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3 Tweets • 2023-01-03 •  See on Twitter 


Kabbalah maasit (‫ )קבלה מעשית‬or practical kabbala is

a widespread practice in orthodox judaism.

Through incantations and amulets, lettered with a

special script (called ‫ )כתב עיניים‬rabbis could make
someone die or turn into an animal.

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Allah says that the two angels teaching sihr was a test
for the jews,but they failed and decided to engage in it

In Kabbala, they even call their mystical script "‫כתב‬

‫"מלאכים‬- Angel writing

Thus Iraq (Babylon) became the center of sihr as the

rabbis say:

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The late kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri (d.2006) used
to make amulets for the voters of the Shas-party in

One jew made a sihr to the Prophet saws, so Allah swt

revealed the two surahs (Falaq and Nas) as

He swt further condemns the jewish practice of sihr:

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