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Family, kinship and Marriage MCQ

on November 08, 2020

1. 'Live Together' is the result of ...................

a) Sankritization
b) Industrialization

c) Secularism,

d) Westernization

ans: Westernization

2. The process of breaking up a Joint Family starts from -

a) Industrialization

b) Urbanisation

d) Liberalization

ans: Industrialization

3. 'Dowry Prohibition Act', when it is passed -

a) 1961

b) 1972
c) 1978

d) 1960

ans: 1961

4. 'Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act', when it is passed -

a) 2001

b) 2008
c) 2007

d) 2011
ans: 2007

5. In which year 'Sati Practice' abolished by the British Government -

a) 1820
b) 1829

c) 1828
d) 1850

ans: 1828

6. ' The History of Human Marriage' Who wrote this book -

a) MacIver and Page, 1927

b) Wester Mark, 1921
c) Derkhiem, 1914

d) Kingsley Devis, 1920

ans: Wester Mark, 1921

7. Extended Family as 'a composite form of the family' who says this -

a) T. B. Bottomore
b) Ogborn and Nimcoff
c) Emile Durkheim

d) None of them

ans: T. B. Bottomore
8. What age is identified as Old age in India -

a) 60
b) 55
c) 62
e) 58

ans: 60

9. When the 'Hindu Marriage Act' passed by the government -

a) 1957
b) 1958
c) 1955
d) 1954

ans: 1955

10. In which year 'Special Marriage act' has passed -

a) 1950
b) 1969
c) 1952
d) 1954

ans: 1954

11. 'Child Marriage Restraint Act', when it is passed -

a) 1927
b) 1920
c) 1929
d) 1930

ans: 1929

12. 'Family Planning Research and Programmes Committee', when it is established -

a) 1953
b) 1945
c) 1967
d) 1989

ans: 1953

13. 'Control Family Planning Board', when it is established -

a) 1956

c) 1961
d) 1962

ans: 1956

14. Who is the writer of  'Modern Family' -

a) Kingsley Devis

b) Robert F. Winch
c) MacIver and Page
d) None of them

ans: Robert F. Winch

15. 'The Family' who wrote this book -

a) Kingsley Devis

b) Robert F. Winch
c) John Bradshaw

d) M.N. Srinivas

ans: John Bradshaw

16. 'Caste and Joint family' who wrote this book -

a) R.P. Desai
b) M.N. Srinivas

c) Ramanuj Ganguly

d) Dr. Irabati Karve

ans: R.P. Desai

17. 'Kinship Organization in India' who wrote this -

 a) R.P. Desai

b) M.N. Srinivas
c) Ramanuj Ganguly

d) Dr. Irabati Karve

ans: Dr. Irabati Karve

18. In which year 'Central Social Welfare Board' establish -

a) 1956

b) 1960
c) 1953

d) 1950

ans: 1953

19. Family is a .................... part of Society -

a) Federal
b) Central 

c) Political 
d) Economical

ans: Central

20. Which is not related to Joint Family -

a) Common Property

b) High Interaction
c) Big Mess

d) Generational Relationship 

e) All of them 

ans: All of them

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