00000548-Archaeology Part 2

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Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV 62)


South North

- Tutankhamun, the famous king of the 18 th dynasty, who was
probably the son of king Akhenaten from a secondary wife.

- The tomb is very small and was discovered underneath the tomb of
Ramsses VI. It was discovered by chance on 22 nd of November,1922
by Howard Carter, and funded by lord Carnarvon.

- The tomb is full of precious objects from different precious and semi
precious stones; the objects now display at the 2 nd floor at the
Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza

A) Main Entrance:
- Sixteen steps descend through the bedrock, it is followed by a
corridor originally contained material left over from the funeral feast,
as well as material associated with the embalming of the king

B) Antechamber:
- This chamber is long and rectangular, similar to the pillared section of
the burial chambers in other tomb, but without pillars.

- The walls are rough and undecorated, as are all other chamber walls
except burial chamber. This chamber held over six hundred objects.

C) Annex:
- This rectangular side chamber is the equivalent to the side chambers
used for storage.

- The chamber contained a disordered array of furniture, baskets, wine

jars, Calcite vessels, model boats, and shabtis.

D)Burial Chamber:
- The burial chamber is situated right (north) of the antechamber on an
east-west axis, and the floor is almost a meter (3 feet) lower than that of
the previous chamber.

- Magical brick niches were cut into each of the four walls of the
chamber. The niches were covered by limestone flakes which were then
plastered and painted.

- The chamber held three hundred objects in addition to four shrines

inside of which were the Sarcophagus, three coffins, burial mask and
mummy of the king. Only this chamber was decorated.

- The background for the scenes was a golden yellow; the figures are in a
non-traditional style.

Decorations of the Burial Chamber:

A)East Wall:

- The decorated upper part of the east wall depicts the mummified king
and his name is written above.

- The king’s shrine is being dragged by 5 groups of men dressed in white

and wearing mourning bands upon their brows. The last part with
shaven heads and distinguishing dresses, they are 2 viziers of Upper and
Lower Egypt.

B) West Wall:

- Decorated by the book of the Amduat “what is in the another world”.

The upper part is occupied by the solar barque, preceded by Five

- Below Squat 12 Baboon deities of the first of the 12 hours of the night
through which the sun and the kings must travel before achieving
rebirth at dawn.

C)North Wall:

- 3 different scenes are depicted, the 1st one depicts the Tutankhamun’s
heir, the aged Ay wearing the blue crown and dressed in the leopard
skin of setem -priest.
- The 2nd scene, Tutankhamun is represented with the living costume of
living king. He has now entered the realm of the gods where he is
greeted by the goddess Nut.
- The 3rd scene, Tutankhamun wearing the nms headdress and followed
closely by his ka. The king is welcomed into the underworld by Osiris,
king of the dead.

D)South Wall:

- The king is wearing the khat headdress, he is welcomed to the

underworld by Hathor, principal goddess of the west.

- Behind the stands the embalming deity, Anubis, and followed by Isis
and at the end of the scene there are 3 minor goddess of underworld.

E) Treasury Room:

- Situated east of the burial chamber, is the Treasury room. is oriented

north-south. This storeroom for Tutankhamen’s canopic shrine held
over five hundred objects.

- It is similar to the storerooms of other burial chambers in the Valley,

and had the only doorway in KV 62 not sealed with plaster and rubble.

In addition to the canopic chest in its shrine, the objects included a large
figure of Anubis , shrines containing divine figures, a model granary
and model boats, two fetuses in coffins, chests and a chariot.

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