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Physical journeys can become the setting for challenging experiences.

In works of fiction, composers focus on the physical endeavours that culminate in a renewal of
one's internal understanding of God and the natural world, leading towards challenging
experiences. The omniscient protagonists undertake journeys that lead to religious experiences
and ultimately an inner journey to mirror the physical. Their religious endeavours are ultimately
influenced by the context of each text. Lee's postmodern stance led Pi in having a pluralistic
acceptance of religions, philosophies and truths. On the contrary, Coleridge presents the idea
that individuals can only uphold one religious belief. Physical obstacles that are encountered
along the way force both characters to undertake challenging experiences. Thus, the torment
and isolation experienced by both during their physical and religious journeys has edified them,
allowing for demanding occurrences to happen.

First paragraph:
Coleridge and Lee explore and analyse the protagonist's physical journeys, which eventually
emphasises the greater impact they have on both and the challenges they provide. The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner allows for the protagonist, The Mariner, to experience exigent occurrences
and how aspects of physical nature can affect him and his journey. The supernatural is a
recurring aspect of the physical nature in Rime, which includes aspects of the willing suspension
of disbelief. The willing suspension of disbelief is prevalent when Rime is aboard a ship and
encounters a storm, which he thinks could’ve only been created by a higher power. The
contrasting sides of the beauty of nature are referenced as they are a prevalent romanticist
ideal- “And now the storm-blast came, and he was tyrannous and strong: He struck with his
o’ertaking wings, And chased us south along ''. The ship was driven by a storm toward the south
pole, allowing for the Rime to feel a willing suspension of disbelief. The phrase ‘tyrannous’, is
hyperbolised by the incredulity experienced by the Rime and personification is seen in the
mention of the o’ertaking wings. O’ertaking wings signify the cruel and unbelievable wings that
the storm produced. Similarly, in the Life of Pi, Pi Patel experiences the supernatural through
subliminal experiences, which create a state of disbelief. While Pi is stranded at sea, Ang Lee
draws upon magical realism to represent the subliminal wonders that nature produces. This
occurs when a whale breaches the surface of the ocean, sending a wave of phosphorescence
over the stranded Pi, at the same time upends the boat. In this scene, both high-view and drone
shots are used as a way to clearly delineate the isolation experienced by both RP and Pi Patel.
This inherits the connotation of ‘God’s eye-view’, and that a greater power is surveillancing Pi.
This symbolism is representative of the supernatural motif whilst Pi is secluded. Thus, the
supernatural and the willing suspension of disbelief in Rime of the Ancient Mariner and the Life
of Pi’s physical journeys has clearly allowed for the struggle and hardship experienced by both
Rime and Pi Patel.
Second paragraph:

Additionally, both texts explore how their omniscient protagonists encounter a physical
endeavour that leads into a religious journey, allowing both to encounter challenges and
obstacles. The romantic period that ROTAM was written in inspired Coleridge’s ideas about the
connection between God and nature. In a defiance of god the Mariner commits an odious crime
that resulted in the killing of the albatross - ‘‘Instead of the cross the Albatross. About my neck
was hung’. The killing of the albatross caused the Rime’s internal suffering as the bird is an
omen of good luck. The mention of the cross before the albatross acts as biblical allusion as it is
a direct reference to Christ. As a result of this impious action, the rime is psychologically
tormented by ‘life and life in death’. Furthermore, Rime's spiritual journey altered his outlook on
life, as the recurring idea of the polar spirit contains great religious significance. The symbolism
of the polar spirit in the line ‘Slowly and smoothly went the ship, Moved onward from beneath’,
shows that there is a spirit world which is closely related to the albatross. The Polar Spirit was
able to move between Earth, the Spirit World and heavens according to folklore. The Polar Spirit
rains down suffering and punishment on the vessel as the mariner was impertinent towards
nature/religion. Simarlily, Pi’s polythiestic outlook has helped him survive his physical journey,
through the survivalistic nature that is adopted in the movie. Ang Lee's constant testimonial
about religion in the film is seen through the dissension of the father and pi; “The gods were my
superheroes growing up.”, his father says,“Don’t let the stories and pretty lights fool you. Boys'
religion is darkness”. The contrasting features portrayed in this scene manifest the religious
conflict which Pi is encountering. Pi’s fathers overarching dialogue, refers to ‘darkness’, and
hence represents Pi’s two different religious views. This postmodern belief adopted by Pi acts
as an oxymoron which the director, Ang Lee, incorporated into this scene. This disparity
between the religions allows Pi to grasp an idea of the two contrasting sides of faith. Therefore,
in both texts the two protagonists explore the clouded conflict of different beliefs in their journeys
and the challenges, which are confronted along the way.

In conclusion, composers of fiction use the context of journeys as a gateway into profound inner
realisations for their protagonists, causing severe challenges. In ROTAM and Life of Pi, both
protagonists encounter physical dilemmas, which create a willing suspension of disbelief. These
characters confront subliminal experiences, which are significant in the survival of their
journeys. Rime and Pi run into religious obstacles, which disrupt the relationships between
nature and God. Thus, both texts explored encounter journeys, which overall lead to the survival
of both protagonists.

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