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ARC 503


ARC / 17U / 1542

ARC / 17U / 1510

ARC / 17U / 1571

ARC / 17U / 1537

ARC / 17U / 1499



Airborne sound refers to sound waves that travel through the air
and are capable of being heard by the human ear. These sound waves
are created when an object vibrates and causes air particles to vibrate,
which then creates a series of compression and rarefaction that travel
through the air.

Airborne sound can be categorized into two types: continuous

and impulsive. Continuous airborne sound is sound that is produced
continuously over time, such as the sound of a fan or a person speaking.
Impulsive airborne sound, on the other hand, is sound that is produced
suddenly and lasts for a short period of time, such as a door slamming
or a gunshot.

Airborne sound can be measured in decibels (dB), with the

threshold of human hearing at 0 dB and the threshold of pain at 120 dB.
Excessive exposure to high levels of airborne sound can cause hearing
damage and other health issues.

Soundproofing materials can be used to reduce the amount of

airborne sound that enters or exits a space. These materials work by
absorbing or blocking sound waves, which reduces the amount of
sound that can travel through walls, floors, and ceilings.


Structure-borne sound refers to the sound that is generated by

vibrations transmitted through a solid structure, such as a wall, floor, or
ceiling. This type of sound can be caused by a variety of sources,
including machinery, footsteps, and even music.

The structure-borne sound is created when an object or surface is

set into motion, causing vibrations that travel through the material and
into surrounding objects. As the vibrations travel, they can cause other
objects to vibrate and create additional noise.

One of the main characteristics of structure-borne sound is that it

can be difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the noise. This is because
the sound can travel through walls, floors, and other structures, making
it challenging to determine where it is originating from.

To reduce the impact of structure-borne sound, it is important to

take steps to isolate the source of the noise. This can include using
sound-absorbing materials, adding insulation, and creating barriers to
prevent vibrations from traveling through the structure.

Overall, structure-borne sound is an important consideration in

many industries, including construction, transportation, and
manufacturing, and understanding its properties and sources is critical
for effective noise control.


Impact sound is the sound produced when two objects collide or

when an object is struck. It is a type of transient sound that is short-
lived but can be quite loud and piercing. Impact sound is commonly
heard in everyday life, such as when a door slams shut or when a ball is
bounced on the ground.

The impact sound can be characterized by its intensity, frequency

spectrum, and duration. The intensity of the impact sound depends on
the force of the collision or strike and the mass of the objects involved.
The frequency spectrum of the sound is determined by the shape and
material of the objects involved and can range from low-pitched thuds
to high-pitched pings. The duration of the sound is usually short, but it
can be prolonged if the objects involved are vibrating.

The impact sound can have a significant impact on our

environment and well-being. Excessive impact sound can lead to noise
pollution, which can cause stress, anxiety, and hearing damage. To
mitigate the impact sound, measures such as sound insulation, sound-
absorbing materials, and sound barriers can be used.


A "dead room" is a term used to describe an acoustic

environment that lacks natural reverberation or echoes, resulting in a
sound that is dull and lifeless. Dead rooms are often used for audio
recording, mixing, and mastering purposes, as they provide a neutral
acoustic environment that allows engineers to hear audio signals with
greater clarity and accuracy.

To create a dead room, acoustic materials are used to absorb

sound waves, reducing the amount of reverberation and echo in the
room. This can be achieved by covering walls, ceilings, and floors with
materials such as foam, fiberglass, or rockwool.

While dead rooms are useful for audio production, they can be
uncomfortable and disorienting for human occupants. The lack of
natural sound reflections can create a feeling of being in a vacuum or
isolated from the surrounding environment. As a result, dead rooms are
typically not used as living or working spaces, and are instead designed
specifically for audio purposes.


In acoustics, a live room is a recording space or performance

venue with a high degree of reverberation or reflected sound. This is
achieved by using hard, reflective surfaces such as walls, floors, and
ceilings, which bounce sound waves around the room and create a
lively, natural sound.

Live rooms are commonly used in music production, where they

can capture a full, rich sound for instruments and vocals. They are also
used in broadcast and film production, where they can add depth and
dimension to audio recordings.

However, it's worth noting that not all recording spaces benefit
from a live room setup. In some cases, a dead room with minimal
reverberation may be more suitable for certain types of recordings,
such as voice-overs or close-mic'd instruments.

Designing a live room requires careful consideration of acoustics

and materials. The room dimensions, surface materials, and placement
of acoustic treatments such as absorption panels and diffuser all play a
role in creating the desired sound. It's also important to consider the
intended use of the room and adjust the acoustics accordingly.
If the transmission loss of a wall is 45dB. What is the transmission
coefficient of the wall?


TL = 10 log (Pi / Pt)


Pi is the incident sound power and

Pt is the transmitted sound power.

45 = 10 log (Pi / Pt)

4.5 = log (Pi / Pt)

Pi / Pt = 10^4.5

Pi / Pt = 3162.28

Transmission coefficient of the wall:

Transmission coefficient = 1 / (1 + Pi / Pt)

Transmission coefficient = 1 / (1 + 3162.28)

Transmission coefficient = 0.000316 //

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