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Akhila Yellapragada • • • Atlanta, GA

University of Georgia | Athens, GA Expected Graduation: May 2025
Major: Computer Science
Terry College of Business
Certification: Financial Technology
Relevant Coursework: Software Development, Calculus I/II, Discrete Mathematics, Systems Programming, Data
Structures, Principles of FinTech, Theory of Computing
Languages: Java (4 years), Python (4 years), SQL (2 years), HTML (1 year), MATLAB (< 1 year), C (< 1 year)
Skills & Technologies: GitLab, GitHub, Unix, VS Code, Windows, TMTC Lab, TensorFlow, ESD Trained

Morgan Stanley | Incoming Technology Analyst Intern Starting June 2024

UGA Small-Satellite Research Laboratory| Mission Specialist October 2022 - Present

● Evaluating and executing the commands that will be sent to the spacecraft and its subsystems to ensure successful
uplink and transmission of payload on the Multiview Onboard Computational Imager cube satellite
● Researching optimal methods of command execution for efficient testing within the Mission Operations, Flight
Software, and Ground Station teams
● Implementing the concept of operations under the governance of NASA and the US Air Force Research Laboratory
to demonstrate mission readiness in preparation for the satellite launch
Synovus | FinTech Student Project Team January 2023 - May 2023
● Developing a report on financial literacy rates in the country and how immersive technology can be used to
supplement learning for academic and personal goals
● Analyzed current trends in immersive technology in the financial services & banking industry
Multiview Onboard Computational Imager (MOCI)
● Cube satellite that will acquire imagery from Earth’s surface in low-orbit and utilize custom Structure from Motion
algorithms to produce 3D models of Earth’s surface/landscapes
● Uses pre-trained machine learning algorithms to test object recognition on various man-made objects
Google Maps Midpoint Approximator
● Application designed to approximate the midpoint location between two given addresses and return nearby locations
● Designed and developed using Java/JavaFX, GSON Library
● Implemented Google Maps REST APIs: Distance Matrix, Geocoder, Nearby Search


Volunteer | Girls Who Code @ UGA Jan 2022 - Present
● Using custom lesson plans to teach students introductory concepts in computer science
● Mentoring and providing opportunities for over 50 women at local Athens schools to foster an interest in computing


● Dean’s List Honours
● 2022 HOPE Scholarship Recipient

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