Long Quiz PHYS

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An English physicist who arranged the Periodic Table of Elements in increasing order of

atomic numbers?

Ans: Henry Moseley

The first synthesized element in the laboratory

Ans: Technetium

An orbital electron is captured by the nucleus and absorbed in the reaction.

Ans: Electron Capture

The heaviest element discovered before World War II.

Ans: Uranium

A proton inside a radionuclide nucleus is converted into a neutron while releasing a

positron and electron neutrino.

Ans: Positron emission

Elements with atomic numbers beyond 103.

Ans: Superheavy Elements

A negatively charged particles was named before by a physicist as....

Ans: corpuscles

An English physicist who discovered the negatively charged particles inside an atom.

Ans: James Chadwick

A British physicist who discovered the negatively charged particles inside an atom.

Ans: John Joseph Thomson

It is a nuclear reaction where one neutron will turn into proton and beta particle is

Ans: Beta decay

He first arranged the Periodic Table of Elements according to the elements' atomic

Ans: Dmitri Mendeleev

The year when element 43 was discovered.

Ans: 1937

Synthetic elements with atomic numbers higher than that of Uranium?

Ans: Transuranic Elements

A mode of radioactive decay in which a nucleus emits an alpha particle.

Ans: Alpha Decay

discovered the neutron.

Ans: James Chadwick

Greek word means uncuttable

Ans: atom

He believed that everything in the universe is made up of the 4 elements: air, fire, water
and earth.

Ans: Democritus of Abdera

It comes from the Greek word "stoicheion" wich means smallest division.

Ans: element

Who proposed the atomic model " plum pudding model?"

Ans: Joseph John Thomson

He added that all atoms of one element are identical to each other but different from the
atoms of another element?

Ans: John Dalton

Discovered the electron

Ans: Joseph John Thomson

In the quantum mechanical model, the nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons


Ans: orbitals

Who discovered the proton?

Ans: Ernest Rutherford

He proposed that all four- air, fire, water and earth are substances and called them roots.

Ans: Empedocles

Who treated the four elements geometrically and named them Platonic solids.

Ans: Plato

He discovered each element suing the qualities hot, cold, dry, wet or dry. He also added
the 5th element, aether.

Ans: Aristotle
The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter.
It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a
universal elixir.

Ans: alchemy

Who invented the gun powder?

Ans: China

What is the new name of corpuscles, according to J.J. Thomson

Ans: electron

Who invented the periodic table?

Ans: Dmitri Mendeleev

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