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Zax+iv aS R089 wom, A={2/ |} < 2} 26cm B={:/d-a:= +(I+i)e $08 DATOS ANB H Bodh } warsorro. wD & Options: 1 i 2,2 2 i 38 - 2+ 2 ae ICQ Option Shufing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question jon: Vertical Question Number : 8 Question Id: $14578168 Question Type Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orient Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: The solutions of the equation z” (1 — z*) = 16, z € C, lie on the curve ZEC, (1 — 7) = 16 ROsomsw As), TSA God So Options: _ A Question Number :9 Question 1d Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orient Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 1578169 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question "Vertical forms a rectangle of area 2/3 square units, then one such = is = w 23 ob || clurag deego te aS OS Seberang DS ytd, odnsoed evi i se” Question Number : 10 Question Id: 814578170 Question Type : MCQ Opt Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vert Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Z 7 no cosd+isind \ {1+cosd-isind | \ sind +¥cos@ ) “| 1+cosd+isind } Options: 2c0s8 0 2eos 16 Ww 2sin8 @ 2sin 16 0 Question Number : 11 Question Id: 814578171 Question Type : MCQ Option Shutfling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Let S be the set of all possible integral values of 4 in the interval (—3, 7) for which the roots of the quadratic equation 2x* + 13x + 7 = Oare all rational numbers. Then the sum of the elements in $ is (A, 7) oeddo8*, Ax? + 13x + 7 = 0 BG DAosorasw cine, Sareren Od) Soria Somjen SSIS Fdysain i cig), wd) Yrs Devdv HO0 8 OLBow. SYS S'D daPrvT Ano Options: iw 28 aa 3 1 ae Question Number : 12 Question Id : 814578172 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 ais the m: ximum value of 1—2x— 5x" and f is the minimum value of Serx? + Bx +6 > 0 for all real values x. then the interval in which r lies is Sx? Caos), 60% dvs a, x7 —2x +r Gk SOY Dod P. HS YS Dos x $ Sax? + fx+6>0 Bond, BDC 7 BOG Bodo Options is (-11, 13) Question Number : 13 Question Id: 814578173 Question Type : MCQ Oj Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Yes Display Question Number : Yes ls Question For the equation a*+x° —4x7 4 x+ =0 the ratio of the sum of the squares of all the roots to the product of the distinet roots is tax —4: a ered tw aka Options: a bed Bus 28 Question Number : 14 Question Id: 814578174 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 1 4,4, are the roots of the equation ex*+dk* +ex? +bx-+a=0 such that 0< 0, <2. 1: 3 DBS" woddorr wodo’s Dodo P So8otn9 AC alas), dod Decoy Q. AB +AD + BC-2DC =2PQ wand, 2 Devs Optio 2 ay Question Number : 32 Question Id; 814578192 Question Type Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orien Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question ertical p=27-3] +k, G=7+]-K. E the vectors Tand B are the orthogonal projections of pon J and J on P respectively, then Sxboln PP 7 & GIS), oe DEO LOHD Sire 7 hoos Bw wand, 7 a options: 2F+37+5k 2 v2 ‘Question Number :33 Question Id: 814578193 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical [Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Let a= 27-3j+4k. b= 7142) + j+k. The vector x such that x and perpendicular to both a,b is a= 21-3j)+4k, b= 71+2j-3k, +] +k ecs8ooure x-c = 60 excingto av8atn 7.5 en dodosd$ woworr God HOS ¥ = Options : 147 — 67-12 La 74347 425k ay E4347 +258 Question Number : 34 Question Id; 814578194 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 The shortest distance between the line F = 27 -27 + 3k+A4(7 -j + 4K) andthe is plane F + (7 +57 +h P= W-27+3K +A(7-J+ 4k) SdvSm Av6otw Svan7 + 1) $25 Sav rGo Options: a a3 10 3v3 I aM aw Question Number : 35 Question Id : 814578195 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing: Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 For the following frequency distribution, the variance is approximately equal to & $08 SSnyay aa Class Interval [0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 SEK 00580 * 10 3 Frequency aSeysgeso Options: 34.75 av 5 3750 uation Number : 36 Question Id 14578196 Question Type: MCQ 0 Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ertical If the mean of the discrete distribution 8. 9. 6. 5, x, 4, 6, 5 is 6, then its standard deviation (nearest to two decimal places) is @9S8Sj8 STOSAY 8, 9.6, 5,1, 4, 6, 5 GN Bassa goo 6 wars, OD Sav Diode (docs Gros sane Sds) Options: Le 2.50 Question Number 4578197 Question Type 12 Option : No Option Orie Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 If A and B are events of a sample space such that P(A UB) = =, P(A 1B) = + and P(A) 2 then P(A 1 B) is P(AUB)= 4, P(ANB)= + s:00tm P(A) = 2 eabgergy seid wSdnace A Oo» B en Soc Hodaen wows, P(AMB) Options: 5 vB 3 2a 8 g 5 ae s aa 4 Question Number : 38 Question Id: 814578198 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Let X and ¥ be two events of a sample space such that P(X) = e P(x/¥)= and 2 P(¥/X)== then P(X)= 2, P(X/Y)=+ Asam P(¥/X)=2 wadgEep ToIDS wSdes" X soos Y ep Gott ducaden wSosvowrs. wR) Options: P(XnY) P(XVY) 2 P(Y) a8 p(x/¥ av Question Number :39 Question Td 199 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vert Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Let A and B be not mutually exclusive events. If P(A) ?(BA)- A Sxocty B en S08 O508 snaxtie sri waar. P(A ay B, wand, P(A on: Ls 0 1 aw 28 3 13 ve 4 ae Question Number : 40 Question Id: 814578200 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 1£20% of the bolts produced by a machine are defective then the probability that out of 4 bolts chosen at random, less than 2 bolts will be defective . is 28 OlogBe SOND BOS TELUS 20% SH $9 Sond, SrdyoySrP NH SHS 4 FOOT 2 Sotd SH,D TOPO She $Od SSUHLS Hose Options: 0.2048 « 0.4096 2H aw 0.8192 0.1024 ae Question Number 41 Question Id; 814578201 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical ‘Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Ina book consisting of 600 pages, there are 60 typographical errors. The probability that a randomly chosen page will contain atmost two errors, is 600 SER SOS a8 DKS S 60 Anger S*S-ev aaryow. alr y ayer” DH) SOs a8 QOS Hoar Duchy SPD Sachear$ eer SyS Optio av ae Question Number : 42 Question Id: 814578202 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 IfM is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the origin O on to the variable line L, passing through a fixed point (a, 5) then the locus of the mid point of OM is 30 Doody (a, b) Moats YEA GOS We! Sw L PS darw Doce O dood Ads @08) Seco M eons OM aDeh Doce cDs), Dos Hdd Options: =a+B * ax" ax — by =0 ay ax + by o a Mandatory : No Single Line Question Opti Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 28 327+ SXY + 32Y7-63 = 0 ay Question Number : 44 Question Id : 814578204 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Ver Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 A line L1 passing through A (3, 4) and having slope 1 cuts another line L2 passing through C at B, such that AB = AC. If the equation of line BC is 2x—y-+4=0 , then the equation of AC is sro) 1 P86 A (3, 4) B Bodin tooo stab a8 G58 dw Li, C thomr Sab Hockey Ow 12 & AB=AC eaignen B Sd mod'od. Hv Sw BC HDSde0 2x y+ 4=0 ond, Hie Ga AC HDos6e20 Options: Question Number 45 Question Id: Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orie Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 14578205 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question mm: Vertical Angles made with the X - axis by the two lines passing through the point P (1, 2) and is - ata distance “>. units fiom the point P are 3 cutting the line x + y v7 P (1, 2) Docindy Moor Br x+y =4 We Sw a P avod ~ ATI ardoss* moder doch HOY Gaen X— ego dio Seren Options: ae Question Number : 46 Question Id: 814578206 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 The straight lines x+3y-9=0 , 4y=Sy- =0 are concurrent if the 0, px+qy+l line Sx+6y+10=0 passes through the point . P+ gy +10=0W OLY Cw SAygodioso HO Sw 6y+10=0 Sr otos Moar defod we GP) aa GP) aa @ (p. 9) Question Number : 47 Question Id : 814578207 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 2ixy For / € B, the equation (2/—3) x = 0 represents a pair of lines TERS, (21-3) x74 2h — 0 DdnSiee a8 HSH Garcirrzd LPddO Options : only when /=0 1=0 wondignn’s SPQ La for all values of 1 € R-(-3, 1) TER (3. 1) cows), 0D) Devsere for all values of 7 € (-3, 1) 1€(-3, 1) cing), 8D) Dendox for all values of € & TER Gus), wD) Devdos aa Question Number: 48 Question Id; 814574208 Question Type: MCQ Option Shufing : Yes Display Question Namber: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 ‘The centroid of the triangle formed by the lines x+y =1 and 2)? —xy— 6x7 = is A6¥ Save x+y=1 S008 2y*—ay— br? = 0 OF Dye Gasbas Sgr arvsw ‘Options : (0,0) Question Number 49 Question Id: 814578209 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical [Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 ‘Two points from the set of Coneyelic points of the circle passing through (1. 1), 2.1), G.2)is (1, 1), 2. “1, G, 2) Mboee Dako do cans), Dseidad Docoaye HMVH'D Socdo Docospev Options : : 814578210 Question Type : MCQ Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Number: Yes Is Question If the polar of a point P with respect to a circle of radius r which touches the coordinate axes and lies in the first quadrant is x +2y=47', then the point P is DOPLE CEOS SHEP Avid SST dod r aegYotto Hye Gygry a8 Weta Day Gy dm x+2y=4r Cond, siyyco Moti P Options: ve OT) (2r.3r) aw (-r, ar) ae Question Number : 51 Question Id : 814578211 Question Type : MCQ Option Shutfling: Yes Display Question Number : Yes Ts Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 If the circles x+y? ~2v-2(3+V7)y+8+6V7-0 and x? +y°—8x—6y +) 0 K€ Z, have exactly two common tangents, then the number of possible values for kis Ok eZ, 2v-2(3+V7)y+8+6V7=0 Boinx? +y?-8r-6y +k SGU DAYGSOY Voc ALYS HY, DOH LON Gol , SY Gk 8 Hw DoS dwSo Lowy Options: . 8 Question Number : $2 Question Id: 814578212 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing: Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 The circle S = 0 cuts the circles C, +y?- 8x-2y + 16=0 and + y= dx—dy— =0 orthogonally. If the common chord of S = 0 and C1 =Ois 2x+13y—15 = 0, then the centre of S = 0 is Le CG S=0 Agay vomdycidaw yd. C1 -15 =0 wand, $= 0 cig), Sotto + 16=0 avdoi 4x—4y-1=0&)Gan0a 0 soak S = 0 ayeeiwe aaiyjd wg Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 The equation of the circle passing through the points of intersection of the two 2+ y+ kv—4y-1=0, S, = 3x" +3 -14x+23y-15=0 orthogonal circles 5S, and passing through the point (1, ~1) is Botts woe Syesswew S\= x7 + y+ kv—dy: 0 S,= 3x7 +3y? —Ld4v+ 23y-15=0 © SdH Docdayw Moe svat (- 1,-1) Dodosy thoar Dako Ayo HDosdevo Options: Vy? bx 3y° + 18x -12y = 0 22x + Sy —17 = 0 Sx +My +7 =0 Question Number : 54 Question Id; 814578214 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Consider the parabola y? +2x+2y—3=0 and match the items of list - I with those of the List - IT y?+2x+2y-3=0 HordSvoird GmrFod spbato ale —1 S gays sto PAE — 15D TOS 2d Doe0e List -I List II ereder — I erder — I A) 2x- 1D) Vertex agan 1 Focus vO II) Equation of directrix Dobkidw Aiosdnan D) (2-1) IV) Equation of the axis Sho HMsoRsv. V)_ Equation of the Lats rectum FD Lome HOSSeasn The correct match is HOGS ase Options: A Bc D Mm auoswit LW A B ce Dp Vv it WV ou 28 A B Cc D I ate Vv 1 38 A B c D Vv I m ae Question Number : $5 Question Id: 814578215 Question Type : MCQ Option ShulMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientat Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Vertical The normal at a point on the parabola y?= 4x passes through (5, 0). If there are two more normals to this parabola which pass through (5, 0), the centroid of the triangle formed by the feet of these three normals is Ax Sorsectho DB aS Dodds 30 eddvcey dw (5, 0) Dodds Moors devo’. (5, 0) Dolby aT Bo Hows dtd edo dw dedi, o MD edo dwo HGsIO” NSS SAowdn aang, Sogp arsan Options: ie ‘Question Number: 56 Question 1d: 14578216 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 The eccentricity of an ellipse passing through (3Y3. V0) with foci at (=, 0) and ois Options: 1 zi La 2 aw” Question Number : $7 Question Id; 814578217 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing: Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 If the product of the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn fiom the foci to the tangent is a toe) ArOWLLA® 9 WON, w OE Ayo Eby othe ‘Options : Question Number Mandatory : No Single Line Ques Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 4578218 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question pa Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical The equation of the hyperbola, whose eccentricity is J2 and whose foci are 16 units apart. is, PAO Addy PED 16 CPDEY SOz,o65¢ V2 TF LOS OS SorSoabe Seve Options: uestion Id: 814578219 Question Type : MCQ Option ShulMling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Ts Question 1¢ Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 If the points A (—1, 0. 7), B (3.2. . C (5, 4-2) are collinear, then the ratio in which the point P (1, f 24, ¢+ 4) divides the line segment BC is Decoipe A (-1, 0,7), B (3.2.1). C (3, &.-2) ew wdDoirev won’, BC dar” wordy P(t, k-2, 1+) Aochay Deletotd MB Options: « Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 The direction cosines Ii. of two lines are satisfying 3/+m-+Sn 6mn—2nl + Sim =0. If 6 is the angle between those lines then |cos Boe Swe AF Spsev Lm, n oo 3+m+5n=0, 6mn—2nl + Sim =0 & Sy2 DOPOD. w Dots Ino Sod S's 0 sand, |eos | aw Question Number : 61 Mandatory : No Single Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 A tetrahedron has vertices O(0, 0, 0), A(1.2, 1), BQ. 1,3), CCL. 1, 2). 1f@ is the angle between the faces OAB and ABC, then cos @= aS Seotyd 0(0, 0,0), AU, 2, 1), B2, 1, 3), C(I, 1, 2) Oa @Barenrr 8O Bo OAB sv68n ABC domadnw doaiy Srasiw 6 ead, cos = Options : 19 35 17 31 se Line Question Option : No Option Ori 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Mandatory : No Correct Mart jon: Vertical Jog(l+x)* 1 Tf log(1+ x) =x- oo and Jing ——— =k, then 12k= Oe x log(l+x)= * ling pat oy HG 12k= Options: Question Namber : 63 Question Id: 814578223 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 0 {k forx=1 If f(x) =) (9x-1)(vx-1) tors #1 3x°+2x—5 is continuous on [0. »), then &= i forx =1 f(x) =} (9x-1)(¥e-1) fore ot [0, 2) 2 e2aySy0 Sond, k= Options : ca « 16 aa 8 i 4 ae J av 2 Question Number : 64 Question Id: 814578224 Question Type : MCQ Option Shut Ming : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 6 Let g(x) # 0, g'(x) # 0, f(x) 4 0, f'(x) +0 If F(x) =f(x)g(x). GO) = f'(x)g'(x) and F(x)=G(x)H(x) = F(x)K(x). then H(x) + K(x)= g(x) # 0,g'(x) = OS(s) 4 0,f'(x) = 0, wmrBoare. F(x) =S(x)g(x), Gs) = f'(x)g'(x), exySr svba F'(x)= G(x) A(x) = F(x)K(x), wand, wayyeo H(x) + K(x)= Options: Question Number : 65 Question Id: 814578225 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 SiN 4 Jog fl—a , then 2. dy Question Number : 66 Question Id: 814578226 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks :0 Let (x) and g (x) be twice differentiable functions such that f(x)=x" + g'Qor+ g"(2) and g(x) = f()x? +x f(x) +f"). Then, f (x) — g(x) = S(x)=x" + grt g"(2) LOato gx) = [Ux +x f'(a)+f"(s) oabgeoey f @) SOLD g (x) ed Toth FE SSSUAAY Qaoiren eadsowre. SYD f (0) — g(*) = Options: 2x45 Question Number : 67 Question Id: 81457827 Question Type : MCQ Option ShuMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Ts Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical (Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 1 FE the ea of a ercle increases at the mate of Fsq. units /se, then the rte (in ie units/see) at which the perimeter of the circle changes, when perimeter is Jz units, is 1 va Vit obragy rr SSNS, Syd cep FOSS Srey Bev & |] chragp / 28H déo SLyyS, 2008, wa cep SoS Options + A ww Ez ae Question Number : 68 Question Id : 814578228 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Let @ be a fixed positive real number and 1 be an arbitrary constant. For the curve z ifthe length of the subnormal at any point (ct, B) is proportional to «2, then a= 4 0S Bd DHS Horeksw LOW n w OT AyS Horotisw wodowra. vy = @ SENS D Dodie (a, B) 54 A GH Sdo.ndw ME wh Cro Srawrdo G08, BRD) N= Options: 2 ae ju ay Question Number : 69 Question Id: 114578229 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufing : Ves Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 In each of the choices given below. a fimetion and an interval are given. The correct choice having a function and the associated interval for which the Lagrange’s mean value theorem is not valid is G08 adyS OASYS’ ad Ywobsw sooo a¥ satis aSgaqran . Spree Lego shrug Agron Gquarty 8 Sabodur doit Hebobaw shook ax0$ wsoevesshay otto SON ey, BOYS Options: aw Question Number : 70 Question Id : 814578230 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Let p(x) be a polynomial of degree 3 having extreme value at x = 1 (plx)+4_.) ) rf tim (2E)*4 42) 6 then (2) = ea | de jd BS BUPAS GOA wiT HB p(x), ¥= 1 SG VoRS Devs SO Gocsavsdorro. +4 \ tim | 2) 6 won {| el \ de ), ont 2 w 0 a ~a ua 4 aa Question Number : 71 Question Id : 814578231 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Nuraber : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Tan (¢v)+C w Ke 6 tangy) + ae +6 log I+y)=C ae ae ‘Question Number: 72 Question I : 814578232 Question Type: MCQ Option Shating: Ye Display Question Number: Ye Is Question Mandatory: No Single Line Question Opion No Option © 2 Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Fork € (1, «). hole’ i ke(La) 8 loa Options : (Vest +Viitan | =) vk+1-Vvk-1 eC 28 ( VeFi+Vk=T tm | = Jog] —___2 +e Ve | Seton | Aw “ ( Vé=Teos* +JF—Asin® 2 2 2 2 |e Vi-+leos*—Jk=1sin= | 4 ~ ~ Question Number : 73 Question Id: 814578233 Question Type : MCQ Option Shu fing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Je? (x? +sindx) de= Options: 2 27 Question Number : 74 Question Id: 814578234 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 —+C then e(Ltx? +38) +C scan’ , esp > pine ? 5 3 6 ae Question Number : 75 Question Id: 814578235 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 lim | (14 Options: e 2e Question Number : 76 Question Id: 814578236 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 3dx iee =] 3 on a 2 z Fa 38 ay Question Namber : 77 Question Id; 814578237 Question Type : MCQ Option ShuMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical [Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 is bisected If the area of the region bounded by y =cos x, y= sin x, x 7 and x= by the line x= a, then sin| a 4 y S080bn x= 1 OS LOmSds Teersoy r=a dw Soe 08 *, Y= SiN x, x a dad oTresT dy GY sin| a+ Options: v2 ae Question Number : 78 Question Id; 814578238 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Ifthe family of curves y=a e** + be, where a, b are arbitrary constants represents the general solution of the differential equation f(x, » 2.22 |~0, then = dk de? | de woos YadsCeio A x =0 & Som YES yeae™+ bet, a Hook Dev aieiyayW Qororw, word, wy £ = ? de Options: ae Question Number : 79 Question Id; 814578239 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 If the length of the sub tangent at any point p (x, ) on a curve f (x,y) =Oisx+ 71°, then f(x.) = Saw f (¥,9) = 09 D Doda p (x. 1) SYS GH HO] Iw eH x + 71? wond , way f(y) = Options: xytey—Tx ‘Question Number : 80 Question 1d: 14578240 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 If the general solution of the differential equation (y—x+1) dy—(y+x+2) dr=Ois f (x,y. c)=0, then the value of ¢ such that f(1, 1, c)=0 is (v-x+1) dv-(y+x+2) dr=0 wSSH HDQSoe0 os), Forde PSI f (x. ». c)=O@ond, f (1, 1, c) =O ecigérgp aod ¢ Devd Options: Physics Section 1a: Section Number: Section type: Mandatory or 0 Number of Ques Number of Ques Section Marks: Display Number Pan Group All Questions Mark As Answered Required? : Sub-Section Number Sub-Section 1d Question Shutting Allowed : mas to be attempted : Question Number : 81 Question Id: 814578241 Question Type : MCQ Oj Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orient Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 The nuclear forces are S268 wuren Options Tong range repulsive forces 6 argh 80a were Jong range attractive forces OS argh sda weren 28 short range attractive forces Bu) Tah whe Der av short range repulsive forces 60) a 28S BUDD aa 5 Question Number : 82 Question Id: 814578242 Question Type : MCQ Of Mandatory : No Single Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 s14s7as 2 Ontine Mandatory 0 0 40 Yes Yes Yes 1 8145785 Yes Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question ion: Vertical Yes Display Question Number : Yes ls Question ine Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Due to an explosion undemeath water, a bubble started oscillating. If this oscillation has time period T, which is proportional to P“ S? EY, where P is static pressure, S$ is density of water and E is total energy of explosion. Determine a. Band y 08 SHS BOOS Oye Sy aS ance Cote Dette Poilind. & ome #55 ss T, Oly P*S? E'S wo arsarses Gotan’. P- Qo dicho, S- O45 Posie 000d E- GoPY AYE sf eons, a. SHO 7 O8 O8pokos Options: ‘Question Number : 83 Question Id: 814578243 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMlng : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 A car travelling at 15 m/s overtake another car travelling at 10 m/s. Assuming each car is 4m long. What is the time taken during the overtake? 10 m/s Shoes" Jepsy Hes 15 mvs Stow" HoireNpSy HOY sed SSAA. HE dd 4m did) 800 ay Hand, w sth wdHidrodrind HGS Asoo Options: 16s LW 08s ae 0.65 38 O48 ae Question Number : 84 Question Id; 814578244 Question Type Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical (Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Ifa body moving in a circular path maintains constant speed of 10 ms“, then which of the following correctly describes the relation between acceleration (a) and radius (1). 10 ms“! 95 siefoed” SyePRS Shue Stoeneody, aS ShwSo er Oedeio (a) shook ergite (1) $ Ho Sowemray PSS AY, $6 TOS" NO NBS OIgSa09 Options : + a Tr as ao iy av > re Question Number $5 Question Id: 814578245 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No ingle Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 0 1f0.5i+ 0.8j+ Ck isa unit vector then C is 0.31 + 0.8 j+ Ck a8 Ask S68 ond, C DUS Options: 02 2 03 38 Quest Number : 86 Question Id : 814578246 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Ques “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 0 A projectile is launched from point A of the given landscape with a water body as shown in the diagram. The launching angle is 15°. From the following, identify the right initial velocity of the projectile with which it will fall somewhere in between the points C and D. (Assume g= 10 m/s?) O43 SES SOAS OS Stroh 89S Broth Seth Heo rvoaSeatiod. A Dodie 5 Sols 8 QELY Syd) 15° © SaST HEGe Dorarod. @ Say C Ooty D Hecrae Hedge" Soya Larvotd ard Foss cto (g= 10 m/s? @&S"ee) A 8 é D 8m woes Options: 21.5 m/s LW 22.5 m/s 28 19.5 mvs 38 24.0 ms ae ICQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question mn: Vertical 14578247 Question Type Question Number : 87 Question I 12 Option : No Option Orie Mandatory : No Single Line Ques ‘Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 When a bullet is fired from a rifle its momentum becomes 20 kg mV/s. If the velocity of the bullet is 1000 m/s, then what is its mass? AS GPS Sod DywOsd rer 20 ke mvs GSsSrPay Todoeo.d. Go Sho 1000 m/s wond o Grr dak SSsora Options: 302 La Ske e 20g av $00 2 ae Question Number : 88 Question Id: 414574248 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 A block is between two surfaces as shown in the figure. Find the normal reaction at both surfaces. [Assume g = 10 n0/ bos Grad Odor aS BAY Doth AHOSErY Ly Goiiarteed. Got Gere SS sede 8 Soph STG. [g=10 m/s? es'oS] tane-3/4 40N rants _| 2kg <4 a No | Options: N,=37.2N and N N,=37.2N 200% N,=9.6N Lv 38.2N and N,=8.6N 38.2N do N,=8.6N ae N,=40N and N)=4N N,=40N S00 N,=4N 3 N,=37.5N and N, N,=37.5N Soot N,=9.9N ae Question Number : 89 Question Id: 814578249 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical [Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 When a body is acted upon by a resultant force. then the work done by the resultant force is equal to ad Strap HOS ao Hdadypsy SW w HOS aovro hot) HO Options its initial kinetic energy PD gPOoeS Medes 3S its initial potential energy Tro Foes Yd a change in the kinetic energy es BF Srey ay change in the potential energy 282 BS sto) ae Question Number : 90 Question Id : 814578250 Question Ty ‘Option Shufling : Yes Display Question Number Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 Yes Is Question A force acts on a body of mass 10 kg, resulting in its displacement given as x where t is the time in seconds. The work done by the force in 5 seconds is 10 kg G&gO*D af avo Gd Sosyyto Ga Pawlet x eond, 5 B5SF wae daw Ho? Options: 620T 3330 524] ay Question Number : 91 Question Id; 814578251 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks A bullet of mass 25 g moves horizontally at a speed of 250 ms is fired into a wooden block of mass 1 kg suspended by a long string. The bullet crosses the block and emerges on the other side. If the centre of the mass of the block rises through a height of 20 em. ‘The speed of the bullet as it emerges from the block is (Take g= 10m/s*) 25 g GSsora do a ange SSarworoeitos* 250 m/s Shes Solr, aS Seiko BUrGADS 1 kg GSO Ho DY, Aas Satod Dots My Lots aves Soo. syye © BY, Bary cok GS;0-R Soho 20 cm PF Ayhod. ond w ange Bary sro aolven Feb Kio odo ? (g= 10m/s*rP x06&) Options: 300 m/s 220 m/s 150 mis 170 m/s aw Question Number : 92 Question Id: 814578252 Question Type Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 A circular hole of radius 3 cm is cut out from a uniform circular dise of radius 6 em. The centre of the hole is at 3 cm, from the centre of the original disc. The distance of centre of gravity of the resulting flat body from the centre of the original disc is: 6 om agro HOS aS D808 SETS Dye 3 cm wv SJEPSS Save Sawrtioh. Soph CL, Sogo ey Soghe ddoG 3 cm © SS GIYO. Dy Sotho Sve HOS SBS SH (Godjous" anda) cas, othe gSogoth te carts dee’. Options: « lem Ww 15cm 38 0.75em ae Question Number : 93 Question Id : 814578253 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 For a particle executing SHM, determine the ratio of average acceleration of the particle between extreme position and equilibrium position wrt the maximum acceleration S28 Suse Body ak Sto Hwy OL Hgteieel" OS aro Sothy PSo SOL DIY FTO SG SOLO OgOede SUSU ALS Dos ? Options: 4 « 2 7 Ww 1 x 3a 1 Qn ae Question Number : 94 Question Id: 814578284 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Choose the correct statement OS ar¥ 0s Doutas"oa Options : acceleration due to gravity increases with increasing altitude Ady DOM £O Motes gene Dreier acceleration due to gravity is independent of mass of earth rbot Bebeie air Sgo8 b wade a geostationary satellite can have a time period less than 24 hours BPPSS GLrs FO S:8H 24 thot Sor) SSy,STT Getv.d ae acceleration due to gravity decteases with increasing depth assuming earth to be a sphere of uniform density airand a8 QYOS Poghes SOHS TS SLs Ted OAS SH, Moteg SgCiaio Serer a Question Number : 95 Question Id: 814878255 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMlng : Ves Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 A slab of side 50 cm and thickness 10 em is subject to a shearing force of 10° N on its nanrow edge. If the lower edge is riveted to the floor and upper edge is displaced by 0.2 mm, then shear modulus of the material of the slab is 50 cm Soto SOS SOo%v 10 em sdvtisho SOAS a8 HOS Gok OS wochp 10° N Hard avo Hairhorinéed. Hof So soul ara HY God, D9 Gord) B avo Hoiria, sock) 0.2 mn PSefoto BoOed. cond v Hos int DAMS Heise Options: 6Gpa 5 Gpa av 4Gpa 38 4.5 Gpa ae Question Number jon Id : #1457256 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks : 0 A meniscus drop of radius 1 em is sprayed into 10° droplets of equal size. Calculate the energy expended if surface tension of mereury is 435x10° N/m Lom argo He SoQdaryyd Hw Dedioahs 10° saves HOLD Ho Dedede HIS Bomatowo Sito Geibyg 8 Does? Praiehbo GHansy, Go Gahgeh 435x107 N/m Options: $4.1x107F ¥ 64.1x10° J ae 741x107 I 3 84.1x10° 7 ae Question Number :97 Question I Mandatory : No Single Line Ques Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 814578257 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question 12 Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical The specific heat of helium at constant volume is 12.6 J mol'K!. The specific heat of helium at constant pressure in J molK™ is approximately (Assume the universal gas constant R= 8.314 J mol 'K™) WO DIOL Sh Ook Ha BS 12.6 J mol IK. Y6 Henle SG LPO. Sasirtor Jmol KT gSrerost (28g POM Yorese R= 8.314 J mol K™ rr Sxvs'oG ) Options: 12.6 Le 16.8 ae 18.9 38 20.9 ay {Question Number : 98 Question Id: 814578258 Question Type : MCQ Option ShuMing : Ves Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 A composite slab is prepared with two different materials A and B. The relation between z ect oe K, their coefficient of thermal conductivity and thickness is given as K, 7 and x, 2X, respectively. If the temperature of faces of A and B are 75 °C and SO °C respectively, what will be the temperature of common surface? A Ooty B oth doth ddge Sargress* aS Hooty Hos Goldy Gawd. ard Syorwrs K, Hiaie Shoo Sess Ko Seward, Si K,=B shoo X,=2X, ov 2 Wg dears, Smasw A os, AWG 75 °C Sodio B Arid 50 °C wows, ays Sve Gh, AIK Qos? Options: 50°C 2 av 125 °C ae Question Number : 99 Question Id : 814578259 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Work done on heating one mole of monoatomic gas adiabatically through 20°C is W. Then the work done on heating 6 moles of rigid diatomic gas through the same change in temperature aS ard NMGasoreas srciaspss 20 °C o Sh ROG Sorr de Golnasy ahd So W ed i Sotoy Se 6 ASU Sys OghSsrens sous JG Doses ewer HO Options: OW « 10W aw 12W 38 sw ae 3260 Question Type : MCQ Option Shutfling: Yes Display Question Number : Yes Ts Question Vertical c Ifa gas has n degrees of freedom, then the ratio of —® is & GS a8 POSS n' KHgehog been dehy Sw wodnsy —? ays Options : 8 ” Lv 2n+1 ” 2 n+2 2n 38 n+4 ae Question Number : 101 Question Id : 814878261 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Quest Mandatory : No Single Line Ques i mm: Vertical [Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 A bus moving with an uniform speed of 72 kuvh towards a building blows a hom of frequency 1.7 KHz. If speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, what will be the frequency of echo heard by bus driver? 72 kuvh O808 Sae5* Scuveosy a¥ atv ad Soclo My Dolrelr 1.7 KHz saixySyoes* DOS SPMD. POS Gyo ato 340 m/s sand, awdy SpsSOos HoHoud YSSgo0 sy BSYSpo odo? Options : 1.8 KHz LW 2.0 KHz ae 1.6 KHz 38 1.4 KHz ae Question Number : 102 Question 1d: 814578262 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 If the image of an object is at the focal point (f) to the right side of a convex lens, the position of the object on the left of the lens is at AS SASS SOROS ERS Gi) TA Dotiny (1) Shas Saw Gay, QSdoa Yad, StoH08 Dey RS @ Skosh cho’, PPibo? Options: f « 2f 2 Bs> Ba Bs > Be> Pa 38 Question Number : 105 Question 1d : 814578265 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Ifa proton is moved against the coulomb force of an electric field, then aS adrgS EGW'D Srv WUrLy SOUS OT ak POPS 80H, Options work is done by the electrie field Diag’ ZGo argor HO aetortvevod energy is used from some outside souree Ly TET 5 BiB Soot Ha Hatrgoe 2 the strength of the field is decreased £8 20 ASO SHev0d the strength of the field is increased 8800 GSO DEr EO Question Number : 106 Question Id: 814878266 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Assume each oil drop consists of a capacitance of C. If combine 1 drops to form a bigger drop, then the capacitance of bigger drop €” would be aS 4S, Bo Rothayss C SHH) Soc GO DWotleG. al HG Moths Galrvy Dotudso 0 Ddy Docasor $OHS, 2G Voting ky, SPHGs C' Devs Options : Question Number : 107 Question 1d: 814578267 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 A conductor of length 100 cm and area of cross section 1 mm* carries a current of 5A. If the resistivity of the material of the conductor is 3.0 * 10 Q m, then the electric field across the conductor is ens? 0.15 Vim ¥ 0.015 Vim 2 15 Vim 38 0.0015 Vim ae Question Number : 108 Question Id : 814578268 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 If the Wheatstone’s bridge with four resistors Ri, Ro, Rs, Ry is balanced then the correct expression is, WU VGSSHLY Ri, Ro, Rs, Ry Hv HHYS YEA Hoeowo BY, $6 HIS’ SoWeH0? Options: Question Number : 109 Question Id : 814578269 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 A circular coil of 10 turns and radius 10 cm is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T nommal to the plane of the coil. If the current in the coil is 5A then the magnitude of the torque on the coil is 10 dotgy SOAS aS S GTS Shey syPGS0 10 cm. PO eras voverr 0.1 T SOLsryod LST SH soes Goad, GIS YIM, HyyS DOS 5A SONsS, Saco DS Ho wuatury BPs Devs ‘Options : 500 7Nm Le 0.05 7nNm ae 0.005 rNm 38 zero kop ay Question Number : 10 Question Id : 814578270 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question A 50 om long solenoid has winding of 400 tums, What current must pass through it to produce a magnetic field of induetion 4x «10 T at the center? 50 em © deaHwy FOsranGEF* 400 doy Sos Ord Soho SS 4nx107 T wobrzeet 28s abySy 0 Dobe SSOHS DdvgS Harsro DUS Options: 10.5 A 20.0A ae Question Number : 111 Question Id: 814578271 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufling : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Ts Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Ifrelative permeability of iron is 5500, then its susceptibility is siSoabo Ghat, FE HA%y6OS (permeability) 5500 ears, cro S¥y (susceptibility) Options: 5500 x 107 Le 5500 x 10-7 ae 5501 a 5499 rad Question Number : 12 Question Id: 814578272 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuafing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertics Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 A moving coil Galvanometer of resistance 100Q. is used as an annneter using a resistance 0.1. The maximum deflection current in the Galvanometer is 100 A. Find the minimum current in the circuit so that ammeter shows maximum deflection? 1002 26%o Hu 585 SH rogSEhSs 010 aera, halriod aS edyddor PESO MHOZTELS HOY CHAGS dtngS Hore 100 WA. Cond, Seats" dee Sob Gorse ScgS dot wdywoed HOH GHSGS SOM eotdvo4d 100.1 mA. ¥ 1000. 1 mA 2 10.01 mA. 3 1.01 mA. ae Question Number : 113 Question Id : 814578273 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufling : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 In CR cireuit the growth of charge on the capacitor is CR Seco s SiPOwEp wad DOXDHO? Options more rapid if the CR is smaller 4 CRRA Cond 50. ys more rapid if the CR is larger CR 866 ond 68 Bye independent of CR CRD werdhiit ae independent of time FUP SHS Question Number : 14 Question Id: 814578274 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 (1s\w ‘What is the amplitude of the electric filed in a parallel beam of light intensity) 1a)" { assume 19199 Nm { ne, e as (8 \ BSC He DEBS S08 Lewes ding ZG LS HOMO? xm tt n9 199 A op ase] ane, e Option 6ON/C Lv 1 4oNic aa 30NIC ae Question Number : 115 Question Id : 814578275 Question Type : MCQ Op: ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Ve Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Photons of energy 2.4 eV and wavelength i fall on a metal plate and release photoelectrons with a maximum velocity v. By decreasing & by 50 % the maximum velocity of photoelectrons becomes 3v. The work function of the material of the metal plate is 24 eV & SOW A Sdeth Ago KO TUPSU a8 SL Goo P LSD MOY Se v Hw sod dupySos Sesopon. hs 50% 9 SHY sod-dogySo HOY So 3v Saeed. SONS, @ SEY Horgan claw, Ho Harowsy Dee? options: 21eV 17eV 2 2.8eV 3 20eV ae Question Number : 116 Question Id: 814578276 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 The ratio of maxinmm to minimum wavelength in Balmer series of an hydrogenie atom is WSUS SisrwHhows wah His Hoy HOw 80s Shots BGgshww Oya Options: we 2 2 a 7 38 4 9 ae Question Number : 117 Question Id: 414578277 Question Type : MCQ Optior Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertiea Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 hulfling : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Alpha rays emitted from a radioactive substance are BGI OYE Lao aio JUSS wery SPD Options: negatively charged particles 2ondte BAIS Sere doubly ionized helium atoms Bote op BOASeIe Bod SrMotie HOsireandhen av ionized hydrogen nuclei eeotoiOrie Bods sr See5 Soeho uncharged particles wade so Seren Question N Mandatory Correct Marks: Wrong Marks: 0 Which of the following depicts the output of the full wave rectifier with capacitor filter for the following AC input BPHVE AYO SONS aS QPS Sloth OLY Sd dns, UHHH $d Shoo’ dou" Srdordahebyy ? v ac input 2806 t Options : v © aw ae Question Number : 119 Question Id: 814578279 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : ‘The Boolean expression for the circuit given in figure is A Y Bs Options: Y=AtB « A+B Y-A+B ae Question Number: 120 Question Id: 814578280 Question Type : MCQ Option Shufing : Yes Display Question Number: Ves Ts Question Mandatory: No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation Vertical, Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 A message signal of frequency 10 KHz and peak voltage of 15 volts is used to modulate a cartier frequency of 1 MHz and peak voltage of 30 volts. Determine the modulation index. 1 MHz mSxydigciw sooty 30 Sou aps Ses SOAS EPS HSS 10 KHz ASeySgcoo Ook 15 Sew ww8 Sa Ho Lod Loses’ Sed Srsyand, SPONSE P20 Of ore Options Os Lv 0.6 28 0.7 3 0.8 ae Chemistry Section Id: s14s786 Section Number 3 Section type: Online Mandatory of Opt Mandstory Namber of Questions: 0 ‘Number of Questions tobe attempted: “0 Section Marks “0 Display Number Pane: Yes Group All Questions Ye Mark As Answered Required? Ye ‘Sub-Section Number : 1 Sub-Section Id: 8145786 Question Shufling Allowed : Yes Question Number : 121 Question 1d: 814578281 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes 1s Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 6 R, ‘The degeneracy of the level of hydrogen atoms that contain the energy of (= jis 16 ) Ru) gio sree 56 Fin oid BY Siw Ean Lodrws Pous'd eHgge(degeneracy) Options: 4 * 16 aw 9 ae 12 ae Question Number : 122 Question Id : 814578282 Question Type : MCQ Option huffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : Wavelength of H” ion with kinetic energy 1.68 eV is 6726x107” kg) (Mass of proton 1.68 eV MiGs: 48 Ho H* soled sdotiadsao (Gerd GSgora = 1.6726x1077 8. cp) Options : 1.22 nm 0.22nm 28 0,022 nm av 0.122 nm ae Question Number : 123 Question 1d: 814578283 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertieal Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Assertion (A) : Mg”* and AP* are isoelectronic but the magnitude of ionic radius of AP* is less than that in Mg?* Reason (R): The effective nuclear charge on the outermost electrons in AL* is greater than that in Mg”* Da yoLssw (A): Mg" soOokn Alen SsoDogyioen SONS Fd AL* soley aryhS SoiSreace, Mg” Sotd o8oy. sendin (R): APY apingebso Dupyaop Ho SarS8 Sgt elds, Me™ oF Sodd Syd. The correct option among the following is Bi $08 DAYSUS HOGLSO Options: (A) is true, (R) is true and (R) is the correct explanation for (A) (A) Sebgehoo, (R) Se gain0 Sod (R), (A) 9 HGS DSGe (A) is true, (R) is true but (R) is the not the correct explanation for A (A) BB gap, (R) Ho get SOs (R), (A) 8 HBS Oda Ke (A) is true but (R) is false (A) BS gcdn FO (R) SLSgeho (A) is false but (R) is true (A) Sidgav sa (R) Sgt Question Number : 124 Question Id : 814878284 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 The successive ionisation energy values for an element 410 kT mol? are given below i) 1* ionisation energy ii) 2" jonisation energy = 820 kI mol 1100 kJ mol iv) 4" ionisation energy = 1500 kJ mol 3200 KJ molt The number of valence electrons in the atom “NX” is iii) 3*4 ionisation ener vy) Sionisation energy {X’ rok SH abate soo ausen Soi abe. i) 1 Seokedstea 8 = 410 kT mol ii) 2 S@obwSedeo 4§ = 820 KT mol iii) 3 S eabesde $= 1100 I molt iv) 4 Seooksea 4§ = 1500 kI mol v) 5 S@akedetea a8 = 3200 KI mol ‘X! Sdarmde aot sloSy (valence) Jegysves Options: 4 2 38 3 ae Question Number : 125 Question Id : 814878285 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Mateh the following C8 Sod FSI ASLO». A) BF3 ) B) CIFs m C) NH tm) D) NHy* IV) The correct match is LOGS aed Options: Tetrahedral Berar gs (Seooywow) Trigonal plamer G80 (G~TSS) HHO T-shape T- 88d Trigonal pyramidal O86 DdmeS I anf IV I « A B Cc D Ti IL I IV ae A B C D I OL Iv I aw A B & D I Il I Iv ae Question Number : 126 Question Id : 814578286 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Which of the following molecules does not exist according to molecular orbital theory? wD GOLPo'g HEPA HISD Sob PUES 0) waa DSytico. Options: Lip « Bez 2 Question Number : 127 Question 1d: 814878287 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Root mean square (rms) speed of O, is 500 m/s at a constant temperature. Calculate the ms speed and the average kinetic energy of H, at the same temperature. (consider R= 8.33 Tk'mol~) aS 26 AY So O, cat, SGarre Keiew (ans) Jes 500 mvs. 6 ayid 6 H, Gtaky rns dice seookw Siti Ha Word Had deta, (R= 8.33 J mol" cr MoQompsu) Options: 500 us and 4.0 kJ/mol 500 m/s 60% 4.0 kJ/mol « 2000 m/s and 4.0 kJ/mol 2000 m/s S600 4.0 k/mol Ww 500 m/s and 4.7 kJ/mol 500 ms Ss60% 4.7 kJ/mol 38 2000 m/s and 4.7 kJ/mol 2000 m/s Se60%0 4.7 kJ/mol ae Question Number : 128 Question 1d: 814878288 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Which of the following describes an ideal gas? () The volume occupied by a gas molecule is negligible. (ii) The collision between ideal gases are elastic (iii) Particles are very small compared to the distance between each other $08 PS Dd GDZPONHS DSdoc.H? () aS ratn weds esSercrio DuSHOsreIe OF, S108 SUSI GIG. (ii) tidy rotnho sods ordiaren Od PHI. (iii) roby weashe dots Grdaw fod roy emo wer OS) 9. Options : @ and Gi) only @ Sooty (i) Srgso @ and (ii) only @ Soa ii) anges (i) and Gi) only Gi) SO Gil) Sng (@, G and Gi) @. @) eas Gi) av Question Number : 129 Question : MCQ Option Shutfling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question jon: Vertical What is the % strength of 22.4 volume of H202 solution? A DSodSrtSVO HhOr ersudn Pas FESv DoS? Options: 3.4% La 2.5% 2 5% ae 6.8% aw Question Number : 130 Question Id : 14578290 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : KMn0O,j oxidises C2H20, to form CO2. In which of the following, the reaction will be faster? C2H204 2 KMnOy, CO2 oF esyS8oubad. S06 res ao WO gh Storr acays? Options: aq. HCI solution HCl wo gdease aq. NaOH solution NaOH we grseasoo aq. NaCI solution NaCl wo grseasto aq. NaHCOs solution NaHCO; we grsensio ae Question Number : 131 Question 1d: 814878291 Question Type : MCQ Option huffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 AH & AS fora reaction are +30.0 kJ mol™ and 0.06 kJ K~-! mol-* at 1 atm pressure. The temperature at which free energy change is equal to zero and nature of the reaction below this temperature are aS DerydyahS Sasso SG, aS dog AH Oo AS w +30.0 KI mol! Sooke 0.06 KI K-! mol-!, dgarysse'o Sortyy Uragtwrr Go ABS oon wodiesd G8, GIGS SG Sos DgerScven Daosrr Options: 500 °C and non-spontaneous 500 °C SOciw esSctyeSy Syeo 227 °C and non-spontaneous 227 °C LeOcw wSatdy Syeo 400 °C and spontaneous 400 °C S608) wards SS (Kghyoiss) 127 °C and spontaneous 127 °C soon woe Se (Sewyotses) Question Number : 132 Question ld: 814578292 Question Type : MCQ Option S Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 wufing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question ‘The vapour density of 1s 2NO2 is 40, The degree of dissociation is N04 =2NO> &* NO, 8 SYS 40, Stabs Faw and 1.25 « 2.50 2 1.50 38 0.15 ay Question Number : 133 Question Id : 814578293 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : es Is Question ‘Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 What is the equilibrium constant (K,) for the given reaction? N,+0, == 2NO Where the equilibrium concentration of N, O2 and NO are found to be 4 x 10%, 3 x 10% and 3 x 107 M respectively. N+ 0, 2NO wg Sad Sheryd rdder SKovorr No, Or obo NO wf 4 x 10°, 3 x 107 sodokw3 x 10° yorosiseo (K,) Doss? Options: 0.750 Ww 0.622 2* 9x 10° ae 12.8 x 10% ae ‘Question Number : 134 Question Id: 814578294 Question Type : MCQ Option Shutfling: Yes Display Question Number: Yes ls Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertieal ‘Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Hard water contains ion of $65 oSnS' Soot eotrSen Options: Zine 2808 Magnesium and caleium Boy ROLVe Goh seOarlo a Tron 20S aa Tron and manganese RON boty Sofia an Question Number : 138 Question Id : 814878298 Question Type : MCQ Option huffing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Predict the feasibility of the given reactions in aqueous solution weogrSeadoc So Ogu Dd drcigcoes" OgrGoutvsy. (@) — Be(OH), +20H" —>[Be(OH), Gi) Be(OH), + 2H* —>[Be(OH), J” Options: Only (i is feasible @ SF OH PSgSo us Only Gi) is feasible (i) S>Ga Passo a (@) and Gi) are feasible sy D009 (i) IrSgato (i) and (ii) are not feasible @ Hos (ii) erSgao ae Question Number : 136 Question Id : 814578296 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertieal Correct Marks 1 Wrong Marks: 0 What is the nature of the bonding in anhydrous AICIs and hydrated AICIs respectively? enryy AIC So6om0 Sy AIC o6* woe agerdan. Options: Tonic and Tonic SaUa§ Soain wayra§ « Tonic and Covalent SOUPS SOatn Vavciredot ae Covalent and Ionic Deboirada doiw wosras aw Covalent and Covalent Dairetoh hoatn Savcixzday ae Question Numb Mandatory :N Correct Marks : 137 Question Id: 814578297 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing: Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question ile Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical ‘Wrong Marks : 0 Which of the following elements reacts with water? $06 carUSSwud’ DO es" uidg Goth. ‘Options : c Le Ge ae Sn av Pb ae Question Number : 138 Question Id : 14878298 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of organic materials present in water. BOD value less than 5 ppm indicates a water sample to be BSSPOLS eshyuz5 GSHSS0 (BOD) Orr SHC Ho dodab Lardswos Ssyovb. as we Sdorare’ BOD devs 5 kod Siz OPDODSA. Options : Rich in dissolved oxygen SOAS why DHyS Poor in dissolved oxygen SOAS 8 yxd Sys Highly polluted DSyS Febgdoo SOAaveddods Not suitable for aquatic life BEsSMdy eSSAnSH DISKVO Question Number : 139 Question Id : 814878299 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Sodium fusion extract of aniline when heated with ferrous sulphate solution and then acidified with concentrated H»SO4 form which of the following complexes? DIOS Gok WGowo Wz de Gard, DIN SGyS Tad’ Je dai shod rE Hor 908 ero” sy yGo ator So 2) 08g) DO \toxod? Options: [Fe(cn), J” Fe,[Fe(CN), |, -xH,0 av [Fe(ScN) |” a [Fe(CN),Nos]~ aa Question Number : 140 Question 1d: 814578300 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 Ethyl phenyl acetylene (1-phenyl-I-butyne) on reduction with partially deactivated palladised charcoal (Lindlar’s catalyst) gives BES OES AROS (1- O8S-l-wryBs) asorr wd Pedps OoGEE STS (O0g*5y GBy7S0) oF KoWnsw DASH D6yosa. om oo Options: ot Oo Question Number : 141 Question Id: 814578301 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuling: Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertieal Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Which one of the following methods is suitable to generate aromatic compound(s) from linear aliphatic saturated hydrocarbons with at least six carbon atoms? $9 6 Sys SSsiremshew So deol NOME Soedgy HGedgSo cdo Nswsras Heb HSSno(wa) IG yoeoso Fees gsdoeo HGS Sod ardd* A? Options: Heating at 773 K 773 K dg S54 Sato Mo,0, 773K, 10—20atm Anhyd, AICL,, conc. HCI, A warg AIC, me HCL A Cu, $23 K, 100atm Question Number : 142 Question Id : 814878302 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Copper crystallizes in cep arrangement and accepted value of metal ion radius was found to be 1.41 A . Calculate the density of copper in grams per cubic centimetre. (atomic weight of copper is 64, Na=6 x 1075) SOS cep LOSS YyEVEGeason Docbad. GY GEIS orghGsy LALA. 846 Holes ppanen/ Sg dodo ST av. ($6 Ddaoren arSo 64, Na=6 x 10”) Options: 6.67 LW 7.80 28 8.90 10.00 ae Question Number : 143 Question 1d : 14878303 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffing : Yes Disp Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 ‘Question Number : Yes Is Question A’, B* and C~ form an ionic complex like A,_,[B(C),], . If the complex is 75% dissociated in a solvent with i= 4, the coordination number of B is A™. B™ and Coo DdySeo aS woIPdS HosQ wEDS A,o[B(C),]. & KSB Sorgen, i=4 oF HONS a GrSAC' 75% Daredaw Gods, BHHWSON omg DoS? Options: « a 28 ed 6 ae Question Number : 144 Question 1 : 814578304 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 The freezing point of equimolal aqueous solution will be highest for RAPS WO TANS’ 9 WIWSS PSs Soy Ser sotwod. Options: BaCh a Ca(NOs)z ne Urea oreo NarSOx Question Number : 148 Question Id: 814878305 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Ves Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 The standard electrode potentials of Ag’/Ag is +0.80 V and Cu‘/Cu is +0.34 V. If these electrodes are connected through a salt bridge, which of the following statements is correct? Bares Dog syswen Ag /Ag S +0.80 V Sobasn Cu/Cu 9 +0.34 V. & Doses AS PG DES oar doDsyne, Sob a ywgoe' NS deesn? Options : Silver electrode acts as anode and E° cell is -0.34 V Us DOS 9 GLE HOw Lotr0 E” sev -0.34 V Copper electrode acts as anode and E° cell is +0.46 V SHE DOSE USE SOc Soto E devs +0.46 V Silver electrode acts as a cathode and E? cell is -0.34 V du gd OUfyS SEE SCM Soto EY 2095 -034V Copper electrode acts as cathode and E° cell is +0.46 V SHE DUS 'gS FHS OW Lotro EP Sed +0.46 V Question Number : 146 Question Id : 814878306 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical (Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 For a zero order reaction, the plot of concentration of reactant vs time is (Hint: Consider the intercept on the concentration axis) au8 ar SgbSrrok WUgh, Salrass ES HOS suswo pS (PSS : PES ws | wotsdmoii sow MQospsw) Options: linear with + ve slope and non zero +ve intereept Sartiys aren, Sard, § wordtiwrotian He SESm Le linear with — ve slope and non zero +ve intercept sanerdyS aren, Hares eoddwotissn Ho Siva wv linear with — ve slope and zero intercept amnereigS aren, Sr worstneca He Sem 38 linear with + ve slope and zero intercept SwPSYE PED, rss Sodas Ho LHSw ae {Question Number : 147 Question Id: 814578307 Question Type : MCQ Option Shulfling: Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertieal Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 The gold numbers of gelatin, haemoglobin and sodium acetate are 5 x 10-8, 5 x 10% and 7 x 10-1, respectively. The protective actions will be in the order wereS, SAGDS Ow Yaad. Mowe ctf Somgen Surv 5 x 10-4, 5 x 10-2 and 7X 10-4, G88 Bids S008 Options: Gelatin < haemoglobin < sodium acetate BOBS < arTAS < WEato Nosed Le Gelatin > haemoglobin > sodium acetate BPES> WAPTAS> WEoro Noss aw Haemoglobin > gelatin > sodium acetate APTOS > werdsd > Eo Nass a Sodium acetate > gelatin > haemoglobin PE NOE > ArSS > warTos ae Question Number : 148 Question Id: 814878308 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Which one of the following ores does not contain iron? S00 ardies' 2) wrdescd (Grtogy) S SS cocky? Options: Hematite oes Magnetite Bort, BS ae Calamine SOMOS av Siderite RGoS ae Question Number : 149 Question Id : 814578309 Question Type : MCQ Optio Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option 01 Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 Shuffing : Yes Display Question Number: Yes Is Question When copper metal is treated with cold and dilute nitric acid, it forms $5 CirSw, Syd Saw SBehsoe" 45; DOSY Qyosa Options: N,O ne N,O, ae NO, Which one of the following is not a colorless compound? $00 POS SGSES Tyee KOO oO? Options: NO Le NoO4 ae N2O 38 NO: ay ‘Question Number : 151 Question Id: 814578311 Question Type : MCQ Option ShufMling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Correct Marks: 1 Wrong Marks: 0 Which of the following statement is not true about interstitial complexes? BUR YBOY Nosy Saywary HoOod Sob ards 2) ages Desadw seco? options: Small atom like C, H or N are trapped inside crystal lattice Sy WSeroSsoc' Sy SdSrwAHGS C, H Gar N 28z,805y9 They are usually non-stoichiomettic 6a Fda Poxsiarag 629 They generally retain metallic conductivity a Sardar SP PIPES cow Aevddv Gos They are chemically very active wa Chobator wor adasa wy Question Number jstion Mandatory : No Single Line Ques Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 + 814578312 Question Type : MCQ Option Shusing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question 12 Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Which of the following molecules is colorless? $08 PES NS SYCS Seed Options: CuSO, - SHLO (crystal) CuSO, - SHO (2y@850) « CuSO.(anhydrous) CuSO, (wg) 1 ~ [Cu(NH3)s}* (aq) [Cu(NEHs)sP* (ae) a [CuCl] (aq) [CuCl F-(ae) ae Question Number : 153 Quest Mandatory : No Single Line Ques Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 + 814578313 Question Type : MCQ Option ShutMing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question 12 Option : No Option Orientation : Vertical Which of the following vinyl derivatives is the most reactive towards anionic polymerisation? $08 29S Ady) dad NO elowraS WOBWadw' SAL LalrsoS LOANS Options: (CH2-CH-CH2-CH3 « CH.=CH-CH,-OE ae CH2=CH-C1 a CH2=-CH-C=N, ay Question Number : 154 Question 1d: 814878314 Question Type Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Amino acids containing heterocyclic ring are () Histidine @i)_—Valine (iii) Der dS400 Sooo 508 Dads! wsren i) srQed Gi) = S68 (ii) Options: i,iv ii, iii {CQ Option Shutfing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Arginine —(iv)__-Proline wog8 (iv) go iii Question Number : 158 Question Id: 814878315 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Que Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Which among the following is an arsenic based antibiotic drug, for which Paul Erlich was awarded Noble prize in 1908. $00 HSS DS GOZS GHPOS OlrodDOUPSE TAGSw. GO CHS WS OsrSOH (Paul Ehrlich) 89 1908 oF sad Sor, dap gerdto Sowdsa. Options: Salvarsan, wos605 Ww Pencillin BAaYOS 2” Prontosil goes'ad ae Sulphapyridine Nery28ES ae Question Number : 156 Question Id: 814878316 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Ves Is Que Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks : 0 The major product in the following reaction sequence is Sob Ogu Ssrrodsne Jyh wds(Vers) Seb) S) so (@ EtMgBr oO (i) HO, # (ii) 20% H,PO, (iv) HBr Options: Br Le . 2 Br av Br ae Question Number : 157 Question 1d: 814878317 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question “Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Which of the following gives alcohol/phenol products? $08 PIS Dd GURL Gor STS ays) Ser Dyas? FG Seb5 Mg, dry ether @) CH,CoW] ——> (i), GHsBr |= —————> LiAlHy then H,O SHrs a a N:Cl Po, NaOH, 623K ii) SS ) — HO 300 atm CHs Options: (i) and (ii) (i) 00% (ii) La (ii) and (iti) Gi) 260% (iii) « (i and (iv) (i) S6c% (iv) (i) and (iii) (i) S008 (iii) ae Question Number : 158 Question Id : 814878318 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 The major products P and Q in the following reactions are Ss Sol Uguet* @OS( Hers) aed yshy aren P Oat Q CHENOH (i) (CH;CO),0 (i) CHsMgr ——> P ——_>Q cr Gi) oF Options: P Q ° CHs ’ PR Q NH, CHa 28 P Q OH P Q OH c=N or =“ Question Number : 159 Question Id: 814878319 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffiing : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks : 1 Wrong Marks : 0 In the following reactions, P, Q, and R are Bi S08 WSos* QS yd P, Q Lato R ev OH Aadce «BSP SBdnes NH, Heat Strong heating, — »°— QQ ——> P Q R COH Options: 2 @ R at ° 200" NH, NH NH oo" Sy Nn ‘O.NBy \, La P Q R + ° Ni SONH, : 007 Ne, ‘ONAL ‘; wv 00" Ny oo NH 00" NI, CT oo S00" NHy SH Xe coo Hitt, y Question Number : 160 Question Id: 814878220 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling : Yes Display Question Number : Yes Is Question Mandatory : No Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientation: Vertical Correct Marks :1 Wrong Marks: 0 Following transformation can be accomplished by $08 SrGyoS SSLGgS sOsrew (1) HE (ii) oO wa, ® (a3 ow ou Options @ (ii) LiAlHy Pyridinium dichromate REGION BEDS . é @ (ii) Brz/ 4KOH NaNOo, HCL @) Bro/ 3KOH @ NaNO», HCL ae ai) ale. KMnOs ou S705 KMn0; a) LiAlHy

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