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PALMAR - Professional Adjustment Leadership & Management and Research

Ethics–discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong.

Morals–concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of
human character.

Values–beliefs and attitudes that may influence behavior and the process of decision making.

Virtues–it is a behavior that shows high moral standards.


Autonomy–self decision (eg. freedom to choose)

Beneficence–being "good" ( eg. kindness, charity, mercy)

Non-maleficence–preventing harm (eg. raising the side rails)

Justice–what is right and equal (eg. being fair)

Paternalism–one person assumes the authority to make a decision for another.

Stewardship- care/duty (eg. valuing and respecting patients)

Veracity–honesty, telling truth (eg. witness)

Fidelity–loyalty/keeping promise

Ethical dilemma

–occurs when there is a conflict between 2 or more ethical principles.

–No correct decisions exists.

Advocate–person who speaks up for or acts on behalf of the client, protects the client's right to make his
or her own decisions.

Reciprocity–"I give what you may give" (eg. working/studying abroad).

Force majeure–"act of God" (eg. natural calamities, storm, earthquake)

Res ipsa loquitur–"the thing speaks for itself" (eg. negligence)

Respondeat superior–"let the master answer" (the superior/head is accountable)..


1. Contract Law

–an exchange of promises by two or more persons resulting in an obligation to do or refrain from doing
a particular act.

2. Civil Law

–concerned with relationships among persons and the protection of a person's rights. Violation may
cause ham to an individual or property, but no grave threat to society exists.

3. Criminal Law

–concerned with relationships between individuals and governments, and with acts that threaten
society and its order; a crime is an offense against society that violates a law and is defined as a
misdemeanor (less serious nature) or felony (serious nature).

4. Tort Law
A tort is a civil wrong. other than a breach in contract, in which the law allows an injured person to séek
damages from a person who caused the injury.


▪︎suspension - temporary removal

▪︎revocation - permanent removal

Quasi-judicial - investigation (eg. suspension & revocation)

Quasi-legislative - rules/regulation (eg. time and location of board exam)

Emancipated minor

–An emancipated minor has established independence from his or her parents through marriage,
pregnancy, service in the armed forces, or by a court order.

–considered legally

capable of signing an informed consent.


Will–permits a person (testator) to make decisions on how his estate will be managed and distributed
after his death

Testator–a person who has made a will


Intestate–not having made a will before one dies.


▪︎Plaintiff – Complainant or person who files the case (accuser)

▪︎Defendant – Accused/respondent or person who is the subject of complaint

Witness– Individual held upon to testify in reference to a case either for the accused or against the

Written Orders of Court

Writ–legal notes from the court

Exhibit–A document, photograph, object, animation, or other device formally introduced as EVIDENCE in
a legal proceeding.


▪︎Subpoena Testificandum – a writ/notice to an individual/ordering him to appear in court at a specific

time and date as WITNESS.

▪︎Subpoena Duces Tecum- notice given to a witness to appear in court to testify including all important

Summon–notice to a defendant/accused ordering him to appear in court to answer the complaint

against him

Warrant of Arrest–court order to arrest or detain a person

Search warrant–court order to search for properties.


Leader–may or may not have official appointment, have people to FOLLOW them.
Manager–officially appointed, have people to WORK for them.


▪︎Autocratic – ONLY the leader decides.

▪︎Democratic – leader consults his TEAM in decision-making.

▪︎Bureaucratic – expected to follow specific rules and authority created by their superiors (base on the

▪︎Laissez‐faire –leader has a LITTLE or NO INVOLVEMENT in decision making

Most effective leadership style?—Democratic

Leadership style in an emergency situation?–Autocratic

5 M's of management — manpower, machine, materials, method, money.

Fishbone diagram – cause-and-effect tool, helps figure out the reasons for defects/problems.

Unity of command–1 boss/1 manager

Span of control–the area of activity and number of functions, people, or things for which an individual or
organization is responsible.


⬆️Upward: subordinates to superior

⬇️Downward: superior to subordinates

↔️Horizontal: peer to peer

↘️Diagonal: outside (different group/team)

✅Right Task ✅Right Circumstances

✅Right Person ✅Right Direction/✅Communication ✅Right level of supervision


 Underdelegating–overburdens the manager

 Overdelegating–burdening the subordinates
 Improper delegating–delegating at wrong time, person, etc.


Qualitative – uses inductive reasoning

Quantitative – deductive reasoning

Qualitative – more on narratives (words)

Quantitative – more on numbers and statistics.

Cross-sectional research design – data is collected at just ONE point in time.


Phenomenological research – focused on lived experiences (eg. A study about challenges of being a
nursing student)

Case study – in-depth examination and analysis of a person or group.

Ethnographical – study the meanings, patterns and experiments of a defined cultural group.

Deductive – general to specific

Inductive – specific to general (e.g., one diabetic pt to all diabetic pt).


1. Non-probability sampling – no random selection.

▪︎Convinience sampling:

▪︎Snowball sampling

▪︎Qouta sampling

▪︎Purposive sampling

2. Probability sampling – involves random selection.

▪︎Simple random sampling

▪︎Systematic sampling

▪︎Cluster sampling

▪︎Stratified random sampling

Longitudinal designs – collected at TWO or more points in time.

3 major principles in research

▪︎beneficence – "being good"

▪︎respect to human dignity

▪︎justice – "fairness"


▪︎mean–most reliable and stable study of statistic.

▪︎median–divides the distribution at 50th percentile.

▪︎mode–number the occurs more frequently.


▪︎Range–distance between the highest and lowest scores.

▪︎Standard deviation – measures the spread of scores.

▪︎Variance – avg. distance of scores on an interval or ratio scale from the mean in squared units.


▪︎T-test – commonly used statistical method user to examine the statiscal difference between 2 means.

▪︎Chi-square (x²) – descriptive measure of discrepancy values between observed frequency and expected

▪︎ANOVA (analysis of variance) – an inferential statistics method, used to compare the means of 2 or
more groups of population.

▪︎Z-test – hypothesis test which ascertains if the means of two datasets are different from each other
when variance is given.

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