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Handy Formula to calculate the output of any generator at any given RPM.

First off 3 thing must be known RPM, Open voltage at that RPM and the Ohm's of the stator coil. 1. Measure the RPM 2. Measure the Open voltage at that RPM 3. Measure the Ohm's of the stator coil. Measured RPM / Open volts = RPM per volt To find a Desired output the formula is: Volts + ( Amps * Ohms ) = Open Voltage ( necessary to achieve this output ) Open voltage * RPM per volt = RPM needed to achieve desired output

Example: Alternator spinning at 1500 RPM delivers an open voltage of 34.8 volts so. 1500 / 34.8 = 43.1 RPM per volt The stator coil reading is .6 ohm

Lets say we would like 14.6 volts at 10 amps from our unit 14.6 volts + ( 10 amps * .6 ohm ) =20.6 open voltage 20.6 * 43 rpm per volt = 885.8 RPM If you would like to know an output at a certain RPM you simply change the formula to: RPM / RPM per volt =Open Voltage (OpenVoltage-desiredvoltage) /ohms = Amps

Example: 885 RPM at 14.6 volts 885 / 43 = 20.58 ( 20.58 - 14.6 ) / .6 = 9.97 amps

And there you have it since, for the most part, the voltage and rpm are a constant its easy to calculate the output of any unit

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