•3 1 Th e
bon e m arr ow is the pr eferred site for retinoblastoma m etastasis,
and only t erm inally are bon e, lym ph node , and liver involved .
Lun g m et asta ses are rare .

:- 50.4 Glioblastoma multiforme. Arising within the radiation field, 10
~ _ after enucleation of the left eye and irradiation of the right eye for
Prese ntation
: a.eral retinoblastoma. The majo rity of child ren wit h ret ino blasto ma without a fam ily
histo ry are first noti ced because of leukocori a (Tabl e 50. 1) .32
Fig. 50.5 Endophytic Worl dwi de, pare nts have glim psed an odd appearance in th e ir
retinoblastoma. (a) The ch ild's eye, whic h de pends on th e source of illuminat ion being in
tumor has invaded the
line wit h t he viewers gaze. So, unl ess t he ped iatricia n or fam ily
vitreous and seeds can
be seen on the back of phys ician is aware of th e im portance of this sympto m and refer s
the l en~(lIRC Group E). t he child appropriate ly to a specialist, the diagnosis m ay be
(b) Calotte of de layed. The pa re nt's descripti on is usually very accura te, and
enucleated eye wit h should st im ulate full invest igat ion of the eyes but it is st ill
tumor filling the eye commo n for d iagnosis t o be delayed because the pri m ary ca re
(same patient).
ph ysician is not awa re of the impl icat ion of what th e parents are
t ellin g them . Frequently snapsho ts of th e bab y show th e white
pupil , "photoleukocoria," before eve n th e parents have noti ced it
(Fig. 50 .11) .33 In nonfamilial retinoblastoma , earlier diagno sis is
dep endent on this appea rance of th e eyes on photographs . A
sim ilar appearance ca n result from various benign cond itions
including: m yelinated nerv e fibers, opt ic nerve colobom a, high
m yopi a, congenita l cata ract , or eve n normal optic ner ves if th e
ca me ra angle is direct ed at th e normal opt ic nerve .
Th e nex t mo st com mo n prese nting sign is st rabismus (esotropia
or exo tropial.V Th e st rabismus is constant and un ilateral rath er
t han alte rnating, and vision in th e st rabismic eye is poor. All young
chi ld ren wit h a consta nt unilate ral st rabismus should have a careful
fu ndus exam ination to rule out thi s diagnosis. Other presenting
symptoms and signs (Table 50. 1) include a painful red eye from
glaucoma, and orbita l cellulitis seco nda ry to exte nsive necrosis of
t he intraocular tu mor (Figs 50 .8 and 50. 1Z), 28 un ilateral mydr iasis,
heter ochromia , hyph em a, hy po pyo n uveiti s, and "sea rching"
nystagmus (du e to blindness from bilate ral macular involvernentj.F
In countries with limited medical services, man y children present
lat e ofte n with ex t raocular and systemic extension, so th at
exte nsive unilateral or bilateral proptosis with orbital ex te nsion of
th e tumo rs is a com mo n presentation (Figs 50 .8 and 50.10) .
I I I Retinobl astoma in babies and child re n that are relat ives of
pati ents with hereditable retinobl astoma should be looked for
~ s1 2 speci fically by scre ening exa m inat ions, long before any sym pt oms 491
occ u r (Fig. 50 .1) . For most famili es, it is po ssible to det ect


Fig. 50.6 Unilateral endoph ytic IIRC Group E retinoblastoma. (a) With massive vitreous seeding (left); and (right) extension of tumor for 1800 inferiorly,
anterior to the ora serrata (arrow s) to lie on the pars plana. (b) Ultrasound biom icroscopy of tumor on pars plana and pars plicata of ciliary body. HaE
staining of ciliary region show ing tumor anterior to ora serrata (arrow); box corresponds to area imaged in (b). (RetCam®) images by Carmelina Trimbol i.)

Fig. 50.7 Collage of RetCam® images of the whole retina. The ora serrata is visualized for 360 0 by sclera l depress ion. (a) Left eye at diagnosis of child
with bilateral multif ocal exoph ytic IIRC Group D retinob lastoma , no family history, and a "null" RB1 mutat ion (heterozygous deletion of exons 18 to 23) in
blood . (b) Excellent regression aft er 3 of 7 cycles of CEV with cyclosporine A chemotherapy, with arrow indicating residual tumor treated by laser and
492 cryotherapy. Similar appearance of residual tumor and tented retina near the macula was not treated to optimize vision and has not changed over 1 year
off treatment. (Images and colla ge by Cynth ia Vandenhoe ven.) This child had excellent response in both IIRC Group D eyes.

Retinoblastoma 50

:- - .8 Extraocular retinoblastoma. (a) With iris invasion, glaucoma, subconjunctival and orbital extension. (b) CT scan showing optic nerve
_ e-nent. (c) CT scan showing suprasellar and cerebral extension from optic nerve invasion .

Fig. 50.9 Unilateral retinoblastoma. (a) Unilateral

retinoblastoma that presented as orbital celluliti s
(IIRC Group E, suggesti ve of extrao cular tumor).
(b) Extensive intraocular necrosis and replacement
of the opt ic nerve w ith tumor. (c) Despite therap y,
the brain was covered w ith meningeal
retinoblastoma four months later and the child
died .

olecularly the prec ise RB1 mutati on of t he proband, che ck th e Initial visit
-d at ives for that mutation, identify t hose car rying the muta nt Leukocoria (Fig. 50. 11) requires t hat a carefu l history be
lele, and di agnose and initi at e t reatmen t early when th e tumors obtained of the pregnancy, labor and de livery of the mo ther, and
re st ill smal l. Suc h sma ll tum ors can often be cured by laser bir th we ight and neo natal period of the child. Mat ern al illnesses
: era py alone , or with sho rt cycles of chemotherapy. in ea rly pregnancy, premature labor and oxyge n usage in the
neo natal period may be relevant . For olde r infants, t he parents
should be asked about exposure to kittens, pu pp ies, and othe r
Dia g nos is
anima ls. A careful fam ily hist ory of any eye di sorder sho uld be
'h en a child is referr ed with a po ssible diagnosi s of retino- obtained . The ret inas of t he parents, t he siblings, and any ot he r
. lastom a, a careful hist ory and thorough ocu lar and syst em ic fami ly members with a history of sim ilar eye disorder sho uld also
exam ination m ay exclude some import ant d ifferent ial diagnoses be examined . T he discovery of a ret inoma in a relative will
Table 50 .2) .32 Referr al of a ch ild with possible retinoblastoma is significantly alter the understa nding of disease and m ana gem ent 493
considered ur gent , namely, within one week. of the chi ld and t he family.


Table 50.2 Differential diagnosis of retinoblastoma. Modified

from Shields and Augsburger (1981)

Hereditary conditions Inflammatory conditions

Norrie disease Toxocariasis
Warburg syndrome Toxoplasmosis
Autosoma l recessive retinal dysplasia Metastatic endophthalmitis
Dominant exudati ve vitreoretinopathy Viral retinitis
Juvenile X-linked retinoschisis Vitritis
Orbital cellulitis
Developmental anomalies Tumors
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous Astroc ytic hamartoma
Cataract Medulloepithelioma
Coloboma Choroidal hemangioma
Congenital retinal fold Combined hamartoma
Myelinated nerve fibers
High myopia
Morning glory syndrome
Coats disease
Retinopath y of prematur ity
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
Vitreous hemorrhage
Leukemic infiltration of the iris

Examination under anesthesia (EUA)

For anterior segment exa m ination, fundus exa m inat ion, anc
im aging t o be performed com pletely, gene ral anes t hes ia is
re quire d for infants and young child re n. Th e pupils must be
w idely dilat ed and scleral depression used in orde r t o visua lize
th e w ho le retina up to the ora se rrata . A wide -angle camera, t he
RetC am ® (M assie Laborat ories, Inc.) , has becom e sta nda rd
equipment in man y retinoblast oma ce nters, since it pr ovides
excellent 130° wi de -field im aging of the ret ina and anterior
Fig. 50.10 Late diagn osed retinoblastoma. (a) With destruct ion of the segment, including the anteri or cha m be r angle (Figs 50. 1
globe and orbital extension. (b) Ulceratin g malignant occipital lymph 50 .6-5 0 .7 , 50. 13- 50. 16) . Some small retinobl ast oma tum ors
nodes in the same pati ent. .
visua lized as an alte rat ion of the pattern of th e retinal pigm en
epit he lium, are act ually m ore easily see n on RetC am ® im ages
Table 50.1 Presenting symptoms and signs of than wit h indi re ct opht halm osco py (Fig. 50 .1, 50 .1 6) .
retinoblastoma (Ellsworth 1969) C hild re n pr esenting wit h sus pected retinoblast om a m ay be
di vided into three broad grou ps:
White reflex 56%
Strabismus 20% Group 1
Glaucoma 7%
Th er e is a clea r view of the tumor.
Poor vision 5%
Routine examination 3% Endo phyt ic t umor growth gives rise to a creamy white m ass
Orbital cellulitis 3% (Figs 50 .5, 50 .6) pr ojecting int o t he vitreous wit h large irr egular
Unilateral mydriasis 2% blood vesse ls running on t he sur face and penetrating the tu m or.
Heterochromia iris 1% H em orrh age m ay be pr esent on the sur face of the tumor. Clum ps
Hyphema 1%
Other 2%
of tum or ce lls in the vit reo us ("seedin g") is pathognomonic of
re tinoblasto ma (Fig. 50.6) . Som e tum ors are sur rounde d by a
halo of prolifer ating retinal pigm ent epit he lium , sugges t ing t hat
they m ay be slow -grow ing and have a retinoma com po nent .
Calcificatio n within th e tumor ma ss is com mo n and resem bles
The initia l clin ical exa m ination of the child will pr ovid e a white, "cottage cheese" (Figs 50 .3b , 50 .7 and 50. 17) . Such tumors
sho rt -list of d ifferentia l diagnoses, and an est ima tio n of t he leave no doubt as to the diagnosis of ret inoblastoma . Less com-
extent of disease involvem ent (the st aging) if t he diagnosis is m only, re ti noblasto ma may present as an avascular white m ass in
retinobl ast oma. Im aging st udies suc h as CT scan or MRI m ay be t he pe riphe ry of the retina.
ordered pr ior t o the exa mi nation und er anesthes ia (EUA) . If
chemot herapy mi ght be indicated, a sur gery cons ulta tion for t he Group 2
co ncur re nt place ment of a ce ntral ve nous line should be arra nge d Th e t um or is poorl y seen due t o vitreous opacity or ext en sive
prior t o the first EUA. Th e whole multi di scip linary team re tinal de tachment (Fig. 50 .2a) . Th e pr esen ce of calcificatio n
(ophthalm ology, oncology, nur sing, social wo rk, cyt ogenetics) co nfir me d by ultrasonography or CT scan (Figs 50 .2b ,c,d , 50 .6 ,
sho uld be awa re of t he patient and eac h will playa role from th e 50 .8, 50. 12) , may be crit ical in esta blishing the diagnos is of
494 retinoblasto ma . Other aspects of the exa mi nat ion ma y support or
beginni ng and t hroughou t t he management of each patient.

Retinoblastoma 50

: - .11 Leukoria. (a, b, c) Unilateral leukocoria . (d) Bilateral leukocoria. (e, nRight unilateralleukocoria, more obvio us in right gaze due to the anterior
- _ c-a location of tu mor. (Images by Leslie MacKeen.)

50.12 Retinoblastoma presenting as orb ital cellulitis (IIRC Group E). (a) At referral the patient was ill but not apyrexial. The globe could not be seen
_" · 0 lid swelling, which reduced after 2 days of syste mic steroid treatment. A small noncalcified tumor was present in the left eye and a calcified
-=- blastoma was present in the right eye, (b) shown on CT scan.

c p exclude the diagnosis of ret inobl astom a. For example, Group 3

-e-inoblast om a gene rally occ urs in normal-sized eyes, whe reas Unusua l presenta t ions: het er ochrom ia, hypopyon (Fig. 50 .8),
""1.icropht halm os is m or e likely to be assoc iated with 'a develop- uveitis or orbita l ce llulit is (Fig. 50 .12) . H er e, the diagnosis ma y
-nen t al abnormality. Exam inat ion of the ot her eye is very be d ifficult and specialized investigati on s are helpful , particularly
rnpo rt ant . Th e presen ce of sma ll tu mors in th e ot he r eye con firms CT scan or MRI.
- e d iagnosis of retinob last om a. D ragged retinal vessels sugges ts On ce th e diagnosis of retinoblast om a is clear, bone marrow
-e inopat hy of prematurity. Peri ph e ral vitreoretina l cha nges aspirat ion and lum bar puncture to scre en for m etast at ic disease, 495
zzest a do m inant ex uda tive vitreore tinopathy. are pe rfo rmed at the initia l EUA , es pec ially if one or both of the


Fig. 50.13 Unilateral retinoblastoma. (a) At diagnosis. (b) The subretinal seed (arrow) inferiorly at th e 6 o'clock posit ion places this eye in IIRC Group 0
(subreti nal seeding more than 3 mm from the tumor). (c) Response to chemotherapy (four cycles of carbo platin, etoposide, vincristine with high dose
cy closporine) and laser and cryotherapy. (d) Fluorescein angiography shows active tumor vessels in the scar, w hich were successfully ablated by 532 nm
and 810 nm laser treatments. (Images by Leslie MacKeen and Cynth ia Vandenhoeven.)

Fig . 50.14 Right eye prior to enucleation for IIRC Group E retinob lastom a.
(a) Large retinoblastoma, tota l retinal detac hment, large subret inal seeds ,
neovascular glaucoma and (b) anterior chamber seeding , arrow, visualized
496 a by RetCam® anterior segment and anterior chamber angle photography
through gel. (Images by Leslie MacKeen .)

Retinoblastoma 50

- - ·5 =reeze- thaw cryotherapy. Sequential RetCam® images of the first freeze of triple freeze-thaw cryotherap y applied to a small peripheral
- 2.5, rna after placement of a 532 nm laser barrier line to limit serous effusion.

~ 50.16 New tumor in a previously treated eye. (a) Arrow indicates no tumor8 months after initiation of CEV chemotherapy with cyclosporine for IIRC
:. _~;J 0 retinoblastoma in the right of the child whose left eye is shown in Fig. 50.7. (b) New peripheral small tumor 2 months later, 10 months after
: ;;;'1o sis. (c) Triple freeze-thaw cryotherap y for the small new tumor, encasing the tumor in ice, thawing for one minute , and refreezing. (RetCam® images
: Cynthia Vandenhoeven).

Fig. 50.17 Retinoblastoma regression following

external beam radiation . (a) Calcified "cottage
cheese" appearance. (b) Mixed , suspicious
regression, but after 4 years follow -up, no
recurrence occurred.



opt ic nerves are not visibl e or th er e are other adve rse risk Fig. 50.19 Solltary
features (Figs 50.5, 50.8-10 and 50.14) . Th ese test s are not granuloma in the
macula, with a
necessary if t he tumors are sma ll and requi re only focal ther ap y.
cilioretinal arteriole.
masquerading as a
Differential diagnosis retinoblastoma,
C onditions which m ay simulate reti nob lastoma are detailed in
Table 50.2. In North Am eri ca, Coa ts disease, oc ular toxocariasis,
and persist ent hyp erplasti c pr ima ry vit reo us (PH PY) are th e
three co m monest co nd it ions co nfuse d with ret inob lasto ma. 3~

Coats disease
See C hapter 55.
Coats disease is almos t always unil ater al and usuall y affec ts
boys. It may present with loss of vision and the leukocori a is
ye llowis h du e to ex uda te at th e mac ula whereas in ret ino -
blast oma it is white . Int raocular calcificat ion is rar e in C oats Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)
disease , and ultrasonography shows a diffuse uniform increase in See Chapter 47 .
opacity of the vitreous with no ma ss. Later there is an exudative PHPV is congenital and is almost always unilateral. Th e affect ..
detachment with te langiect at ic vesse ls, subretinal lipid and eye is mi crophthalmic and th er e is a dense retrolental mas s wh i -
choleste rol crystals (Fig. 50.18). Treatment of early Coats disease m ay be vascu larized . Th e ciliary processes are often pr orn ine- :
with cryo t herapy or laser coag ulat ion may arrest the disease or and drawn toward s th e ce nte r of the pupil. PHPV eyes m
result in improvement of th e retinal ex uda te 35 ,36 develop pupillar y block glauco ma, vitreous hemorrhage, ret in;
det achment or phthisis bu lbi . In on e report, an infant pr esenu r :
Ocular toxocariasis with unilater alleu kocoria has been found to have both PHPV ar-c
O cul ar infl ammat ion due to t oxocan asis pr esents eit he r as a diffuse infiltrating reti nobl ast om ar'"
ch ronic e ndo pht ha lm itis wit h an opaque vit reo us, or a solita ry
retinal gra nuloma in an ot herwise hea lt hy child .37 Seve ra l Retinal dysplasia
features help t o differ entiat e t his co ndition fro m retinobl ast om a. See C hapt er 49.
Toxoca riasis m ay show m ark ed vitreous inflam ma t ion, wit h Retinal dyspl asia prese nts as bilateral retrolental masse ~.
ye llow-grey st ra nds ex te nd ing int o the vitreous fr om th e birth or soon aft erward s, unrelat ed to pr em aturity or oxygen u..
chorioret inal lesion s. Such find ings are rare ly see n in retino- Th er e may be se rious syste mic abnorm alit ies (see C ha pter -I..
blast om a. CT scan shows calcificatio n in ret inoblasto ma but not Th e re ma y be a sha llow anterior cham ber, a clea r len s, and ..
in t oxocariasis. Solit ar y granulomas may resemble retinobl ast om a relati vely avascu lar ret ro lenta l mass wit ho ut any infl amrnat or-
but ofte n show a sm all tran slucen t ce nte r (Fig. 50.19) . If th ere-is signs . There is no calcificat ion on ultrasonograph y or C T scan .
doubt abo ut th e diagno sis, a peri od of obse rvat ion with regular
fundus ex am inat ion m ay be indi cat ed. A positive sero logical t est Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
fo r t oxocaria sis is su pport ive , but not diagnosti c, since ex pos ure See C hapt er 51.
to th e organ ism is com mo n. Advanced cicatri cial ROP ma y give rise to den se uni lat er al r

bilat er al retrolenta l masses . It is seen predominantly in ver y 10\

birth weight infants who have been exposed to oxygen . It i
seldo m mi staken for retinob lastoma .

Metastatic endophthalmitis
Metast ati c endophthalmitis results from hemat ogen ou s spread 0
infecti on from a dist ant infecti ve locu s such as meningit is
endoca rditis or intra -abdom inal sepsis. Streptococcus, Staphylococcus
and M enin gococcus are th e most com mo nly involved organisms.
The co nd ition m ay cause mark ed vit re ous op acificati on but th e
prese nce of ot her inflammat or y signs and syste m ic infect ion
usually d ist inguishes thi s co ndi tio n fro m retinoblast om ar' "

Medulloepithelioma (diktyoma)
Thi s t umor arises from th e ciliary epithelium and is always
un ilateral. It gene rally occ urs at a lat er age than ret ino blastoma.
It is locat ed anterior to the ciliary body and has a cystic
st ruc t ure.I" Th e tum or is wh ite and friabl e, some t imes with a
felt-like texture (Fig. 50.20) . Th ese tumors are best tr eated by
enuc leat ion since local excision is not usua lly success ful." A
course of medullobl ast om a-t yp e che mot herapy is recommended .
Life ex pec ta ncy is good.
Fig. 50.18 Coats disease presenting with leukocoria. Note yellow
appearance , not white as in retinoblastoma , total retinal detachment and
498 the characteristic aneurysmal vascular malformations in the peripheral Other disorders
retina, O ccasiona lly, chronic granulomatous uveitis with a hyp opyon

Retinoblastoma 50
Fig. 50.20 visua lized on C T scan (Figs 50 .2d and 50 .Sb), but th e opt ic
Medulloepithelioma nerves can be assessed, and the pineal region ima ged . Since
(diktyoma) presenting avo idance of rad iat ion, even th e sm al1 doses incurred on C T
as a felt-like structure
arising in the ciliary sca nning, is d esirab le for child re n with RB 1 mutations, m agnetic
body and involving the re sonance im aging (MRI) m ay be p re fe rred since it provid es
iris. sim ilar informati on, and is particul arl y good for d elineating th e
ana tomy of the optic ner ve and pineal gland. However, MRI is
no t effect ive for delin eatin g calcificat ion, if the dia gnosis is in
qu esti on .V
Flu or escein angiogra phy (FA) ma y be he lpful in di stinguishin g
som e ret inobl ast om a tumors from Coats dis ea se or dominant
ex uda t ive vit reo ret ino pa t hy. Tiny early retinoblastoma tumors
are not vascu lari zed and are be st see n on color imag es. However,
flu or escei n angiograp hy ca n play an important rol e in the
man agement of retinoblast oma . The FA attachment of the
sim ulat e retinoblastoma, es pec ially if t he post eri or segm ent Ret C am g faci litat es th e follo w-up of retinoblastoma after focal
r ot be visualized . ther ap y, by help ing to detect vascularity and residua l activity
with in tumor s, and re currences within laser scars (Figs 50 .1c,
stigations 50 .13d an d 50 .2 1b) .
scan is he lpful in co nfirm ing t he diagnos is, bu t also for Two-dimen sional u ltrasound (B-scan) ma y be useful in diag-
_d ing intracra nial involvement and pi neal tum or. No t on ly is nosis of som e retinoblastoma tumors (Fig. 50 .2b, c) and in monitor-
.nt raocular ma ss and it s pathognom on ic calcificat ion well ing th e height of the tumor, but its major rol e ma y be in fo llowing
regression aft er ther ap y, particularl y wh en the tumor cannot
be dir ectl y visualized due to radiation keratopathy or cat arac t.
The 3D ultrasound can also play a role by monitoring tumor
Ultrasou nd biomicro scop y (UBM) is the on ly wa y to detect
anterior disea se beyond the ora and in the region of the ciliary
bod y, whi ch cannot be viewed by indirect op hthalmoscopy, nor
by Ret C am® and co nvent ional ultrasonography (Fig. SO.6b) . It is
critica l to d et ect the pre sence of anterior disease. Anterior
disease is an indi cation for immediate enucleation because the
chance of salvaging the eye is sm all, but risk for syste mic
metasta sis is increased.
Sin ce th e su rvival of patients is normal if retinobla stoma
remains intraocular (96 % of cas es), but th e di sea se is ver y diffi-
cult to cu re on ce it becomes m etastatic, the biopsy of reti no-
bla stoma is strictly cont raindicate d du e to it s incurring an
increased risk for tumor sp read outside the eye . In cases of
sus pec te d retinob lastoma with anterior segment invo lvement,
when the diagno sis remains unclear d espite all investigations, an

Fig. 50.21 Bilateral retinoblastoma treatment. Bilateral retinoblastoma was treated with enucleation of the left eye and CEV chemotherapy without
cyclosporine for the right eye with II RC Group D disease . (a) Extensive recurrence with vitreous seeding. (b) No detec table active tumor 3 months after 499
our cycles of CEV chemotherapy with cyclosporine A with prechemo cryotherapy and sub-Tenon's carboplatin; fluorescein angiogram showing no tumor
vessels in the location of recurrent tumor. (RetCam®images by CynthiaVandenhoeven).


aqueous ta p through clear cornea ma y be cautiously performe d Table 50.3 International Intraocular Retinoblastoma
for a cyto logical dia gnosis. H owever, a vit reo us biop sy sho uld be Classification
avoide d unl ess the likelihood of retinoblastoma is extreme ly
sm all because biop sy of re tinoblastoma risks extraocular spread Group A
of tumor ." Small intraretinal tumors away from foveola and disc
All tumors 3 mm or smaller in greatest dimension , confined to the retina and
All tumors located further than 3 mm from the foveola and 1.5 mm from the
Treatment optic disc
Group B
Th e treatment of ret inobl ast om a is bes t delivered in specialized All remaining discrete tumors confined to the retina
ce nte rs where multidi sciplinary team s have been develop ed, All tumors confined to the retina not in Group A
special ex pe rt ise and eq uipment are available, and specific tr eat- Any tumor-associated subretina l fluid less than 3 mm from the tumor with
m ent protocols are used . Thi s cancer is m uch t oo rare for no subretinal seeding
ind ividual ophthalmologists and onco logists t o remain up -t o-d ate Group C
and m anage eac h pati ent in an ad hoc ma nner, or to have required Discrete local disease with minimal subretinal or vitreous seeding
Tumor(s) discrete
the ex pe rt ise nece ssary fo r op t im izing outcomes for t he child ren
Subretinal fluid , present or past, without seeding, involving up to 1/4 retina
and their fam ilies. In additio n, overall outcomes will only im prove Local subretinal seeding, present or past, less than 3 mm (2 DO) from the
if each affecte d child is tr eated syste matically on de fined prot ocols, tumo r
suc h that t he kn owl ed ge gained from ana lyzing t reat m ent results Local fine vitreous seeding close to discrete tumor
can be built on for designing mo re effective future t rea tment Group 0
prot ocols. Diffuse disease with significant vitreous or subretinal seeding
Tumor(s) may be massive or diffuse
Subretinal fluid, present or past, without seeding, involving up to total retinal
Optimi zed care and outcome for int raoc ular reti noblastoma Diffuse subretinal seeding, present or past, may include subretinal plaques
dep en d on use of the th er ap y with the least mo rbidity t hat is or tumor nodules
m ost likely t o cure the tum or. The informed selection of t he rapy Diffuse or massive vitreous disease may include "greasy" seeds or
depe nds on class ification of t he d isease seve rity in a way t hat is avascular tumor masses

m eaningful for pred icting outcomes from current ther apies. Th e Group E
Reese- Ellsworth (R~E) C lassification of the 1960s was devised Presence of anyone or more of these poor prognosis features
Tumor touching the lens
for pr edi cting prognosis when int raoc ular retin obl ast om a was Neovascular glaucoma
treat ed with ex te rna l beam radiotherap y. T he Int ernat ion al Tumor anterior to anterior vitreous face involving ciliary body or anterior
Intraocul ar Retinobl ast oma C lass ification (lI RC) ha s' b een segment
devel op ed for p re d icting outcomes from current the rap y Diffuse infiltrating retinoblastoma
Opaque media from hemorrhage
(p red ominantl y che mot he rapy and foca l t he rapy, with rad iat ion
Tumor necrosis with aseptic orbital cellulitis
as a salvage m od alit y for rec ur rence) (Figs 50 .1, 50 .2, 50.5 - 50 .7, Phthisis bulbi
50.9, 50 .12- 50 .14 , 50 .1 6 and 50. 21) .45 T he IIR C has been
validate d by correlat ing disease severity at presentati on wit h
outcomes from prima ry ther apy, and eve ntual ou tcomes after
salvage therap y, t hrou gh a two-step Inte rn et Survey that glauco ma, orbita l ce llulit is (Figs. 50.9 and 50 .12), ant er ior
collec ted informat ion on m or e than 100 0 affected eyes t reat ed segme nt , anterior cham be r (Fig. 50 .14), iris or ciliary invol ve-
wo rld-wide in re t inoblastoma ce nte rs .46,47 At diag nosis, it is m ent (Fig. 50 .6) , tot al hyph em a, sus pec te d cho roid, optic
valua ble t o record both the R-E and IIRC classifica tion stages for ne rve or orbita l involvem ent (Fig. 50 .8) on ult rasonography,
com pa riso n wit h pr eviou s data. Current t reatment protocols m ay MRI and CT scans, are enucleated.
also be recommended based on IIRC stag ing (Table 50 .3).
IIR C gene ral prin cipl es: Enucleetion
Group A: eyes wit h sma ll tum ors away from t he m acul a and Initi al enucleat ion is indicat ed fo r all Group E eyes since a tri al
the op tic nerve are primarily treat ed wit h focal th erap y only of che mothe rapy pri or t o enucleat ion ma y cre ate a se nse of false
(Fig. 50.1). security by obsc uring those adve rse fact or s that puts th e child 's
Group B: eyes wit h med ium -sized tumor s or t umo rs at th e life at risk. Suc h adve rse risk fact ors may be indi cati on s for
m acul a and the op t ic nerve may be first shru nk wit h a sma ll fur t he r int en sive t he rapy suc h as bon e m arr ow or peripher al stem
number of che mothe rapy cycles before applying foca l thera py cel l t ransplanta t ion. Enucle at ion is an excellent way to cure
to op t imize the visua l potent ial (Fig. 50. 1). ret ino blasto ma that is confine d t o the eye, such as in the case of
Gro up C: eyes with large tu m ors wit h limited vit reo us and/or unilat er al retinobl ast oma at diagno sis, or whe n th e ot he r eye is
subret inal see d ing are pr im arily tr eat ed wit h chemot he rapy Group A fo r which che mo t he rapy is not ne cessary. Th en the
followed by foca l therap y. G rou p C or D fellow eye m ay be enucle ate d to avoid eve r giving
Group 0: eyes wit h large tumors with ex tensive vit reous and/or t he child chemot hera py. Enucleation is also indicated for
subretinal seeding are also prima rily treated with chemot herapy recur rent tumor that has failed all ot he r tr eatment m od aliti es.
and foca l th erapy (Figs 50 .2, 50 .7, 50. 13 , 50 .16 and 50. 2 1). It is rar e now for both eyes t o be primaril y enuclea te d, except
M ost ce nte rs, but not all, now use ex ternal beam irrad iati on only if bo t h eyes are Group E, since at tem pts t o save suc h severely
as a salvage m od alit y for G rou ps B, C and D eyes that have failed invo lved Group E eyes ma y put the child's life in jeopardy from
chemot he rapy and focal th er ap y, rather than as init ial elect ive possible d evel opment of d iffi cult-t o-tre at , po or -pr ogn osis
ther apy. syste mic m etast asis. H owever, some G rou p E eyes can be cure d,
500 Group E: eyes (Figs 50 .5,50.6,50.9,50.12,50.14) wit h high- but very little vision is usua lly retain ed in suc h a seve re ly
risk features suc h as t um or to uc hing the lens, neovascular dam aged eye . Addit io na lly, chemot he rapy h as short -term

Retinoblastoma 50
id ity, and radiation , significant long-t er m complications , and 1991 , even wit h standard-dose C EV/ high-d ose cyc los po rine,
~- t herapy ma y not in the best int er est of a child wit h bilateral fo llowed by foca l cryot he rapy and laser therapy, our 6-yea r cure
p E eyes. rates (avoi dance of bo t h e nuclea t io n and ex te rna l b eam
z. te ral retinoblast om a m ost commonly present s with one eye rad iation) are excellent for Groups B and C eyes, and we have
,~ tu m or, wit h sma ller tumors in th e fe llow eye . If bot h eyes not see n a significant increase in the t oxicit y of che mo t he ra py
re chem ot herapy for Groups B, C or D d isease, t he n ne ither given with high-dose cyclos po rine. With the ad dit ion of high-
needs to be enucle ated pr imarily (Figs 50 .7 and 50. 16). dose cyclosporine , long-t erm results are better th an pr eviou s
=- cleat ion sho uld b e perfor m ed wit h a m inimum of published resul ts with che mo t he rapy, rad iot herapy, and eve n
- pu lat ion of the globe, wit h grea t care not to sp ill tumor chemotherapy plus radi otherapy. Furthermor e, the Tor onto
• ert entl y. A long optic ner ve (8- 12 mm) sho uld be obtaine d protocol has successfully salvaged eyes that have already failed
rder to ensure th at the surgical ma rgin is t umor-free . For previous che mo thera py and/o r radi otherapy. The current Tor onto ion in unilaterally affec te d children, t he t umo r is very prot ocol uses higher ca rbo plat in and eto pos ide dosages with
- rt ant for RB1 mutat ion st udies, in order to de ter mi ne st and ard d ose vincrist ine, wit h high-dose cyclosporine, and
: ~ er t he child has her it able or nonhe rita ble ret inobl ast om a cyto kine granulocyte- st imulat ing fact or (N eupogen) sup port of
7 ,, _ ~ 0.2e and 50 .22) . An orbita l implant is placed within t he th e m yeloid b on e m arr ow. Preliminar y results show goo d
cle cone, with th e mu scles su tured onto t he implant to avoida nce of both enuclea t ion and ex te rna l beam radiation for
em its subseq uent m igrati on out of t he muscle cone . many G roup D eyes (Figs 50 .2, 50 .7 , 50. 13, 50. 16, 50 .2 1) 58,59
- ants of porou s m at eri al such as hydroxyapatite or ceramic Local rec ur re nce is ex pected approxima te ly 2- 6 m onths aft er
- allow vascularizat ion will give a better long-t er m cosmetic finishing t he chemo t he rapy, w hich ca n often be cont rolled by
- -::: . The attachment of the muscles onto t he implant will foca l therap y given whe n recurren ce first appe ars (Fig. 50 .16).
co nsensual m ovem ent of t he artificial eye with t he re ta ined T his re quires vigilant EUAs wit h appropriat e focal therapy eve ry
'\- eye. A confo rme r is placed under t he eye lids . 'vVe use a 4- 6 weeks for at least one yea r afte r any sign of active tumor.
ole pr ost het ic eye, so t hat when the patch is removed 48 Short -term side effec ts of che mot he rapy that are eas ily
rs lat er, th e child will look good and d oes not nee d t o ma naged wit h pr esent da y onco logical sup po rt ive th er ap y include
-:inue to wea r an eye -patc h'" (Fig. 50 .2f) . Th is prelim inary mye losup press ion (am eliorated by ad m inist rat ion of the cyto kine
- ~cia l eye may not fit pe rfec tly, but will allow healing t o be gra nu locy te -st im ulat ing fact or, Ne upogen) wit h requirem ent for
let ed over seve ral mont hs be fore a final artificial eye is hospital ad m issions for fever-and-neutrop en ia or infecti on s, low
de. platelet cou nt s requiring platelet transfu sion s, ane mi a requiring
blood t ransfu sion s, nausea and vomit ing pr evented by pot ent
:: riemotherep v an t ie metic dru gs, and hair loss w hic h gro ws ba ck afte r
ste rnic che mo t he rapy has becom e t he sta ndard pr ima ry completion of chemot hera py. We have found that th e addition of
--- ~: :ne n t for IIRC Groups B, C and D . Following an initi al high-d ose cyclosporine does not significantly increase the t oxicit y
_ nse to the first few cycle s of chemot hera py, foca l t herapy du e to che mo t hera py. Unlike radi ati on , no long-t erm cosmetic
tn cry ot herapy or laser ther apy is initiate d to d estr oy res id ual deform it y of the -orbit and upper face res ults fro m che mo t herapy,
- ec urr ent t umor" (Figs 50. 1, 50 .15 and 50 .16). C hemo- and no rad iat ion-induced cata racts and ocular complicat ions .
- er apy is be st given on a rigorou s protocol, id eally pa rt of a Although che mo t he rapy was undertaken in order to avoid t he
arch st udy. Th e m ost commo nly use d chemot herapy drugs known and large risk of inducti on of seco nd primary t umor by
- .. de carboplatin, eto poside and vincr ist ine (CEV) given every rad iat ion, (esti ma ted to be as high a 5 1% risk at 50-year follow -
= -eeks through a centra l venous access line.50 H owever, different u p60) , we recom m end t he caut ious use of che m ot he ra py,
-e-ino blast om a cent ers have admi nistered the che mo t he ra py part icularly etoposide, w hich carries a sm all risk of induction of
__ing a variat ion of th e CE V protocol. a specific typ e of acute m yelogen ou s leu kemia with 11 q23 or
Th e Toronto pr ot ocol sugges t s th at t he add ition of short 3-hour 2 1q22 translocat io ns or m yel odysplast ic sy nd ro me . Th e
-:usions of high-dose cyclosporine A enhances the effect ivene ss cumulative d osage of eto pos ide used for treat ing retinoblast om a
: t he chemo t hera py by bl ocking t he P-glycop ro t ein that is less t ha n the higher dosages that have been esti mate d t o carry
ediates mu lt idrug res istance by act ing as a plasm a me m brane a 2-3% risk of ind uci ng leu kemi a, generally in the 1-2 yea rs aft er
rug -efflu x pump , w hic h is co mmonly ove r-expressed in co mplet ion of etopos ide chemot herapy.'" Ad equat e follow -u p on
re ti noblast om a tumors.I ' Cyc lospo rine may also act through th e ret inoblasto ma child re n is not yet available t o pr ovide evidence
- rc u mvent ion of ot her non -P-glycopr ot e in d rug resista nce of t he precise risk . Furthermore, the leukemi a-inducti on risk m ay
mec hanism s. such as by the reducti on of carboplat in inducti on of be increased by the co ncur re nt usage of carbo plat in chemo-
expression of c-fos or c-myc oncoge ne, 52,53 or genes required for t he rapy, and in the case of relap sed patients, t he subse que nt u se
repair of dr ug-induced DNA d am age .54 Furtherm ore, in vitro of salvage radiat ion or ant h racy cline (d oxorubicin) and alky lat ing
'::.1: 2 suggest that cyclosporine might augment the efficacy of agen ts [ifosphamide, cyclo phos phamide ) salvage che mo t he rapy.
eto poside even in nonresista nt tu m or cells, by mo du lating another We have also sho wn t hat increased intraocul ar concent rat ions
und efined non- mult idrug resistance rne chan isrn .P Laboratory of the chemo t he rapy dr ugs (e.g. car boplatin) m ay be induced in
stu dies suggest t hat cyclosporine levels up to 5000 ng/ml do not eyes wit h vit reo us see d ing by the applicat ion of a single-freeze
t lock t he function of ano t her prot ein t hat me diate s mu ltid rug cryothe rapy ("prec he mo cryo t herapy") at the peripher al ret ina in
resist ance, MRp, w hich we have identi fied in relapsed t he vicinity of the see ds 6 2 Th e co ncurre nt usage of high-d ose
ret inoblastom a tu m ors.56,57 H owever, it is not known if the really cyclosporine appa re ntly can furt he r increase the intraocul ar
high cyclosporine pe ak levels of > 20 000 ng/ m l t hat we have concentrations of che mo t he rapyf ' possibly by inhibiting t he P-
achieved in our pro tocol m ight be capa ble of inh ibiting MRP. glycoprotein expressed in the blood- eye bar rier. Local chemo-
O n the Toron to prot ocol, G roups C and D eyes are treate d the rapy wit h instillati on of carboplat in into Ten on 's space m ay be
wit h seven cycles of CEV chemotherapy modulated with high- use d to achieve incr eased vit reo us co nce nt rat ion of carboplatin .v' 501
dos e cyclosporine, and Group B eye s with four cycles . Since to accentuate the levels attaine d by syste mic car bo plati n therap y.


Fig. 50.22 Harvest of fresh tumor for determinat ion of the RBt mutant alleles in unilateral tumor. (a) Optic nerve (8-12 mm) is excised from the globe and
the distal end marked with a suture. The nerve is subm itted as a separate specimen in a separate formalin container so that it is not contaminated by
tumor from the opened eye. (b) Optic nerve just beyond the cribriform plate appears normal on gross inspection , to be confirmed microscopically.
(c) Globe is opened with a razor incision in a pup illary-opti c nerve plane, superior or inferior, at the limbus , in order to access intraocu lar live tumor.
(d) Superior or inferior callott e allows harvest of large amount of intraocular tumor for adequate molecular studies. Optic nerve and choroid are not
interfered with, since these are imp ortant for patholo gical assessment for risk of extraocular spread . Tumor for molecular studies is sent to the lab in
sterile tissue culture medium . The RBt mutations (M1 and M2) in this unilateral tumor were a heterozygous exon 14 CGA to TGA (R445X) and a
heterozygous intron 16 G to A (cDNA 1498+5) causing a splice mutation. Neither M1 or M2 were detected in blood of the child. (Images by Cynthia

However, sub -Tenon's carboplatin instillat ion sho uld be used only recur rent tumors. Wh en su periorly placed , moderatel y sized tumors
for certain we ll-defined indications because of t he local toxicity, must be t reat ed wit h cryot he rapy, a laser barri er placed po st erior
including orbi tal fat necrosis t hat ma y limi t ocular m otil ity and to t he tumor m ay protect the ret ina from detachment by the
ca use enophthalmos, and fibrosis that may com plicate any serous ex udate of the acute freeze (Fig. 50 .18) .
su bsequent eye enucleation.?"

Cryotherapy Laser coagulat ion is used for sm all tumor s (G roups A and B eyes)
Cryotherapy is used for sma ll anteriorly placed tumors (lIR C (Fig. 50 .1) , for tumors that have been initially sh ru nk by che m o-
Groups A and B eyes), or mo re posterior tu mors when visual dam age t herapy, or for rec urre nces follow ing che mo t herapy. Traditionall y
will not result. i" Since the tumor cells are killed when t hey t haw, a sma ll tumors (Grou p A eyes ) behind the equat or are tr eated by
tr iple freeze -thaw technique is used, wit h care to allow a full minute enc ircl ing the tumor wit h a d ouble row of co ntiguous laser burns.
for t haw ing bet ween the successive freeze s (Figs 50 .15 and 50. 16) . Th e sma ll avascular tumor can th en be dir ectly coagulate d,
C ryotherapy almost always has to be repeated at several EUAs 4-6 sta rting with pow er/durati on settings th at barely blanch or
502 weeks apart, until no residua l active tumor remains. Cryot herapy opacify th e tumor, and gradua lly increasing t he po wer t o m ake
may be use d eit her as a prima ry proc edure or to t reat residua l or the t u mor turn opaque white . Larger or visua lly threatening

Retinoblastoma 50
- r (G rou ps B and C eyes) are treated first with chemo- induced ca taract. i! but wh en it is import ant t o irradi at e the ora
y while re sidual d isease and recurrent t um ors after serrata , or when vitreous seeds are pr esent, an anterior approac h
- -;-ing che mo t hera py are treat ed with laser coagulatio n. For must be used de spit e th e certainty of cata rac t induct ion. Cornea l
p 0 eyes, laser is used only after a good response has occurred damage ca n be reduced by irradiati ng with the eye lid ope ne d
- - hemot herapy, t o elimi nate any residual or recurrent t umor wit h a speculum, to move th e increased ent ry d ose 5 mm below
- re it has a chanc e t o regrow (Fig. 50 .7). The diod e 810 nm surface, dee per into t he eye .
is mos t Widely available and is th e cheapest. 'Therm ot herapy'
- ~ t he 8 10 nm laser has been promoted, us ing t he laser to Extraocular retinoblastoma
: y hea t tumor over a long period of ti me. H owever, this Ext raocular retinoblast om a result s in a precrpitous d rop in th e
-nique offe rs no special ben efit for t umor ce ll-kill, and resu lts prognosis for life. U ntil recently, meta stat ic retinoblast om a was
. igh fre quency of ed ge recurren ce and produces scars th at co nsidered fata l. Local orbita l recu rrence is generally tr eated with
te d gradually over time. 66 ,67 For sma ll G rou p A tumors, gree n 4000-5000 cGy orbita l radiation and systemic che mo t herapy.
(argon or frequ en cy-d oubled YAG at 532 nm ) are used Met astat ic retinoblasto ma to bone marrow or other sites may be
tively without drifting of the scars . Infrared laser s (d iod e t reated with int ensive chemo t herapy with cyclosporine to counte r
nm or 1064 nm YAG) can be ap plied afte r chem ot he ra py to multidrug resistan ce, and if remis sion is attained, aut ologous or
zer, thic ke r tumors . With all laser s, it is important to NOT use allogeneic bone marrow or peripheral stem cell transplantat ion is
much power at anyone treatment, and to expect to re-treat performed . Meningeal spread of retinoblastoma is treated with
- -re quent intervals until only flat sca rs remain . Fluorescein the addition of intrathecal and intraventricular chemotherapy via an
graphy is useful for catc hing pot ential sp ots of recurren ces Omma ya re servoir. Lon g-t erm follow-up in these patients
_ aser scar early (Figs 50 .1c, 50.13d and 50.21 b). suggests that su ch approac hes may be curat ive. 72
Prophylactic radiation is co nside re d when histopathological
exa m inat ion of the enuclea te d globe with optic ner ve sho ws
al irradiation invo lveme nt of the cut end of the opt ic nerve. When mark ed
ta ry tumor s less than 15 mm in d iame ter which are not choroida l invasion and involvem ent of the optic ner ve past t he
ent t o the disc or m acul a may be tr eat ed with an episcleral cribriform plat e are not ed on hist op athology, ex tra ther ap y m ay
- act ive piaque, I25 iodine or rutheni um .P'' Plaqu es are also use- be advised to treat sprea d of tumor beyond th e eye. H ow ever,
- .or treat ing single re curren ces after chemot he ra py or ex terna l lesser involveme nt of the o ptic nerve m ay be m an aged
m irra d iat ion where a seco nd course of radia tion t o t he wh ole adequately by close follow-up w ith regular MRI , bon e marrow
would be prohibited because it will lead to severe rad iat ion and ce re bros pinal flu id exa mi natio ns, applying treatment only
--: nopat hy or optic neurop athy. U nder general anes t hes ia, th e whe n disease is d ocumented . Otherwise, m an y child re n may be
. or is localized and the plaque is sut ured t o the scle ra and left treat ed u nnecessa rily. Eviden ce t o su pport these treatment
- l tll u nt il the pr escribed d ose of rad iation has been d elivered recommendations is pending a multicenter trial of pr ophylact ic
: . e apex of the tumor. treatment for adve rse hist ology.

= ernal beam irradiation

to rically radiation was the first ap proac h to curing intraocul ar LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP
- :inoblastoma, re sulting in saving m an y eyes with useful vision ,
- t wit h severe side-effects. Mo st co m mo nly, there is significant Following the initial m anagem ent and resolution of act ive tumor,
ificat ion ("cottage cheese-like" ) or a com binat ion of calcifi- assess me nt of the response to tr eatment will require frequent
' ion and translucent residual tumor afte r radiation (Fig. 50.17) . gene ral anest hesia, especially in the first year following diagnosis
' ost im port antl y, the risk of sec ond primary tumors within the with com plet ion of chemot he ra py, when recurrence or new
iat ion field in children with a germ line RB1 mutati on is ver y tumors are mo st likel y to occur. Regular EUAs will be nec essary
"ni ficant , and most children died of th ese second tumors 24,69 until the child is old enough t o co-operate for a full -dil at ed eye
Fig. 50 .4). The risk ma y be grea test with infants that are exa m inat ion in the clini c, variably at about 3 years of age . Follow,
rra d iated under one yea r of age .23 Addition al com plicat ions of up can th en be continue d on an out patient basis. However, children
xternal irradiation, whi ch are not a pr oblem with che mot he rapy, with Groups C and 0 eyes may need a much longer follow -up
lud e cosme tic deformity du e to growt h reta rdat ion of the orbit wit h EUA in orde r t o assess ade quate ly peripheral tumor s fo r
verse th e younger the child is at th e ti me of irradiat ion) , cataract rec ur re nce. Like wise, pati ents who have be en treat ed with
red uced by len s-sparin g rad iation portals), reduced tear ing chemot herapy and/or radi ati on will require onco logical follow-up
e r r ect iveness, and d ry-eye synd romes. In add itio n, recurren ces for ea rly detecti on and appropriate ma nage m ent of possible lon g-
~ llowing irradiation was co mmonly seen with large tumors and term co m plicat ions of thei r prev ious ther ap y. It is part icul arly
.it reous seeding (R-E Group IV, Va and b, IIRC Grou ps C and D) . im po rtant for ret inoblasto ma pati ents t o retain co ntac t wit h th eir
External beam radiother ap y is now mos tly used fo r treatment onco logist becau se of the risk of seconda ry mal ignancies, w he t he r
f pos tc he mo t hera py recurren ces that are t oo large or ex tensive spo radic or induced by rad iati on or che m ot hera py. In long-t erm
for foca l ther ap y, or unresp on sive t o foca l therapy. Focu sed follow-up, it is also important t o e nsur e that acc ura te gene tic
rad iat ion suc h as stereotac tic rad iat ion may avoid rad iation of co unse ling is availabl e t o the parents, and to the child whe n he or
adjacent ti ssues for treatment of localized disease. H ow ever, she reach es maturity.
whole eye radiation ma y be the on ly choice in che mo res ista nt
ret inoblastoma with ex te nsive vitreous or subretinal se eding.
A t ot al d ose of 3500-4000 cGy has been tradition ally given for PROGNOSIS
pri m ary or seco ndary irr adi ati on of eyes wit h retinoblast om a, in
d ivide d fra ctions over a 3-4 week peri od .i" A temporal portal With modern m ethods of dia gno sis and treatment th e pro gno sis 503
exclud ing the len s is used wh en ever possible to avoid a radiation- for retinoblastoma is exce lle nt. Th e 3-year surv ival for both


unilateral and bilateral retinoblast o m a ap p roac hes 96%. I In fact, m ay b e p oor, despite tumor co nt rol. The mo st important im p ac:
more patients with ge rm line RB1 m utat io ns d ie of the ir secon d o n fu rther improvin g visual outcome for r etinoblastoma child rer
tum or than fro m uncontroll ed retinobl ast orn a.i'' lie s in the e ar lier re cognition of the pre senting sign s b y t he
The prognosis for vis io n is excelle nt in unilate ral r etino- primar y ca re give rs. This requires e nha nc ed awareness and u nd er-
bl astoma, but depends o n the size and locati on o f the tumors in stand ing that retinoblast oma does exi st , and enhanced recept ive-
bilat er al case s. Overall treatment w it h chemot hera py an d focal nes s t o parental com p laints, w it h a solid op h t h alm ological an.:
the r ap y h as improved re sults such th at bil ateral e nu cleat io n is o ncolog ica l network for urgent referral to fa cilitate diagnosis an.:
now rare . Extra-foveal tumors h ave a goo d visual progn o sis but ap p ropriate tre atm ent as earl y as possibl e .
w hen the m acular region is directly invo lved, the visual re sult

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