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l’appartement (m) = apartment au bord de la mer = by the sea

l’agence de voyages (f) = travel agency à la montagne = in the mountains

l’auberge de jeunesse (f) = youth hostel en ville = in town
la banque = bank en banlieue = in the suburbs
la bibliothèque = library à la campagne = in the countryside
la bijouterie = jeweller’s shop
la boucherie = butcher’s shop les habitants = inhabitants
la boulangerie = bakery près de… = near to…
le café = café dans le nord = in the North
le centre commercial = shopping centre dans le sud = in the South
le centre sportif = sports centre dans l’est = in the East
le château = castle dans l’ouest = in the West
le cinéma = cinema dans le centre = in the centre
le collège = school (11-15) il y a … = there is/there are…
le commissariat = police station i n’y a pas de… = there is no…
l’école primaire (f) = primary school dans ma ville, il y a… = in my town there is/are…
l’église (f) = church
l’épicerie = grocer’s shop tranquille = quiet
la ferme = farm pittoresque = picturesque
la gare = railway station touristique = touristy
la gare routière = bus station calme = calm
l’hôpital (m) = hospital historique = historic
l’hôtel (m) = hotel agricole = agricultural
l’hôtel de ville (m) = town hall ancien(ne) = old
le lycée = school (15-18) modern(e) = modern
le magasin = shop animé(e) = lively/busy
la maison = house mort(e) = dead
le marché = market industriel(le) = industrial
le musée = museum propre = clean
la poste = post office sale = dirty
le parc = park pollué(e) = polluted
la parfumerie = perfume shop isolé(e) = isolated
la pension = guest house ennuyeux(-euse) = boring
la pharmacie = chemist
la piscine = swimming pool il y a trop de… = there is too much…
le restaurant = restaurant …bruit = …noise
le stade = stadium …circulation = …traffic
la station-service = petrol station …pollution = …pollution
le supermarché = supermarket
le théâtre = theatre Où habites-tu? = Where do you live?
la zone piétonne = pedestrian area J’habite… = I live…


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