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Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Background of the study .......................................................................................... 3
1.2 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................ 3
1.3 Scope of The study ................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Source of Data .......................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Primary Sources .................................................................................................... 4
1. Observation method ............................................................................................... 4
2. Questionnaire method ............................................................................................ 4
14.2. Secondary Sources................................................................................................. 5
1.5. Limitation of The Study .......................................................................................... 5
1.6. Research Methodology ............................................................................................ 6
1.6.1 Study Area and population ................................................................................... 6
1.6.2 Study Approach ..................................................................................................... 6
1.6.3 Sample Size ............................................................................................................ 6
1.6.4 Research instrument ............................................................................................. 6
1.6.5 Tools ....................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................... 7
Literature Review .............................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................... 8
Company Profile ................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 History of Company ................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Company Profile....................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Board of Management ............................................................................................. 8
3.4 IJMA International has following departments: ................................................... 8
3.5 Vision......................................................................................................................... 9
3.6 Mission ...................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................ 10
Customer Satisfaction analysis........................................................................................ 10
4.1 About Customer Service ........................................................................................ 10
4.2About Customer Satisfaction.................................................................................. 10
4.3 The five factors to measure efficiency ................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Reliability ............................................................................................................. 11

4.3.2 Responsiveness..................................................................................................... 11
4.3.3 Assurance ............................................................................................................. 11
4.3.4 Empathy ............................................................................................................... 12
4.3.5 Tangibles .............................................................................................................. 12
4.4 SWOT Analysis ...................................................................................................... 12
4.4.1. Strength ............................................................................................................... 12
4.4.2. Weaknesses ......................................................................................................... 13
4.4.3. Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 13
4.4.4 Threats ................................................................................................................. 13
4.5 Marketing Mix........................................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................. 19
Finding Data and Analysis .............................................................................................. 19
5.1 Respondent Profile ................................................................................................. 19
5.1.1 Gender.................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.2 Age ........................................................................................................................ 20
5.1.3 Education Level ................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Respondent Parches Behavior ............................................................................... 22
5.2.1 Visit Frequency.................................................................................................... 22
5.2.2 Price...................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.3 Product Quality ................................................................................................... 24
5.2.4 Product Design .................................................................................................... 25
5.2.5 Sales Associate Service ........................................................................................ 26
5.2.6 Outlet Ambiance.................................................................................................. 27
5.2.7 The behavior of the employees ........................................................................... 28
5.2.8 Facility of utility bill payment ............................................................................ 29
5.2.9 Keeps Promises .................................................................................................... 30
5.2.10 Information Availability ................................................................................... 31
5.2.11 Complaint Management ................................................................................... 32
Findings from analyzed data ........................................................................................... 33
Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 34
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 35
Reference: ......................................................................................................................... 36


1.1 Background of the study

In the last part of the BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) Program it is
mandatory to do a three month internship from any alleged organization and based on
this we are supposed to submit a report to our particular faculty supervisor of
University. The objective of this internship report is to explore theoretical knowledge
about business administration and practical knowledge. I got the chance to do my
internship program at "IJMA International" which is the popular retailer brand in
Rangpur city. As I actively involved in the Market Research and Product
Development department in IJMA International so I have decided to do an internship
report on Analyzing Customer Satisfaction Level of IJMA International a social

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms:

(a)General Objective

(b) Specific Objective

(a) General Objective: This internship report is prepared primarily to fulfill the
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree requirement under the
Department of Marketing, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.

b) Specific Objective:

This study entails the following aspects:

 To give an overview of IJMA International.

 To measure the customer's satisfaction of the IJMA international.
 To make a recommendation to taking care of the issue.

1.3 Scope of The study
The main intention of the study is an evaluation of the customer satisfaction to find
understand and document the processes and activities carried by IJMA International
and co- relate them to get a clear picture of the level of the overall customer
satisfaction. The report covers details about the product and services, overview and
also facilities provided by the company to satisfy their customer. The main focus is on
the analysis of the standard of facilities, services provided by the company

1.4 Source of Data

I have collected data from the two unique sources; one is primary sources and another
is secondary sources

1.4.1 Primary Sources

 I have conducted a survey among 30 customer.
 Face to Face communicate with the respective customers, officials and staff of
the branch and head workplace.
 Discussing with my supervising trainer and supervisor.
 Practical work enjoys inside the one of a kind desk of the department of the

Methods of primary sources of data:

There are two basic methods of obtaining primary sources of data. These are:
1. Observation method
2. Questionnaire method

1. Observation method:
Observation method is a method under which data from the field is collected with the
help of observation by the observer or by personally going to the field. Observation
method is very useful for any research or study but it is very expensive than other
method. Under this method, I observe things of the IJMA International specially my
related topic. I have observed many of the activities of the service oriented queries of
the valued customers in the branch.

2. Questionnaire method:
Questionnaire method is probably the best method to collect information compared to
other methods. A questionnaire method is a research instrument consisting of a series
of question for the purpose of collect information from respondents. One set of
questionnaire was used to collect primary information about "The Measuring of
Customer Satisfaction of IJMA International: A Study on Rangpur City". I prepared
my questionnaire with close ended questions. The questionnaire is given at the end of
the report.

14.2. Secondary Sources

 Official report.
 Website of the IJMA International.
 Several books and periodicals related to the banking sector.
 Different circular sent by the head office.
 Various documentary file of The IJMA International.

1.5. Limitation of The Study

Records are very confidential and important. Therefore, the undertaking's paintings
are a challenge to the available statistics from the net files. The primary challenge
experienced in growing this file is as according to the following:

 Lack of adequate information about any other organization.

 A significant part of the time forward-figuring information isn't distributed.
 Because of the reluctance of the clamoring key persons, the necessary data
collection ends up being hard
 Lack of experiences has acted as constraints in the way of careful exploration
regarding the matter.
 Unavailability of adequate formed reports as required making an intensive
 Sufficient records, publications, facts and figures are not available.

1.6. Research Methodology

1.6.1 Study Area and population

The study was conducted in Rangpur city among Medical mor, Bangladesh bank mor,
Parker mor. The survey population was all class of customers who were already their
customer and buyers in the IJMA international retail outlets.

1.6.2 Study Approach

Only the quantitative approach was used to conduct the survey. All the respondents
are asked to fill in the questionnaire by themselves.

1.6.3 Sample Size

I distributed the questionnaire to 30 participants.

1.6.4 Research instrument

A survey questionnaire is prepared for the collection of data from various customers.
The questionnaire is designed in such a way so that the collected information for the
study would made sets of the objectives.

1.6.5 Tools
Microsoft word and Microsoft excel version 2007 is used to tabulate and analyze the
valid response.

Literature Review

Great customer support systems will concentrate on interacting well with clients,
answering questions, and exceeding expectations. This strategy helps companies
connect with consumers and build strong relationships, holds customers. So service is
so important so I am trying to get feedback about service to the customer. There is
some importance quote about service by experts.

The primary objective of this study is to find the inter-connections between the
attributes of service quality, product feature, product quality, service quality and
customer satisfaction in Bangladesh's retail market. The study seeks to classify the
most important attributes in retail market which could be used to examine retail
market as experienced by customer. A research review was carried out to find out the
connection between quality of service, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Literature review confirms this relation. An information- gathering survey was
conducted. The sample size was drawn from 30 retail market customer.

Customer satisfaction has been considered the essence of success in today's highly
competitive retail market industry. It's mentioned that the customer is the king and
profit and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty. The cost of serving a
loyal customer is five or six times less than a new customer. Several researchers
including found that loyalty is a direct outcome of customer satisfaction. Generally
speaking, if the customers are satisfied with the provided goods or services, the
probability that they use the services again increase. Also, satisfied customers will
most probably talk enthusiastically about their buying or the use of a particular
service; this will lead to positive advertising.

Company Profile

3.1 History of Company

The IJMA International is a Partnership business activity in Rangpur which provide
high quality electronics product. It established at 2016 in East medical gate, Dhap,
Rangpur. The Rangpur people may highly bless to this electrical equipment such as
Water purifier, IPS, UPS, CCTV, Air conditioner, etc.

3.2 Company Profile

Year of Establishment: 2016

Type: Partnership

Working Area: Rangpur Division

Target customer: age 25 to 40 and middle class and rich people

3.3 Board of Management

Chairman: Rezaul korim Feroz

Director: Mahabub kobir Sumon

Director: Abdul Lotif

Director: Abdul Rohim

Ddirector. Sahida Akter

3.4 IJMA International has following departments:

Technical department.

Distribution department.

Sales and marketing department.

Research and development department.


 Water purifier
 PS
 Air conditioner

3.5 Vision
To spread our business in 64 districts with surety of safe water and high quality of
electronic product and service.

3.6 Mission
To make positive impact in the markets where they operate, to empower partners and
he community and to make meaningful long-term relationship through the trust they
earn daily.

Customer Satisfaction analysis

4.1 About Customer Service

Customer service is the direct one-to-one interaction between a consumer making a
purchase and a representative of the company that is selling, it Most retailers see this
direct interaction as a critical factor in ensuring buyer satisfaction and encouraging
repeat business.

4.2About Customer Satisfaction

Smiles the pleasure of clients regarding how they are happy with the exceptional
manners, paining knowledge of, and instantaneousness of employees in handling
protected clients. It additionally takes into attention the belief of the clients as to
whether the thing or administration is worth what they are deciding to buy it.

In literature antecedents of satisfaction are studied from different aspects. The

considerations extend from psychological to physical and from normative to positive
aspects. However, in most of the cases the consideration is focused on two basic
constructs as customer expectations prior to purchase or use of a product and his
relative perception of the performance of that product after using it.

A customer's expectations about a product tell us how he or she anticipates how that
product will perform. As it is suggested in the literature, consumers may have various
"types" of expectations when forming opinions about a product's anticipated
performance. For example, four types of expectations are identified by Miller (1977)
ideal, expected, minimum tolerable, and desirable. While, Day (1977) indicated
among expectations, the ones that are about the costs, the product nature, the efforts in
obtaining benefits and lastly expectations of social values, Perceived product
performance is considered as an important construct due to its ability to allow making
comparisons with the expectations.

4.3 The five factors to measure efficiency
There are 5 important elements perceived by the professionals that are crucial to
assuring the great of better administration so that it will raise the measurement of
profitability. They may be reliability, responsiveness, guarantee, empathy, and
tangibles These 5 factors pick out the exceptional of interplay amongst customer and
company, the pleasure of physical environment nice and end result excellent of the
administration which leads the general help of the location of perfection of excellent
from our diagram, we found that how these elements affect their pride stage.

4.3.1 Reliability
lt was the potential to play out guaranteed management correctly as a consequence of
retailing, reliability is crucial because if the patron imagines that the corporation
cannot preserve its management suitable later on they may not keen on retailing. From
our overview. we see that the good size majority of the clients choose IJMA
International because they suppose it's far reliable compared to others in case of
giving numerous one in all a type function. In preferred, customers have a notion that
IJMA International is capable to present all of the administrations they presented.

4.3.2 Responsiveness
It method the capacity to play out the guaranteed administration appropriately because
of banking, reliability is important. Because if the customer imagines that the
enterprise cannot continue its administration suitable afterward they may not be
enthused about banking with PBL. From our audit, we see that a big portion of the
clients pick out CBL because they assume it's far dependable compared to others in
case of giving numerous interesting capabilities (Bangladesh worldwide). In
preferred, customers have a belief that CBL is capable to present all the
administrations they supplied.

4.3.3 Assurance
It approaches the records and ability of the personnel to create agree with in the mind
of the customers approximately the completion of the assignment correctly and at the
timetable. Clients have an excellent notion of CBL that they perform in step with their
guarantee. The warranty has a wonderful impact on the high-quality of the

administration due to the fact if guarantees are not kept clients may additionally
alternate to another bank.

4.3.4 Empathy
To guarantee higher service it's miles important for the personnel to have empathy.
Empathy giving character interest and taking greater care of the purchaser. IJMA
International has younger and enthusiastic personnel that have interaction with
customers pleasantly and they constantly ask approximately their pressure and
dissatisfaction of each customers

4.3.5 Tangibles
Tangibles are a vital thing as it coordinates the patron mind about the best of the
service. Tangibles are bodily facilities, equipment, and so on used inside the context
of a management company. Internal ornament, siting arrangements, the temperature
of the room, cleanness fragrance everything controls the notion of customers about
the satisfactory of the administration. IJMA International has confirmed nicely inner
ornament in all their branches and they endeavor to preserve the standard in their
administration's cape equal everywhere in the global.

4.4 SWOT Analysis

Is a strategic planning technique used to help an organization to identify strengths
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competitions?

This technique is designed for use in the preliminary stages of decision-making

processes and can be used as a tool for evaluation of the strategic position of
organizations of many kind organization. It is intended to specify the objectives of the
business venture or project and identify the internal and external factors that are
favorable and unfavorable to achieving those objectives.

4.4.1. Strength
 Superior service quality
 Modern facilities and computer
 Interactive corporate culture
 Good number of branches

 Online promotional scope

4.4.2. Weaknesses
 Limited Workforce
 Lack of investment
 Local socio-economic situation
 Less scope of advertising
 Less Promotional Initiative

4.4.3. Opportunities
 Loan facility to expansion business
 Diversified investment opportunity
 The market are being expanse
 Adding product and products addition

4.4.4 Threats
 New competitors
 Employee management
 Contemporary banks
 compete with multinational brand

4.5 Marketing Mix
What is marketing mix…??

The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to
promote its brand or product in the market. The typical marketing mix - Price,
Product, Promotion and Place.

It helps to make sure that you are able to offer your customers the right product, at the
right time and at the right place for the right price.

The term "marketing mix" is a foundation model for businesses, historically centered
on product, price, place, and promotion. The marketing mix has been defined as the
"set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the
target market.

Some products of IJMA International:

The IJMA International Provides qualified electronic product. Those product

knowledge are:

Product: 1 Microtek Ups Sebz 900 Va Pure Sine Wave Inverter:


 Energy efficient; Digital display; elegant and ergonomic design.

 Rated Capacity 800 VA; Output Power 672 Watts; Waveform Pure Sine
 Input Voltage (Standard range) 100 V -300 V; Efficiency > 80%; Charging
 (Standard) 10 Amps.
 Model: UPSEB 900 VA (12); This pack includes one Microtek Intell Pure
Sebz 900
 Ups.
 Product Dimensions: 45.7 x 37.5 x 21.7 (cm); Weight: 10 Kg.
 Imported from INDIA.

Microtek Energy Efficient Automatic Voltage Stabilizers provide Protection to Air

Conditioners (A.C.) against Voltage Fluctuations. Microtek Em4150+ Digital Voltage

Stabilizers are based on Save Power Technology to give High Performance, Better
Reliability during frequent Power Cuts and Voltage Fluctuation.

Product: 2 Microtek M-SUN SOLAR UPS 2035VA/24V:

Model: M-SUN SOLAR UPS 2035VA/ 24V

Capacity (Rated Power): 2035VA / 24V

Capacity (Maximum PV Power support): 1200 Wp

Key features:

 Micro-Controller DSPIC Based Intelligent Control Design.

 Dual Charging, Mains Mode and Solar Mode.(Solar Panel up to 1200W-
24V model).
 Pure Sine Wave Regulated Output.
 Smart PWM Controlled multistage ATM (Automatic Trickle Mode)
 LCD and Graphical Display Indications (Status & Fault).
 Smart and Faster Overload Sense and Short Circuit Protection.
 Auto Reset Feature.
 Mains Input Voltage Range Selection.
 PV Mode ON/OFF Selection Switch.
 Charging Voltage Selection Switch.
 Grid Charging Enable /Disable Selection.
 Pure Sine wave Regulated Output

Product: 3 Microtek Digital UPS XP 2300:

It is designed using latest state-of-the art Technology. It also comes with

Additional Features like Super-Fast Charging for Frequent Power cuts, More
Backup for Long Power cuts, More Battery Life for Low Running Cost and More
Load for Longer Duration.

All Microtek UPS XP Series Models are based on IPS Technology and Saves
Electricity so that every UPS JM becomes free in 3 Years.

Rated Capacity : 2000 VA

Output Power : 1600 Watts

Battery : 2 Battery System (24 VDC)

Waveform : TPZi Waveform (Trape Zoidal)

Warranty : 2 Years

Key features

 Micro Controller Based Intelligent Control Design.

 LED Display Indications (Status & Fault)
 CCCV Technology with Auto Trickle Mode
 Smart Overload Sense and Short Circuit Protection
 Battery State Monitoring
 Multi Stage Battery Charger
 Mains Input Voltage Range Slide Selection Switch


 Mains On
 Ups On
 Battery Charging
 Overload
 Battery Low
 Fault Indication


 Band: Aqua ProOrigin

 Membrane : Taiwan
 USA Capacity:75
 GPDR averse Capacity:3.2
 GPresure Tank : Filtration

Stage: five Technology Reverse Osmosis.

100% Pure Water This products Virus, Bacteria, RO Membrane, Human Heir
(0.4-1,0.02-0.4,0.0001,75-85) Macron.


Product: 3 Hot & Normal Water Purifier

 Brand: Heron
 Origin: China
 Membrane: USA
 Filtration Stage: Five
 Hot Water: 1.5 L
 Normal Water: 8 L
 Technology: Reverse Osmosis


Pricing decisions should take into account profit margins and the probable pricing
response of competitors. Pricing includes not only the list price, but also
discounts, and other options. The IJMA International, Rangpur follows set their
price mainly two strategies. One is the cost of Import product and the other is
competitor basis.


Place (or placement) decisions are those associated with channels of distribution
that serve as the means for getting the product to the target customers. The
distribution system performs transactional, logistical, and facilitating functions.
Distribution decisions include market coverage, channel member selection,
logistics, and levels of service.


The IJMA International carry out their promotional activities by some ways.

Those are:

 Billboard
 Miking
 Leaflet
 Online ads
 Personal selling are the most effective way to promote their product in the
customer mind.

Finding Data and Analysis

With the purpose of measure the satisfaction of the customers a sequence of questions
were asked to the customers with the help of a questionnaire, the data from these
questions are tabulated below.

5.1 Respondent Profile

The respondent profile includes gender, age and education level of the respondents.

5.1.1 Gender
From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Male Female Others

24 6 0

Figure 1 Gender based categorization





2.4 0 0
Male Female Others

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondent, whom has been
conducted through personal interview were male and female where 24 respondents
were male and respondents were female.

5.1.2 Age
From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Age 18-25 25-30 35-45 45-55 55-65+

Respondent 10 6 8 3 3

Figure 2 Age based categorized





3 3

18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondent, whom has been
conducted through personal interview were male and female , as 10 respondents were
18-25 years, 6 respondents were 25-35 , 8 respondents were 35-45 years , 3
respondents were 45-55 years and 3 respondents were 55-65 + .

5.1.3 Education Level

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that

Primary Secondary Higher Secondary Graduate Post Graduate

0 0 1 20 9

Figure 3 Education level categorized




10 9

0 0
Primary Secondary Higher Secondary Graduate Post Graduate
Series 1

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondents was educated
where 20 respondents among 30 were Graduate. 9 respondents were post graduated
and only 1 was higher secondary.

5.2 Respondent Parches Behavior

5.2.1 Visit Frequency

Visit Frequency from the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely often Very often On Occasion often First time

0 1 2 2 25

Figure 4 Visit Frequency based categorization

Visit Frequency




0 1 2 2
Extremely often Very often On occasion Often(Yearly) First Time

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondents buying

experience were for first time. 25 respondents among 30 were first time for
purchasing the product. And others 5 made their purchase occasion and oftenly.

5.2.2 Price

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely fair Very fair Fair Slightly fair Not fair

2 4 17 5 2

Figure 5 Price based categorization

16 17
2 2
Extremely fair Very fair Fair Slightly fair Not fair
Series 1

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondents was satisfied for
product price because 17 respondents think price was reasonable according to product
quality. Where 4 respondents think prices was very fair and 2 were think 2 extremely
fair. But 8 respondents were dissatisfied.

5.2.3 Product Quality

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely Better Better Moderately Better Slightly Better Not Better

1 10 11 4 4

Figure 6 Product quality based categorization

Product Quality


4 4

Extremely Better Better Moderately Better Slightly Better Not Better

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondents were satisfied
because one respondent thought extremely better, 10 respondents Better and 11
respondents Moderately Better. Total 22 positive reviews mean IJMA International
provide quality product. But there were 8 respondents were dissatisfied.

5.2.4 Product Design

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely Better Better Moderately Better Slightly Better Not Better

5 10 6 7 2

Figure 7 Product design based categorization

Product Design




Extremely Better Better Moderately Better Slightly Better Not Better

Interpretation: Above diagram shows that most of the respondents were satisfied
because total 21 respondents gives positive review where only 9 were dissatisfied.

5.2.5 Sales Associate Service

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely Helpful Helpful Moderately Helpful Slightly Helpful Not Helpful

8 15 5 2 0

Figure 8 Sales associate service based categorization

Sales Associate Service


14 15




4 5

2 0
Extremely Helpful Helpful Moderately Helpful Slightly Helpful Not Helpful

Interpretation: This diagram shows 28 respondents thought IJMA International's

Sales Associate Service were helpful where only 2 respondents thought Sales
Associate Service were slightly helpful. So we can assume almost every customer
consume Sales Associate Service.

5.2.6 Outlet Ambiance

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely Organized Moderately Slightly Not

Organized Organized Organized Organized
9 12 5 4 0

Figure 9 Outlet ambiance based categorization

Outlet Ambiance


8 9

4 5
Extremely Organized Organized Moderately Slightly Organized Not Organized

Interpretation: This diagram shows IJMA International's has well organized outlet
ambiance because 26 respondents thought outlet ambiance were organized.

5.2.7 The behavior of the employees

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely Friendly Moderately Slightly Not Friendly

Friendly Friendly Friendly
17 12 1 0 0

Figure 10, Behavior of employee categorization

The Behavior of Employee

16 17
1 0 0
Extremely Friendly Friendly Moderately Slightly Friendly Not Friendly

Interpretation : According to the diagram's information we can say almost every

customer thought every employee of IJMA International's behave properly with every
customer . Where 17 respondents highly satisfied.

5.2.8 Facility of utility bill payment

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Bank bKash, Rocket, Hand Cash Check Not Organized

Payment NAGAD Payment
0 7 21 2 0

Figure 11, Payment method categorization


20 21



5 7

0 2 0
Bank Payment bKash, Rocket, Hand Cash Check Not Organized
Nagad Payment

Interpretation: This diagram show IJMA International has various types of payment
method. Where 21 respondents pay by Hand cash, 7 respondents by Bkash, Rocket,
Nagad and 2 were by bank check. So we can assume most of the respondent feel
comfortable for payment method.

5.2.9 Keeps Promises

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Excellent Good Neutral Poor Very Poor

9 11 6 4 0

Figure 12 fulfill of expectation

Keeps Promises





Excellent Good Neutral Poor Very Poor

Interpretation: this diagram shows 9 respondents have had excellent, 11 respondents

have had Good and 6 respondents have had Neutral experience of keeps promises.
That means 26 respondents have fulfill of expectations.

5.2.10 Information Availability

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Extremely Available Available Deficiency High Deficiency

0 5 20 5

Figure 13, Information Availability

Information Availability




5 5
Extremely Available Available Deficiency High Deficiency

Interpretation: This chart show information of product are not available in online and
offline. Only 5 respondents among 30 know about product.

5.2.11 Complaint Management

From the 30 spontaneous respondents, it is found that,

Excellent Good Enough Not Enough

3 10 12 5

Figure 13, Payment method categorization

Complaint Management


4 5

2 3

Excellent Good Enough Not Enough

Interpretation: this chart shows that this company has lack of concern on compliant
management. To provide better services every company should try to address
customer compliant.

Findings from analyzed data
From the analysis of the review, I found both positive and negative discoveries. By
comparing these discoveries, I can decide the customer satisfaction level.

(a) Among 30 respondents 23 think price of products are reasonable. For selling a
product and service price is pretty serious issue because before buying a customer
thought about price.

(b) 20 respondents think the company keep promise of their expectation. If customer
think company keep their promise then company will be able carry on long term
strong relationship.

(c) Payment method is good because almost every way to pay had installed.

(d) in the case of Outlet ambiance out of 30 respondents 21 are satisfied, so that's
pretty good.

(e) Sales associate service is very good because 23 respondents satisfied

(f) Only 50 % respondent thinks product quality is good, company should concern on
improving their product quality.

(g) Only 11 respondents are satisfied with product design so they should try to
develop product design.

(h) It has lack of providing capacity of information because 25 respondent has no

information this company and product.

(i) 19 respondents never seen any type of advertisement, that remarks negative.

(j) 25 customers made their purchase for the first time that is not favorable situation
because there is possibility to move on others brand.

IJMA International is very active and always concern about their services, but they
have no concern with updated technique. They have very less concern on
advertisement and spreading of information. IJMA Internationals should trying to
improve their customer services according to their need and demand. But as customer
satisfaction is dynamic function and new interns are coming as competitors so they
have to ready for this as well and for this they should give more importance to the
following issues.

(a) Study and analyze the market in a regular basis so that they can find out
customers need and demand in a regular basis and this will help to find out
customer are happy or unhappy.
(b) Regular monitoring will help to know where customers are unhappy like,
pricing, design, product quality or services.
(c) IJMA International should take necessary steps to increase customer's
satisfaction by lowering product price.
(d) IJMA International should make easier communication way to customers by
spreading information like most of the customers watch TV, reed daily
newspaper, so they have to give Rangpur based TV and newspaper
(e) IJMA International want to grab more young generation customer and a good
number of this generation listen radio so they have to target this media for
advertising as well.
(f) Marketing team should give more importance on visibility like increase more
attractive colorful shelf talker; make some significant difference in displaying
different product so that consumer gets easy to notice the product.
(g) They should try to develop their product design,
(h) They should have a forecasting time to get in the market with exclusive
product marketing.

As survey result shows that 80 % customers are Graduate or Post Graduate so in

marketing they should do something so that these highly educated customers can
participate actively like arrange campaigning in New Year, Valentine Day ETC.

IJMA International is the crown less king in retail market in Rangpur. I have worked
in their Marketing department and during this time period I got an opportunity to
observe their marketing and managing retail environment. The main objective for this
survey is to see what customers think about overall IJMA International. It also helps
to build more strong relationship with customers and increase the sale. In addition of
their CSR activities they also do various promotional activities to grab customer's
attention. This report also will help to take decision of their promotion and service
improvement. The report has given a platform to understand the customer's
expectation and demand. Therefore if IJMA International wants to carry on their
position in this way they have to continuous study on customer, their market and offer
constant services so that in the long run they can run smoothly and face every

 Marketing Research, an Applied Orientation - Naresh K Malhotra.
 Interview from customers of IJMA International
 Interview from different employees of IJMA International.
 Principles of marketing, Philip Kottler.
 Marketing management (14th edition), Philip Kottler.


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