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Lecturer: Phan Thi Khanh Van Approved by: Nguyen Tien Dung

Semester/Academic year 1 22 - 23
MID. EXAM Date 27/11/2022
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Course title Linear Algebra
- VNUHCM Course ID MT1007
FACULTY OF AS Duration 50 mins Question sheet code 2021
Notes: - This is a closed book exam. Only your calculator is allowed. Total available score: 10.
- You MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question sheet. There are 20 questions in 2 pages.

x1 + x2 − x3
 =4
Question 1. Find all real values of m such that the following linear system 2x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 = 5 has no

2x1 + 2x2 + mx3 = 5

A. m 6= −2 . B. m = −1 . C. m = −2. D. m = 1. E. m 6= −1.
The system has a no solution if and only if rank(A) 6= rank(A|b)
The answer is C 
Question 2-3:
Let V be the linear span of the vector set E = {(−1, 1, 1), (3, −1, 2)}.
Question 2. Find all real values of m such that the vector x = (3, 1, m) belongs to V .
A. m = −1. B. m = 7. C. m = 5. D. @. E. m = −3.
x ∈span(E) if there exist α, β such that x = αe1 + βe2
α = 3

⇔ β=2


The answer is B 
Question 3. With m found, find the coordinate vector [x]E .
A. [x]E = (−3, 4)T . B. [x]E = (3, 1)T . C. [x]E = (−2, 5)T .
D. @ . E. [x]E = (3, 2)T .
[x]E = (α, β)T
The answer is E 
2 2 2 2
Question 4. In the vector space P2 [x] = {ax + bx + c, a, b, c ∈ R}, let M = {2x + 2x + 1; 2x + 3x; x + m} be
a vector set. Find all real values of m such that M is one basis.
A. m 6= 23 . B. @m. C. m 6= 23 . D. m = 23 . E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is one basis if and only if rank(M ) = 3 ⇔ |M | =6 0 ⇔ m 6= 23 .
The answer is A 
Å ã Å ã
2 −1 −1 1
Question 5. Let A = and B = . Find the matrix X that satisfies the equation
0 3 −2 1
3XA = 2X + ÅB . ã Å ã Å ã
−1/7 −11/28 −1/9 −1/2 −1/4 −11/28
A. X = . B. X = . C. X = .
1/7 1/7 1/9 0 1/4 1/4
Å ã Å ã
−4 −11 −7 −11
D. X = . E. X = .
4 4 7 7
X = B T (3A − 2I)−1
The answer is C 
Questions 6 and 7
Let E and F be two bases of a two dimensional vector space
Å V , ãwith the change of basis matrix
 3 4
TE→F = [e1 ]F [e2 ]F = .
−2 1

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 1/4 – 2021

Question 6. Let [x]E = (−1, 1)T . Find [x]F .
A. (1; 3)T . B. (−5/11; 1/11)T . C. (5; 15)T .
D. (1/2; 3/2) . E. (1; −2)T .
[x]F = TE→F [x]E
The answer is A 
Question 7. Given that E = {(1; 2), (−1; 3)}. Find the basis F .
A. {(−1/11; 8/11), (−7/11; 1/11)}.
B. {(5; 0), (3; 11)}.
C. {(11; 0), (9; 5)}.
D. {(−7/11; 8/11), (−13/11; 7/11)}.
E. {(−1/11; −7/11), (8/11; 1/11)}.
Answer. Å ã
 −1 1/11 −4/11
TF →E = [f1 ]E [f2 ]E = TE→F =
2/11 3/11
f1 = 11 2
e1 + 11 e2 ; f2 = −4 e
11 1 + 3
11 2 .
The answer is A 
Question 8. Let A be a 2 × 3 matrix. Applying the elementary operation c1 → c1 − c2 is equivalent to multiplying
the following
Å matrix
ã Å ã Å ã
1 0 1 0 1 −1
A. to the right of A. B. to the left of A. C. to the right of A.
−1 1 −1 1 0 1
Ñ é Ñ é
1 0 0 1 0 0
D. −1 1 0 to the right of A. E. −1 1 0 to the left of A.
0 0 1 0 0 1
The answer is D 
  

 x1 + 2x2 − x3 + x4
 = 0

Question 9. Find the dimension of the following vector space: F = x ∈ R : 2x1 + 4x2 − x3 + x4 =0 .
  
3x1 + 6x2 − 3x3 + 5x4 = 0
  

A. 4 . B. 2 . C. 3 . D. 1. E. 0.
dim(F ) = n − rank(A), where A is the coefficient matrix.
The answer is D 
Å ã
1 2
Question 10. Let f (x) = 2x3 − x2 + 2x + 4 and A = . Find the 1,2 entry (f (A))1,2 of f (A).
1 0
A. 6. B. 7. C. 18. D. 14. E. 13.
Answer. Å ã
13 14
f (A) = 2A3 − A2 + 2A + 4I =
7 6
The answer is D 
Ñ é
−1 1 1
Question 11. Find m such that det(A3 ) = 27 where A = 1 1 0 .
m 0 0

A. m = −3. B. m = 27 . C. m = 3. D. m = −27 . E. m = − 3 3.
|A3 | = |A|3 = −m3
The answer is A 
Question 12. Find all real values of m such that M = {(1; 1; −3), (m; 1; 2), (1; 1; 1), (2; 3; −2)} is a linearly depen-
dent set.
A. m = 1. B. m = 4. C. m = −2. D. @m. E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is always linearly dependent because it has 4 vectors in R3 .
The answer is E 
Question 13. Let A be a square matrix. If we apply the following operations on A: r1 ↔ r2 ; r2 → 3 ; r3 →
2r3 − r1 , we obtain the matrix B with the determinant det(B) = 6. Find det(A).
A. −18. B. −9. C. 18 . D. −4 . E. −2.

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 2/4 – 2021

|B| = − 23 |A| ⇒ |A| = −9.
The answer is B 
Question 14-16:
For a simple economyÑ with 3 industries éA, B, C, we suggest the input-output model, where the input-output
0.1 0.15 0.05
matrix is M = 0.1 0.15 0.25 . Let D = (D1 , D2 , D3 )T be the external demand matrix and
0.2 0.2 0.1
X = (X1 , X2 , X3 )T be the total production matrix. We have the equation: M X + D = X.
Question 14. According to the matrix, which is the correct statement?
A. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.25 unit of C.
B. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.2 unit of B.
C. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.1 unit of B.
D. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.2 unit of C.
E. All other answers are wrong.
The answer is D 
Question 15. If there are 20 units of C that have been used to produce B. Find the total production of B.
A. 200. B. 100. C. 80. D. 4. E. 5.
The answer is B 
Question 16. Let D = (100, 100, 100)T . Find the total production of B.
A. 187.6020. B. 190.8646. C. 188.4176. D. 50. E. 60.
X = (I − M )−1 D
The answer is B 
Ñ é
2 −2 2
Question 17. Find all real values of m such that A = m 1 1 is invertible.
1 0 0
A. m = 3 . B. m 6= 0. C. ∀m. D. m 6= 1. E. @m.
A is invertible ⇔ |A| =
6 0
The answer is C 
Question 18-19:
The population of one species is divided into two age classes: 0 − 1 year old and > 1 year old classes. After each
year, about 80% elements in the first class and 40% elements in the second class survive; the birth rate of the first
class is 1.5 (after one year, in average, 1 element in the first class produce 1.5 offspring), and the birth rate of the
second age class is 1.2. Let A be the transition matrix of the model. Let X0 = [200; 300]T be the numbers of
elements in the first and the second age classes, respectively.
Question 18. Find the transition matrix A.
Å ã Å ã Å ã Å ã Å ã
1.5 0.4 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.2
A. . B. . C. . D. . E. .
1.2 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.6 1.5 1.2 0.6 0.4
The answer is B 
Question 19. Find the number of elements in the first age class after 3 years.
A. 1317. B. 2757. C. 5514. D. 660. E. 280.
Answer. Å ã Å ã
1.5 1.2 200
Transition matrix: A = . X0 = .
0.8 0.4 300
Å ã
After 3 years: X3 = A3 X0 = .
The answer is B 

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 3/4 – 2021

In the following electrical network, given that I1 = 3A, I2 =
Question 20.
2A, I3 = 1A, V1 = 19V, V2 = 9V, R1 + R2 + R3 = 9. Find R1 .

A. 1. B. 2. C. 4. D. 3. E. 5.
 
3R1 + 2R2 − 19 = 0
 R1 = 3

−R3 + 2R2 − 9 = 0 ⇔ R2 = 5
 
R1 + R2 + R3 =9 R3 = 1
 

The answer is D 

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 4/4 – 2021

Lecturer: Phan Thi Khanh Van Approved by: Nguyen Tien Dung

Semester/Academic year 1 22 - 23
MID. EXAM Date 27/11/2022
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Course title Linear Algebra
- VNUHCM Course ID MT1007
FACULTY OF AS Duration 50 mins Question sheet code 3022
Notes: - This is a closed book exam. Only your calculator is allowed. Total available score: 10.
- You MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question sheet. There are 20 questions in 2 pages.
Question 1. In the vector space P2 [x] = {ax2 + bx + c, a, b, c ∈ R}, let M = {2x2 + x + 1; 2x2 + 3x; x2 + m} be
a vector set. Find all real values of m such that M is one basis.
A. m 6= 43 . B. @m. C. m 6= 32 . D. m = 23 . E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is one basis if and only if rank(M ) = 3 ⇔ |M | =6 0 ⇔ m 6= 43 .
The answer is A 

In the following electrical network, given that I1 = 3A, I2 =

Question 2.
2A, I3 = 1A, V1 = 19V, V2 = 9V, R1 + R2 + R3 = 9. Find R3 .

A. 3. B. 2. C. 4. D. 1. E. 5.
 
3R1 + 2R2 − 19 = 0
 R1 = 3

−R3 + 2R2 − 9 = 0 ⇔ R2 = 5
 
R1 + R2 + R3 =9 R3 = 1
 

The answer is D 
Å ã Å ã
2 −1 −1 1
Question 3. Let A = and B = . Find the matrix X that satisfies the equation
0 3 −2 1
3XA = 2X + ÅB . ã Å ã Å ã
−1/4 −11/28 −1/9 −1/2 −4 −11
A. X = . B. X = . C. X = .
1/4 1/4 1/9 0 4 4
Å ã Å ã
−1/7 −11/28 −7 −11
D. X = . E. X = .
1/7 1/7 7 7
X = B T (3A − 2I)−1
The answer is A 
Question 4-6:
For a simple economyÑ with 3 industries éA, B, C, we suggest the input-output model, where the input-output
0.1 0.15 0.05
matrix is M = 0.1 0.15 0.2 . Let D = (D1 , D2 , D3 )T be the external demand matrix and
0.2 0.25 0.1
X = (X1 , X2 , X3 )T be the total production matrix. We have the equation: M X + D = X.
Question 4. According to the matrix, which is the correct statement?
A. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.2 unit of C.
B. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.25 unit of B.
C. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.1 unit of B.
D. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.25 unit of C.
E. All other answers are wrong.
The answer is D 
Question 5. If there are 20 units of C that have been used to produce B. Find the total production of B.
A. 200. B. 80. C. 100. D. 4. E. 5.

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 1/4 – 3022

The answer is B 
Question 6. Let D = (100, 100, 100)T . Find the total production of B.
A. 195.3602. B. 181.5222. C. 152.2182. D. 55. E. 45.
X = (I − M )−1 D
The answer is B 
Question 7. Find all real values of m such that M = {(2; 1; −1), (m; 2; 0), (1; 1; 1), (1; 0; −3)} is a linearly depen-
dent set.
A. m = 3. B. m = 4. C. m = −2. D. @m. E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is always linearly dependent because it has 4 vectors in R3 .
The answer is E 
Question 8. Let A be a 2×3 matrix. Applying the elementary operation c1 → c1 −2c2 is equivalent to multiplying
the following
Ñ matrixé Ñ é
1 0 0 1 0 0
A. −2 1 0 to the right of A. B. −2 1 0 to the left of A.
0 0 1 0 0 1
Å ã Å ã Å ã
1 0 1 0 1 −2
C. to the right of A. D. to the left of A. E. to the right of A.
−2 1 −2 1 0 1
The answer is A 
  

 2x1 + x2 − x3 + x4
 = 0

Question 9. Find the dimension of the following vector space: F = x ∈ R : 4x1 + 2x2 − x3 + x4 =0 .
  
3x1 + 6x2 − 3x3 + 5x4 = 0
  

A. 4 . B. 2 . C. 1. D. 3 . E. 0.
dim(F ) = n − rank(A), where A is the coefficient matrix.
The answer is C 
Å ã
1 1
Question 10. Let f (x) = 2x3 − x2 + 2x + 4 and A = . Find the 1,2 entry (f (A))1,2 of f (A).
−1 0
A. 10. B. 7. C. 4. D. 1. E. 3.
Answer. Å ã
4 1
f (A) = 2A3 − A2 + 2A + 4I =
−1 3
The answer is D 
Ñ é
−1 1 1
Question 11. Find m such that det(A3 ) = 27 where A = 1 −1 0 .
m 0 0

A. m = 3. B. m = 27 . C. m = −3. D. m = −27 . E. m = − 3 3.
|A3 | = |A|3 = m3
The answer is A 
Question 12-13:
Let V be the linear span of the vector set E = {(−2, 1, 1), (3, −1, 2)}.
Question 12. Find all real values of m such that the vector x = (0, 1, m) belongs to V .
A. m = 5. B. @. C. m = −3. D. m = −1. E. m = 7.
x ∈span(E) if there exist α, β such that x = αe1 + βe2
α = 3

⇔ β=2


The answer is E 

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 2/4 – 3022

Question 13. With m found, find the coordinate vector [x]E .
A. @ . B. [x]E = (−3, 4)T . C. [x]E = (3, 1)T .
D. [x]E = (−2, 5) . E. [x]E = (3, 2) .
[x]E = (α, β)T
The answer is E 
Ñ é
3 −1 4
Question 14. Find all real values of m such that A = m 1 1 is invertible.
1 0 0
A. m = 3 . B. m 6= 0. C. ∀m. D. m 6= 1. E. @m.
A is invertible ⇔ |A| =
6 0
The answer is C 

x1 + x2 − x3
 =4
Question 15. Find all real values of m such that the following linear system 3x1 − 4x2 + 4x3 = 5 has no

4x1 + 4x2 + mx3 = 5

A. m = −1 . B. m = −4. C. m = 1. D. m 6= −4 . E. m 6= −1.
The system has a no solution if and only if rank(A) 6= rank(A|b)
The answer is B 
Questions 16 and 17
Let E and F be two bases of a two dimensional vector space
Å V , ãwith the change of basis matrix
 3 4
TE→F = [e1 ]F [e2 ]F = .
−2 1
Question 16. Let [x]E = (−1, 1)T . Find [x]F .
A. (5; 15)T . B. (1; 3)T . C. (1; −2)T .
D. (−5/11; 1/11) . E. (1/2; 3/2) .
[x]F = TE→F [x]E
The answer is B 
Question 17. Given that E = {(1; 2), (−1; 3)}. Find the basis F .
A. {(11; 0), (9; 5)}.
B. {(−1/11; −7/11), (8/11; 1/11)}.
C. {(−1/11; 8/11), (−7/11; 1/11)}.
D. {(5; 0), (3; 11)}.
E. {(−7/11; 8/11), (−13/11; 7/11)}.
Answer. Å ã
 −1 1/11 −4/11
TF →E = [f1 ]E [f2 ]E = TE→F =
2/11 3/11
1 2 −4 3
f1 = 11 e1 + 11 e2 ; f2 = 11 e1 + 11 e2 .
The answer is C 
Question 18-19:
The population of one species is divided into two age classes: 0 − 1 year old and > 1 year old classes. After each
year, about 80% elements in the first class and 40% elements in the second class survive; the birth rate of the first
class is 1.3 (after one year, in average, 1 element in the first class produce 1.3 offspring), and the birth rate of the
second age class is 1.1. Let A be the transition matrix of the model. Let X0 = [200; 300]T be the numbers of
elements in the first and the second age classes, respectively.
QuestionÅ 18. Find
ã the transition
Å matrix
ã A. Å ã Å ã Å ã
0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.3 0.4 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.2
A. . B. . C. . D. . E. .
0.2 0.6 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.4
The answer is D 
Question 19. Find the number of elements in the first age class after 3 years.
A. 1317. B. 2040. C. 1094. D. 660. E. 280.
Answer. Å ã Å ã
1.3 1.1 200
Transition matrix: A = . X0 = .
0.8 0.4 300

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 3/4 – 3022

Å ã
3 2040
After 3 years : X3 = A X0 ≈ .
The answer is B 
Question 20. Let A be a square matrix. If we apply the following operations on A: r1 ↔ r2 ; r2 → 4 ; r3 →
3r3 + r1 , we obtain the matrix B with the determinant det(B) = 6. Find det(A).
A. −24. B. −8. C. 24 . D. −4.5 . E. −4.5.
|B| = − 43 |A| ⇒ |A| = −8.
The answer is B 

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 4/4 – 3022

Lecturer: Phan Thi Khanh Van Approved by: Nguyen Tien Dung

Semester/Academic year 1 22 - 23
MID. EXAM Date 27/11/2022
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Course title Linear Algebra
- VNUHCM Course ID MT1007
FACULTY OF AS Duration 50 mins Question sheet code 4333
Notes: - This is a closed book exam. Only your calculator is allowed. Total available score: 10.
- You MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question sheet. There are 20 questions in 2 pages.
Question 1. Let A be a 2×3 matrix. Applying the elementary operation c1 → c1 −4c2 is equivalent to multiplying
the following
Å matrix
ã Å ã Å ã
1 0 1 0 1 −4
A. to the right of A. B. to the left of A. C. to the right of A.
−4 1 −4 1 0 1
Ñ é Ñ é
1 0 0 1 0 0
D. −4 1 0 to the right of A. E. −4 1 0 to the left of A.
0 0 1 0 0 1
The answer is D 
Question 2. In the vector space P2 [x] = {ax2 + bx + c, a, b, c ∈ R}, let M = {2x2 − 2x − 1; 2x2 + 3x; x2 + m} be
a vector set. Find all real values of m such that M is one basis.
A. m 6= −3 10 . B. @m. 2
C. m 6= 10 . D. m = −10
3 . E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is one basis if and only if rank(M ) = 3 ⇔ |M | =6 0 ⇔ m 6= −310 .
The answer is A 
  

 2x1 + 3x2 − x3 + x4
 = 0
Question 3. Find the dimension of the following vector space: F = x ∈ R : 4x1 + 6x2 − x3 + x4 =0 .
  
3x1 + 6x2 − 3x3 + 5x4 = 0
  

A. 4 . B. 2 . C. 3 . D. 1. E. 0.
dim(F ) = n − rank(A), where A is the coefficient matrix.
The answer is D 
Å ã Å ã
2 −1 −1 1
Question 4. Let A = and B = . Find the matrix X that satisfies the equation
0 3 −2 1
3XA = 2X + ÅB . ã Å ã Å ã
−1/9 −1/2 −7 −11 −1/7 −11/28
A. X = . B. X = . C. X = .
1/9 0 7 7 1/7 1/7
Å ã Å ã
−1/4 −11/28 −4 −11
D. X = . E. X = .
1/4 1/4 4 4
X = B T (3A − 2I)−1
The answer is D 
Question 5-6:
Let V be the linear span of the vector set E = {(−1, 1, 1), (3, −1, 2)}.
Question 5. Find all real values of m such that the vector x = (5, −1, m) belongs to V .
A. m = −1. B. m = 5. C. m = 3. D. @. E. m = −3.
x ∈span(E) if there exist α, β such that x = αe1 + βe2
α = 1

⇔ β=2


The answer is B 
Question 6. With m found, find the coordinate vector [x]E .
A. [x]E = (2, 1)T . B. [x]E = (−1, 2)T . C. [x]E = (−2, 5)T .

Student ID. Number: ......................... Full name:.......................................... Page 1/4 – 4333

D. @ . E. [x]E = (1, 2)T .
[x]E = (α, β)T
The answer is E 
Ñ é
−1 1 1
Question 7. Find m such that det(A5 ) = 243 where A = 1 −1 0 .
m 0 0

A. m = 3. B. m = 243 . C. m = −3. D. m = −243 . E. m = 3.
|A5 | = |A|5 = m5
The answer is A 
Questions 8 and 9
Let E and F be two bases of a two dimensional vector space
Å V , ãwith the change of basis matrix
 3 4
TE→F = [e1 ]F [e2 ]F = .
−2 1
Question 8. Let [x]E = (−1, 1)T . Find [x]F .
A. (1/2; 3/2)T . B. (1; −2)T . C. (1; 3)T .
D. (−5/11; 1/11)T . E. (5; 15)T .
[x]F = TE→F [x]E
The answer is C 
Question 9. Given that E = {(1; 2), (−1; 3)}. Find the basis F .
A. {(−1/11; 8/11), (−7/11; 1/11)}.
B. {(5; 0), (3; 11)}.
C. {(−1/11; −7/11), (8/11; 1/11)}.
D. {(11; 0), (9; 5)}.
E. {(−7/11; 8/11), (−13/11; 7/11)}.
Answer. Å ã
 −1 1/11 −4/11
TF →E = [f1 ]E [f2 ]E = TE→F =
2/11 3/11
1 2 −4 3
f1 = 11 e1 + 11 e2 ; f2 = 11 e1 + 11 e2 .
The answer is A 
Å ã
1 2
Question 10. Let f (x) = 2x3 − x2 + 2x + 4 and A = . Find the 2,2 entry (f (A))2,2 of f (A).
1 0
A. 14. B. 7. C. 18. D. 6. E. 13.
Answer. Å ã
13 14
f (A) = 2A3 − A2 + 2A + 4I =
7 6
The answer is D 

x1 + x2 − x3
 =4
Question 11. Find all real values of m such that the following linear system 3x1 − 2x2 + 4x3 = 5 has no

3x1 + 3x2 + mx3 = 5

A. m 6= −3 . B. m = −1 . C. m = −3. D. m = 1. E. m 6= −1.
The system has a no solution if and only if rank(A) 6= rank(A|b)
The answer is C 
Question 12-14:
For a simple economyÑ with 3 industries éA, B, C, we suggest the input-output model, where the input-output
0.1 0.15 0.05
matrix is M = 0.1 0.15 0.2 . Let D = (D1 , D2 , D3 )T be the external demand matrix and
0.2 0.25 0.1
X = (X1 , X2 , X3 )T be the total production matrix. We have the equation: M X + D = X.
Question 12. According to the matrix, which is the correct statement?
A. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.2 unit of C.
B. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.25 unit of B.
C. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.15 unit of C.

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D. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.2 unit of B.
E. All other answers are wrong.
The answer is D 
Question 13. If there are 20 units of B that have been used to produce C. Find the total production of C.
A. 200. B. 100. C. 80. D. 4. E. 5.
The answer is B 
Question 14. Let D = (100, 100, 100) . Find the total production of C.
A. 195.3602. B. 181.5222. C. 152.2182. D. 55. E. 45.
X = (I − M )−1 D
The answer is A 
Question 15. Find all real values of m such that M = {(−1; 1; −3), (m; 4; −2), (1; 3; 1), (−2; 2; −2)} is a linearly
dependent set.
A. m = 0. B. m = 4. C. m = −2. D. @m. E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is always linearly dependent because it has 4 vectors in R3 .
The answer is E 
Question 16. Let A be a square matrix. If we apply the following operations on A: r1 ↔ r2 ; r2 → 3 ; r3 →
2r3 − r1 , we obtain the matrix B with the determinant det(B) = 6. Find det(A).
A. −9. B. 18 . C. −4 . D. −18. E. −2.
|B| = − 32 |A| ⇒ |A| = −9.
The answer is A 
Ñ é
2 −2 2
Question 17. Find all real values of m such that A = m −1 3 is invertible.
2 0 0
A. m = 3 . B. m 6= 0. C. ∀m. D. m 6= 1. E. @m.
A is invertible ⇔ |A| =
6 0
The answer is C 

In the following electrical network, given that I1 = 3A, I2 =

Question 18.
2A, I3 = 1A, V1 = 18V, V2 = 5V, R1 + R2 + R3 = 8. Find R1 .

A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. E. 5.
 
3R1 + 2R2 − 18 = 0
 R1 = 4

−R3 + 2R2 − 5 = 0 ⇔ R2 = 3
 
R1 + R2 + R3 =8 R3 = 1
 

The answer is D 
Question 19-20:
The population of one species is divided into two age classes: 0 − 1 year old and > 1 year old classes. After each
year, about 80% elements in the first class and 40% elements in the second class survive; the birth rate of the first
class is 1.3 (after one year, in average, 1 element in the first class produce 1.3 offspring), and the birth rate of the
second age class is 1.1. Let A be the transition matrix of the model. Let X0 = [200; 300]T be the numbers of
elements in the first and the second age classes, respectively.
QuestionÅ 19. Find
ã the transition
Å matrix
ã A. Å ã Å ã Å ã
0.8 0.4 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.4 1.3 0.4 0.8 0.2
A. . B. . C. . D. . E. .
0.2 0.6 0.8 0.4 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.4
The answer is B 

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Question 20. Find the number of elements in the second age class after 3 years.
A. 1317. B. 2040. C. 1094. D. 660. E. 280.
Answer. Å ã Å ã
1.3 1.1 200
Transition matrix: A = . X0 = .
0.8 0.4 300
Å ã
After 3 years: X3 = A3 X0 ≈ .
The answer is C 

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Lecturer: Phan Thi Khanh Van Approved by: Nguyen Tien Dung

Semester/Academic year 1 22 - 23
MID. EXAM Date 27/11/2022
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Course title Linear Algebra
- VNUHCM Course ID MT1007
FACULTY OF AS Duration 50 mins Question sheet code 5644
Notes: - This is a closed book exam. Only your calculator is allowed. Total available score: 10.
- You MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question sheet. There are 20 questions in 2 pages.
Question 1-2:
Let V be the linear span of the vector set E = {(−1, 1, 1), (3, −1, 2)}.
Question 1. Find all real values of m such that the vector x = (1, 1, m) belongs to V .
A. m = −1. B. m = 4. C. m = 5. D. @. E. ∀m.
x ∈span(E) if there exist α, β such that x = αe1 + βe2
α = 2

⇔ β=1


The answer is B 
Question 2. With m found, find the coordinate vector [x]E .
A. [x]E = (−3, 2)T . B. [x]E = (1, 1)T . C. [x]E = (−2, 1)T .
D. @ . E. [x]E = (2, 1)T .
[x]E = (α, β)T
The answer is E 

x1 + x2 − x3
 =4
Question 3. Find all real values of m such that the following linear system x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 = 5 has no

3x1 + 3x2 + mx3 = 5

A. m 6= −3 . B. m = −1 . C. m = −3. D. m = 1. E. m 6= −1.
The system has a no solution if and only if rank(A) 6= rank(A|b)
The answer is C 
Question 4. In the vector space P2 [x] = {ax2 + bx + c, a, b, c ∈ R}, let M = {2x2 + 2x − 1; 2x2 + 3x; x2 + m} be
a vector set. Find all real values of m such that M is one basis.
A. m 6= −3 2 . B. @m. C. m 6= −2
3 . D. m = −23 . E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is one basis if and only if rank(M ) = 3 ⇔ |M | =6 0 ⇔ m 6= −32 .
The answer is A 
Ñ é
−1 1 1
Question 5. Find m such that det(A5 ) = 243 where A = 1 1 0 .
m 0 0

A. m = −3. B. m = − 5 3. C. m = 243 . D. m = 3. E. m = −243 .
|A5 | = |A|5 = −m5
The answer is A 
Questions 6 and 7
Let E and F be two bases of a two dimensional vector space
Å V , ãwith the change of basis matrix
 3 4
TE→F = [e1 ]F [e2 ]F = .
−2 1
Question 6. Let [x]E = (−1, 1)T . Find [x]F .
A. (5; 15)T . B. (1/2; 3/2)T . C. (−5/11; 1/11)T .
D. (1; −2) . E. (1; 3) .

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[x]F = TE→F [x]E
The answer is E 
Question 7. Given that E = {(1; 2), (−1; 3)}. Find the basis F .
A. {(−1/11; −7/11), (8/11; 1/11)}.
B. {(5; 0), (3; 11)}.
C. {(11; 0), (9; 5)}.
D. {(−1/11; 8/11), (−7/11; 1/11)}.
E. {(−7/11; 8/11), (−13/11; 7/11)}.
Answer. Å ã
 −1 1/11 −4/11
TF →E = [f1 ]E [f2 ]E = TE→F =
2/11 3/11
f1 = 11 2
e1 + 11 e2 ; f2 = −4 e
11 1 + 3
11 2 .
The answer is D 
Å ã Å ã
2 −1 −1 1
Question 8. Let A = and B = . Find the matrix X that satisfies the equation
0 3 −2 1
3XA = 2X + ÅB . ã Å ã Å ã
−1/7 −11/28 −4 −11 −7 −11
A. X = . B. X = . C. X = .
1/7 1/7 4 4 7 7
Å ã Å ã
−1/9 −1/2 −1/4 −11/28
D. X = . E. X = .
1/9 0 1/4 1/4
X = B T (3A − 2I)−1
The answer is E 
Question 9. Find all real values of m such that M = {(1; 1; −3), (m; 4; −7), (1; 1; 1), (2; 3; −4)} is a linearly de-
pendent set.
A. m = 3. B. m = 4. C. m = −2. D. @m. E. ∀m ∈ R.
M is always linearly dependent because it has 4 vectors in R3 .
The answer is E 
Å ã
1 2
Question 10. Let f (x) = 2x3 − x2 + 2x + 4 and A = . Find the 1,1 entry (f (A))1,1 of f (A).
1 0
A. 14. B. 7. C. 18. D. 13. E. 6.
Answer. Å ã
13 14
f (A) = 2A3 − A2 + 2A + 4I =
7 6
The answer is D 
Question 11. Let A be a square matrix. If we apply the following operations on A: r1 ↔ r2 ; r2 → 2 ; r3 →
3r3 − r1 , we obtain the matrix B with the determinant det(B) = 6. Find det(A).
A. −18. B. −4. C. 18 . D. −9 . E. −2.
|B| = − 23 |A| ⇒ |A| = −4.
The answer is B 

In the following electrical network, given that I1 = 3A, I2 =

Question 12.
2A, I3 = 1A, V1 = 19V, V2 = 9V, R1 + R2 + R3 = 9. Find R2 .

A. 1. B. 2. C. 4. D. 5. E. 3.
 
3R1 + 2R2 − 19 = 0
 R1 = 3

−R3 + 2R2 − 9 = 0 ⇔ R2 = 5
 
R1 + R2 + R3 =9 R3 = 1
 

The answer is D 

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Question 13-14:
The population of one species is divided into two age classes: 0 − 1 year old and > 1 year old classes. After each
year, about 80% elements in the first class and 40% elements in the second class survive; the birth rate of the first
class is 1.5 (after one year, in average, 1 element in the first class produce 1.5 offspring), and the birth rate of the
second age class is 1.2. Let A be the transition matrix of the model. Let X0 = [200; 300]T be the numbers of
elements in the first and the second age classes, respectively.
QuestionÅ 13. Find
ã the transition
Å matrix
ã A. Å ã Å ã Å ã
0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.5 0.4 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.2
A. . B. . C. . D. . E. .
0.2 0.6 1.5 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.4
The answer is D 
Question 14. Find the number of elements in the second age class after 3 years.
A. 1317. B. 2757. C. 5514. D. 660. E. 280.
Answer. Å ã Å ã
1.5 1.2 200
Transition matrix: A = . X0 = .
0.8 0.4 300
Å ã
After 3 years: X3 = A3 X0 = .
The answer is A 
  

 x1 + 2x2 − x3 + x4
 = 0

Question 15. Find the dimension of the following vector space: F = x ∈ R4 : 2x1 + 4x2 − x3 + x4 =0 .
  
3x1 + 7x2 − 3x3 + 5x4 =0
  

A. 4 . B. 2 . C. 3 . D. 1. E. 0.
dim(F ) = n − rank(A), where A is the coefficient matrix.
The answer is D 
Ñ é
5 −2 2
Question 16. Find all real values of m such that A = m 1 −3 is invertible.
1 0 0
A. m = 3 . B. m 6= 0. C. ∀m. D. m 6= 1. E. @m.
A is invertible ⇔ |A| =
6 0
The answer is C 
Question 17-19:
For a simple economyÑ with 3 industries éA, B, C, we suggest the input-output model, where the input-output
0.1 0.15 0.05
matrix is M = 0.1 0.15 0.25 . Let D = (D1 , D2 , D3 )T be the external demand matrix and
0.2 0.2 0.1
X = (X1 , X2 , X3 )T be the total production matrix. We have the equation: M X + D = X.
Question 17. According to the matrix, which is the correct statement?
A. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.25 unit of C.
B. To produce 1 unit of B, we need 0.2 unit of C.
C. All other answers are wrong.
D. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.2 unit of B.
E. To produce 1 unit of C, we need 0.1 unit of B.
The answer is B 
Question 18. If there are 40 units of C that have been used to produce B. Find the total production of B.
A. 400. B. 200. C. 160. D. 2. E. 10.
The answer is B 
Question 19. Let D = (100, 100, 100)T . Find the total production of C.
A. 187.6020. B. 190.8646. C. 188.4176. D. 50. E. 60.
X = (I − M )−1 D
The answer is A 

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Question 20. Let A be a 2×3 matrix. Applying the elementary operation c1 → c1 −3c2 is equivalent to multiplying
the following
Ñ matrixé Ñ é
1 0 0 1 0 0
A. −3 1 0 to the right of A. B. −3 1 0 to the left of A.
0 0 1 0 0 1
Å ã Å ã Å ã
1 0 1 0 1 −3
C. to the left of A. D. to the right of A. E. to the right of A.
−3 1 −3 1 0 1
The answer is A 

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