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Look at you all, so desperate as to kneel before me. And for what? To beg for mercy?

you even know who you’re begging to? Allow me to introduce myself. I am Loki, Prince of
Asgard, the Rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief. Your savior, if you will. I know all
you’ve seen of me so far has been followed by damage and destruction and you may deem me a
monster. That would make you no different than anyone else who has crossed my path. But that
is an assumption that many have made because of mere misunderstanding. I am not a monster or
a villain or however you’d like to call it, I am a sentient being just like yourselves, one that
makes mistakes, has faults, and is misunderstood, albeit much more than your average human
My whole life I was told I was one thing, just to find out thousands of years later it was
all a lie. I was raised as an Asgardian by the King of Asgard himself, Odin. I was his eldest son,
the crown prince, bound to inherit the throne. He taught me all the things a father should, but
above all he taught me of Asgard’s enemies, the Frost Giants: horrific, blood-thirsty monsters. I
was raised to believe they wanted nothing but to conquer and destroy my kingdom. And I did
believe it for centuries, until I was told the truth. That I am a Frost Giant. My own father looked
me in the eyes and told that I was the monster parents tell their children about in the night. Not
just that, but that I was to be their king. With a few simple words, my reality fell like a stone in
water. I was drowning in the realization that my family was never truly my family, nor was my
throne. I understood why I had been forced into the shadow of my brother, Thor, for all my life.
I understood the disdain in my father’s eyes when I entered the room. I was no longer and never
was Asgardian, so now what throne do I have beyond that of the people I despised? The throne
of a King that abandoned me in my infancy? Of a world I had never seen, had no memory of?
Everything that was rightfully mine was stripped away from me. I was left with nothing. All for
the simple reason that he chose to spin some elaborate, unachievable tale. There was no throne
for me except for one, one I hadn’t yet considered, the throne to your world, Midgard. For eons,
the Asgardians have protected your home from beings you don’t even know exist, so what’s the
difference in ruling it? If anything, I could protect you even better if I were right here. It would
only help.
Not only would I help Midgard, I would help myself, and my people. You see, I was bred
with prejudice, it is an innate part of my nature. Even Gods like I have so little empathy as
yourselves. My father chose to abuse that prejudice and aim it at the Frost Giants. I fell for his
scheme, his lies; I believed him when he said they were vile, evil things, but I have realized that
it was nothing but falsities. The Frost Giants are a society just as the Asgardians are, just as you
Midgardians are. They are not violent or evil in their nature. But that narrative was fed to every
living being on Asgard. He also told all of Asgard my heritage as a Frost Giant, everyone except
me. So, for years, decades, centuries, I was belittled and excluded for that one simple fact. A fact
I didn’t know until after. He perpetuated this vicious cycle of oppression against the Frost
Giants, against me. But I know now that his lies were nothing but gross archetypes. I hope to
break those beliefs that so many hold. That is why I seek to lead you, to rule you, so I may prove
that my people can be kind, empathetic, just, yet powerful leaders.
Besides, the human nature begs for domination. It craves it like a feral beast craves its
prey. You can’t deny it, not when every single one of you bowed to me before I even uttered a
word. It is the purpose of mankind to be ruled. It is as much your destiny to be ruled as it is mine
to rule. Look at me, a Prince of two kingdoms, let alone two warring kingdoms. I was raised
learning the etiquette of God Kings and what it meant, what it took to rule. Is that not destiny?
It’s certainly not coincidence. Destiny is a very powerful force. It will always arrive no matter
who or what tries to stop it. It is an elephant to which we are nothing but the ants it steps on. We
cannot stop it, so why deny it? Accept it, accept me as your leader, as I accept you as my people.
And accept that I am not a monster or a villain. I am not evil for fun, for a rush of
adrenaline, I am not evil. In the end, none of these actions have been my choice, it is merely the
course of action that I am destined to take. The ones who do these dangerous things, cause these
damages you see before you, in both me and this city, by choice are the real villains. And if you
seek to name them, just look to your beloved Avengers who parade around leveling city blocks,
collapsing buildings, trapping the people inside them for “greater good.” Tell me, what greater
good have they achieved with this? You can also look to Asgard at the man they call their King,
Odin, and blame him. Blame all of Asgard, if you will, for enforcing his poisonous beliefs. Look
to everyone I have named for they are the villains who you should beg for mercy.


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