Septi Sundari - Topic 6 - Aksi Nyata

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Septi Sundari

PPG Prajabatan 2022

07.02 Portofolio Topik Pendalaman Pemahaman CT

1. Hasil Lembar Kerja Reflektif Individual (02.03).
2. Hasil kerja pada Ruang Kolaborasi.
3. Hasil lembar kerja pada Koneksi Antar Materi.
4. Hasil refleksi dan RPP dari Aksi Nyata.


Intisari apa saja yang Anda dapatkan saat mempelajari makalah “Bringing
computational thinking to K-12: what is Involved and what is the role of the computer
science education community” (Barr & Stephenson, 2011)?
This paper explains us about how we think computationally solving the problem by
arranging an organized pattern. it gives the material how we inject CT in the learning process,
what the function CT is, and how to apply this in Education field. CT can be implemented on
the all of subjects to plan the problem-solving strategies whether by using online or offline.
This is one of ways to solve the problem like for example, preventing or curing disease,
eliminating world hunger), and expanding our understanding of ourselves as biological
systems and our relationship to the world around us. This progress, in turn, drives the need
for students who can support problem solving in an increasingly broad field of business.
The way of computational thinking in the classroom is that students identify many
ideas about what computational thinking is and what can be done in the classroom. CT is an
approach to solving problems in a way that can be implemented with computers. Students are
not only tool users but tool makers. They use a set of concepts, such as abstraction, recursion,
and iteration, to process and analyze data, and create real and virtual artifacts. CT is a
problem-solving methodology that can be automated and transferred and applied across
subjects. Potential use in, multiple disciplines: The power of computational thinking is that it
can be applied to every other type of reasoning. This makes all kinds of things possible:
quantum physics, advanced biology, human computer systems, development of useful
computing tools.
In the paper, there are several CT concepts which include: decomposition, pattern
recognition, abstraction and algorithms. CT integration is based on the substance of lesson plans
in the Independent Curriculum, namely with the core components of (1) learning
objectives, (2) learning activities, and (3) assessment. In the learning activities section,
examples of learning activities before and after CT integration are given. In learning
activities, two activity scenarios are given, namely learning activities that have not added CT
integration and learning activity scenarios that have added CT integration. In each section, an
explanation is given regarding the CT elements contained in the method of delivering the
teaching material.

Tuliskan juga kaitan makalah tersebut dengan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris!
Masing-masing kelompok hanya perlu mengisi satu lembar kerja reflektif.
CT Concept English
Definition: Descriptive text is a text that describes a particular
object, person, or place.
Data Collection
Social function or purpose of descriptive text: To describe an
object, person, or place.
Language Feature of Descriptive Text :
a. Sentence pattern: simple present tense, tobe
Data Analysis b. Adjectives: tall, handsome, short, slim,etc.
c. Nouns: head, nose, hand, face, etc.
d. Verbs: eat, drink, like, etc.
Data Representation - She is tall and beautiful.
- She likes playing football.
Problem Decomposition Make a mind map of the physical characteristic
Abstraction Label the physical characteristics of person.
Algorithms &
Create an outline of descriptive text
Automation Use dictionary and grammarly
Parallelization -
Simulation Do proofreading of descriptive text


Nama Anggota 1: - Abileo Proano Karakedo

Nama Anggota 2: - Septi Sundari
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Materi Ajar Deskriptive Text
Tujuan Pembelajaran - Sketch the physical appearance of
person (Abstraction)
- Observe the physical appearance of
person (Decomposition)
- Recognize the generic structure text
based on their experience about the
description of people, object, and place
appropriately (Pattern Recognition).
- Design an outline of a simple
descriptive text based on their
experience using their own sentences
with the correct generic structure text
Penjelasan konsep CT yang diintegrasikan Pada modifikasi materi ajar teks deskripsi ini,
pada materi ajar siswa berlatih keterampilan dasar CT abstraksi,
dekomposisi, dan pengenalan pola. Abstraksi
terjadi ketika siswa mencoba mengenali ciri-
ciri fisik Presiden Joko Widodo. Keterampilan
dekomposisi juga dilatih ketika siswa membuat
peta konsep ciri ciri fisik presiden Joko
Widodo. Dalam hal ini, siswa akan menuliskan
ciri-ciri fisik secara spesifik, mulai dari kepala
sampai beberapa bagian tubuh yang ingin
dideskripsikan. Melalui keterampilan
pengenalan pola, siswa mencoba mengenali
gambar/foto presiden Joko Widodo.


Nama Anggota 1 Abileo Proano Karakedo
Nama Anggota 2 Septi Sundari
Kesimpulan mengenai integrasi CT ke CT adalah literasi berpikir yang perlu dipelajari
dalam mata pelajaran dan dilatih oleh semua orang, tidak terbatas
untuk computer scientist. Mengintegrasikan
CT ke dalam mata pelajaran membentuk
kemampuan problem solving dan HOTS di
bidang apapun yang akan diajarkan. Integrasi
CT ke dalam mata pelajaran dapat diterapkan
pada tujuan pembelajaran, materi
pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan
asesmen. Terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu
diperhatikan saat hendak mengintegrasikan CT
ke dalam mata pelajaran yaitu salah satunya
dengan menentukan Kata Kerja Operasional
CT (KKO) yang tepat dan sesuai dengan
fondasi CT.
Strategi untuk mengintegrasikan CT ke - Memilih topik : topik yang kompleks
dalam mata pelajaran dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
- Memilih topik/pokok bahasan yang kaya
akan CT, memahami topik dari kurikulum
dan menerjemahkan dengan 4 fondasi CT.
- Membuat tujuan dalam bentuk pernyataan
yang lengkap untuk setiap aspek dengan
memakai fondasi CT.
- Mempelajari fondasi CT yang disebutkan
dalam tujuan pembelajaran dan
mengembangkan materi.
- Mengembangkan kegiatan pembelajaran
yang beraspek CT.


1. Pengalaman apa saja yang Anda dapatkan dari proses melakukan integrasi CT ke
dalam mata pelajaran yang Anda ampu? Apakah ada kendala yang Anda hadapi?
Mengintegrasikan CT kedalam mata pelajaran merupakan pengalaman pertama bagi saya.
Banyak hal yang saya pelajari yaitu mulai dari menentukan Kata Kerja Operasional CT
yang tepat, menerapkan fondasi CT kedalam tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran,
kegiatan pembelajaran, serta asesmen. Hal ini cukup menantang bagi saya karena Kata
Kerja Operasional (KKO) yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan fondasi CT yang
diterapkan. Dalam hal ini, saya masih mengalami beberapa kesalahan dalam menerapkan
nya. Namun dari beberapa kesalahan tersebut, saya lebih berusaha untuk memahami
konsep CT secara mendalam.

2. Bagaimana perasaan Anda pada saat mengerjakan modul ini?

Cukup merasa tertantang, karena materi ini memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan materi di topik sebelumnya, terlebih saya baru pertama kali belajar
mengintegrasikan CT kedalam RPP

Subject : English
Grade : VII
Phase :D
Meeting Allocation : 3 x 40 Minutes (1 meeting)
Topic : “How Tall are You?”
Sub Topic : Describing Person
A. Element

Writing – presenting

B. Learning Achievement

At the end of Phase D, learners communicate their ideas and their experiences through
simple, structured paragraphs, showing progress in the use of specific vocabulary specific
vocabulary and simple sentence structures. Using examples, they plan, write and present
informational, imaginative and persuasive texts by using simple and compound sentences
to construct arguments and explain or defend an opinion.

C. Pancasila Learner Profile

a. Having faith and fear to God and possessing noble character: Students are able to
demonstrate kindness, good manner, empathy, and respect to others.
b. Creative thinking : students are able to compose a descriptive text

D. Learning Objective

By the end of this topic, students are able to:

a. Sketch the physical appearance of person (Abstraction)
b. Observe the physical appearance of person (Decomposition)
c. Recognize the generic structure text based on their experience about the description
of people, object, and place appropriately (Pattern Recognition).
d. Design an outline of a simple descriptive text based on their experience using their
own sentences with the correct generic structure text (Algorithm)

E. Prior Knowledge

Simple present tense, adjective, tobe, noun/pronoun.

F. Learning Material

Descriptive Text
Definition: Descriptive text is a text that describes a particular object, person, or
Social function or purpose of descriptive text: To describe an object, person, or
Language Feature of Descriptive Text :
a. Sentence pattern: simple present tense, tobe
b. Adjectives: tall, handsome, short, slim,etc.
c. Nouns: head, nose, hand, face, etc.
d. Verbs: eat, drink, like, etc.
Pattern Recognition
Generic Structure :
a. Identification: This section, located in the first paragraph, aims to identify an
object that you want to describe. Identification serves to introduce to the reader
about the object that we will explain, before we tell about the object in more detail
in the next paragraph.
b. Description: This section, located in the second paragraph and so on, contains
the inherent characteristics of something that you have introduced to the reader in
the first paragraph.

To set the description text, there will be an Identification followed by


Here is the example of descriptive text:
Ir. Soekarno

Soekarno is first president of Indonesia. Many people call him Bung Karno. Soekarno
is a good president. Indonesian people like him. He is a clever man.
He has a short hair. He is tall. He has sharp nose. He is handsome. He is a good man. He
is smart president. He make many relationship with anothet country. He was born in
Surabaya, on June 6,1901.
Soekarno and Moh. Hatta declared the independence and freedom of Indonesia on 17
August 1945. This declaration of independence make them to be presidennt and vice
President of Indonesia.

G. Teaching Methodology

Approach : Student-Centered
Method : Discovery Learning

H. Learning Media

Media : PPT slides

Teaching tools : LCD projector, laptop.
I. Learning Activities

Pre-activity (10 minutes)

a. Teacher greets and takes students’ attendance.
b. Teacher ensures students are psychologically and physically ready to learn.
c. Teacher involves students in the creation of classroom rules.
d. One of the students leads the prayer.
e. Teacher informs students the goals of the lesson they are going to learn and
how they can apply it in the real life.
f. Teacher stimulates students’ knowledge towards descriptive text by linking
into daily life.

Whilst-activity (50 minutes)

1. Stimulation
a. The students label the physical characteristics of President Joko
b. The students make the mind map of the physical characteristic
c. The students recognize the picture of public figure (President Joko Widodo)
provided by the teacher (Pattern Recognition)
d. The teacher gives the triggering questions:
1) Who is your close friend in this class?
2) What does she/he look like?

2. Problem Identification
The students are allowed to ask questions related to the material.

3. Data Collection
a. The teacher asks the students to meet their close friend in the class.
b. The students recognize the physical characteristic of their close friend.
(Pattern Recognition)
c. The students write the result of the observation.

4. Data Processing
The students create an outline of descriptive text based on the observation result
5. Verification
a. The teacher does monitoring and checks the progress on the students’ work.
b. The students demonstrate the outline. (Algorithm)

6. Generalization
The teacher asks the students to conclude the material.

Post Activity
a. The teacher and students reflect on what they have learnt on that day.
b. The teacher informs students about material will be discussed next meeting.
c. The teacher dismisses the class with partings.

Learning Assessment Rubric

Written Assessment

Name Context` Structure Completeness Total

Notes : A = 91-100 B = 79-90 C = 75 - 78 D = 60 - 75

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