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Reading A- 1) What’s your favourite – a school lunch, a packed lunch or a fast food lunch?

*Here’s a typical school lunch at a school cafeteria in the UK: There’s usually some chicken, meat or

fish with rice, pasta or potatoes. There’s usually some salad or vegetables too. For dessert, there’s

fruit or cakes.

*This is a typical packed lunch but it isn’t very healthy: There are sandwiches and crisps. There’s also

some chocolate.

*These are typical meals at fast food restaurants: There are pizzas, burgers and some chips. For

dessert, there’s ice cream.

2) Underline the vocabulary about food. Say whether the nouns are (un)countable.

Reading B- There are five food groups. We must eat food from each group every day.

Group 1- There are vitamins and minerals in fruit and vegetables. You should eat five portions a day.
Group 2- There is protein in meat, fish, eggs and beans. Protein helps your body to grow.

Group 3-There are carbohydrates in bread, rice, beans, pasta and potatoes. They give you energy.
Group 4- There is calcium in dairy products like milk and cheese. Calcium is necessary for healthy
Group 5- There is a lot of fat and sugar in chocolate and cookies, for example. You mustn’t eat too
many things from this group – just an occasional treat!

1) Match each food group to the appropriate examples

1- Vitamins and minerals______ A- Cheese, yoghurt, butter

2- Fat and Sugar______ B- Meat, fish, eggs, chicken

3-Protein______ C- Potatoes, rice, pasta, bread

4- Carbohydrates_____ D- Chocolate, cookies, croissants

5-Calcium______ E- Apples, oranges, tomatoes, lettuce

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