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Senior High School

Physical Science (First Quarter) Activity Number 1.2

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade Level/Section/Strand: ______________________________ Score: ______________________________


A. Bohr Model Drawing

Directions: Draw a Bohr Model of a chlorine atom in the space below. Be sure to place electrons in the correct orbitals
and fill out the key for the subatomic particles.

Protons: ___________

Neutrons: __________

Electrons: __________


B. Isotopes and Ions

Directions: Answer the following questions and complete each table below.

1. What is an isotope?

2. How can you tell isotopes apart?

3. First Table
Chromium-58 Chromium-63
Number of protons (p+)
Number of neutrons (n0)
Number of electrons (e-)

4. Second Table

Number of protons (p+)

Number of neutrons (n0) 113 111
Number of electrons (e-) 55

5. Third Table
Iodine- Iodine-
Number of protons (p )

Number of neutrons (n0) 32 35

Number of electrons (e-)

6. Fourth Table

Number of protons (p+) 32

Number of neutrons (n0) 30 32
Number of electrons (e-)

7. What is an ion?

8. What does the next number next to the ions signify?

9. Fifth Table
Number of
Number of Number of
Element Name Ion Symbol electrons (e-)
protons (p+) electrons (e-)
lost or gained

Example Fluorine F- 9 10 gained one

1. 53 54
2. 16 gained two
3. Potassium lost one
4. Ca+2
5. 35 36
6. Sr+2
7. H+
8. 8 gained two
9. 12 lost two
10. Aluminum 10
11. 34 36
12. H+

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“A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” Proverbs 1:5



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