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1. Physical and Inner journeys can provide endless opportunities for self-discovery.

2. One’s inner dilemmas can be deeply explored when on a physical journey.

3. Both physical and Inner journeys can lead us to a place of rejuvenation, repentance
and reconciliation after a challenging experience.
4. Physical and Inner journeys enable us to see ourselves differently as a result of our
interactions with other people, experiences and new situations.
5. Physical and Inner journeys allow us to acquire understanding and consider new
ways to see the world.
6. Physical journeys can become the setting for challenging experiences.
7. Physical journeys provide opportunities for discovery and self-understanding
8. Physical Journeys can be exploratory and dangerous demanding that travelers find
reserves of courage and fortitude deep within themselves in order to survive.

Physical and Inner Journeys can provide endless opportunities for self-discovery
Physical journeys allow one to interact with God and provide opportunities for divine
revelation and self-discovery.
Ang Lee’s Life of Pi and Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner present their audiences
with texts that demonstrate that physical and inner journeys can provide endless
opportunities for divine revelation and self-discovery. The Mariner’s Sea voyage where his
sin against the natural world leads to forced penance, sparking an inner journey of divine
revelation; he learns to appreciate God and he gains a spiritual understanding and
appreciation for the natural world. Similarly, Pi’s Sea voyage and his struggle to survive
ultimately forced a revelation on his spiritual understanding of God; he understands that
God is always looking out for him and the mysterious ways he works in.

One’s inner dilemmas can be deeply explored when on a physical journey.

Hardships experienced on a physical journey allow one to undertake self-exploration.

Both physical and inner journeys can lead us to a place of rejuvenation, repentance and
reconciliation after a challenging experience. (Renewal, remorse, reconcile)
Journeys can lead us to self-exploration, and challenging experiences bring us to a place of
rejuvenation, repentance and reconciliation.
Ang Lee’s Life of Pi and Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner present their audiences
with texts that demonstrate that both physical and inner journeys can lead us to the
renewal of one’s spiritual understanding, a sense of guilt for sin, and to reconcile. The
Mariner’s physical journey of a sea voyage acted as a catalyst of an inner journey of
renewal, he learns to appreciate nature for its beauty and sheer power, and to reconcile
with his past to prevent further sin against God’s creation.

Pi goes through an inner journey of repentance. What does Pi feel guilty about?? Consider
that. His belief that he is somehow responsible for the sining of the ship. His reconciliation is
somehow connected to , reconcile within himself and his resposiblility and the guilt of hisi
parents and his family, potentially as a result of his ctions. We know that is not because of
that – dig into the tect to find examples. Interaction of pi and Richard and parker (giving him
the meat and development) inner struggle and reconiclliation of nature, Richard parker and
inner self.
Correspondingly, Pi’s physical journey precipitates(culminates) an inner journey where he is
able to explore his own doctrine of spiritual beliefs, appreciate the power and beauty of
nature, and to understand that God is always looking out for him, and this concept extends
to other religions and people of faith.

Physical and Inner journeys enable us to see ourselves differently as a result of our
interactions with other people, experiences and new situations.
One’s interaction with the God’s creation provides endless opportunities for journeys of

Physical and Inner journeys allow us to acquire understanding and consider new
ways to see the world.
One’s experiences culminate divine revelation and appreciation for God’s creation.

Physical journeys can become the setting for challenging experiences.

One’s experiences can bring about mental and physical obstacles when exploring interaction
with the natural and spiritual world.

Physical journeys provide opportunities for discovery and self-understanding

One’s physical experiences can spark and provide endless opportunities for self-discovery
and spiritual understanding.

Physical Journeys can be exploratory and dangerous demanding that travellers find
reserves of courage and fortitude deep within themselves in order to survive.
One’s experiences can explore the physical barriers of journeys where individuals must find
courage within themselves to survive the authority of nature.

Compare and contrast the lessons that emerge from the journeys that are undertaken by
the individual in your two texts.
Physical journeys lead to divine revelation and self-discovery. Ang Lee’s Life of Pi and
Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner present their audiences with texts that
demonstrate how one’s physical constraints of a sea voyage and their struggle to survive
bring about a revelation on one’s beliefs and values. In Rime of the Ancient Mariner, his
renewal come from individual experience of sin and penance in a form of inner truth and
awakening. He gains an appreciation for the natural and spiritual world through the
consequences of detaching himself from nature. Comparatively, Pi’s Sea voyage and his
struggle to survive ultimately forcing him to explore his own doctrine of beliefs and values;
he understands that God is always looking out for him and the mysterious ways he works in.

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