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(Six Weeks of Training Experience in senior section engineer works EC railways kiul.)
Senior section engineer works EC railways kiul

 Assigned by -:

Certificate of completion

The purpose and scope of the report, as well as the location and context of the water storage tank construction

1.Site Visiting

A description of the site, including its location, size, and features.

The construction process and progress at the time of the visit.

Safety measures observed during the visit, as well as any issues or concerns that were identified.

2.Construction Details

A detailed description of the water storage tank construction, including its size, capacity, and intended use.

Unique features or challenges of the construction project, and how they were addressed.


The key findings and observations from the site visit and construction details.

Recommendations or suggestions for improvement, if applicable.



We certify that
a. The work contained in this report is original and has been done by myself under the general
Supervision of my supervisor.

b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for degree or diploma.

c. I have followed the Institute norms and guidelines and abide by the regulation as given in
the Ethical Code of Conduct of the Institute.

d. Whenever I have used materials (data, theory and text) from other sources, I have given
due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving their details in the
reference section.



I feel immense pleasure and privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude, indebtedness
and thankfulness towards my supervisor, JE. MANIKANT KUAMR and DR. MANISH
KUMAR MANDAL Head of Department of CIVIL Engineering, for his invaluable
guidance, constant supervision, continuous encouragement and support throughout this work.
His suggestions and critical views have greatly helped me in successful completion of this
work. We would like to thank DR. MANISH KUMAR MADAL, Head of the Department
of CIVIL Engineering for his encouragement. We also express our thanks to our beloved
principal DR. BIMLESH KUMAR for his cooperation in completing our project. I feel most
obliged to my parents and all my family members for their affection and constant support for
my education and overall well-being. Lastly, I express thanks to the Almighty for his
generous blessings and giving me courage to complete the project with great satisfaction.


April 2023


I express my satisfaction on the completion of this summer entrepreneurship-III training

program as a part of the curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Technology, Civil
Engineering. I express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor and mentor M/s Sudhanshu
Shekhar for his kind guidance during the entire period of training. His consistent support and
advices helped me to complete this internship successfully. Also, I thank all the members of
Senior Section Engineering works ES Kiul for their kind support. They have always been a
source of inspiration to us.

Water storage tanks are an essential component of many communities and industries,
providing a reliable source of clean water for drinking, irrigation, and other purposes. In this
report, we will discuss the construction of a water storage tank and the challenges and lessons
learned during the project.

The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed overview of the construction process, the
materials and equipment used, and any challenges or lessons learned during the project. This
report will be of interest to professionals in the construction industry, as well as anyone
interested in the design and construction of water storage tanks.
Site visiting
Date and time of the site visit

Location of the site


Description of the site and surroundings

The construction site for the water storage tank was located in KIUL , near railway station .
The site was relatively small, measuring approximately half an acre. The terrain was mostly
flat, with a gentle slope towards the creek. The site was surrounded by farmland on one side
also with rail lines, with a residential area located on the other side of the creek.

During the site visit, several large pieces of heavy machinery, including an excavator and a
bulldozer, were observed on the site. A team of workers was on hand, engaged in the
excavation and preparation of the site for the construction of the tank. The workers were
wearing hard hats and safety vests, and safety barriers had been set up around the perimeter
of the site. Despite the relatively small size of the site, the construction process appeared to
be progressing efficiently.

Overview of the construction process and progress at the time of the visit

At the time of the site visit, the construction process for the water storage tank was in its final stages.
The excavation and preparation of the site had been completed, and the foundation for the tank had
been laid. The tank itself was almost fully constructed, with only a few finishing touches remaining,
such as the installation of the access hatch and the application of a protective coating. The workers on
site were focused on completing these final tasks, and the heavy machinery that had been used during
the earlier stages of the construction process had been removed from the site. Overall, the construction
process appeared to have progressed efficiently and according to schedule, and it seemed likely that
the water storage tank would be completed within the expected timeframe.

Safety measures observed during the visit

During the site visit, several safety measures were observed at the construction site for the
water storage tank. All workers were wearing appropriate personal protective equipment,
including hard hats and safety vests. Safety barriers had been set up around the perimeter of
the site to prevent unauthorized access and to ensure that people passing by were aware of the
construction activity. Warning signs had been posted at regular intervals around the site,
cautioning people to keep a safe distance from the construction area. Additionally, the
workers appeared to be following safe working practices, including using appropriate
equipment and tools, and taking steps to prevent slips, trips, and falls. Overall, the safety
measures observed during the site visit indicated that the construction company was taking
the safety of its workers and the public seriously.

Any issues or concerns observed during the visit

During the site visit, no significant issues or concerns were observed at the construction site
for the water storage tank. However, it was noted that the site was located in close proximity
to residential areas, and measures had been taken to minimize any potential disruptions to the
local community. Given the urban location of the site, it is possible that noise and dust
generated by the construction could have been a concern for nearby residents. However,
during the site visit, no evidence of excessive noise or dust was observed. Overall, the
construction site appeared to be well-managed, and any potential issues or concerns had been
addressed proactively.

Questions or discussions that took place during the visit

During the site visit, the construction manager took the time to provide a brief tour of the
construction site and answer any questions that the visitors had. One question that was raised
was about the expected lifespan of the water storage tank. The construction manager
explained that the tank was designed to last for at least 25 years, and that regular maintenance
and inspection would be necessary to ensure that it continued to function properly over its
lifespan. Another question was about the capacity of the tank, and the construction manager
provided details on the tank's size and capacity, as well as its intended use for the local
community. The visitors also expressed their appreciation for the safety measures in place at
the site, and the construction manager explained that the safety of workers and the public was
a top priority for the company. Overall, the questions and discussions during the site visit
helped to provide a better understanding of the construction process and the purpose of the
water storage tank for the community.
Construction Details

Detailed description of the water storage tank construction, including its

size, capacity, and intended use

The water tank being constructed is an overhead tank made of reinforced concrete with a
capacity of 20,000-30,000 liters. The tank is mounted on a tower to elevate it above the
ground, and is designed to withstand environmental factors such as wind and seismic activity.
The tank will be connected to a reliable water source, such as a well, borehole, or municipal
water supply, through a pipeline or pump. Once filled, the tank will provide a steady and
pressurized water supply to the local community for various uses, such as household
consumption, irrigation, or livestock watering.

The construction process for the overhead tank typically involves several steps, including site
preparation, foundation construction, tank assembly, and piping installation. Site preparation
may involve clearing and leveling the ground, digging a trench for the pipeline or pump, and
setting up the metal structure or tower. Foundation construction involves pouring a concrete
slab or footing to support the weight of the tank and prevent settling or tilting over time. The
tank is then assembled using precast concrete sections or cast-in-place techniques, and is
reinforced with steel bars or mesh for added strength. Piping installation involves connecting
the tank to the water source and distributing the water to various locations as needed.

1.Site preparation:

 Clear and level the ground where the tank will be placed
 Determine the location and height of the tank structure
 Dig a trench for the pipeline or pump
 Set up a metal structure or tower to support the tank

2.Foundation construction:

 Pour a concrete slab or footing to provide a stable base for the tank
 Allow time for the concrete to cure and harden
 Ensure the foundation is level and properly aligned with the tower

3.Tank assembly:

 Depending on the type of tank, assemble precast concrete sections or cast-in-place techniques
 Reinforce the tank with steel bars or mesh for added strength
 Ensure the tank walls are uniform and free of cracks or defects

4.Piping installation:

 Connect the tank to the water source

 Install a pump if necessary to maintain water pressure
 Install piping to distribute water to various locations, such as homes or irrigation systems
 Ensure the piping is properly sized and connected to prevent leaks or breaks

5.Quality control:

 Conduct regular inspections during construction to ensure that the tank and piping meet
quality and safety standards
 Test the tank for leaks and structural integrity
 Conduct pressure tests on the piping to ensure it can handle the required flow and pressure
 Ensure that the finished product is aesthetically pleasing and blends in with the surrounding

Overall, constructing an overhead water tank requires careful planning, precise execution, and
adherence to safety and quality standards.

Unique features or challenges of the construction project, and how they

were addressed.

One of the challenges faced during the project was a delay in the delivery of key construction
materials, which caused a temporary disruption in the construction schedule. Additionally,
there were issues with obtaining the necessary permits from local authorities, which delayed
the start of the project.

To address these challenges, the construction team worked with suppliers to expedite the
delivery of materials and restructured the construction schedule to minimize the impact of the
delays. They also worked closely with local authorities to address any concerns and obtain
the necessary permits to move forward with the project.

Furthermore, the construction team encountered some issues with worker productivity and
cooperation, which led to some delays in the construction process. To address this, they
implemented a more rigorous training program and provided additional incentives for
workers to improve their productivity and cooperation.

Despite these challenges, the construction team was able to complete the project on schedule
and within budget, delivering a high-quality water storage tank to serve the needs of the local

Key findings and observations from the site visit and construction details

 The water storage tank was constructed using high-quality concrete and built to withstand
harsh weather conditions and seismic activity.

 The tank had a capacity of 20,000-30,000 liters, making it suitable for the needs of the local

 The construction process involved several unique challenges, including delays in material
delivery, obtaining necessary permits, and worker productivity and cooperation.

 The construction team was able to overcome these challenges through a combination of
effective communication, restructuring the construction schedule, and implementing
incentives and training programs for workers.

 During the site visit, safety measures were observed and workers were seen following proper
safety protocols.

 The construction team made efforts to minimize the impact of the construction process on the
surrounding environment and nearby residential areas.

 The completion of the project will provide a reliable source of water storage for the local
community and help address the issue of water scarcity in the area.

 Overall, the construction project was well-planned and executed, delivering a high-quality
water storage tank that will serve the needs of the community for years to come .
Recommendations or suggestions for improvement

 During the site visit, I was able to observe and learn from experienced engineers and
construction professionals, who were always willing to answer any questions I had and
explain the various aspects of the construction process.

 One of the key takeaways from the site visit was the importance of effective communication
and collaboration between different teams involved in the construction process. This is
essential to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required

 As an intern, I was able to gain hands-on experience in various aspects of the construction
process, including measuring and calculating materials, ensuring quality control, and adhering
to safety protocols.

 Going forward, I believe that there is scope for improvement in terms of streamlining the
construction process, ensuring that all construction materials meet the required standards, and
increasing the use of eco-friendly materials and techniques.

 As an aspiring engineer, I am eager to continue learning and growing my technical skills, and
I believe that this internship has been an excellent opportunity for me to gain practical
experience in the field.

 One of the challenges that I observed during the construction process was the need for better
coordination between the construction workers and the supervisors. There were times when
the workers were not clear on their tasks, which led to delays and rework.

 Another challenge that we faced was the unavailability of some construction materials on
time, which led to delays in the construction process. To overcome this, the team had to be
creative and find alternative solutions to keep the project on track.
 The site visit also highlighted the importance of safety measures and protocols in construction
sites. I was impressed by the various safety measures that were put in place to ensure the
well-being of the workers and visitors to the site.

 In terms of future improvements, I suggest that the project team should explore the use of
more advanced technologies, such as building information modeling (BIM), to optimize the
construction process and reduce errors.

 As an intern, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the various stages involved in the
construction process, from the initial design phase to the final construction and
commissioning. This experience has been invaluable in helping me to develop my skills and
prepare for my future career as an engineer

The summer internship experience in the construction of the water storage tank has been a
valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in the engineering and construction
industry. The site visit provided insights into the various challenges and safety measures that
are essential for successful completion of a construction project. Working with experienced
professionals has allowed me to learn from their expertise and provided opportunities to
enhance my technical and communication skills. The project's successful completion
demonstrated the importance of effective planning, execution, and communication, and
showcased the significance of teamwork and collaboration. Overall, this internship has
provided a solid foundation for future work in the field of engineering and construction, and I
am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this project

I made this report with the help of Supervisor and Self.

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