How Well Do You Communicate PDF

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How Well Do You Communicate?

A checklist of your supervisory skills is provided below. Place a check mark in the first column to the
right of each statement to which you can respond “yes.” Work to improve on items to which you can’t
respond “yes.” Additional columns have been provided for you to check your progress at two-week

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1. I avoid favoring people who are like me and being critical of people who
are not like me
2. I do not let personal matters affect me on the job.
3. I send positive nonverbal messages to my employees even when I’m having
a bad day.
4. I value each person as an individual and avoid judgment because he or she
is a member of a certain group of people.
5. I know whether the quality of my voice helps me when I talk with other
6. I am aware of where I’m looking when I talk with someone.
7. I look at the person with whom I’m speaking 80% to 90% of the time.
8. I stand and walk as though I’m confident and comfortable with myself.
9. I use my hands, arms, shoulders, and head to emphasize what I’m saying.
10. I feel comfortable using my face to show my emotions.
11. I take care that my facial expression does not contradict my words.
12. I think of the single point I want a person to remember before I speak with
him or her.
13. I check with my listener to see if he or she understands what I said.
14. I know ways to improve my listening skills so that I am a more effective
15. I stop myself from interrupting a person when he or she is speaking with
16. I give a person full attention and do not prepare my response while he or
she is talking.
17. I know why it is important for me to use standard English in the
18. I control myself when someone sets off one of my “emotional triggers.”
19. I know and follow my property’s standards for promptly answering the
20. I know and use the proper mechanics for both making telephone calls and
taking telephone messages.

Good luck as you progress in your communication skills!

©2016 American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute

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