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Asobo SR22 Improvement Mod

Description and Change Log

by: Stinging Bee Studios

This is a modification to the MSFS 2020 default Asobo Cirrus SR22 aircraft. This mod is
primarily aimed at improving the overall flight dynamics of this aircraft, providing a more
realistic flying experience that is much closer to the actual aircraft. Multiple changes have been
made to the engine and flight model parameters, and the aircraft weight and balance, which are
all detailed in the Change Log file included under the Documentation folder. A full PDF copy of
the aircraft POH is also included under the Documentation folder.

This mod is easily installed by simply unzipping the download file and copying the SBS-SR22-
Improvement-Mod folder to the MSFS Community folder. It will then replace the existing
default Asobo Cirrus SR22 aircraft in the MSFS aircraft selection screen, and will also continue to
utilize any existing aircraft Liveries. To uninstall the mod and return to using the MSFS default
aircraft, simply remove it from the Community folder.

Microsoft Flight Simulator © Microsoft Corporation. Asobo SR22 Improvement Mod has been
created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" (
US/developers/rules ) using assets from Microsoft Flight Simulator, and it is not endorsed by or
affiliated with Microsoft.

The following changes are included in this mod:

Version 1.0.0

⦁ The default Pilot viewpoint position and zoom level have been updated to more closely
match the actual viewpoint of a male pilot. This provides much better forward visibility
over the nose and greatly improves the readability G1000 PFD and MFD. The default
Landing, Close and Copilot pilot viewpoints, have also been updated to match the new
pilot viewpoint and zoom level.

⦁ The Landing Gear Contact Points have been adjusted to make the static ground pitch

⦁ The Empty Weight CG position has been been moved forward and down to more closely
match the actual aircaft weight and balance.

⦁ The CG Limits have been updated to match the POH Weight and Balance.

⦁ The Fuel Tanks, Pilot, Co-pilot, Passenger and Baggage payload station positions have all
been updated to more closely match the actual POH weight and balance. This allows
much more realistic aircraft loading and flight performance.

⦁ The default Takeoff Trim for a Runway Start has been reduced to 0 (neutral) to match
the actual aircraft and the T/O mark on the trim indicator. Unfortunately, the trim
indicator markings are on top of the side stick shaft, which is not currently animated in
response to the trim setting, so the indicator always stays at T/O. You must use the
MSFS Cockpit HUD option to see your actual trim setting.

⦁ The default Takeoff Flaps setting for a Runway Start has been increased to 50% (16
degrees) to match the POH Normal Takeoff Procedures.

⦁ The flight model wing Root Chord has been increased slightly.

⦁ The flight model wing Center of Lift has been moved slightly forward to more closely
match the 3-D model and actual aircraft.

⦁ The wing AOA vs. Lift curve has also been updated to more closely match the actual
airfoil performance.

⦁ The Control Sensitivity for the ailerons, elevator and rudder have been reduced near the
center to improve overall handling and stability.

⦁ The Elevator Effectiveness has been increased, and the Elevator Max Angle scaler has
been reduced to improve stability and reduce the elevator sensitivity.

⦁ The Rudder Effectiveness has been increased, and the Rudder Max Angle scaler has
been decreased to improve stability and reduce rudder sensitivity.

⦁ The Flap Induced Drag has been reduced to more closely match the actual aircaft

⦁ The Flaps Lift, Drag and Pitch have been adjusted to more closely match the actual
aircraft performance.

⦁ The brightness of the Landing Light has been increased significantly.

The following documents have been included under the Documentation folder:

⦁ Cirrus SR22 Pilots Operating Handbook

⦁ SR22 Normal Airspeeds

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