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LECTURE 1: INTRODUCTION TO Technology versus Information Technology


COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY valued for physical functionality such
as transportation
Information is primarily valued for functions
● knowledge obtained from reading, related to data, or IT is a product,
investigation, study or research and service, or tool that derives its values
instruction from data
● facts provided or learned about
something or someone. Different Stages of IT Development
● knowledge acquired from another. Pre -Mechanical Age (3000 BC - 1450 AD)
● knowledge you can convey to others. ● Petroglyphs
Tools to transmit information: ● Cuneifrom as the first writing system
● (videophone, telephone, tv. and radio) Mechanical Age (1450 - 1840)
● Knowledge and helps us to fulfill our ● Computation and information
daily tasks ● Printing press machine invented
Communication ElectroMechanical Age (1840 - 1940)
● An act of transmitting messages. It is a ● Revolutionary technologies were
process whereby information is invented
exchanged between individuals using ● Telegraph to communnicate
symbols, signs or verbal interactions ● First digital computer was created
Technology Electronic or Digital Age
● Greek word “technologies” in other ● electronic equipment including
form “techne” means art, skill, or craft computers began to take place.
“logia” means study generally,
● use of scientific knowledge, Five Generations of Computer
experience and resources to create First Generation Computer (1946 - 1959)
processes and product that fulfill ● the first electronic computer
human needs ● Only do arithmetic operations such as
● Aiding communication addition and subtraction up to 10
● Technology is applications of digits.
scientific knowledge to solve problem Second Generation Computers (1959 -
or perform a specific function. 1965)
● TRANSISTORS are used as the
What is ICT? interior sections of the computer.
● technology required for information ● Computer transistors were used and
processing, replaced vacuum
● use of electronics computers, Third Generation Computer (1965 - 1971)
communication devices and ● 1965 - Jack Kilby invented the
application software to convert store INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (IC) that
protect process transmit and retrieve was used instead of TRANSISTORS
information from anywhere anytime. as the interior sections to build the
Fourth Generation Computer (1971 - 1980)
● CIRCUITS were used to build
● Development of microprocessor
Fifth Generation Computer (1980 - Web Fundamentals (I)
onwards) ● Connected by Hypertext Transfer
● it involves computer intelligence Protocol (HTTP)
which is associated with AI (Artificial ● Web pages can be designed by
Intelligence), natural language Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
processing and expert systems that Web Fundamentals (II)
interpret the means and practices ● Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
○ E.g.
Why Computers are powerful? ○ http:// - protocol designer
● SPEED ○ - server name
● ACCURACY ● Security Protocols
○ Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
LECTURE 3: THE INTERNET AND THE ■ Most widely used
WORLDWIDE WEB ■ Developed by
History of Internet Development Communications
30-year History since 1969 ○ Secure HTTP (S-HTTP)
● Pentagon & Cold War ■ Allows web clients
Original Use: and servers to specify
● Military installations privacy capabilities
● Universities independently of one
● Business firms with defense another
department contracts
Initial Goal: Internet Language I
● Design a network that maintains the Provider
safe transition of data between – An organization providing an entrance ramp
military computers to Internet
Events Browser
– A software program loaded in a PC allowing
user to access Internet
– Destination point on Internet

Internet Language II
World Wide Web (WWW) started in 1989 at Telnet
the European Particle Physics Laboratory – A basic Internet service allowing user to
(CERN) by Tim Berners-Lee. access remote computers
● It is a network of computers that serve File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
web pages that distributed hypermedia – A standard protocol allowing users to copy
information system on the Internet. files from computer to computer on Internet
● Information can be organize, link, and Universal Resource Locator (URL)
access via client-server protocol. – A standard way of giving the address of
resources on Internet that are part of WWW
Internet Language III IP Address
Malicious Software The numeric address for computer connected
– Viruses to the Internet. Every device in a computer
– Trojan horse network has an IP address.
• A program on the surface Ex.
seems to perform legitimate work, but Domain Names
causes damage when executed The text version of a computer’s numeric IP
– Zombie address.
• A launching program Ex.
residing in an Internet-attached
computer Top-Level Domain (TLD)
– Worm Ex. .biz, .edu, .gov
• A program replicating itself
on a computer’s hard disk, slowing
down the computer’s performance

Internet Service Providers

(ISP) is a business that has a permanent
Internet connection and provides temporary
Internet connections to individuals and
companies using one or more access method:
dial-up, high- speed dial-up, broadband, or

5G wireless technology
● designed to connect virtually everyone
and everything together including
machines, objects, and devices.
● meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps
peak data speeds, ultra low latency,
more reliability, massive network
capacity, increased availability, and a
more uniform user experience to more
● Higher performance and improved

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

URL consist of a domain name and top-level
domain designation.
LONG TEST ANSWERS ● At present, the development of
Facts/Truths: pharmaceuticals and performance
● Second generation computers leaned materials relies massively on trial and
away from cryptic, binary machine error, which means it is an iterative,
language to symbolic, assembly time-consuming and terribly
languages which programmed written expensive process.
instruction. ● Computers are one of the key
● Information and Communication instruments that allow people to
Technology refers to technologies that communicate regardless of their
provide access to information through location, since the computer has
telecommunications. evolved into an effective
● The speed at which internet data travel communication tool that connects
from one device to another is called family members, relatives, and friends
the transfer rate, which is expressed as together, as well as allowing virtual
bits per second. job interviews.
● Communication is a process whereby
information is exchanged between Network of networks - Internet
individuals using symbols, signs, or
verbal interactions. Origin of many researches that lead to the
● Technology is applications of development of the Internet - DARPA
scientific knowledge to solve problem
or perform a specific functions. Technology that permitted communication
● Computers are one of the top sources between nodes networks - Interface Message
of entertainment since they provide a Processors
diverse range of amusement and
entertainment possibilities. Created the first email send-and-read program
● Replacement of vacuum tubes with - Ray Tomlinson
transistors made computers to become
smaller, faster, cheaper, reliable and Created the the World Wide Web - Tim
more energy efficient. Berners-Lee
● Plagiarism is an act of theft in which a
person copies another person’s ideas, Specially formatted document that can contain
words, or writings, etc and pass them images, text, interactive elements, and
off as his or her own. hyperlinks, which links to other pages - Web
● A user is anyone who communicates page
and interacts with a computer or
makes use of the information it Tag-based language that allows website
generates. creators to tell the browser how to display
● Individuals, companies and countries elements - HTML
will seek the quickest and most
affordable ways to achieve net-zero – Web page's unique address - URL
the elimination of their carbon
footprint. Internet connectivity service that uses satellite
● ICT have provided society with a vast technology - Fixed Wireless
array of new communication
capabilities. - Indicates the type of organization or general
domain - Top-level Domain Name
It is the numeric address for computer It is an application-layer protocol created to
connected to the Internet. -- IP Address allow web browsers and servers to
communicate with one another. – HTTP
In the URL
"", It is a type of computer program that, when
what is the protocol? -- https:// executed, replicates itself by modifying other
computer programs and inserting its own code.
In the URL – Worm
what is the top-level domain? -- .com In the URL
It is a process whereby information is what is the domain? – www.facebook
exchanged between individuals using symbols,
signs or verbal interactions. – When was the first Web server in the United
Communications States went online? – 1991

He defined ICT as as related to technologies The generation of computer that made use of
that facilitate the transfer of information and artificial intelligence. – Fifth
various types of electronically mediated
communication. – Colrain Zuppo In the URL
It is applications of scientific knowledge to what is the webpage? – marketplace
solve problem or perform a specific function. –
Technology This is a technology that permitted
communication between nodes networks at
It is most commonly used to download a file UCLA's Kleinrock Network Measurement
from a server using the Internet or to upload a Center and Stanford University's Network
file to a server. – File Transfer Protocol Information Center. – Interface Message
The generation of computer that made use of
integrated circuits. – Third generation The generation of computer that made use of
microprocessors. – Fourth Generation
The stage in IT development provided
development and innovations with a great It allows you to make free or extremely
interest in computation and information. – low-cost phone conversations over the
Mechanical Internet. – Voice over Internet Protocol

Which among the following is not a web The generation of computer that made use of
browser? – Line transistors. – Second Generation

The stage in IT development where the Morse The generation of computer that made use of
Code was first innovated. - vacuum tubes. – First Generation
The stage in IT development where the
The wireless internet technology that primary mean of communication with each
addresses the evolution beyond mobile internet other using simple picture drawings called
to massive IoT. – 5G petroglyphs. – Pre-Mechanical
It is a system for disseminating information
over the Internet to a selected group of
followers. – Social Media

It is an is internet connectivity service that

uses radio signals or wireless fidelity. –
Mobile Wireless

In the early years of www, here were

practically just two types of browsers. The first
is the original development version and
____________. – line-mode browser

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