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by Qian Hui
Process Can be understood as:
self-improvement of your skills
personal qualities
life goals
overall outlook

It can look different for everyone and

may change day-to-day.


When I was 0-2 months, I could sleep and dream.
I could only drink milk and cry and scream.
When I was a baby, I couldn't talk.
I couldn't go to school and I couldn't walk.

0-2 months When i was 2month-1year,i start to gain more

control over my body.I can hold my head a
little steadier while lying on my tummy or
being supported upright. In the second month
of life, I continue to have a strong sucking
reflex and likes to suck on a fist or a few
2 month-1 year fingers.
When 1-4years old,I start to understand what people are
saying to me, and start using newfound language skills to
get the attention of those around me. In month 12, i will
also start testing the limits, which can include responding
to people with a “no” or even throwing a tantrum

1-3 years
When I was 4-7 years old,i learned how to hop,
skip and jump forward. I also started my
school at kindergarten and enjoy playing at
the playground, dancing and riding a tricycle
or bicycle with training wheels.
4-6 years
By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more
easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having
independence from family becomes more important now. Events
such as starting school bring children this age into regular
contact with the larger world. Friendships become more and more
7-12 years
"Thirteen-year-olds tend to want to spend more time with
their friends than with family members," Dr. Segura says.
"They also start to form an identity at this age as they
experiment with hobbies, activities, clothes, hairstyles, and
music. They try on different identities to see what fits."
13-17 years
When you turn 18, we can legally do everything from
registering to vote to purchasing fireworks.By this
time,we will start our new life at university or college
and do whatever we want!!

18-25 years
Perhaps the very best thing about hitting our 30s is the
ability to know ourself inside out. The third decade of life
brings a degree of self-awareness and understanding that is
difficult to capture in previous years.

26-30 years
The best thing that turning 40 is that our confidence shoots up
massively.We will more self-assured than we did when we was
younger. In fact, we wasn't very confident at all. But now we are
full of confidence

31-40 years

We have a greater appreciation of life. It's easier to laugh at

ourself. It's easier to laugh at others. It's easier to take life less

41-50 years
Many people in their 60s start to notice that their minds
aren't quite as sharp as before. It may take us longer to
recall names and facts, recognize patterns, or solve
problems. This mental decline only continues as our age.
On the upside, our vocabulary, knowledge, and long-term
memory likely will stay stable.
51-60 years
If we want to make the most out of our 70s, we have got
to exercise our brain. How do we do that? Keep our
cholesterol low, exercise regularly, eat well, and socialize.
These are all ways to make the most out of life.

61-70 years
That’s all

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