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Youth Creating A peaceful

Planting Seeds of Peace: How Youth Can Create a
Sustainable and Harmonious Future

When talking about peace, it is easy to think of the absence of war or violence. But
in a more micro scope, peace can be in the form of positive values such as empathy,
compassion, and justice even in a neighborhood or family. But the question I often
ask myself is, when can we have peace? More precisely not when but since when
we can build and contribute to peace. none other than young is the most common
answer, If you can start early why wait for later.

Youth can be an important part of peacebuilding, in small ways we as youth are able
to create and instill the process of forming peace in the form of harmony for others.
Another small step can be spreading love to friends, family or others. It looks very
trivial but these are the things that can bring us young people to maintain peace. And
if we make a habit of it, gradually we as young people will be able to provide
tremendous peace and impact. Other parts, there is one quote from Kofi Annan, the
former Secretary-General of the United Nations, who I admire very much, “The

Youth Creating A peaceful Future 1

young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. It is therefore imperative that we
invest in their education, their health, and their overall well-being."

What we plant will change the future that is the opinion that I captured from the
quote above, also I think if from young we can overcome small problems in the
future big problems are not a scary obstacle. Youth can participate in promoting
peace and building a peaceful environment both now and in the future if they can
overcome and familiarize themselves with positive activities. In addition, activities
that we can start are joining the community, in the community we as youth can
develop leadership skills as well as public speaking. Peacebuilding communities are
also great for opening up relationships and opportunities to share ideas, thoughts
and opinions with each other. For me, the government is obliged to fund and build
support for the existing youth community so that it can reach its full potential
because with great support from the government, it can pave the way for better
peacebuilding and clearer direction.

In 2023, the technological aspect is also an important part of building peace, with
technological advances being able to encourage strong activities and information
rates that can be used by youth to exchange information, exchange stories and
share experiences with each other. Unlike in the past when technology was not
present, all activities such as meeting to give letters or other things were so limited,
but with the presence of technology even young people who are far away in any
country can share with each other, what's more with the proficiency of young people
using gadgets from time to time it does not rule out that the sustainability of peace
building by young people is easier to control. The continuity of youth in the
development of peace is very large and is seeded from activities that do not need to
start from big things first, even the participation of government and technology as
described above is enough as a root for youth to be able to plant countless seeds of
peace trees. In my opinion, youth are valuable assets that can develop and maintain
peace both from outside and from within themselves and their surroundings.

In a larger space, it may be the government that regulates policies regarding war or
an act of violence, but the people can also make qualified efforts for peacebuilding,
especially young people like you and those who have different visions and missions
but still one fight in peace, it happens to be different but still one fight is the motto of
my country Indonesia, which is often called bhinneka tinggal ika, which teaches me

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that peace can be learned even though we are different likes, nations, races, and
religions. It is possible that the ideas or thoughts of a young person can be
meaningful in the future, youth activists and organizations in peacebuilding efforts
around the world are widespread, not a few forms of achievements that have been
passed such as addressing discrimination and prejudice, addressing conflict
resolution, addressing environmental issues, and more.

Finally, peace is a basic human value that must be nurtured and protected at all
levels of society. It is the key to a better future. That's all from me, warm regards and
peace from here in Indonesia.

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