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Tukuran West District

Tukuran Central Elementary School

DAT/ Test Questions


Manny Pacquiao is one of the successful Filipinos who came from a poor family. He was
started boxing at the age of 14 to help his family. Because of his hard work and determination, he rose
from a poor kid to a famous world boxer. He is now one of the richest among the Filipinos. Truly,
poverty is not a hindrance to success.

1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

a. Truly, poverty is not a hindrance to success.
b. Manny Pacquiao is one of the successful Filipinos who came from a poor family.
c. He was started boxing at the age of 14 to help his family.
d. He is now one of the richest among the Filipinos.

2. “ He was started boxing at the age of 14 to help his family.” This sentence is an example of a ____.
a. topic sentence c. main idea
b. supporting sentence d. concluding sentence

3. The dictionary helps you find the definition words whose meanings are not familiar to you. Which of the
following pair of guide words can you find the word “print” in the dictionary?
a. phone-police c. price-pride
b. prime-private d. pray-prey

4. They boy was disrespectful when he shouted at his parents. What is the meaning of the underlined
a. less respectful b. more respectful
c. not respectful d. most respectful

5. Connotation tells an emotional or imaginative meaning of a specific word. Which among following
statements tells the connotation of the word “ star”?
a. The stars in the sky twinkle every night.
b. I saw a falling star last night.
c. Sun is the only star in the solar system.
d. Coco Martin is a star in the Philippines.

6. The audience enjoyed the composer's new symphony.

What does the word "symphony" mean in the sentence?
a. Music c. Dance
b. Musician d. Instrument

7. This is Joe’s room. ____________room is big. Which personal pronoun will correctly complete the
a. her b. his c. their d. our

Prepared by: MARY SEAL C. PEJO

8. My mother bought _____________________. Which of the following shows the correct order of
adjectives in the sentence?
a. four round, red tables c. round four, red tables
c. four red, round tables d. round red, four tables

9. Choose the correct simple present tense of the verb that will complete the sentence.
My teachers ____________ early in school everyday.
a. comes b. coming c. come d. will come

10. My mother brings groceries for the family. What is the past tense of the underlined verb in the
a. bring b. brang c. brought d. bringed

11. The pizza was sliced _____________ among the family members. Which adverb of manner should be
used to correctly complete the sentence?
a. slowly b. honestly c. equally d. carefully

12. Which of the following are general statements?

1. There are animals that hunts their food during the night.
2. Owl is a nocturnal animal that finds food at night.
3. Bats, tarsier, and rats also go out at night to search for food.
4. There are many examples nocturnal animals.

a. sentence 1 and 2 c. sentence 2 and 3

b. sentence 1 and 4 d. sentence 2 and 4

Spiders spin silk to catch insects. They leap into the air to catch their prey. Some spiders use sheets of
silk to wrap their prey like mummies.

13. What is the main idea of the text above?

a. life of a spider c. how spiders get their food
b. different kinds of spiders d. where spiders live

14. He slowly opened the creaking door as he tiptoed inside the room. It was very dark that he cannot see
anything. Suddenly, a creepy voice whispered in his ear, “ What are you doing here?” Then, there was

What is the purpose of the author in the paragraph you have read?
a. to inform b. to persuade c. to entertain d. all of these

15 What is the tone of the text you have read?

a. sincere b. amusing c. gloomy d. horror

Prepared by: MARY SEAL C. PEJO

The Wind and the Sun
(Aesop’s Fable)
The wind and the sun argued one day which one was the stronger. Spotting a man travelling on the
road, they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat from the man’s back the quickest.
The wind began. He blew strong gusts of air, so strong that the man could barely walked against
them. But the man clutched his coat tight against him. Then, the wind blew harder and longer. The harder
the wind blew, the tighter the man held his coat against him. The wind blew until he was tired, but he could
not remove the coat from the man’s back.
It was now the sun’s turn. He gently sent his beams upon the traveler. The sun did very little, but
quietly shone upon his head and back until the man became so warm that he took off his coat and headed
for the nearest shady tree.

16. Who are the characters in the story?

a. wind, sun and moon c. wind ,sun, and traveler
b. wind, sun, and sky d. sun, moon, and traveler
17. Complete the events in the story by arranging the events that happened in beginning, middle and last.

1. The man took off his coat and headed to the nearest tree.
2. The wind and the sun saw a traveler.
3. The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger.
4. The wind and the sun take turns who can remove the man’s coat.

Which of the following completes the story in correct order?

a. 1,2,3,4 c. 3, 2, 4, 1
b. 2,3,4,1 d. 4, 3, 2, 1

18. Among the sentences below, which statement is a fact?

a. Every puppy is friendly.
b. Friends are people you can trust.
c. Saturday is the best day of the week.
d. Christmas is celebrated in the month of December.

19. What is the most common structure of journalistic writing?

a. Headline Inverted Pyramid
b. Inverted Pyramid
c. Introduction
d. Lead Paragraph

20. Which of the following is a sports news article?

a. Every person has a realization due to pandemic.

b. DepEd Zambo. Sur is proclaimed as overall ZPRAA 2023 champion.

c. For me, every person must have enough sleep in order to gain energy to move for the rest day.

d. Boston Celtic nips Atlanta Hawks advances to Conference Finals to face No. 3 Philadelphia 76ers.

Prepared by: MARY SEAL C. PEJO

Prepared by: MARY SEAL C. PEJO

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