Definition of Terms. Posi

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This is the name of the exam, which generally describes the body
part being imaged such as an ankle or knee series.
2. This refers to the position that the patient will be in when the
exposure is made (what direction the patient is facing).
3. describes the projected path of the primary x-ray beam
4. This describes what position the specific body part being examined
will be placed in relative to the film and the x-ray beam
5. described as having the patient standing or lying down, facing you
with the palms of the hands forward.
6. "upright"
7. lying down
8. patient is lying down & the x-ray beam is parallel to the horizon
9. Lying down on the back
10. Lying face down
11. lying down on the xx side
12. Position when the body is rotated so that the MS plane is
neither ⊥ nor ⁄⁄ to the film but at an angle
13. patient is prone & a horizontal beam is used
14. patient is supine & a horizontal beam is used
15. patient lying on the left lateral side & a horizontal beam is used
16. Refers to the path the beam takes through part
17. Beam enters the front surface and exits the back surface of the
18. Beam enters the back and exits the front of the part
19. projection that includes an angulation of the beam usually to the
long axis of the body part
20. projection obtained when the CR touches only along the edge
of a curved body part
21. front side of the patient
22. back side of the patient
23. Right or left side of the patient. When positioning a patient, right
or left lateral designates the side of the patient nearest to the film or
the side that the patient is lying on.
24. erect or marked by a vertical position.
25. the patient is in recumbent supine position, but the table is
angulated 45 degrees where head is positioned lower than the feet.
26. supine position with the head higher than the feet
27. a recumbent position with the patient lying on the left anterior
side (semiprone) with the left leg extended and the right knee and
thigh partially flexed.
28. a supine position with the knees and hip flexed and thighs
abducted and rotated externally, supported by ankle supports.
29. patient is rotated so that the left posterior part of the body is
closest to film.
30. patient is rotated so that the right posterior part of the body is
closest to film.
31. the patient remains supine, but the central ray is directed
32. Patient lies with right side of the body down and the central ray
is directed horizontally.
33. Patient lies with left side of body down and the central ray is
directed horizontally
34. patient is rotated so that the right anterior part of the body is
closest to the film.
35. patient is rotated so that the left anterior part of the body is
closest to the film.
36. palm of hand is facing up (forward) with the thumb facing away
from the midline of the body.
37. palm faces down (backward) with the thumb facing midline of
the body.
38. moving a body part towards the midline of the body.
39. - moving a body part away from the midline of the body
40. increasing the angle between two adjacent bones by
straightening a joint.
41. decreasing the angle between the adjacent bones by bending a
42. rotating or turning a body part in an outward (lateral) direction. •
43. rotating or turning a body part in an inward (medial) direction.
44. to turn around an axis.
45. towards the midline of the body from the normal anatomical
46. away from the midline of the body from the normal anatomical
47. circular movement of a limb
48. Tipping or slanting a body part slightly
49. a turning away from the regular standard or course.
50. refers to forward or front part of the body or to forward part of
an organ; superior surface of the foot is called dorsum or dorsal
51. refer to parts away from the head of the body.
52. refers to the mid area or main part of the organ.
53. refers to a part or parts on the opposite side of the body.
54. refer to parts toward the head of the body.
55. refers to a part far down or far from the surface.
56. refers to parts farthest from the point of attachment, point of
reference, origin, or beginning.
57. refers to a part outside of an organ or on the outside of the
58. refers to a part within or on the inside of an organ.
59. refers to a part on the same side of the body.
60. refers to parts away from the median plane of the body or away
from middle of a part to right or left.
61. refer to parts toward median plane of the body or toward middle
of a part
62. refers to parts at or near the surface, edge, or outside of a body
63. refers to the sole of the foot.
64. refers to the back of a part or organ.
65. refers to parts nearer to the point of attachment, point of
reference, origin or beginning.
66. refers to a part near the skin or surface.
67. Some times ____ can be used on the cassette
68. restriction of the useful x-ray beam to the anatomy being
69. It reduces the volume of tissue irradiated and the absolute dose
because of the scatter radiation.
70. the end result of an exacting technical procedure.
71. is the term applied to the science of the structure of the body
72. is the study of the function of the body organs.
73. is the detailed study of the body of knowledge relating to the
bones of the body.
74. the general form of the body that determines the size, shape,
position, tonus, and motility of the internal organs.
75. it passes vertically through the midline of the body from front to
back, diving it into equal right and left portions
76. passes vertically through the coronal suture of the cranium and
extends inferiorly through the trunks and limbs at right angles to the
median sagittal plane.
77. passes crosswise through the body at right angles to its
longitudinal axis and to the median sagittal and coronal planes,
dividing it into superior and inferior portions. –
78. plane passing through the body at right angles to its longitudinal
79. is any plane that does not conform to the three descriptions
(midsagittal, midcoronal, horizontal)
80. dividing the head into superior and inferior.
81. dividing the head into cranial and facial
82. refers to the hole of the ear.
83. located at the level or in between the eyebrow.
84. refers to the roof of the nose
85. located below the nasal septum and at the level of the maxillae.
86. located at the middle portion of the chin.
87. referring to the angle of the mandible.
88. referring to the external occipital protuberance.
89. referring to the corners of the eyes.
90. located on the medial corner of the eye.
91. located on the lateral corner of the eye.
92. the topmost portion of the head
93. located below the eye.
94. located above the eye.
95. a line drawn from the glabella to EAM.
96. a line drawn from the canthus to the EAM.
97. a line drawn from the acanthion to EAM.
98. a line drawn from the mental point to EAM.
99. a line drawn from the infra-orbital ridge to the EAM
100. a line drawn from the supraorbital ridge to EAM
101. a line drawn across the pupil of the eyes.
102. considered “ average ”
103. are long from front to back
104. is short from front to back
105. Body habitus with 5%
106. Body habitus with 50%
107. Body habitus with 10%
108. Body habitus with 35%
109. Body Habitus that is most difficult to classify.
110. The larger Cavity
111. Smaller of the two main cavities
112. How many bones are there in the face
KEY TO ANSWER: 34. Right anterior oblique
35. Left anterior oblique
1. Radiographic view 36. Supination
2. Patient’s position 37. Pronation
3. Central ray 38. Adduction
4. Body part position 39. Abduction
5. Anatomical position 40. Extension
6. Erect 41. Flexion
7. Recumbent 42. Eversion
8. Decubitus 43. Inversion
9. Supine 44. Rotate
10. Prone 45. Medial rotation
11. Xx lateral recumbent 46. Lateral rotation
12. Oblique 47. Circumduction
13. Ventral decubitus 48. Tilt
14. Dorsal decubitus 49. Deviation
15. Left lateral decubitus 50. Anterior
16. Projection 51. Caudal
17. Anteroposterior 52. Central
projection (AP) 53. Contralateral
18. Posteroanterior 54. Cephalad
projection (PA) 55. Deep
19. Axial 56. Distal
20. Tangential 57. External
21. Anterior 58. Internal
22. Posterior 59. Ipsilateral
23. Lateral 60. Lateral
24. Upright 61. Median
25. Trendelenburg 62. Peripheral
26. Fowler’s position 63. Dorsal
27. Sim’s position 64. Posterior
28. Lithotomy position 65. Proximal
29. Left posterior oblique 66. Superficial
30. Right posterior oblique 67. Lead tape
31. Cross-table lateral 68. Collimation
32. Right dorsal decubitus 69. Collimation
33. left lateral decubitus 70. Radiograph
71. Anatomy 105. Hypersthenic
72. Physiology 106. Sthenic
73. Osteology 107. Asthenic
74. Body habitus 108. Hyposthenic
75. Medial sagittal plane 109. Hyposthenic
(midsagittal) 110. Ventral cavity
76. Medial Coronal plane 111. Dorsal cavity
77. Horizontal plane 112. 14 facial bones
78. Horizontal plane
79. Oblique plane
80. Anthropological plane
81. Orbitomeatal plane
82. EAM (External
Auditory Meatus)
83. Glabella
84. Nasion
85. Acanthion
86. Mental point
87. Gonion
88. Inion
89. Canthus
90. Inner canthus
91. Outer canthus
92. Vertex
93. Infraorbital margin
94. Supraorbital margin
95. Glabellomeatal line
96. Orbitomeatal line
97. Acanthiomeatal line
98. Mentomeatal line
99. Inframetal line
100. Supra-orbitomeatal
101. Interpupillary line
102. Mesocephalic
103. Doliocephalic
104. Brachycephalic

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