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land degradation & development

Land Degrad. Develop. 14: 459–480 (2003)

Published online 9 July 2003 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/ldr.568


Colorado State University, Department of Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals and Geology, Denver, CO, USA

Received 28 January 2002; Revised 6 September 2002; Accepted 6 December 2002

The Rocky Mountains of the western United States contain many economically important natural resources. Increasing
development of these resources has lead to land degradation, which often requires restoration efforts. A common type of
disturbance in this region is mineral extraction and these activities often occur in zones of vegetation dominated by shrubs.
These mined lands have proven to be particularly challenging to restore to native shrub cover. Mountain shrubland species such
as big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata), Saskatoon serviceberry (Amelanchier
alnifolia), black chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus), and snowberry (Symphor-
icarpos sp.) are crucial species for wildlife in this region due to the seasonal dependence of many wildlife species on the
mountain shrubland zones. The development of successful restoration techniques for these key shrub species is therefore
important for the continued and sustainable utilization of natural resources in the Rocky Mountains.
The purpose of this literature review is to provide a reference to land managers working on woody plant establishment on
mining disturbances in mountain shrublands in the Rocky Mountains. This review covers the biology, ecology, and propagation
of six shrub species that are of primary importance for meeting regulatory compliance in this region. Based upon this survey of
the published literature, we conclude that successful establishment of these species has most often involved: (1) utilization of
local shrub ecotypes, varieties or subspecies in reclamation efforts, (2) protection from browsing during the establishment
phase, (3) strategies for avoiding herbaceous competition, and (4) providing a source of mutualistic soil organisms. Additional
specific recommendations for each of these species are discussed. Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

key words: mined land; seeding; shrubland restoration; topsoil; transplants; wildlife habitat

There is a need for an increased knowledge of the biology and methods for establishment of woody plants on
disturbed lands in mountain shrub zones of the Rocky Mountains. This region contains many economically
important natural resources including minerals, wildlife, water, timber, forage, recreational opportunities, and
food. The development of these resources often leads to degradation of plant communities, which may require
restoration efforts. In the Rocky Mountains, where mineral extraction is an important part of the local economies,
the restoration of mountain shrub communities on mined lands is an important and difficult task.
Areas of coal extraction in the Rocky Mountains often occur in habitats of shrubby vegetation that are referred
to as ‘mountain brush’ or ‘mountain shrub’. This is an important habitat type in much of the area because big game
is concentrated in mountain shrublands during winter periods. The quality of these habitats is often the key
determinant of the ecosystem carrying capacity for big game population (Wallmo et al., 1976). Mountain
shrublands also serve as a habitat for a wider variety of wildlife including threatened Columbian sharp-tailed

 Correspondence to: M. W. Paschke, Department of Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Stewardship, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
80523-1478, USA.

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


grouse and sage grouse. Mountain shrubland species such as bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata), serviceberry
(Amelanchier sp.) and mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus) are some of the most palatable North
American plant genera for big game, while sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) is less palatable but among the most
important browse species due to its abundance and availability (Merrill, 1971).
The mountain shrub plant association is widespread in the Rocky Mountain region from western Colorado
through Utah and Nevada and from western Wyoming south to northern Arizona. Mountain shrublands typically
occur above valley and foothill sagebrush or pinyon-juniper communities and below montane conifer or aspen
(Populus tremuloides) forests. These mountain shrub communities are diverse and vary in species composition
with elevation, aspect, soils, and disturbance history. Despite the wide diversity of mountain shrub habitat types,
there are relatively few dominant shrub species found in this vegetation type. Notable among these common shrubs
are big sagebrush, antelope bitterbrush, mountain mahogany, Saskatoon serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia),
black chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), snowberry (Symphoricarpos sp.), maple (Acer sp.), and Gambel oak
(Quercus gambelii) (Terwilliger and Tiedeman, 1978; Tiedeman and Terwilliger, 1978; Hoffmann, 1979; Hoffman
and Alexander, 1980; Hess and Wasser, 1982; Hoffman and Alexander, 1983; Alexander, 1985; Hess and
Alexander, 1986; Alexander, 1987; Banner, 1992; Colorado Natural Areas Program, 1998).
On surface-mined lands in Rocky Mountain shrublands, the establishment of woody plants at densities required
for bond release, and within the liability period, has proven to be very difficult (Mathews and Savage, 1990). This
difficulty arises from numerous factors including grazing and browsing pressures, competition from other plant
species, short growing season, lack of seeds or planting stock, and a lack of technical information regarding the
cost-effective methods for establishing shrubs on disturbed lands.
The purpose of this literature review is to provide a reference to land managers working on woody plant
establishment on disturbed mountain shrublands in the Rocky Mountains. This review will cover the biology,
ecology, and propagation of six species (Table I) that are of primary importance for meeting regulatory compliance
in this region. The information presented here is intended to improve success in establishing these species on
mining and other disturbances in shrublands of the Rocky Mountains in the United States.


Following is a brief discussion of the biological characteristics of the six woody species that are the focus of this
review. These species are diverse, but they share many important features (Table II). For instance, all of these
species support important wildlife, and most show large genetic variation, which translates into large geographic
ranges, local ecotypes, varieties, and numerous subspecies. The adaptability of these species to local conditions is
an important part of their biology. The following descriptions generalize many of their qualities, and the reader
should be aware that exceptions to these characteristics will occur. It is also important to note that the adaptations
of these species to specific sites should be considered when planning restoration projects.

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. (Big Sagebrush) vars. wyomingensis (Wyoming Big Sagebrush) and vaseyana
(Mountain Big Sagebrush)
Big sagebrush is the most abundant and widespread shrub in the western United States. It is often thought of as a
symbol of the Old West. It provides important food and cover for domestic animals and wildlife. Once thought of
as an undesirable component of grasslands, it is increasingly recognized for its importance as a wildlife habitat,
especially in light of recent declines in sage grouse populations. Extensive loss of big sagebrush communities in
the Great Basin (Anderson and Inouye, 2001), which is often associated with cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)
invasion and dominance (Pyke, 1999; Young and Evans, 1978), have prompted much recent interest in restoration
of big sagebrush communities.
Big sagebrush is a long-lived woody shrub that reproduces from seed. Pollination and seed dispersal of big
sagebrush are primarily facilitated by wind, but seeds may also be transported by animals (Bay, 1975; Pendleton
et al., 1989). Like many woody plants of mountain shrublands, germination of big sagebrush seed is poor and is
usually 35 per cent or less (Vines, 1960). Big sagebrush seeds readily establish on bare ground in early spring in the

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)
Table I. Woody plant species covered by this review. Nomenclature follows that of USDA (USDA, NRCS, 2001)
Scientific name Synonyms Family Common name

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. wyomingensis (Beetle & Young) Welsh Asteraceae Wyoming big sagebrush
wyomingensis Beetle & Young Seriphidium tridentatum (Nutt.) W.A. Weber ssp. wyomingense

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

and (Beetle & Young) W.A. Weber and
Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. pauciflora Winward & Goodrich
vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. vaseyana (Rydb.) Boivin Mountain big sagebrush
Artemisia vaseyana Rydb.
Seriphidium tridentatum (Nutt.) W.A. Weber ssp. vaseyanum (Rydb.) W.A. Weber
Seriphidium vaseyanum (Rydb.) W.A. Weber
Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. Rosaceae Antelope bitterbrush
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. Rosaceae Saskatoon serviceberry
ex M. Roemer.
Prunus virginiana L. var. Padus melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Shafer
melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Sarg. Padus virginiana (L.) M. Roemer ssp. melanocarpa (A. Nels.) W.A. Weber Rosaceae Black chokecherry
Prunus melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Rydb.
Prunus virginiana L. ssp. melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Taylor & MacBryde
Cercocarpus montanus Raf. Rosaceae Mountain mahogany
Symphoricarpos spp. Caprifoliaceae Snowberry
S. occidentalis Hook. Western snowberry
S. oreophilus Gray Symphoricarpos rotundifolius Gray var. oreophilus (Gray) M.E. Jones Mountain snowberry
Symphoricarpos tetonensis A. Nels.
Symphoricarpos utahensis Rydb.

Symphoricarpos vaccinioides Rydb.




Table II. Select ecological characteristics of the woody plants described in this literature review. Information from Pendleton et al. 1989; USDA and NRCS, 2001
Big Antelope Saskatoon Black Mountain Western Mountain
sagebrush bitterbrush serviceberry chokecherry mahogany snowberry snowberry

C:N ratio Low Medium/low Medium High Medium/low Medium Medium

Dinitrogen fixation None Low None None Low None None
Palatablity to browsers Low High High High High High Low

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Palatablity to grazers Low Medium Low Low Low Low Medium
Protein potential Medium Medium High Medium Medium Low Medium
Fire tolerance High Low High High High High High
Precip. range (cm) 15–40 20–50 30–76 33–165 25–64 30–114 30–100
Min. frost free days 90 100 100 120 90 110 100
Min. temp. ( C) 42 38 39 42 39 38 36
Shade tolerance Intolerant Intermediate Intermediate Intolerant Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
Pollination Wind Animal Animal Animal Wind Animal Animal
Seed dispersal Wind Mammal Bird Bird Wind Bird Bird
Soil texture adaptation:
Fine No No Yes Yes No No Yes
Medium Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Coarse No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Fertility requirement Low Medium Medium Medium Low Medium Low

pH range 6–82 56–84 56–84 52–84 6–8 66–8 52–75
Min. root depth (cm) 50 50 60 50 50 46 30
Moisture use Medium Low Medium Medium Low Low Low
Anaerobic tolerance None Low None Medium None None None
CaCO3 tolerance High High High High High High Low
Drought tolerance High High Medium Medium High High High
Salinity tolerance Low None None None None Low Low



absence of cheatgrass competition. Mountain big sagebrush may reach reproductive maturity in three to five years
and can thus establish quickly (Bunting et al., 1987). Perryman et al. (2000) studied 27 stands of big sagebrush in
Wyoming and found that natural recruitment in these stands occurs in pulses with mean recruitment intervals of
23 years for Wyoming big sagebrush and 22 years for mountain big sagebrush.
Root sprouts are occasionally formed by big sagebrush (Vines, 1960), but it is primarily dependent on
reproduction from seed. Big sagebrush can produce numerous seedlings after a fire, but frequent fires, such as
occur with cheatgrass invasion, can eliminate big sagebrush from a site (Blaisdell, 1953; Wright, 1971; Wright et al.,
1979), especially Wyoming big sagebrush (Bunting et al., 1987). In a review of the literature, Bunting et al. (1987)
found that mountain big sagebrush seeds usually establish readily after a fire whereas, Wyoming big sagebrush
reestablishes slowly after fire.
Big sagebrush occurs on moderately shallow to deep, well-drained, sandy to silt loam soils. It is typically found
on deep soil pockets (Vines, 1960). It can tolerate neutral to slightly alkaline soils, but is generally an indicator of
soils largely free of alkalinity (Vines, 1960). The various subspecies of big sagebrush are distributed on different
substrate types and climatic zones. A. tridentata wyomingensis occurs primarily at warmer lower elevations with
less precipitation and poorly developed soils (West et al., 1978 Hironaka et al., 1983). The subspecies A. tridentata
vaseyana is more common at cooler mid- to high elevations with greater precipitation and more developed soils
(Hironaka et al., 1983; West et al., 1978).
Big sagebrush communities provide critical habitats for about 250 species of vertebrate wildlife (Sands et al.,
1999). These wildlife values are described in detail by Wallmo (1973), McArthur et al. (1978), Blaisdell et al.
(1982), McArthur (1983), Nydegger and Smith (1986), Roberson (1986) and Sands et al. (1999). McArthur (1983)
lists 87 wildlife species that use sagebrush for a habitat, as well as their degree of association, in eight
Intermountain states.

Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. (Antelope Bitterbrush)

Antelope bitterbrush is a widespread shrub in the western United States, occurring from the east slope of the Rockies
to the Pacific Ocean, and from British Columbia to Arizona. It is actinorhizal, which means that it is capable of
forming a dinitrogen-fixing symbiosis with Frankia bacteria in root nodules. Bitterbrush and mountain mahogany in
the western United States form some of the most extensive stands of actinorhizal plants in the world, with bitterbrush
alone occupying some 136 million ha in 11 states (Hormay, 1943; Paschke, 1997). Antelope bitterbrush is a key
browse species throughout its range. Recent declines in bitterbrush have reduced mule deer populations (Updike
et al., 1990) and generated interest in the restoration of this species. Following World War II, there was much interest
in increasing the availability of browse on depleted winter ranges of the western United States. Much of the ensuing
research in the 1950s and 1960s focused on antelope bitterbrush for this purpose (Ferguson, 1983).
Flowers of antelope bitterbrush are pollinated by a wide assortment of insects, including honeybees (Bay, 1975;
Pendleton et al., 1989). Natural reproduction of antelope bitterbrush is closely tied to the collection and seed
caching activities of rodents (Evans et al., 1983; Scholten, 1983; Vanderwall, 1994), which act as primary dispersal
vectors (Pendleton et al., 1989). Good seed crops occur at widely varying intervals from two to six years (Young
and Young, 1992).
Antelope bitterbrush can be severely damaged by fire (Pechanec et al., 1948; Blaisdell, 1950; Nord, 1965;
Weaver, 1967; Wright, 1971; Murray, 1983). If soils are wet at the time of a burn, or shortly after a burn, then
bitterbrush will usually resprout (Blaisdell, 1953; Wright, 1971; Driver, 1983; Martin and Driver, 1983). Where
fires are not followed by rain, bitterbrush may not resprout and could be eliminated from the site (Weaver, 1967;
Wright, 1971). However, under good conditions, antelope bitterbrush seedlings may rapidly become established
following fires (Martin, 1982; Driver, 1983; Martin and Driver, 1983). In a literature review of bitterbrush–fire
relationships, Rice (1983) cautions that bitterbrush response to fire appears to be site specific, and it is therefore
difficult to predict what the effects of fire will be in a bitterbrush stand.
The highly palatable nature of bitterbrush often detracts from its use on disturbed lands, and unless grazing and
browsing animals are controlled, its establishment can be quite difficult (Wasser, 1982). Small mammals may also
girdle and kill seedlings in plantings, necessitating the use of chemical deterrents (Wasser, 1982).

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

Antelope bitterbrush occurs in a variety of habitats including plains, foothills, mountain slopes, mesas and
open woodlands (Stubbendieck et al., 1992), and on a variety of soils (Vines, 1960), but is most abundant on
young, well-drained, deep, coarse-textured soils (Nord, 1965; Stubbendieck et al., 1992). In a survey of 29 natural
bitterbrush stands in California, Nord (1965) found antelope bitterbrush rarely occurred on soils of clay or
clay-loam texture, or where there was a claypan or hardpan within 61 cm of the surface. Nord (1965) also reported
that antelope bitterbrush was rarely found on saline soils that were mildly alkaline or calcareous within 09 to
12 m of the surface. Bitterbrush’s ability to form a dinitrogen-fixing symbiosis with Frankia allows it to grow
on nutrient-poor substrates (Paschke, 1997), and it often grows as a pioneer species on volcanic deposits (Nord,
Antelope bitterbrush is highly palatable to big game and livestock and it is one of the most widely planted
browse shrubs in North America (Bay, 1975). It is typically regarded as an important winter browse species.
However, Austin and Urness (1983) found the summer diet of mule deer in Utah consisted of 8 per cent bitterbrush
in May and increased steadily to 92 per cent by September. Woodis (1989) found that over a two-year period,
Nevada mule deers’ diets consisted of 51 per cent bitterbrush. Seeds are a valuable food source for chipmunks
(Grant, 1997). Bitterbrush has a low foliar C : N ratio, high protein content, and high N content of dormant tissues.
Bitterbrush is also able to withstand heavy browsing and it seems that browsing may actually stimulate growth of
antelope bitterbrush (Jones, 1983; Urness and Jensen, 1983; Bilbrough and Richards, 1993).

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roemer. (Saskatoon Serviceberry)

Saskatoon serviceberry is a common shrub or small tree of mountain shrublands and prairies of the western United
States and Canada. The fruits of Saskatoon serviceberries, ‘Saskatoons’, were an important source of food for
Native Americans and early settlers (Harris, 1966). Saskatoons are also an important source of food for migratory
songbirds and other wildlife.
Saskatoon serviceberry is a clump-forming, long-lived tree or shrub, which reproduces from animal dispersed
fruits, or from suckers and root sprouts (Harris, 1966; Wasser, 1982). Flowers of Saskatoon serviceberry are
pollinated by animals (insects) and seeds are primarily dispersed by birds (Pendleton et al., 1989).
Wright (1971) describes Saskatoon serviceberry as being severely damaged by fire although, Wasser (1982)
describes stands as being fire tolerant and recovering from sprouts in about 3 years. Lyon and Stickney (1976)
found that saskatoon serviceberry regenerated well from root crowns on three catastrophic fire sites. Similarly,
Noste et al. (1989) working in western Montana tested various intensities and timing of fire on Saskatoon
serviceberry and found that shrubs resprouted well under all treatments, although larger individuals seem to
resprout more vigorously than smaller ones.
Saskatoon serviceberry is a variable species, which occurs in a variety of habitats including brushy hillsides,
open woods, canyons, and riparian areas (Vines, 1960; Stubbendieck et al., 1992). It is a common component in
most mountain shrub communities throughout the Rocky Mountains and Intermountain west. It is adapted to a
wide range of soil types, from fine to coarse textures (USDA and NRCS, 2001). It is most abundant on deep, well-
drained, medium-textured soils, but occasionally grows around bogs (Stubbendieck et al., 1992; Wasser, 1982).
Major and Rejmanek (1992) describe soils where Saskatoon serviceberry is a dominant species as typically young
and rocky with andesite, limestone and/or quartzite parent materials. It will not tolerate saline soils and high
watertables (Wasser, 1982).
Saskatoon serviceberry is excellent cover and browse for deer, elk, and moose, and the young growth is fair to
good for livestock (Vines, 1960; Stubbendieck et al., 1992; Grant, 1997). Austin et al. (1984) reported that the June
diet of mule deer in Utah consisted of 65 per cent Saskatoon serviceberry. The fruit of Saskatoon serviceberry is
an important food for chipmunks, squirrels, black bears, blue grouse, Columbian grouse, sooty grouse,
Richardson’s grouse, mountain quail, and numerous songbirds, and the bark is often eaten by beavers and
marmots (Vines, 1960; Stubbendieck et al., 1992; Grant, 1997). On Yellowstone National Park winter ranges, Kay
(1995) found that browsing by big game may drastically reduce berry production by Saskatoon serviceberry,
suggesting that browse and berry production (for birds or other wildlife) may be incompatible management
objectives for Saskatoon serviceberry.

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

Prunus virginiana L. var. melanocarpa (A. Nels.) Sarg. (Black Chokecherry)

Black chokecherry is a loose thicket-forming low shrub to small tree with a wide geographic range throughout the
temperate portion of western North America. The fruits of black chokecherries are relished by songbirds and other
wildlife. Black chokecherries are often collected by humans to make jelly and Native Americans regarded it as an
important food and medicinal plant.
Black chokecherry reproduces from bird dispersed seeds (Pendleton et al., 1989), rhizomes or basal sprouts.
Flowers are pollinated by insects (Pendleton et al., 1989). Extensive thickets are often formed from root sprouts
(Vines, 1960). It sprouts readily after fire or mechanical damage from stumps and roots (Wasser, 1982). McKell
(1950) found that black chokecherry increased in abundance two years after fire in Utah, and, after 18 years, it had
twice the cover as an adjacent unburned reference area.
Black chokecherry is common on moist sites, such as drainages, ditches, and road shoulders, and in cool and
moist montane and canyon habitats (Wasser, 1982). Black chokecherry is adapted to a wide range of soil textures,
but will not grow on dense clay and is intolerant of poor drainage and high watertables (Wasser, 1982). It is most
common on moderately deep, silty or sandy soils with good fertility (Wasser, 1982). Black chokecherry will
tolerate moderately acidic to moderately basic soil and weak salinity (Wasser, 1982).
Black chokecherry is regarded as among the most important shrubs for wildlife cover and food in Wyoming and
Colorado (Johnson and Anderson, 1980). Twigs of black chokecherry are good winter browse for wildlife. Fruits
and foliage are an important source of summer and fall food for bears, cottontails, mule deer, and over 40 species
of birds (Vines, 1960; Grant, 1997). Kay (1995) found that browsing by big game may drastically reduce berry
production in black chokecherry, suggesting that browse and berry production may be incompatible management
objectives for black chokecherry.

Cercocarpus montanus Raf. (Mountain Mahogany)

Mountain mahogany is a common shrub or small tree of mountain shrublands and chaparral foothills in the Rocky
Mountains. Related species include C. ledifolius (curlleaf mountain mahogany) and C. betuloides (birchleaf
mountain mahogany). Mountain mahogany and its related species are extremely valuable winter browse for elk,
deer, and bighorn sheep throughout the western United States (reviewed by Paschke, 1997). Like bitterbrush,
mountain mahogany is actinorhizal and thus capable of forming a dinitrogen-fixing symbiosis with Frankia
bacteria in perennial root nodules.
Mountain mahogany typically flowers from June through July, but it may flower from May to November
depending on location (Elmore, 1976; Stubbendieck et al., 1992). The flowers are wind-pollinated and seeds are
dispersed by gravity or wind (Pendleton et al., 1989). The typical life span for mountain mahogany is probably
over 150 years (Ferguson, 1983). Mountain mahogany has good tolerance to fires and usually resprouts vigorously
from root crowns with greater herbage production (Wasser, 1982).
Mountain mahogany is abundant throughout the Rocky Mountains where it occurs in a variety of habitats such
as rocky bluffs, mountain slopes, canyons, rimrock, breaks, and open woodlands (Vines, 1960; Stubbendieck et al.,
1992). Habitats are often rocky, gravelly, and thin-soiled (Wasser, 1982). Mountain mahogany grows on a variety
of soil types, but is typically found on well-drained moderately coarse to moderately fine-textured substrates
(Wasser, 1982). Mountain mahogany is very good browse for cattle, sheep, and goats, although it may contain a
cyanogenic glycoside, which may cause hydrocyanic acid poisoning (Stubbendieck et al., 1992). It is a critical
winter browse species for mule deer and bighorn sheep throughout the Rocky Mountains. Rominger et al. (1988)
found 74–92 per cent of the summer diet of bighorn sheep in the Front Range of Colorado consisted of mountain
mahogany leaves. Seeds are valuable for small game such as grouse (Grant, 1997).

Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. (Western Snowberry) and Symphoricarpos oreophilus Gray

(Mountain Snowberry)
Western snowberry is a common species of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. It provides important browse
for deer and livestock, and its seeds are eaten by a large variety of birds and mammals. Mountain snowberry is a

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

common species of mountain shrub zones in the Rocky Mountains. It is very similar to western snowberry in terms
of its biology and utilization.
Flowers of western and mountain snowberry are insect pollinated, and the seeds are dispersed by birds
(Pendleton et al., 1989). Snowberry may be harmed by burning, but populations often recover within 15 years
(Pechanec et al., 1948; Blaisdell, 1953; Wright, 1971) and may form thicker stands after fires (Wasser, 1982).
Although, Anderson and Bailey (1980) noted that annual repeated fires may dramatically reduce western
Snowberry is found in a wide variety of prairie, forest, and shrubland habitats. Western snowberry is most
common on disturbed or overgrazed sites, and in riparian areas, draws, and depressions (Wasser, 1982). Mountain
snowberry is a very common understory component of aspen-fir and spruce-fir forests of the Intermountain west
(Wasser, 1982).
Western snowberry is adapted to most soil textures but is least common on sandy sites (Wasser, 1982). Tueller
and Eckert (1987) studied 37 stands of mountain snowberry/mountain big sagebrush in Nevada and found that the
association occurred primarily on deep, productive, dark-colored soils. Snowberry is tolerant of poorly drained
soils and short-term flooding, but not high watertables. Western snowberry will tolerate weakly acidic to weakly
basic soils. It grows in areas that receive between 300 and 500 mm of mean annual precipitation (Wasser, 1982).
Mountain snowberry is common on sites where snow accumulates and is late to melt (Tueller and Eckert, 1987).
Snowberry is drought tolerant, but growth and seed production are greatly reduced by moisture stress.
Snowberry species are less preferred by game and livestock in winter than many of the other shrubs discussed in
this review. They are, however, sought in spring because they leaf out very early relative to associated browse
species (Plummer et al., 1968). On summer range, snowberry shrubs can be important browse. For instance, Austin
and Urness (1983) found that mountain snowberry made up 65 per cent of the July diet of Utah mule deer. The
fleshy fruits of snowberries are eaten by a variety of bird species (McAtee, 1936; Van Dersal, 1938).


Weed Control
The control of herbaceous competition, and in particular annual weedy species, might be necessary during the first
few years of shrub establishment on reclamation sites (Cook, 1974). Competition from weeds can greatly reduce
the success of shrub restoration efforts. Herbaceous cover may also provide habitat for small mammals that girdle
and kill shrubs, and herbaceous growth can carry fires that kill shrubs (Frischknecht, 1977). Grasses in particular
can out-compete young shrubs (Kiger et al., 1987). Antelope bitterbrush has vigorous seedlings that may be able to
establish in the presence of grass competition (Monsen and Christensen, 1975). For the other species discussed in
this review, control of herbaceous competition may be necessary prior to planting shrubs (Giunta et al., 1975), and
for one or two complete seasons after planting (Monsen and Christensen, 1975). The use of herbicides prior to
planting of shrubs has been used with limited success (Ianson, 1996).
Since active weed control measures are often cost-prohibitive in reclamation efforts, strategies for avoiding
herbaceous competitors may be a better alternative. This might be accomplished by segregating shrub plantings in
areas where herbaceous competition is likely to be less, or managing weed populations soon after colonization to
avoid their spread and dominance.

Shrubs in mountain shrubland habitats are important winter browse for big game. Planting young succulent shrubs
on reclamation sites in the mountain shrub zone often turns out to be an expensive way to feed wildlife. Shrub
seedlings often require three or four years to establish before they can sustain browsing pressure (Cook, 1974).
Small plantings should be protected by fencing. For larger areas some measures of wildlife control may be
essential to establish shrubs. Meikle et al. (1996) reported that chemical browsing deterrents were ineffective,

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

while mechanical deterrents such as Tree Pro11 plastic tubes were successful on a mine site in Colorado. Cook
et al. (1974) recommend that only unpalatable shrub species be used in mountain shrub zones. However, where a
wildlife habitat is the desired post-mining land use, this strategy is not an acceptable alternative.
Shrub-seeding failures can often be attributed to seed consumption by rodents (reviewed by Medin and
Ferguson, 1971). Population sizes of rodents fluctuate widely, but these cycles are often predictable and seeding
programs that consider local rodent population levels before broadcast seeding may have greater success.
Measures to control rodents such as providing perches for raptors might help offset losses with minimal costs.
Fruits of Saskatoon serviceberry, snowberry, and black chokecherry are all dispersed by birds. Thus, the
provision of perches on disturbed sites may facilitate colonization by these and other native shrub species
(McClanahan and Wolfe, 1993). In addition, birds and small mammals have been linked to the dispersal of
symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi (Warner and French, 1970; McIlveen and H. Cole, 1976; Ponder, 1980; Warner et al.,
1987; Maser et al., 1988; Allen et al., 1992) and Frankia (Paschke and Dawson, 1993). The attraction of songbirds
to reclamation sites may thus speed the recovery of ecosystem processes by facilitating the input of important soil
biota via birds.

Inoculating with Symbiotic Organisms

Soil is a habitat for numerous and diverse organisms including bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, protozoa, nematodes,
microarthropods, macroarthropods, annelids, and molluscs. The soil community is an intricate part of the
functionality of most terrestrial ecosystems. When soil habitats are severely degraded, their physical and
biological attributes are compromised, resulting in far-reaching effects on the soil community.
The reestablishment of complete soil functionality following disturbance is dependent on the entire assemblage
of soil organisms and vegetation with their respective influences on the soil environment (Whitford, 1986). In
some instances the introduction of a single genera of organisms to a site can have profound effects. An example is
the practice of introducing symbiotic organisms such as mycorrhizae, or the diazotrophs Rhizobia and Frankia.
Introduction of these microbes is often used successfully to enhance survival and growth of woody plants used in
reclamation efforts. Unfortunately, commercial sources of these and other beneficial organisms are limited (Torrey,
1992). The use of direct-placed topsoil (as opposed to stockpiled) will often serve as an adequate source of these
and other beneficial soil organisms.

The use of topsoil on mine waste usually results in better establishment of vegetation on reclamation areas.
Generally, deeper topsoil treatments result in greater forage production (Nicholas, 1979; Sydnor and Redente,
2000) and topsoil may facilitate the establishment of some shrub species (Schuman et al., 1998, 2000). Shrubs,
however, may not be good competitors with grasses and forbs on spoils covered with relatively deep topsoil
(Draves and Berg, 1980; Redente et al., 1997; Meikle et al., 2000). Shrubs that are adapted to shallow rocky soils
may do better on spoils that are treated with less (or no) topsoil (Semmer and Mills, 1990; Redente et al., 1997),
whereas shrubs that are adapted to deeper- and finer-textured soils often survive better on topsoiled spoils (Monsen
and Richardson, 1984; Meikle et al., 2000). For example, Meikle et al. (2000), working on coal-mine spoils in
Colorado, found that 21 cm of topsoil significantly reduced survival of two out of three species of containerized
shrubs (47 versus 76 per cent survival). They hypothesized that the lower bulk density of the topsoil caused deer
and elk to pull up entire plants rather than simply nipping the tips of the shoots. The authors observed intact
extracted shrubs on the site. In contrast, the heavier spoil substrate seemed to anchor seedlings more securely and
prevented removal of the roots. Similar results have been noted at another mine in Colorado, where topsoil
application reduced the establishment of serviceberry, chokecherry and Gambel oak shrubs (Bitterroot
Consultants, 1998).

Mention of trade names does not constitute endorsement by Colorado State University or Colorado Department of Natural Resources Division
of Minerals and Geology.

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

Live-handled topsoil has advantages over stockpiled topsoil in that viable rhizomes or seeds of shrubs and other
perennial species are often present in fresh topsoil, but not in stockpiled soil (Howard and Samuel, 1979;
Pfannenstiel and Wendt, 1985; Harding and Agnew, 1990; Semmer and Mills, 1990; Schuman et al., 1998).
However, annual weedy species in fresh topsoil may be the resulting community on the reclamation site because of
an abundance of seed in the soil bank (Beauchamp et al., 1975).
Stockpiled topsoil may also have degraded soil communities relative to fresh-hauled topsoil. Since woody plants
compete better when symbiotic soil organisms are present, the use of biologically active topsoil may be very
important when establishing woody species (Stark and Redente, 1987; Schuman et al., 2000). Many of the reported
benefits to shrubs of topsoiling are primarily related to biological activity of the topsoil. The use of some biologically
active topsoil in locations where shrubs are to be established should therefore be considered in reclamation activities.
When handling biologically active topsoil, care should be taken to maintain the biological integrity of the material.
This can be accomplished by using live-hauled, rather than stockpiled topsoil, whenever possible.

Spatial Patterns
For drastically disturbed lands such as mine spoils, the planting of shrubs in clumps may result in more rapid
overall revegetation (West, 1989). Shrub clusters are more efficient at catching snow and soil particles. However,
Carpenter and West (1989) found that dispersed planting of mountain big sagebrush may have improved growth
relative to clumped plantings due to reduced competition for moisture. Shrub clumps or islands may also provide
perches for birds and cover for animals, which facilitate the introduction of beneficial soil organisms (McClanahan
and Wolfe, 1993; Reay and Norton, 1999), which may facilitate revegetation. The concentration of litter, moisture,
and soil organisms under shrub islands may result in acceleration of soil development (West, 1989). There may
also be economic advantages to planting shrubs in clumps, since more intensive management is possible when
shrub plantings are grouped on a limited area of the reclamation site.


Big Sagebrush
Big sagebrush is a valuable reclamation shrub because of its rapid growth rate and exceptional ability to spread
naturally from seed. Wildings and seedlings are transplanted easily and these individuals can reproduce and spread
readily from seed within three to seven years (Plummer et al., 1968; McArthur et al., 1974). Big sagebrush is
difficult to establish by artificial seeding on reclamation sites (reviewed by Schuman et al., 2000). Success with
seeding of big sagebrush seems to be more common with mountain big sagebrush. Methods for seeding big
sagebrush on reclamation sites are not yet established (Kleinman and Richmond, 2000), as there are many
conflicting results reported in the literature regarding cultural practices. Seeding success seems to be random and/
or site specific to date, as cultural practice effects are often masked by precipitation patterns.
Booth and Bai (2000) stress the importance of quality seed lots in determining revegetation success. These
authors recommend that seed buyers look for seed lots that contain less than 3500 seeds g 1, since larger seeds will
produce better establishment. Meyer and Monsen (1990) have shown that the probability of successful establish-
ment at a particular site was increased by using seedlots collected at similar sites.
In a series of studies, McDonough and Harniss found that mountain big sagebrush seeds from Idaho had after-
ripening requirements, which necessitated prechilling (McDonough and Harniss, 1974a,b, 1975). Young and
Young (1992) reported that mountain big sagebrush seeds collected from the western Great Basin did not have any
after-ripening or other forms of dormancy and seeds germinated at 80 per cent when incubated at alternating
temperatures of 15/20 C or 15/25 C.
Artificial seeding of big sagebrush is difficult because the small seeds are adapted for germination at or near the
soil surface (Jacobson and Welch, 1987) making proper placement of seed in seedbeds problematic (Young and
Young, 1992). Jacobson and Welch (1987) determined from careful studies that optimum seeding depth for

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

mountain big sagebrush was 5 mm or less. For drill seeding, Young and Young (1992) recommend that big
sagebrush seed be mixed with an extender such as rice hulls or vermiculite to control seed metering. A common
reason for failures of big sagebrush seedings, is from drilling seed too deep. Broadcasting sagebrush seed into
seedbeds prepared by mechanical roughing can increase success over drilling (McArthur et al., 1995). Meyer and
Monson (1990) reported 10 per cent establishment of broadcast big sagebrush seed on a mechanically prepared
seedbed. These authors attributed this success to the use of a locally adapted seedlot with high viability. The
importance of using locally-adapted seedlots when restoring big sagebrush was also stressed by McArthur et al.
(1995). Large reclamation areas can be broadcast seeded with aircraft in autumn through midwinter (Monsen,
1999). Autumn planted big sagebrush seed normally germinates in late winter or early spring, and often under
snow (Monsen, 1999). However, these seedlings may be eliminated by periods of soil drying and frost. Availability
of moisture during the early germination phase was found to be strongly related to establishment by Boltz (1994) at
two Idaho sites under a wide variety of cultural techniques.
Monsen (1999) points out that, when conditions are favorable, planting in well-prepared seedbeds can result
in good germination of uniform stands of big sagebrush. However, under unfavorable conditions total failure
may result. As a remedy for this, Monsen (1999) suggests that seeding irregular surfaces in the presence of
surface litter will result in less synchronous establishment and less intraplant competition, resulting in enhanced
The natural regeneration of big sagebrush is episodic (Perryman et al., 2000) and appears to be related to climate
(reviewed by Kleinman and Richmond, 2000). The practice of seeding big sagebrush as a one-time operation is
therefore contradictory to its biology (Meikle, 2000). Young and Evans (1986) reported widely varying success in
mountain big sagebrush seedings among seeding years, seed collection sites, and planting sites.
At a mine site in Idaho, Richardson et al. (1986) found that mountain big sagebrush established well from
seeding, but only when protected from grazing and seeded with low densities of competing grass and forb species.
In a review of sagebrush restoration on degraded wildlands, Meyer (1994) also concluded that it is important to
reduce early competition from both annual grass and seeded species as well as the manipulation of seedbed
conditions to improve favorable microsites. The importance of favorable microsites was demonstrated by Quinney
et al. (1996), who were able to establish Wyoming big sagebrush in Idaho by concentrating hand broadcasting
efforts in small favorable sites.
Wildings and seedlings of big sagebrush are easy to transplant onto reclamation sites (McArthur et al., 1974).
Big sagebrush transplants in spaced plantings grow rapidly and may produce significant amounts of seed in the
second year (Young and Young, 1992). Young and Evans (1986) reported good success in establishing contain-
erized stock of mountain big sagebrush in Nevada. Larger seedlings had higher initial survival (53 per cent)
compared to smaller containerized stock (15 per cent) on a Wyoming coal mine reclamation site (Meikle et al.,
The use of stem cuttings for propagation of big sagebrush has not been widely reported. Although, some limited
success with softwood cuttings was noted by Alvarez-Cordero and McKell (1979).
Wasser (1982) suggests that topsoil replacement and/or fertilization to correct for tested nutrient deficiencies
may be necessary to establish big sagebrush on disturbed sites. In addition, irrigation may ensure good
establishment. It should also be noted that fertilization with nitrogen may have the undesirable effect of increasing
competition from weedy annual species (McLendon and Redente, 1991; McLendon and Redente, 1992;
McLendon and Redente, 1994). Big sagebrush should be seeded one or two years prior to grass or forb species
to ensure seedling establishment (Kleinman and Richmond, 2000).
Direct-placed topsoil, mulching, and the presence of mycorrhizae have improved the establishment of big
sagebrush seedlings on reclaimed mined lands (Cockrell et al., 1995; Schuman et al., 1998, 2000). On abandoned
roads in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, the use of 15 cm of direct-placed topsoil resulted in 61 per cent
cover of mountain big sagebrush on unseeded plots compared to 00 per cent on control plots (Cotts et al., 1991).
On some reclamation sites, mulching can be important for preventing winter desiccation of seedlings (Kleinman
and Richmond, 2000).

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

Antelope Bitterbrush
Ease of establishment and rapid growth make antelope bitterbrush a valuable shrub for restoring wildlife habitat on
disturbed lands. It shows excellent success in establishing from direct seeding and bare-root transplants; but using
containerized stock can be more difficult (Plummer et al., 1968). Adaptability of site-specific strains of bitterbrush
warrants caution when purchasing seed or stock.
Bitterbrush seeds are usually dormant and require a prechilling at 0–5 C from three weeks to three months. This
prechilling requirement can be replaced by soaking in hydrogen peroxide (Everett and Meeuwig, 1975). The
natural regeneration of bitterbrush is facilitated by the seed caching activities of rodents (Evans et al., 1983;
Scholten, 1983; Vanderwall, 1994, 1995), and artificial seeding of bitterbrush often results in seed caching by
rodents (Young and Young, 1992).
Seeding antelope bitterbrush is often successful. Wasser (1982) states that: ‘few shrubs excel more than
bitterbrush in range and big game range seedings in its zones of adaptation in the Intermountain West’. For drill
seeding, the seedbed should be clean and firm, and the seed should typically be drilled at about 25 cm depth but
adjusted depending on moisture, texture, and seedbed firmness (Wasser, 1982). Broadcast seed should be covered
to a similar depth (Wasser, 1982). Most seedings of antelope bitterbrush are done in mixtures, so optimum rates for
pure seedings are not well-established. Seeding rates of 06–34 kg ha 1 have been recommended (Plummer et al.,
1968). Clements and Young (2002) seeded at a rate of 34 kg ha 1 and reported seedling densities that were too
high. Seeding is most often done in fall or early winter with untreated seed, but pretreated seed can be sown in
Dietz et al. (1980), working on a burn site in South Dakota, found 24 per cent germination of fall-seeded
antelope bitterbrush after six years, and a 22 per cent survival of these shrubs after 10 years. The seeds in this study
were sown 5 cm apart and 25 cm deep in hand-cultivated rows. Monson and Shaw (1982) reported 99 per cent
survival of drill-seeded bitterbrush after 39 years on a burn site in Idaho that was protected from grazing. An
adjacent moderately grazed area had no surviving bitterbrush. Clements and Young (2002) describe very good
success in seeding antelope bitterbrush with a no-till or rangeland drill. The use of a no-till drill can limit soil
disturbance and subsequent cheatgrass proliferation. On sites that were not accessible by a drill seeder, Clements
and Young (2002) report good success using a cased-hole punch seeder, which places seeds inside a protective
plastic cylinder that deters predation by rodents. At a mine site in Idaho, Richardson et al. (1986) found that
bitterbrush established well from seeding, but only when protected from grazing and seeded without competing
grass and forb species. Medin and Ferguson (1980) obtained 94 per cent survival of bitterbrush seedlings six years
after seeding a local seed source. Redente (1974) and Taylor (1977) both reported excellent to good establishment
from seeded antelope bitterbrush on surface disturbed sites in Colorado. Similarly, Sindelar et al. (1973) had
success with fall broadcast seeding of bitterbrush on untreated coal mine spoils in Montana (144 seedlings m 2
the following July). However, DePuit and Coenenberg (1979) had no success with a fall broadcast seeding of
bitterbrush on topsoiled spoils in Montana using a seeding rate of 11 kg ha 1.
In general, antelope bitterbrush transplants well (Young and Young, 1992). The use of containerized and bare
root stock of antelope bitterbrush on disturbed sites has been partially successful (Dietz et al., 1980; Young and
Young, 1992), but the operation should be conducted in early spring (Bay, 1975). Success of using nursery stock
depends on the use of dormant, fresh transplants (Bay, 1975; USDI and USDA, 1988). Dietz et al. (1980) found 20
per cent survival of spring-planted containerized stock after 10 years in the Black Hills. Carpenter (1983) reported
good success in transplanting 600 000 antelope bitterbrush seedlings (bare root and containerized) in Idaho.
Clements and Young (2000) reported varying (0–27 per cent two-year survival) success with bitterbrush bare root
transplants in California. They noted that seedlings protected from grazing and weeds, and provided with a source
of Frankia, had better survival.
Antelope bitterbrush can be readily propagated from rooted stem cuttings (Bay, 1975; Kituku et al., 1995).
Kituku et al. (1995) working in Wyoming found that propagation from cuttings and planting-out prior to winter
was a feasible method of preparing containerized bitterbrush for planting in the field.

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

Saskatoon Serviceberry
Saskatoon serviceberry can be established from seed, transplants, root cuttings or softwood cuttings (Alberta
Agriculture, 1980). Seeded stands are often slow to produce an abundance of forage. Whereas, planted stock often
grows well and can quickly become established on a site.
Embryos of Saskatoon serviceberry require prechilling to overcome dormancy (Dirr and Heuser, 1987; Young
and Young, 1992). The seedcoat may also retard germination, necessitating the use of sulfuric acid for scarification
(Young and Young, 1992). Dirr and Heuser (1987) recommend a 15–30 min treatment with concentrated H2SO4
followed by three months cold stratification. In nature, this scarification is provided by the digestive tract of birds
that consume serviceberry fruits and disperse the seeds (Robinson, 1986). These naturally scarified seeds then
overwinter and germinate in the spring (Young and Young, 1992).
Saskatoon serviceberry seeds should be sown in the fall, or prechilled seeds may be sown in the spring (Vines,
1960; Wasser, 1982; Young and Young, 1992). If dried berries are used (the entire fruit), the berries may need up to
one year of warm stratification (Dirr and Heuser, 1987).
Vines (1960) recommends drilling seed of Saskatoon serviceberry at a rate of 82 seeds per linear meter. Young
and Young (1992) recommend that seeds be sown in drill rows at a rate of about 270 seeds per linear meter and
covered with 05 cm of soil. These authors also suggest that Saskatoon serviceberry will benefit from half shade
during the first year of establishment. A sparse nurse crop of an appropriate species for shading the young
serviceberry seedlings might be useful for this purpose.
Kiger et al. (1987) seeded serviceberry in shrub seed mixtures on fresh subsoil material at a mine in Colorado at
a rate of 11 seeds m 2. Test plots were protected from browsing, and after 11 growing seasons there was good
establishment of serviceberry seedlings.
Container stock of Saskatoon serviceberry should be planted as early as possible in the spring (Wasser, 1982).
Mulching should improve establishment of transplants (USDI and USDA, 1988). Wasser (1982) recommends
using older nursery stock on difficult sites. Dietz et al. (1980) working on a burned and an open pine site in the
Black Hills of South Dakota found that spring planted bare root Saskatoon serviceberry survived 0 and 313 per
cent on the burn and open pine sites respectively after 10 years. Much better results were obtained by Fedkenheuer
et al. (1980) in Alberta, where survival of containerized transplants was between 78 and 100 per cent after two
years. Clark (1996) found that tubelings of serviceberry had higher survival when protected from browsing by deer
(40 versus 25 per cent after six years).
Transplanting wildings might also be an option for this species. Harris (1966) suggests that 15–30 cm tall
vigorous seedlings can be transplanted so long as the roots are not allowed to dry out during the process of
Transplanting mature Saskatoon serviceberry shrubs on a mine site in Colorado resulted in 100 per cent survival
after one year (Larson and Knudson, 1978). Long-term survival of serviceberry in these clumps has been good
(Agnew, 1992). Similar results (85 per cent survival after one year) have been reported for another Colorado mine
(Carlson, 1982), and long-term survival (11 years) of mature transplants at a third Colorado mine was reported at
87 per cent by Kiger et al. (1987).
Dirr and Heuser (1987) emphasize that the key to success with cuttings of Saskatoon serviceberry is timing. The
cuttings must be soft and taken well before the end bud has set. They suggest that late May through June is
optimum. Bishop and Nelson (1980) reported that softwood cuttings taken in late June rooted better than cuttings
taken two weeks earlier or semi-hardwood cuttings taken later. The cuttings should be between 75 and 15 cm long
(Harris, 1966). Cuttings dipped in 3000 ppm IBA-talc and kept in a mist chamber with bottom heat produce good
rooting (Dirr and Heuser, 1987).
Planting stock may be produced from root cuttings (Vines, 1960; Harris, 1966; Alberta Agriculture, 1980).
Pieces of root about 05 cm diameter make the best cuttings. These should be taken as early in the spring as
possible. The root cuttings should be planted with the stem end of the root up and only 05 cm below the surface
(Harris, 1966). Root sprouts (or suckers) may also be harvested in spring and transplanted. Harris (1966)

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

recommends harvesting the suckers in early spring with as many fine roots as possible and pruning the shoots off at
about 5 cm above the root.
Wasser (1982) recommends that Saskatoon serviceberry be planted separate from other more aggressive plant
species. This can be achieved by planting or seeding in alternate blocks, strips or rows. Meikle et al. (2000) found
that containerized transplants of Saskatoon serviceberry had significantly higher survival (62 per cent) on raw spoil
material as compared to areas receiving 21 cm of topsoil, where survival was 38 per cent. The authors
hypothesized that the lower bulk density of the topsoil allowed deer and elk to pull up entire plants rather than
simply nipping the tips of the shoots. In contrast, the heavier spoil substrate appeared to anchor seedlings more
securely and prevent removal of the roots (Meikle et al., 2000).

Black Chokecherry
Black chokecherry is a useful shrub for general revegetation in mountain shrubland habitats. It can be readily
established from direct seedings and from planting of stock. Success of seedings can vary greatly with seed source
(Plummer et al., 1968). Supplementary water may be needed on some sites during the first year of establishment.
Seeds of the cherry (Prunus) genus have embryo dormancy, which must be overcome with extended prechilling
(Young and Young, 1992). Lockley (1980) reported that the temperature at which germination will take place is
strongly related to stratification time. This study found that 16 weeks of chilling resulted in almost complete
germination of seed at 21–27 C, whereas, during a 24-week chilling the majority of the seed will begin radicle
growth at 3 C. Lockley concluded from his studies that fall planting of chokecherry might be best.
Untreated seed may be sown in the fall. However, for spring sowing, prechilled seeds should be used (Dirr and
Heuser, 1987). The pretreated seed should be sown when most seeds have cracked stones, but before radicles have
elongated to avoid damaging them (Wasser, 1982). Seed can be sown in drills spaced 02–03 m apart at a rate of
about 82 seeds per linear meter (Vines, 1960). Wasser (1982) recommends planting seeds 13 cm deep in moist,
firm seedbeds, or up to 25 cm deep in coarse soils or loose seedbeds, or when fall seeding.
Direct planting of black chokecherry seeds usually results in good establishment (Bay, 1975). Germination of
common chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), that was fall planted by Dietz et al. (1980) in South Dakota, was 19 and
28 per cent on two sites after three years. Long-term survival of these shrubs was 32 and 63 per cent after 10
years. Redente (1974) and Taylor (1977) both reported excellent to good establishment from seeded black
chokecherry on surface disturbed sites in Colorado.
The use of one- or two-year-old planting stock can result in good establishment (USDI and USDA, 1988;
Wasser, 1982). Watering may be required on drier sites. Containerized transplants of common chokecherry spring-
planted in the Black Hills by Dietz et al. (1980) did not survive after 10 years. Bare root transplants of chokecherry
in this experiment did much better, with survival rates of 28 and 37 per cent on two sites after 10 years. Kiger et al.
(1987) reported 21 per cent survival of chokecherry transplants protected from browsing after 11 growing seasons
on a Colorado mine. Mature shrub transplants on two additional mine sites in Colorado had 79 and 88 survival
after one year (Carlson, 1982; Larson and Knudson, 1978). Good long-term survival of these same chokecherry
transplants was subsequently reported (Agnew, 1992).
Semihardwood chokecherry cuttings taken in June were reported to root well by Fung (1984), especially when
treated with 08 per cent IBA. Chokecherry has been propagated from root sucker cuttings. Root cuttings taken in
late winter root well without hormone, but cuttings taken in May root better with a basal dip of 08 per cent IBA
(Allen and Farmer, 1976).
In Colorado, Meikle et al. (2000) found that the addition of 21 cm of topsoil significantly reduced the survival of
containerized chokecherry seedlings (31 per cent survival) relative to seedlings planted on unamended spoil
material (82 per cent survival).

Mountain Mahogany
Mountain mahogany is often successfully established by fall seedings on reclamation sites. However, success can
be limited in dry years. Seed dormancy of mountain mahogany is variable among populations, but seeds generally
require prechilling and or soaking in hydrogen peroxide solution (3–30 per cent v/v) (Young and Young, 1992)

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

prior to spring sowing. Untreated seed can be sown with success in the fall (Wasser, 1982). Piatt (1973) suggests
that larger seeds have better germination. However, considerable variation can occur in germination both within
(Piatt, 1973) and between seedlots (Smith and Bass, 1973). Seed should be planted 06–13 cm deep, or deeper on
dry or coarse textured substrates (Wasser, 1982). The seed of mountain mahogany is typically planted with
mixtures at a rate of 03–1 kg ha 1 drilled or twice this rate for broadcast seedings (Wasser, 1982).
Mountain mahogany seed sown in fall by Dietz et al. (1980) germinated 19–26 per cent in South Dakota. Survival
of this seed averaged between 36 and 42 per cent after 10 years on two sites that were tested. Establishment of
mountain mahogany seedlings in New Mexico was reported to be limited to shaded microsites by Woodmansee
(1969). This limitation was probably due to both reduced moisture and temperature stress in shade (Piatt, 1976).
Planting stock can be set out in spring after hardening off in cold frames or it may be planted in the summer, but
it requires two months of establishment prior to the first autumn frost (Wasser, 1982). Survival of containerized
mountain mahogany transplants at two sites in South Dakota was 67 and 182 per cent (Dietz et al., 1980).
The Plant Materials Handbook of the USDI Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation (USDI and USDA,
1988) suggests that cuttings of mountain mahogany can be used if they are hardened off prior to spring planting.
Rodents and rabbits often kill mountain mahogany seedlings, and deer and antelope can concentrate on, and
decimate small-scale plantings (Wasser, 1982). The control of wildlife populations may therefore be critical to
establishing mountain mahogany on reclamation sites.

Snowberry is an exceptionally useful species for establishing shrub cover on poor sites (Plummer et al., 1968).
Snowberry readily establishes from wildings and nursery stock. Once established, it can spread vegetatively by
layering and by seed. Plants are often established from rodent seed caches.
Nutlets of snowberries are very difficult to germinate and may require from 20 to 75 min of acid scarification
followed by both warm and then cold stratification (Vines, 1960; Young and Young, 1992). Due to the warm
stratification requirement, field sowing of untreated seeds will often not result in significant emergence until the
second year. Warm stratifying seeds for three or four months prior to fall sowing may overcome this problem
(USDI and USDA, 1988; Young and Young, 1992).
Seeds of snowberry should be planted 06–13 cm deep or deeper in drier, coarse-textured soils, loose seedbeds,
or when fall seeding (Wasser, 1982). Optimum rates of seeding for drilling or broadcasting snowberry seed are not
well established. The USDI Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s Plant Materials Handbook
(USDI and USDA, 1988), recommends that mulch and N applications will enhance establishment. Kiger et al.
(1987) seeded snowberry in shrub seed mixtures on fresh subsoil material at a Colorado mine at a rate of 6 seeds
m 2. Test plots were protected from browsing and after 11 growing seasons there was good establishment of
snowberry seedlings.
Plummer et al. (1968) report that transplanting wildings of mountain snowberry pulled up by hand from thick
stands was very successful. They report that sufficient transplant material is a piece of stem with a short root
obtained early in the spring while the ground is wet, but before the plant has leafed out. The use of wilding material
may be especially useful for mined land reclamation (McArthur et al., 1974). Sindelar et al. (1973) reported
success in using a front-end loader to scoop up root pads of western snowberry in late May in Montana and
transplanting onto mine waste. The shrubs were mowed to 10 cm height prior to transplanting in this study. Similar
results using a front-end loader to transplant mature clumps of western snowberry were reported for surface mined
land in North Dakota (Friedlander, 1995). The author of the North Dakota study attributed high survival to an
unusually wet period. Long-term survival (11 years) of mature transplants at a mine in Colorado was reported as
100 per cent by Kiger et al. (1987).
Hardwood cuttings of all snowberry species are easy to root. Dirr and Heuser (1987) report that dormant
cuttings taken in December–January, dipped in 3000 ppm IBA-talc, and kept on an open bench with bottom heat
and cool tops rooted 90–100 per cent in four to six weeks. Vines (1960) suggests that plants may be produced from
root cuttings. Given the difficulties of establishing snowberry from seed, it may be more practical, as suggested by
Wasser (1982), to establish it from cuttings or wildings on mined lands. The use of irrigation in the early days of

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

stand establishment from cuttings has been recommended (USDI and USDA, 1988). However, Howard et al.
(1979) tested cuttings of mountain snowberry at six unirrigated surface mine reclamation sites in Wyoming and
Colorado. Survival of snowberry ranged from 25 to 100 per cent, except for a single mine in Wyoming, were
survival of snowberry and most other shrub cuttings was 0 per cent.
Root cuttings of mountain snowberry have been used with considerable success (Plummer et al., 1968). If a
donor thicket can be found, root segments, or root segments with shoots, can be pulled out of wet soil in the spring
before the shrubs leaf out. These root pieces can then be immediately planted on the reclamation site.

Based upon this survey of the published literature, there are several generalities that can be made regarding the
establishment of key shrub species on disturbances in mountain shrub zones of the Rocky Mountains. The first is
that most of the species described here show adaptations to local conditions. Therefore, it may be important to
utilize local ecotypes, varieties or subspecies in reclamation efforts. Second, these species are key browse species
for wildlife. Planting them on disturbed sites often turns out to be an expensive wildlife feeding operation.
Protection from browsing during the establishment phase is often the key to success with these species. Third,
competition from weeds or other herbaceous species can greatly reduce the success of shrub establishment.
Implementing strategies to minimize herbaceous competitors will improve success. Lastly, all of these shrub
species are dependant upon soil organisms for proper mineral nutrition, especially in poor soils. Key soil
organisms may be present on raw spoil material, but probably only in small numbers. The use of topsoil in great
depths on mining disturbances may result in poor shrub establishment. However, small quantities of live-hauled
topsoil may provide important biological benefits. Specific recommendations regarding each of the species
covered by this review are summarized in Table III.
Table III. Recommended methods for establishing mountain shrub species on mined land in the US Rocky Mountain region
Species Best method Recommendations

Big sagebrush Seeding  Use mountain big sagebrush subspecies where possible
 Use seedlots with large seed size (less than 3500 seeds g 1 if possible)
 Match seed to site characteristics
 Broadcast seed in autumn on mechanically prepared seedbed with irregular
surfaces and surface litter
 Seed with no, or low levels, of competing grass and forb species
 Use shallow layer of direct-placed topsoil for soil biological benefits
 Mulch on dry sites to prevent winter desiccation of seedlings
Antelope bitterbrush Seeding  Drill seed with no-till drill in autumn at 25 cm depth, or use cased-hole
punch seeder
 Use shallow layer of direct placed topsoil for soil biological benefits
 Protect from browsing
Saskatoon serviceberry Seeding  Drill seed in autumn at 06 cm depth, or broadcast seed and cover to similar depth
 Use shallow layer of direct placed topsoil for soil biological benefits
 Protect from browsing
Black chokecherry Seeding  Drill seed in autumn at 25 cm depth
 Use shallow layer of direct placed topsoil for soil biological benefits
Mountain mahogany Seeding  Drill seed in autumn at 1 cm depth, or broadcast seed and cover to similar depth
 Seed with no, or low levels, of competing grass and forb species
 Use shallow layer of direct placed topsoil for soil biological benefits
 Protect from browsing
Snowberry Transplants  Collect wildings in spring after soil thaw and before leaf-out
 Prune or mow shoots to reduce shoot: root
 Plant immediately on reclamation site
 Whole shrub clumps or ‘pads’ can be transplanted mechanically
or Seeding  Drill seed in autumn at 1 cm depth, or broadcast seed and cover to similar depth
 Use shallow layer of direct placed topsoil for soil biological benefits

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, 14: 459–480 (2003)

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