Fitria Nur Laily - Conversation Analysis PDF

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Name : Fitria Nur Laily

ID : 19320001
Class : Discourse Analysis – BL

This conversation took place on a weekend, which involved three participants, namely me,
my mother, and my older sister. I recorded this conversation in the Morning on Sunday, March 13,

1. Sister: What time is it? // pick up mom at the market.

2. Me : // yeahhh. I know. Do you want to take a bath?
3. Sister: Yes. Why?
4. Me : Nothing
5. Sister: Do you want to go to the bathroom first?
6. Me : (4) No.
(I wash my face outside the bathroom and go to pick up my mom)
7. Mom : Buy cantaloupe first, okay?
8. Me : Where is cantaloupe?
9. Mom : Thatt (gesturing eyes at the cantaloupe)
10. Me : Ha? Where?
11. Mom : That’s it. (points to it)
12. Me : Hmm, that’s a watermelon mom.
13. Mom : Oh my God, yes watermelon. // you wait here.
14. Me : // I’m waiting here.
15. Mom : Okay, it’s done.
16. Me : Oh mom, I was going to buy = a pukis cake
17. Mom : = soy milk? A pukis cake?
18. Me : Please, buy two mom, because there is a Yardan at home.
19. Mom : Okay.
(arriving at home)
20. Mom : Why is it dark? (ask my aunt's house to my sister)
21. Me : Why are the house lights off?
22. Sister : It's been dead since last night he said, don't know what caused it, whether it was a
fuse or a switch earlier = she said she had called PLN, but now it's still being fixed by
23. Me : = have auntie reported to PLN?
24. Mom : Ohh, but is it safe?
25. Sister : Safest mom.
(after that we all go to the kitchen)
26. Mom : (coming out of the bathroom) Here's a black cake (Javanese: ongol-ongol)
27. Me : Hahaha. What is black cake? // It is ongol-ongol mom.
28. Mom : // hahaha. Ongol-ongol yes.
29. Me : Yes mom, after this I eat.
(a few minutes later)
30. Mom : I bought a mussel, what is it cooked like?
31. Me : Given ordinary eggs are also delicious mom, = but I can’t eat hahaha.
32. Mom : = What do you think, Rin?
33. Sister : = I think so mom, it’s just delicious.
34. Mom : = Ohh yeahh, I’m forgot, nduk.
(cooking session)\
35. Mom : I bought this smoked fish yesterday, what's the best way to cook it?
36. Sister : With chili sauce as usual, it’s spicy and delicious.
37. Mom : Ohh yeahh. You arrange and cook yes? I’ll just eat hahaha.
38. Sister : Okayyy, No problem. Leave it all to me.
39. Me : Do you need my help, // my prettiest sister?
40. Sister : // Of course, broo.
41. Me : What to cook first?
42. Sister : Hmm, What’s good? = Fry smoked fish and tempe first.
43. Me : = First fry the side dishes, then make the spinach and make
the spicy chili sauce.
44. Sister : Okay, Let’s go.
(we cook and tell stories)
45. Sister : Hey, Alhamdulillah, a lot of people bought my merchandise.
46. Me : What? Skincare or Furniture?
47. Sister : Both, = Later, I'll take two more MS GLOW packages and go to Song-Song to
buy a jar, bowl, and others.
48. Me : = Alhamdulillah.
49. Sister : But, those who buy the MS GLOW package pay in installments, not cash.
50. Me : Hmm, the person who took the package wasn't the person who joined the social
51. Sister : Nope.
52. Me : It's okay, how many times does she want to pay in installments? the price is still
300k right?
53. Sister : The price is still 300, I told her to pay 2x in two weeks.
54. Me : Yes, it's okay, = it won't take long
55. Sister : = but for those who buy household furniture, I am not allowed to
pay in installments, I tell them to pay cash, so the money can move quickly.
56. Me : Ohh yeah, that’s right.
text analysis
1. Transition Relevance Place (TRP)
a. Interruption
 In the lines 1-2, Fifi interrupts Sister's conversation and respond to what Sister
said “//yeahhh. I know” before Sister finishes her conversation “// pick up mom
at the market”.
 In the lines 13-14, Fifi interrupts Mom’s conversation where their conversation
is basically the same thing, namely ‘about waiting’, Mom said “//You wait
here” and simultaneously Fifi said “//I'm waiting here”.
 In the lines 27-28, Mom interrupts Fifi’s conversation and answers Fifi’s
question “// hahaha. Ongol-ongol”, before Fifi finishes her conversation “// It
is ongol-ongol mom”.
 In the lines 39-40, Sister interrupts Fifi's conversation and sister answers Fifi’s
question “//Of course bro”, even though Fifi has not finished her conversation
by mentioning sister's name as the person asked for help “// my prettiest sister?”.
b. Overlap
 In the lines 16-17, Mom overlaps Fifi’s conversation “=soy milk? A pukis
 In the lines 22-23, Fifi overlaps Sister’s conversation “= have auntie reported
to PLN?”
 In the lines 31-34, Mom overlaps Fifi’s conversation “= What do you think,
Rin?” and Mom overlaps Sister’s conversation “=Ohh yeahh, I’m forgot,
 In the lines 42-43, Fifi overlaps Sister’s conversation “=First fry the side dishes,
then make the spinach and make the spicy chili sauce.”
 In the lines 47-48, Fifi overlaps Sister’s conversation with the respond
 In the lines 54-55, Sister overlaps Fifi’s conversation with continue her words
“= but for those who buy household furniture, I am not allowed to pay in
installments, I tell them to pay cash, so the money can move quickly.”

2. Attributable Silence
 In the line 6, there is an attributable silence when Fifi refuses Sister's offer “(4) No”

3. Adjacency Pairs
 In the line 2-4, in the first 5 conversations, Fifi and Sister ask each other questions
and answer them, starting with Fifi asking Sister “Do you want to take a bath?” and
Sister answered and threw another question at Fifi “Yes. Why?”, and also Fifi
answered the question “nothing.”
 In the lines 5-6, Sister offered something to Fifi “Do you want to go to the bathroom
first?” and Fifi refuses her offer “(4) no”.
 In the lines 20-22, Mom and Fifi asked Sister, “Why is it dark?”, “Why are the
house lights off?” and also Sister answer their questions “It's been dead since last
night he said, don't know what caused it, whether it was a fuse or a switch earlier =
she said she had called PLN, but now it's still being fixed by uncle.”
 In the lines 24-25, Mom asks Sister with “Ohh, but is it safe?” and then Sister
answer her question “Safest mom”.
 In the lines 30-33, Mom asks Sister and Fifi with “I bought a mussel, what is it
cooked like?” and “What do you think, Rin?”. And in the lines 31 and 33, Fifi and
Sister answers it, “Given ordinary eggs are also delicious mom” and “I think so
mom, it’s just delicious.”

4. Sequences
a. Pre-sequences
b. Insertion sequences
c. Opening sequences
d. Closing sequences
There is no sequences in the text analysis.

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