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Poetry Analysis Framework

Use this framework to help you break down the layers of the poem.


A man standing in the rain
He holding his son
Hes protecting his son
The boy is asleep
He son is sleeping on his shoulders
Its raining
He's taking his son somewhere
He's looking out for cars
His son is breathing into his ear

It could be night time
It can be cold
The boys dreams are important
The kids childhood is important
He doesn’t want anyone to bother his son
He wants to keep his son safe
The kid can have special needs
This might be the last time he sees his son
It can be his rainbow baby
Protect your kids at all costs

Growing up as a child
Parent love
Encourage one another laterally
Support everyone with big goals
Protect others from getting their dreams crushed
The value of family

1. What is your favorite line in the poem? Explain.

My favorite line of the poem is “This man carries the world's most sensitive cargo
but he's not marked." This is my favorite line because it shows the importance of a
father and how they don’t get enough credit.

2. What is the overall message this poet is trying to convey? Explain using
evidence. The overall message the poet is trying to convey is to support the
dreams and aspiration of other people. And how it is important to help other
and love and respect the dreams of other people to be successful.

3. Identify 2 metaphors from this poem. How do they give the poem meaning?

One metaphor that gives the poem meaning is “The rain will never stop falling.” This
means that bad and negative things will never stop interfering in a person's path
therefore we must protect one another. One more metaphor from the poem that
gives meaning is “He hears the hum of a boy's dream deep inside him.” This
demonstrates the deep connection the father has with his son and how he really loves
his son.

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