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Navigation 3

(Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 2)

Nav. 3 Reviewer

Position and Position Lines

01. What do you call the bearing obtained through two objects which are in line even without the aid of
the compass?
a. transit bearing b. true bearing c. compass bearing d. relative bearing

02. How many meters is two nautical miles?

a. 1852 meters b. 3704 meters c. 2778 meters d. 3241 meters

03. While sailing from Sydney to Panama Canal your vessel’s true course is 071°. Variation is 14° E,
Deviation is 4° W. A North breeze causes 2° leeway. What course would you steer PSC in order to make
good the true course?
a. 079° PSC b. 059° PSC c. 061° PSC d. 063° PSC
04. The simplest technique for fixing a ship’s position is to plot the latitude and longitude obtained from
which of the following?
a. GPS receiver b. ARPA c. AIS receiver d. Radar

05. Which of the following results if you fix your position on chart using your ship’s course and speed
through the water?
a. Estimated Position (EP) b. Observed Position c. DR Position d. Cocked Hat Fix

06. A line of position formed by sighting two charted objects in line is called a/an:
a. Track line b. Range line c. Relative line d. Estimated line
a. 1 NM b. 0.1 NM c. 10 NM d. 10.1 NM

07. How are radar ranges plotted on a navigational chart?

a. Through the binocular c. Through a compass divider
b. Through a parallel ruler d. Through a drawing triangle

08. How are distances taken using a compass divider?

a. By the use of Latitude Scale c. By the use of the Variable Range Marker (VRM)
b. By the use of the Parallel Index Line d. By the use of the Navigation Lines

09. What radar control switch shall operate to take the range/distance of one charted object?
a. Electronic Bearing Lines c. Navigation Lines
b. Variable Range Marker d. Parallel Index Lines

10. If the gyrocompass has no error, the bearing taken is expressed in____________.
a. True Bearings b. Relative Bearings c. Magnetic Bearings d. Compass Bearings

11. Most radars receive the ship’s heading information from the gyrocompass. The gyro errors must be
corrected before the radar bearings can be plotted on chart as:
a. True Bearings b. Relative Bearings c. Magnetic Bearings d. Compass Bearings

12. What will result if the three position lines or LOPs obtained do not cross at a single point because
one of the LOPs has an error?
a. Hot Fix b. Cocked Hot Position c. Triangulation Fix d. Cocked Hat Fix
13. Which of the following is not included in the formation of a Cocked Hat on chart?
a. Use of floating navigational marks
b. Position lines were not obtained simultaneously
c. Plotting error/Inappropriate applications of the correction
d. Use of charted shore object for position fixing

14. A DR Position:
a. should commence each time the vessel’s position is fixed
b. should consider the set and drift/rate of tide
c. should use magnetic courses
d. should be replotted hourly

15. A true bearing of charted object when plotted on a chart will result a:
a. Fix b. Position Line or LOP c. Relative bearing d. Range

16. When possible, A DR Position should always be started from where?

a. An assumed position c. Estimated Position
b. A known observed position d. Line of Position

17. You are steering on a pair of range lights and found that the upper light is above the lower light.
of the following is your best action to take?
a. Continue on the present steered course c. Alter course to port
b. Alter course to starboard d. Wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line

18. Which position includes the effects of the wind and underwater current?
a. DR Position b. Estimated Position (EP) c. Set position d. Leeway position

19. You plot an observed position/fix using three lines of position and found that they intersect in a
triangle. How would you plot the position of the vessel on chart?
a. Anywhere in the triangle c. On the LOP from the nearest object
b. Outside of the triangle d. In the geometrical center of the triangle

20. What radar control switch is used to measure the range of a charted object from the vessel?
a. Electronic Bearing Lines
b. Variable Range Marker
c. Navigation Lines
d. Parallel Index Lines

Chartwork Exercises

21. What would be the result if deviation is added to the compass bearing?
a. true bearing b. compass bearing
c. relative bearing d. magnetic bearing

22. What is the reference point in measuring the longitude?

a. meridian b. prime meridian
c. equator d. parallel of latitude

23. A range in line is observed bearing 178° PGC. The charted bearing of the range is 175° T. What
course would you steer per gyro compass to head directly on the range?
a. 172° b. 175° c. 178° d. 181°

24. In what quadrant would the course be if the difference of latitude is north and the difference of
longitude is west?
a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th
25. What is the reference point in measuring the latitude?
a. meridian b. prime meridian
c. equator d. parallel of latitude

26. What bearing is referenced from the compass north?

a. true bearing b. relative bearing
c. magnetic bearing d. compass bearing

27. How would you name an angle measured in degrees which the ship’s bow makes with reference to
magnetic north?
a. True heading b. Magnetic heading c. Compass heading d. True Course

28. The route, passage or path a ship follows or intends to follow between any two positions is known
a. Track or Course b. Heading c. Relative Direction d. Segment Direction

29. What results when the direction of one object from another is measured between the heading (fore
& aft line) of the ship and the observed object?
a. Magnetic bearing b. True bearing c. Relative bearing d. Compass bearing

30. The path followed over the ground which also known as the course made good of the ship is:
a. Water track b. Heading c. Course through the water d. Ground Track

31. How would you name the bearing of an object when it is a right angle to the fore & aft line of the
a. Beam bearing b. Leeway bearing c. Right Angle bearing d. 090˚ bearing

32. If the height of a light on chart is 270 meters and the vertical sextant angle measured is 3˚ 20’, find
the Distance in Nautical Miles of the object.
a. 2.5 NM b. 2.2 NM c. 3.5 NM d. 4.5 NM

33. How would you name a Position fixing Method (PFM) that uses a bearing circle during daytime?
a. Ra Fix b. GPS Fix c. Vis Fix d. DR Fix

34. Which of the following is the simplest way of establishing a Position Line?
a. Observe a Range b. Shore Position circle c. Shore arc d. Radar range

35. Which of the following results if you fix your position on chart using the range and bearing of a
tilted navigational mark?
a. Observed Position b. DR Position c. Estimated Position (EP d. Cocked Hat Fix

36. What position will result when you consider the effect of the set and rate of the tide and leeway?
a. DR Position b. Observed Position c. Cocked Hat Fix d. Estimated Position (EP)

37. What position on chart results when you took the ranges and/or bearings of charted objects?
a. Fix b. DR Position c. Estimated Position d. Cocked Hat Fix

38. What refers to objects on chart constructed for marking channel centerline such as radio tower
against a smoke stack?
a. Natural ranges b. Incidental ranges c. Fixed ranges d. Estimated ranges

39. Which of the following does not belong to the criteria of an Estimated Position (EP) on chart?
a. The range and bearing were taken from the natural aid to navigation.
b. A single line of position combined with DR Position
c. It is based on the questionable data such as the sounding
d. The range and bearing were taken from a navigational buoy
40. These are light pairs that indicate a specific line of position when they are in line.
a. Range pairs b. Range lights c. Relative lights d. Estimated lights

41. Which of the following is the correct location of the navigator when he sees the charted higher rear
light to be placed behind the charted front light?
a. He is on the range line of range lights c. He is on the right of the range lights
b. He is on the left of the range lights d. He is outside range lights

42. Course is 178° T, variation is 11° E, deviation 2° W, the wind is WSW, leeway 3°. What PSC course
would you steer to make good the true course?
a. 166° T b. 169° T c. 172° T d. 191° T

43. If the speed of your vessel is 15.5 knots, how far will it travel in 4 hours?
a. 60.5 nm b. 62 nm c. 62.5 nm d. 64 nm

44. What is the direction in which the vessel’s fore and aft is aligned at any time?
a. bearing b. course c. heading d. path

45. What do you call the change in the water track due to the effect of the wind?
a. drift b. leeward c. windward d. leeway

46. A true bearing of charted object is determined by using which of the following?
a. Inner ring of the chart rose c. Outer ring of the chart compass
b. Outer ring of the compass circle d. Inner ring of the compass arc

47. When the front light appears to the right of the rear light of the range lights, the navigator is
_______ of the range line.
a. left b. right c. outside d. inside

48. You are steering on a pair of range lights and found that the upper light is above the lower light.
Which of the following is your best action to take?
a. Steady on the steered course c. Alter course to port
b. Stop your intention d. Wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line

49. A radar range to small charted object such as a light will provide a line of position in what form?
a. Straight line b. Position circle or arc c. Parabola Position line

50. The courses plotted on the navigational chart are always:

a. True b. Magnetic c. Compass d. Gyro

51. One minute of latitude is equal to how many Nautical Mile?

52. What will result if the three position lines or LOPs obtained do cross at a single point?
a. Cocked Hat Fix b. Cocked Hot Position c. Triangulation Fix d. Fix

53. How would you name an angle measured in degrees which the ship’s bow makes with reference to
compass north?
a. True heading b. Magnetic heading c. Compass heading d. True Course

54. What position is obtained by advancing the last well-known position and taking into account the
effects of wind and current?
a. Probable position b. Estimated Position
c. Dead Reckoning d. Fix

55. Which of the following terms refers to the direction of the current?
a. set b. tidal flow c. drift d. leeway
56. What kind of position is the intersection of two or more LOPs?
a. Estimated Position b. Fix
c. Dead Reckoning d. Probable Position

57. What kind of course is plotted on the navigational chart?

a. true course b. compass course
c. magnetic course d. course line

58. Your vessel sails on course 000° T from latitude 10° 10´ N to latitude 20° 10´ N. How far did she
a. 600 nm b. 610 nm c. 620 nm d. 640 nm

59. When taking visual observation, which of the following is not a good source or reference of a
position line?
a. buoy b. light house c. tower d. church spire

60. Which of the following factors is used to obtain a Dead Reckoning position by advancing the last
well known position?
a. course and distance b. course and time
c. curse and latitude d. course and speed

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