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I think when you have problems with your teeth, you should go to the dentist right away.

I used to have a toothache, but I was a little scared so I didn't go to the dentist. About a month later, my
tooth hurt worse. and had to replace a tooth with a denture.

it's really painful, so I think you should go to the dentist as soon as you have any problems with your

--when I was sleeping, my teeth started to hurt so bad, I woke up right away and went with my parents
to the dentist for a check-up.

B. last year, when I was on my way to school, I was traveling by motorbike, I had an accident, I had to go
to the hospital right then. I was very lucky because I was not seriously injured, only minor scratches on
my arms and legs.


- Dezzy: chóng mặt, feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not able to balance
and may fall over:
- Nauseous.( buồn nôn) feeling as if you might vomit.
- Weak:(( yếu) not physically strong.
- short of breath( hụt hơi): small in length, distance, or height
- vomiting ( nôn mửa) to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
- Coughing:((ho) to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound.
- Sneezing(hắc xì) When you sneeze, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your
nose and mouth in a way you cannot control.
- Wheezing( thở khò khè) to make a high, rough noise while breathing because of some breathing
- in my chest( trong ngực tôi)
- in my hip ( trong hong tôi)
- in my ribs ( trong xương sườn tôi)
- in my stomach ( trong dạ dày tôi)

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