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Câu 1:
PART 1. Read the following conversation (5 pts)

(Rick sees Mai, a Vietnamese student at a party and decides

he would like to get to know her.)

Rick: Hello. Where are you from?

Mai: From Hanoi, Vietnam.
Rick: Why did you come to California?
Mai: To study.
Rick: Oh, what are you studying?
Mai: Architecture.
Rick: How long do you plan to stay here?
Mai: Two years.
Rick: When did you come?
Mai: Three weeks ago.

(Rick is already frustrated. He decides it is not worth getting to

know Mai.)

In English, one of the best ways of initiating and maintaining a

conversation is for at least one of the speakers to ask the
other question. Read the dialogue again, change it so that it is
not one-sided by adding a question or a comment after Mai’s
short answers. Write in Rick’s responses to Mai’s questions.

Rick: Hello. Where are you from?

Mai: From Hanoi, Vietnam. Hanoi has many unique landscapes

and traditional beauty such as Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum, Turtle
Tower. I can say that it is the capital of Vietnam. So how about
you? Where are you from?
Rick:__I am from California, America.
Why did you come to California?

Mai: To study. ______________________________________

Rick: ______________________________________
What are you studying?
Mai: Architecture.

Rick: ______________________________________
How long do you plan to stay here?

Mai: Two years.


Rick: ____________________________________________________
When did you come?

Mai: Three weeks ago.


Câu 1:

PART 1. Read the following conversation (5 pts)

Rick: Hello. Where are you from?

Mai: From Hanoi, Vietnam. And how about you?

Rick: I’m from Singapore. I visited Vietnam 3 years ago. Your country is so
friendly and beautiful. Why did you come to California?

Mai: To study. And you?

Rick: I’m here to study, too. Oh, what are you studying?
Mai: Architecture. And you?

Rick: Great. I study Business Administration. How long do you plan to stay here?

Mai: Two years, of course. I hope I can study as much as possible.

Rick: Yes, we must try our best When did you come?

Mai: Three weeks ago. And today is the first time I join the party. I’m so happy to
meet and talk to you.

PART 2. Write a short paragraph (100 words) to give advice to a foreigner about
nonverbal communication before coming here (5pts).

Non-verbal communication plays an important role in Vietnamese society,

sometimes to accompany and reinforce linguistic symbols, sometimes as a
substitute for words. So, foreigners should know it, if not it is easy to
misunderstand each other. In Vietnam, locals prefer to use non-verbal language
rather than verbal language. People tend to hide their feelings as they are quite
reserved, so don’t consider this as an unfriendly attitude. Vietnamese usually
choose non-verbal gestures, such as gentle bows, friendly smiles, nods, and
avoiding direct eye contact. A gentle, not prolonged handshake is commonly used
when men greet one another. Women sometimes welcome one another with a
handshake, but a slight nod of acknowledgment will often suffice. Besides, a sweet
smile is another nonverbal symbol used to convey an apology for a minor offense
or to express embarrassment when making a stupid mistake. So, non-verbal
communication is very important which helps our conversation more perfect.

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