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Name : Fitria Nur Laily

ID : 19320001
Class : Cultural Studies – B

The Masculinity in the Extra Joss advertisement; Circuit of Culture

Analysis by Hall.

Advertising is anything that attracts the attention of the public to the goods or services
offered through the mass media. Many advertisements that are displayed use the representation of
a human object as a symbol of their product. One example is the written advertisement I found on
Google Ads, namely the Extra Joss ad which represents the masculinity of a man in consuming
the energy drink. With the description of the advertisement, Indonesian people who tend to have a
hard-working culture will feel supported or encouraged to buy it because they want to have more
stamina after drinking Extra Joss. In this paper, researchers will discuss more deeply about Extra
Jos advertisements by using Circuit of Culture analysis, which are as stated (Hall, 1997) including
representation, identity, production, consumption and regulation.
Representation of a man's masculinity in an energy drink advertisement. According to
Barker, in Nasir, 2007: 1, explaining that masculinity is a form of male construction of men which
is not just born with masculine nature naturally, masculinity is shaped by culture. In the
advertisement image, there is a burly man carrying a sack on his left shoulder and carrying a plastic
yellow drink which is Extra Joss drink. This illustrates that a man who works hard in doing his job
or activity requires a drink that can help maintain their stamina or physical fitness. Apart from the
object of a man, there is also the inscription “LAKI TAHAN BANTING. MINUM EXTRA JOSS”.
The writing represents that a man who is strong or resilient is thanks to drinking extra joss because
they think that this product can provide strong energy for men. So, the representation of
masculinity in the advertisement image is very visible and the use of the 'male' gender there is very
suitable for this energy drink advertisement.
The masculinity of the male figure in the advertisement image is the cultural identity of the
hardworking Indonesian people. Hard workers are defined for people who do work sincerely with
a sincere heart and energetic spirit without getting tired or stopping before the work target is
achieved. The image of a man with a burly body in an advertisement can be the identity of the
Indonesian people who are hardworking, which means that the Indonesian people, especially men,
are dominated by having heavy jobs, for example construction workers, construction workers,
fishermen, farmers, etc. Because of this, Extra Joss's ad producers use well-built men as advertising
objects which can be used as suggestions to consumers, especially men in Indonesia. So, the
identity of a hard-working man who looks burly in the picture can attract consumers to consume
these products, especially men who have heavy jobs.
Apart from the identity above, there are also many men on the ship, which can be concluded
that this product has an Indonesian identity, namely a maritime country. This product also
cooperates with fishermen or ship porters, which we can know that their work is very heavy and
takes a lot of energy. Therefore, this product also includes the identity of the Indonesian people as
an illustration of the marketing of its products. Apart from the identity above, there are also many
men on the ship, which can be concluded that this product has an Indonesian identity, namely a
maritime country. This product also cooperates with fishermen or ship porters, which we can know
that their work is very heavy and takes a lot of energy. Therefore, this product also includes the
identity of the Indonesian people as an illustration of the marketing of its products.
Extra Joss advertisement production with the theme of Indonesian male masculinity who
works hard. Production is the process by which creators of cultural products imbue them with
meaning, a process often called encoding (Hall, 1993). In the process of this product,
manufacturers provide several advantages by including several elements of advertising objects
compared to other energy drink products. The advertisement shows a very Indonesian human
image object, namely black skin, muscular muscles and lifting heavy sacks which can be used as
the identity of Indonesian men who fully support this product. Therefore, with this article, it is
hoped that the audience of advertisements and consumers of products can be proud because the
marketing of their products is very thick and still describes Indonesian men.
Indonesian people who see this advertisement will be encouraged to consume the product
in the hope of being like the male figure in the picture who has stamina and they will feel
challenged because of the jargon in the ad. Suggested here means that the general public who sees
the advertisement will feel influenced or even feel given the direction of advice to consume a
product if they want to have certain advantages. As I explained earlier, Indonesian people,
especially men, tend to have a hard-working culture. Therefore, they will have the assumption that
if they consume the product, they will find their strength again or will have more stamina when
doing hard work and they think that they will do work easily like the person in the picture. The
character of Indonesians who are easily challenged, so with the words “LAKI TAHAN BANTING.
LAKI MINUM EXTRA JOSS”, they will be curious and buy it because they have the idea that a
strong, resilient man must consume this energy drink product. Therefore, the marketing tactic of
selling a product by providing an overview and jargon in the advertisement will make consumers
feel tempted to want to consume it.
The regulations in the Extra Joss advertisement have met the advertising standards.
Regulation is a condition of what is allowed or expected in a culture is often specified. Referring
to the Law regarding product advertising to its consumers, namely Undang-undang Perlindungan
Konsumen No. 8 tahun 1999, Pasal 17 Ayat (1) a yang berbunyi: “Pelaku usaha periklanan
dilarang memproduksi iklan yang mengelabui konsumen mengenai kualitas, kuantitas, bahan,
kegunaan dan harga barang dan/atau tarif jasa serta ketepatan waktu penerimaan barang
dan/atau jasa”, then the process of advertising this product can be said to meet statutory standards
because this advertisement does not contain elements of tricking the audience or consumers. And
this ad also provides an illustration that the product is fit for consumption as seen in the model
image where a man in his right hand carries the drink. This is different from the advertising model
for cigarette products, which does not give a picture of people who smoke, but only pictures of
people who have a disease because they have consumed the product, this is so that cigarette
products are not consumed by just anyone, in terms of age and a person's medical history.
Therefore, the regulations in Extra Joss advertisements have met the advertising standards without
any element of tricking the consumers or the audience, so it can be said that this product is safe or
suitable for consumption.
This Extra Joss product has succeeded in displaying an object of masculinity, which is the
hallmark of hardworking Indonesians. With this product, it is hoped that Indonesians will be more
sensitive to domestic products, especially in this energy drink product where the audience can see
firsthand what picture they will get after consuming this drink. In this regard, the objects used in
this advertisement are very compatible with the existing environment in Indonesia. So, Extra Joss
can be chosen as the number 1 choice regarding energy drinks because it is clear that this drink
can increase body stamina and is suitable for hardworking Indonesian men.
Count words: 1247

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