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A Thesis

Presented to

The Thesis Committee Department

Department of Criminal Justice Education

UM Tagum College

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Criminology




March 2020


A disaster not having to occur in any areas does not disclose the

possibility that it will not happen. Thus, with today’s environmental changes

and havocs, it is a necessity for people around the world to be prepare of

natural disasters. This is done through acquiring knowledge in order to

prepare for calamities. In the Philippines, the National Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Council serves as the country’s adviser towards

disaster preparedness, disaster operations and rehabilitation efforts. They

extend their reach into advising local barangays, municipalities, cities and the

country as a whole. The researchers conducted this study to assess the

observations of residents of Barangay San Miguel, Libuganon and

Pagsabangan towards the level of emergency management. The data was

gathered through the use of survey questionnaires, have it statistically

measured and analyzed. The results reveal that these residents have overall

high observation regards the efforts and activities of the personnel of

NDRRMC. The indicators are observed as arranged from highest to lowest

are communication, control, and coordination. All of these are observed highly

by the respondents as being duly performed. Further research would

hopefully include a more in-depth reasoning and evaluation from the


Keywords: National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council,

disasters, disaster preparedness, Philippines


Chapter 1



Globally, natural disasters and man-caused calamitous occasions to

have occurred in numerous spots. These disasters have not just made

gigantic enduring individuals' lives and property, yet in addition influenced the

security of society, and such calamities may happen the world over whenever.

With its unpredictable nature, the issue lies on the preparedness and

awareness of citizens living in nearby areas. In this manner, the local

government units have been turning in constant preparation to educate and

equip its citizens for the inevitable calamities. Crisis the executives is the

control and calling of applying science, innovation, arranging and the

executives to manage extraordinary occasions that can deliver broad harm

and it is regularly conceptualized as a complex multi-target advancement

issue concerning how to unravel the crisis circumstance with restricted assets

(Zhou, 2011).

In the Philippines, Typhoon Sendong was the nineteenth tropical

twister to hit the Philippines in 2011, which attacking various urban areas and

territories, Mindanao specifically, with annihilating downpours and blaze

floods released to the ill-equipped networks. Drawing on exercises from flood

chance administration universally there are ways forward in creating flood

moderation systems for deltaic urban areas in the locale, which merit further

investigation. There is an urgent need to conduct this study in order to assess

the activities and interventions that the government agencies particularly the

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council perform to raise

awareness to its constituents (Faith Ka Shun Chan; Mitchell; Adekola and

McDonald 2012).

Here in Region XI, a significant segment here is rugged, portrayed by

broad mountain ranges with lopsided circulation of levels and swamps. The

mountain go on the western side stretches out far down to South Cotabato.

This mountain extend is the seat of Mt. Apo, the most noteworthy top in the

nation. It uncovers danger defenselessness appraisal, chance evaluation and

spells the ability and limit of all worry elements through capacity examination.

It likewise contains the particular jobs and elements of key players in crisis the

executives just as the assets accessible (Kumar, M. 2012).

However, the researcher created a specific contribution and generate

new information regarding the evaluation of emergency management in three

barangays in Tagum City, Davao del Norte, namely: Barangay San Miguel,

Pagsabangan and Libuganon. It is within the context that the researcher is

interested to work out the link of disaster operation plan. It solely shows that

this study will raise and lead awareness to the supposed beneficiaries of this

study and presumably develop action arrange, so it is intended to conduct this


Research Objectives

This study conducted to determine the influence of evaluation of

emergency management in Barangay San Miguel, Pagsabangan and


Libuganon. Specifically, the study conducted to seek answers to the following


1. To assess the level of evaluation of Emergency Management in

Barangay San Miguel, Pagsabangan and Libuganon in terms of:

1.1 Communication;

1.2 Coordination; and

1.3 Control.

2. To design a Disaster Operation Plan based on the result of the level

of Emergency Management in Brgy. San Miguel, Pagsabangan and


Review of Related Literature

Facts, theories, concepts, information, readings and views, related to

evaluation of emergency management in Barangay San Miguel,

Pagsabangan and Libuganon, are presented in this part of the study.

Evaluation of Emergency

Emergency Alternative Evaluation and Selection (EAES) is one of the

significant exercises in crisis the board. Proficient crisis elective for both

regular and man-caused catastrophes to can lessen the harm and setbacks.

Crisis elective is a gathering of methodology to be actualized if there should

arise an occurrence of a calamitous occasion circumstance including

correspondence, arranging, activity, hazard investigation, operational help,

calculated help, and whatever is important to lessen mishap impacts (Ju and

Wang 2012).

Furthermore, the key execution pointers created concentrated on very

much arranged crisis alleviation supply framework, sensible hierarchical

structure and away from of duties, money related guaranteeing measures and

earlier arranging of calculated focuses and asylums, government's interest in

arranging and organizing, the contribution and backing of armed force,

insights and criticism of misfortune data, assessment on the proficiency and

adequacy of the administration framework (Zhang, 2010).

Through the literature review and meetings with specialists in crisis the

executives place. Before, crisis the executives place would in general utilize a

solitary list as its objective for choosing crisis elective, for example, reaction

speed, reaction time, salvage ability, and salvage gear. Be that as it may, a

solitary file can't speak to the crisis elective's general exhibition, nor would it

be able to be utilized to assess the presentation of crisis elective (Ju & Wang,


Besides, the recurrence of general wellbeing catastrophes has been

quickly expanding around the world. Despite the fact that the reaction of

medical clinics to crises brought about by these calamities has notably

improved, we despite everything face numerous difficulties. Crisis the board is

a moderately new field of research in China. The serious intense respiratory

disorder (SARS) scourge in 2003 brought about noteworthy increments in

both the measure of research and the quantity of papers on crisis the board.

The snow debacle and the Wenchuan tremor in 2008 constrained analysts to

rethink the structure of crisis the board inquire about (Xin, 2012).

Another issue is that we regularly need a gathering of evaluators,

instead of an evaluator, to direct crisis the management’s assessment. The

explanation is that numerous criteria require various points of view of various

individuals as one evaluator might not have enough information to well survey

alone. Crisis the management’s assessment includes different assessment

perspectives and each may have various criteria and furthermore sub-criteria.

These viewpoints, criteria and sub-criteria may have singular loads, and some

utilization emotional and some utilization target information for assessment

(Lu, CC. 2012).

The shipping business of China had formed into another stage, the

consistent amphibian traffic had made sea crisis happened oftentimes which

brought gigantic death toll property and sea condition contamination. Sea

crisis is characterized as crisis occurring on water and representing an

impending danger to wellbeing, life, property, or condition, which has the

qualities of assorted variety, intricacy, abrupt, ruinous tendency, etc. The

assessment on crisis capacity of oceanic crisis is a significant and viable

approach to escalate the development of the reaction capacity of sea crisis.

Moreover, it can distinguish the crisis framework's qualities and shortcoming,

which gives a significant way to improve the capacity of forestalling and

arranging water crisis (Wu, J. and Yang, J. 2014).

In addition, the quantity of general wellbeing crises has expanded

around the world. Significant crises incorporate fiascos brought about by

ecological debasement, spreading of rising or reappearing irresistible

infections, anthropogenic compound, natural, or atomic contamination, and


clashes because of social issues, financial awkwardness, and social tribalism

(Yantao, X. 2011).

Also, the Risk Management Board’s exercises are attempted in special

and testing conditions. Envisioning these conditions gives the establishment

to recognizing the abilities, frameworks, and methods required to organize

and oversee reaction. It isn't simply operational issues that should be

considered. Preparing is the precise procurement of information, abilities, and

mentalities with the objective of creating capabilities essential for successful

execution in workplaces (Sinclair, 2011).

Evaluation forms capacity to upgrade hierarchical learning comparable

to anticipated enhancements in limit and ability, and bolster substantive

responsibility in manners that add to generally speaking crisis the

management’s adequacy and educated dynamic. Appraisal joins two ideas:

observing and assessment. Checking is a persistent procedure that gives

signs of consistence obligations, and progress, or deficiency in that

department, in the accomplishment of results. Assessment estimates

adequacy by contrasting real and expected objectives, destinations, and

targets (MCDEM, 2010).

Furthermore, assessment centers can permit both explicit parts of

complex and multi-faceted crisis the executive jobs and errands to be created

and rehearsed separately and, by utilizing various activities and recreations,

give a chance to members to incorporate them thus encourage a

progressively all-encompassing valuation for the general debacle the board

job. Complete inclusion of basic jobs and skills additionally renders the

appraisal community a reasonable vehicle for crisis administrator

determination and preparing (Fagel, 2010).

Likewise, to the utilization of situational tests, and their master

perception and assessment to evaluate execution, the appraisal Center

strategy is a fitting asset for creating catastrophe the management’s

capabilities. To encourage explicit expertise advancement, the experiential

parts of appraisal Center's cultivate the improvement of center psychological

capabilities that are central to crisis execution. This action compares to

utilizing topic specialists in assessment centers and in the utilization of the

basic episode technique to preparing needs examination (FEMA, 2010).

Public health emergency regulations in China define public health

emergencies as “unexplained diseases, major food or drinking water and

occupation poisoning, and other serious public health events which suddenly

occur, thereby causing major infectious diseases or even serious damage to

public health groups”. Therefore, strengthening the effective prevention and

timely dispatch of public health emergency in rural areas is vital. For this

reason, the emergency management mechanism in rural areas has gradually

become the focus of the government and society (Hau, Kim, Lee & Kim,


The fast development in total populace and expanded human fixations

in risky conditions have prompted increments in both the recurrence and

seriousness of catastrophic events. Thus, the quantity of individuals

influenced by cataclysmic events keeps on rising. Faced with unpredictable

crisis occasions, people must be proactive in managing them, including


building up complete crisis readiness frameworks and crisis dynamic

hypothesis and strategies. A significant element of offbeat crisis occasions is

that they frequently happen out of the blue, as on account of fear monger

assaults, quakes, etc (Haghani and Afshar, 2009; Bozorgi-Amiri, Jabalameli,

& Hashem, 2013).

Moreover, specialized constraints and different variables make it hard

to precisely anticipate emergencies. Along these lines, vulnerability about the

hour of event and lacking data about the seriousness and degree of the effect

establish the essential highlights of capricious crisis occasions. This

vulnerability makes it hard to portray unusual crisis occasions exactly with a

quantitative model and hypothesis. Auspicious and compelling dynamic is

basic in helping individuals who are made powerless by cataclysmic events,

while postponed and mistaken dynamic may render crisis reaction ineffectual

and bring about expanded torment (Chen, Wang, Wu, Yan & Zhu, 2010).

A crisis represents extra difficulties to crisis directors. This should be

considered while considering data preparing in crisis circumstances, and

while targeting supporting subjective capacities. Human intellectual preparing

in crises is unique in relation to subjective handling in business or different

situations. Circumstances in crisis the board include high unpredictability and

stress. Crisis the board and a fruitful reaction to a crisis circumstance

exceptionally rely upon whether choices are being taken in a compelling and

convenient way. Dynamic in crises spread a wide scope of choices to be

taken, from announcing a highly sensitive situation, giving a departure, to

choices on explicit operational alternatives, contingent additionally upon the

chief's level in the direction structure (Comfort & Wukich, 2013).


Moreover, as the two share many analytical techniques, such as

simulation, gaming, trade-off analysis, cost–benefit analysis, and other

qualitative techniques. Such analysis relies heavily on information technology

to produce correct R&D results and avoid various barriers. It is true that

emergency management R&D has focused on the essence of organizational

solutions by supporting centralized policy and control; that is, many problems

around emergency management R&D have been solved by improving the role

of an organization, and not that of individuals (Hoop & Ruben, 2010).

In addition, factionalism may be viewed as a matter of inter-agent

capacity in the field of emergency management. Agents include firefighters,

civil engineers, and other professions in Korea. By comparison, English-

speaking nations have developed more specific terms such as hazard, risk,

and crisis, as well as emergency, disaster, and incident (National Emergency

Management Agency [NEMA], 2012).

Crisis readiness and reaction is a center national government

obligation unmistakably explained in a few key reports, for example, the

Emergency Management Act and the Federal Policy for Emergency

Management. Exercises likewise adjust extensively with key Government of

Canada needs. Creating and strengthening this comprehension among staff

and the board will encourage activations by expanding the program of

workers arranged for them. Administrative deterrents may likewise be

overwhelmed by supporting administration who work with a diminished staff

supplement because of preparation, or by exploring corporate needs through

a planned procedure during exceptional enactments (Public Health Agency of

Canada, 2018).

Assessment mastery from the country over, speaking to numerous

orders of assessment, including instruction, modern/hierarchical brain

research, and general wellbeing. Members self-chose into explicit Kirkpatrick

level gatherings as per self-distinguished zones of topic ability. A readiness

plan might be seen upon because of possibility arranging, i.e., arranging

against startling, undesired, yet by the by sensible situations. Right now,

single readiness plan is generally expected to be executed against a specific

component of risk. For example, a readiness plan against a flood crisis won't

be indistinguishable from an arrangement against an atomic crisis (Hites,


At the nearby level, the dispersion of jobs and obligations turns out to

be progressively perplexing. Contingent upon the network in question and the

idea of crises happening, there can be a wide scope of partners included. This

assessment demonstrates that ambiguities do exist in such manner.

Specifically, some First Nations people group stay unsure with regards to the

degree of their duty in managing crises, from proclaiming the crisis itself to

completing the necessary exercises under the four mainstays of crisis the

executives. Possibility the board is to embrace different customized possibility

the management’s strategies to accomplish the best impact of avoidance,

fore-notice, reaction and aura all through the crisis (Yang, J.Q, 2014).

The emergency management plans relate to the response

and management of emergencies affecting the enterprise. The method also

includes evaluating the business recovery plans, system recovery plans,

and emergency management plans and calculating plan metrics for the

business recovery plans, system recovery plans, and emergency


management plans independently and separately from each other. The plan

metrics are calculated in response to an evaluation of the business recovery

plans, the system recovery plans, and the emergency management plans

(Journal of Engineering; Atlanta, 2014).

Productive crisis elective for both normal and man-caused debacles to

can lessen the harm and losses. Crisis elective is a gathering of methods to

be executed if there should arise an occurrence of a disastrous occasion

circumstance including correspondence, arranging, activity, hazard

examination, operational help, calculated help, and whatever is important to

diminish mishap impacts. It frequently works in a tangled, befuddled, and

divided condition and includes an assortment of administrative and

nongovernmental offices, including fire, crisis clinical administrations, medical

clinics, police, and general wellbeing, with covering purviews and contending

plans and interests (Fogli and Guida 2013).

Additionally, there might be a few leaders in the crisis the board

community partaking in the assessment of up-and-comers together during the

assessment and choice procedure. Be that as it may, Emergency elective

assessment and determination (EAES) is one of the significant exercises in

crisis the executives, in spite of the basic significance of crisis elective

administration, just a constrained measure of related looks into have been

completed (Ju and Wang, 2012).

Crisis elective assessment and determination is one of the most

significant exercises in crisis the executives. In view of time pressure,

absence of experience, and character, specialists frequently assess the


criteria and sub-criteria as phonetic thing, and the assessing criteria of crisis

elective determination issue are regularly associated. In any case, there were

a few remarks that recuperation is centered essentially around returning

evacuees to their networks and reestablishing harmed framework. It was felt

by some that more should be possible to assist networks with managing the

injury of crises and reestablishing administration following an occasion (JLo

and Chen, 2012).


Communication and mindfulness programs are altogether and over and

over talked about to people, network, and even in association levels to

alleviate the developing rate of fiasco chance and limit setbacks. The fiasco

mindfulness and readiness programs are ceaselessly led since it is a

painstakingly planned and made crisis plan that expects to instruct local

people and make them mindful of the outcomes. It is a lot of basic to build

their insight and demeanor towards common and man-made calamities to

adapt up to its antagonistic impacts (Ejeta, Ardalan, & Paton, 2015).

Knowledge management and communication means have been

studied for several years and has played a major role in disasters and

emergencies. After the 9/11 events in the USA, there was a need for crisis

response information systems in the emergency management domain.

Different types of knowledge have been identified in the knowledge

management literature: explicit vs. tacit, esoteric vs. exoteric, procedural vs.

declarative, and shallow vs. deep. As mentioned above, an emergency plan of

an infrastructure is a document which includes information on warning


systems, safety equipment, building maps, evacuation routes, main risks,

response procedures, emergency drills, coordination, etc. In the absence of

any kind of standard of emergency plan, countries around the world have

released guides or laws which define a minimum content of plans and which

are recommended for use in organizations (Hau, Kim, Lee & Kim, 2013).

In addition, the Emergency and Issue Management Directorate is as of

now gathering information identified through the communication and with the

quantity of understandings set up and the quantity of crisis the executives

designs set up in networks. These markers measure just a part of the work

being embraced and don't give an extremely valuable measure all alone as

there are signs that the plans set up are of low quality, are out dated and have

not been tried. Beside these couple of pointers, there was no technique set up

to gauge and report the program's outcomes, best practices and exercises

learned. The Directorate has built up establishing squares, for example, the

improvement of a departmental crisis the board plan, and procedures to work

and speak with provincial workplaces. On that premise, the Directorate hopes

to build up an exhibition estimation system (Ju, Wang & Liu, 2012).

In the course of the most recent fifty years medication has

progressively moved away from episodic replication of training designs

educated during preparing and grasped proof-based medication. This change

is most unequivocally encapsulated by the far-reaching distribution and

dispersal of clinical practice rules by clinical strength social orders, human

services organizations, and legislative bodies. Such rules mean to propel the

nature of human services conveyance by condensing the best accessible

proof so as to quicken information interpretation and diminish varieties


practically speaking (Venkatesh, Arjun K; Savage, Dan; Sandefur, Benjamin;

Bernar, Kenneth R; Rothenberg, Craig; Schuur, Jeremiah D, 2017).

Crisis the board assessment is one of the significant pieces of ERM. It

plans to assess social readiness and hierarchical capacity for related crisis

working focuses and authoritative frameworks in distinguishing, investigating,

and treating crisis dangers, and to make a more secure network by

suggesting treatment choices. It joins a wide scope of measures to oversee

dangers to networks. In any case, the procedure may surface a lot of unsure

components, which incorporates a person's job weight in the assessment

procedure, a person's inclination and comprehension for a crisis working

framework (Lu, 2007).


Fiasco wellbeing instruction must be excessively accentuated on the

grounds that when catastrophes happen, there is no more opportunity for

direction and talk on what to do. The period before the cataclysm must be

seen as the arrangement stage for a potential disaster to happen. It is to be

given more consideration that the being ill-equipped expands the danger of

life and demise among local people. When there is no assistance accessible

during cataclysms, it is up to the person's information about debacle hazard

the board on how they can spare their selves. That is the reason the

respondents have profoundly watched the endeavors and exercises of the

faculty from government agencies into giving them fiasco hazard training

since it is for their own advantage too (Ahmad, Balkhyour, Abokhashabah,

Ismail, & Rehan, 2017).


Furthermore, rescuers and volunteers regularly so experience

incredible weight and uneasiness in the quest for sparing another person's life

yet they should keep their cool. They worry about the concern of their

obligations as occupants place their trust and trust in the authority of these

faculty. However, regardless of this, so as to guarantee that everybody's

wellbeing, feelings and mental states are consistently in charge (Bordon,


Moreover, during exceptionally distressing circumstances, for example,

experiencing crises and calamities makes the body into battle or flight mode.

This is just normal for individuals; be that as it may, the rescuers consistently

keep up their self-restraint in spite of the nervousness working inside them.

These experiences cause the body to overproduce the pressure and hinders

the basic considering part mind. In this way, overproduction of stress

hormones represses the intellectual ability to consider routes so as to endure.

That is the reason the rescuers keep their quiet and don't freeze with the goal

that they think straight and spare different lives (Gross, 2016).

Furthermore, catastrophes not just legitimately cause loss of human

lives and property, yet in addition genuinely harm the solidness of our social

orders. A tight control of government, its agencies and constituents is

imperative to responding in national emergencies. Speedier and appropriate

crisis reactions are required for such debacles. Crisis doesn't just allude to

calamities or disasters. Littler problematic occasions can be called crises too.

So, crisis is characterized as a fast-approaching genuine occasion that

undermines individuals, property, or the earth. Crises require composed and

fast reactions. Crisis reaction capacity is the capacity to take activities to


manage fiascos adequately as they happen. Crisis reaction exercises are led

during the period that starts from the identification of a crisis occasion and

finishes at the adjustment of the circumstance (Chen et al., 2012).

Furthermore, Emergency response is one kind of public services

provided by government. ERDSS is an important feature of e-Government.

Many governments agencies desire to improve their emergency response

abilities with the help of technology such as ERDSS when they establish e-

Government in order to protect human lives and properties, minimize losses,

and maintain economic and social development in a sustainable manner. A

timely and effective ERDSS in e-Government should assist decision makers

in evaluating risks and selecting appropriate solutions rapidly once

emergencies occur. It also should have the function of commanding and

coordinating personnel involved in emergency responses. In addition, it

should provide differentiated services at each response phase to meet

requirement (Li, 2012).


A good coordination among the catastrophe hazard the board

chambers, network and government is basic and a center movement

previously and during disasters. These all-around composed members may

distinguish operational issues and answers for successful and proficient

reactions prompting sparing endless lives. Moreover, in consonance to further

investigations, it is difficult to organize numerous individuals on the double

particularly that it requires a precise methodology in all activities. This

coordination is a methodology to be embedded in the complete arrangement


of emergency the board. The work force must be stretching out their

connections to the network and government so as to handily arrange with

them since this coordination is essential to lessen dangers and misfortunes

coming about because of disasters. Despite the fact that debacle don't

happen consistently, they can at present occur and the losses are destroying.

Along these lines, the readiness and coordination of the staff, network and

nearby specialists can be compelling in decreasing the unsalvageable

impacts (Bahadori, Khankeh, Zaboli, & Malmir, 2015; Kaynak Tuğer, 2013).

Besides, there are a few issues should be considered for directing

crisis the board assessment for related crisis working focuses/frameworks

(EOC/S). The first is the assurance of assessment criteria and their degrees

of significance to the prerequisites of the crisis tasks. Crisis the executive’s

assessment includes different assessment viewpoints and coordination

among its constituents and each may have numerous criteria and furthermore

sub-criteria. These perspectives, criteria and sub-criteria may have singular

loads, and some utilization abstract and some utilization target information for

assessment. Multi-criteria dynamic (MCDM) alludes to settling on choice for

choices within the sight of various and clashing criteria (Attorney-General’s

Department, Australian Government 2004).

Foremost, with the fast improvement of our economy, coordination is

being closely knit between government, its agencies, oligarchs, and big

business investors. However, the growing business between governments

such the delivery business of China had formed into another stage, the steady

sea-going traffic had made sea crisis happened as often as possible which

brought huge death toll property and oceanic condition contamination. Sea

crisis is characterized as crisis occurring on water and representing an

impending danger to wellbeing, life, property, or condition, which has the

attributes of assorted variety, multifaceted nature, abrupt, ruinous tendency,

etc. Maritime crisis can be partitioned into water catastrophic events, oceanic

car crashes, water contamination mishaps, security occasions based on the

qualities and instruments of water crisis. Possibility the executives is to

embrace different modified possibility the executive’s techniques to

accomplish the best impact of avoidance, fore-notice, reaction and air all

through the crisis (Wu, 2014).

In this manner, crisis the executives have been turning into a significant

issue, as of late. Crisis the executives is the control and calling of applying

science, innovation, arranging and the executives to manage outrageous

occasions that can deliver broad harm and it is frequently conceptualized as a

complex multi-target enhancement issue concerning how to illuminate the

crisis circumstance with constrained assets. Crisis elective assessment and

choice (EAES) is one of the significant exercises in crisis the board. Effective

crisis elective for both normal and man-caused catastrophes to can diminish

the harm and losses. Crisis elective is a gathering of techniques to be

actualized if there should arise an occurrence of a cataclysmic occasion

circumstance including correspondence, arranging, activity, hazard

examination, operational help, calculated help, and whatever is important to

diminish mishap impacts. (Zhou et al. 2011).

Through a more detailed study of the different activities related to the

EPM lifecycle, more information on the responsibilities of the different

stakeholders involved can be provided. Examples are risk analysis,


emergency drills, training, staff perception, control in the emergency plan

development, and coordination, among other activities. Including knowledge

management in EPM also brings other benefits, which have been grouped

into six types related to QuEP maturity levels: including context-sensitive,

improving dissemination of information, including contextual information in

decision-making, increasing awareness of stakeholders, updating and

maintaining current emergency plans, and improving audits. Knowledge

management thus adds value in the construction of the emergency plan and

its management, and improves the organization’s EPM maturity level (Canós-

Cerdá, Sánchez-Díaz, Orts, Penadés, Gómez & Borges, 2014).

Theoretical Framework

This study anchored in the theory of Comfort 2007, which states that

the role of cognition substantially alters the interaction among the familiar

three C’s of emergency management: Communication, Coordination, and

Control. Cognition is the triggering insight of emerging risk that initiates the

emergency response process.

And supported by the proposition of Ju and Wang (2012) which

expresses that, disaster alternatives is an assortment of methodologies to be

actualized if there should arise an occurrence of a cataclysmic occasion

situation with respect to verbal trade, making arrangements, development,

risk investigation, operational assistance, strategic assistance, and anything is

essential to diminish mishap influences.

Emergency management and a successful response to an emergency

and crisis circumstance exceptionally rely upon whether choices are being

taken in a successful and opportune way. Far reaching inclusion of basic jobs

and skills additionally renders the appraisal community a reasonable vehicle

for crisis administrator choice and preparing (Fagel, 2010).

Conceptual Framework

Presented in Figure 1 is the conceptual framework of the study. The

one and solely Independent variable refers to evaluation of emergency

management in Barangay San Miguel, Pagsabangan and Libuganon with the

following indicators: Communication the act of conveying meanings from one

entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs,

symbols, and semiotic rules.  Reasons variously cited for the disparity.

Coordination, the practice of people or greater entities working in common

with commonly agreed upon goals and possibly methods, instead of working

separately in competition. Control, the ability to influence what is happening or

what will happen (Comfort, 2007).




Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may serve as the basis formulating ideas in

evaluation of emergency management for the residence in Barangay San

Miguel, Pagsabangan and Libuganon on how to assess themselves in dealing

with different types of situation and circumstances. The local government unit

will utilize this as their assessment either to conduct more awareness program

or move to the next level of preparation. The National Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Council may use the information gathered as to how these

citizens be given more assistance in their preparation. With the results of this

study, they will also assess for themselves which activities and areas they

must give more emphasis while maintaining others. Also, it provides additional

information and data to respective resident in barangay’s with regards to

handling oneself. The outcomes of the study may provide insights to them for

having harmonious relationship within the circumstances. For the general

public, this study highlights the performance of NDRRMC on these local

barangays and assess their confidence and trust in the agency.

Furthermore, the results of this study may eventually benefit the above-

mentioned since; this study is conducted to determine evaluation of

emergency management for the residences in Barangay San Miguel,

Pagsabangan and Libuganon. It may encourage and enable them to make

greater progress. Finally, the findings of this study may provide the future

researcher a starting point on how to expand the coverage of the research in

terms of variables covered in this study.


Definition of Terms

In order for the reader to have a better understanding on the

terminologies used in this study, the following term is defined operationally.

Evaluation of emergency management. The term refers to the way

towards getting ready efficiently for future possibilities, including significant

occurrences and calamities. The arrangement is typically an archive, shared

among members and partners that determine assignments and obligations

embraced in the multi-organization reaction to the crisis.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, research locale, population

and sample, research instrument, data collection and statistical tools.

Research Design

This study used a quantitative non-experimental research design

utilizing co-relational technique. This method used when the objectives is

trying to describe the status of the situation as it is existing at the time of the

study to explore the causes of a particular phenomenon. In correlation

research, it involves collecting data in order to determine whether the degree

of relationship exist between two or more quantifiable variables (Gay, 2006).

This survey deals on the quantitative data about the said phenomena if

it’s truly existed. The quantitative aspects are an appropriate schedule for

gathering data designed for the target respondents to answer the questions.

The process of gathering the data was based through the use of

questionnaire. The focus of this study was to Evaluation of Emergency


Research Locale

The findings are specific to the context of the national highway in

Tagum City. The possibility for the general applicability of the findings was

limited by scope, and sample. The barangays – San Miguel, Pagsabangan


and Libuganon are chosen because there are areas identified to be prone

with flooding whenever calamities occur.

Accordingly, even though there could be common features, the findings

may not have been general applicability to other system. Presented in figure 2

is the vicinity map of Tagum city, highlighting Barangay San Miguel,

Pagsabangan and Libuganon.

Tagum City is a significant region of the ten unified Davao regions

since June 23, 1941. Turned into a part city of Davao del Norte Province by

ideals of RA 8472 last walk 7, 1998. Just 56 kilometers from Davao City or 1-

hour travel by means of engine vehicle. Nearby with other advancement

attempts of the city, foundation improvement is on the bleeding edge.

Premier, the nearby government persistently organized tasks that helped

support open authorizations establishment of the city. One of this is the crisis

the management’s framework.

The location of the respondents is located at the above-mentioned

specified at Barangay San Miguel, Pagsabangan and Libuganon.

Furthermore, the place of the respondents in conducting the study is located

in Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines.


Figure 2. The Vicinity Map of Tagum City

Population and Sample


Complete enumeration used in the selection of the respondents. The

subjects of the study were the people who affectedly injure pain that cause of

strong phenomena and circumstances as it exists. The citizens residing in the

Barangays San Miguel, Pagsabangan and Libuganon are chosen as samples

in this study because they have experienced firsthand the effects of calamities

in their areas. These areas in Tagum City are prone to experiencing flooding

because of the geographical attributes where their barangay is located. The

citizens of these barangays are chosen to answer these research questions in

order for them to give their evaluation. They are to rate the areas concerned

such as the communication, control, and coordination among the NDRRMC

staffs. Their assessment on the NDRRMC’s actions and programs are

necessary for this study.

Research Instrument

The instrument survey in the study was adapted to the survey of

(Comfort, 2007). For the independent variable but modified questionnaire for

the suit the context of the study. The set of questions deals with the

evaluation of emergency management with the following indicators:

communication, coordination and control.

In evaluating the level of evaluation of emergency management, the

five orderable gradations with their respective range of means and description

were considered.

Range of Means Level of Description Meaning

4.30- 5.00 Very High This means that the level of

evaluation of emergency

management is highly


3.50-4.20 High This means that the level of

evaluation of emergency

management is much


2.70-3.40 Moderate This means that the level of

evaluation of emergency

management is observed.

1.90-2.60 Low This means that the level of

evaluation of emergency

management is less


1.00- 1.80 Very low This means that the level of

evaluation of emergency

management is not


Statistical Tools

The statistical tool that will be used for data analysis and interpretation

of the following:

Mean. This statistical tool will be used to determine the level of

Evaluation of Emergency Management.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the findings of the study, analysis of the data and

the interpretation of the results.

Level of Emergency Management

Table 1 shows the extent level of emergency management among

residents in Barangay San Miguel, Libuganon, and Pagsabangan in Tagum

City. The overall mean obtained was 4.11 which is identified as high. This

means that the level of evaluation of emergency management is much

observed. The indicator Communication acquired a mean of 4.16 which is

identified as high. This means that the level of Communication is much

observed. It is deemed that NDRRMC staffs conduct seminars to discuss the

possible calamities and casualties, discusses what to do and prepare,

discusses also the importance of readiness and obedience to local authority in

times of disasters, the staffs inform the community about the calamity’s status,

and alerts the community when it is safe to move out from the affected area.

The next indicator is Control which obtained a mean of 4.10 which is also

deemed as high. This means that the level of Control is much observed. This

indicator’s mean is identified to be highly observed among the residents that

NDRRMC staffs Maintain self-control physically, emotionally, and

psychologically in times of emergency, they have a calm and patient

character, they are always alert and will not panic, have direct control to

higher authority, and established an image of reliable members of the agency.


Lastly, Coordination is the indicator with the lowest mean obtained which is

4.07 but it still identified as high. This means that the level of Coordination is

much observed. This indicator’s mean determined that the staffs of NDRRMC

respond immediately in case of emergencies, immediately coordinates with

barangay heads to work efficiently, cooperates with plans and safety routes to

the community, rescues residents even in the most secluded areas, and

cooperates with the medical needs of an injured person during the rescue.

Among the three (3) indicators, Communication obtained the highest

mean of 4.16. This implies that the respondents have assessed that the

personnel from NDRRMC are more efficient in their work towards their

communication activities. Next indicator is the Control with a mean of 4.10. It

is deemed high by the residents giving the result that they have observed the

control mechanism of NDRRMC. It refers to how they control themselves and

control at times of emergency. Lastly, the indicator with the lowest mean of

4.07 is Coordination, it is still perceived as high, it shows that the NDRRMC

personnel are well coordinated at this degree.


Table 1.

Level of Emergency Management

Indicators Mean SD
Communication 4.16 0.49
Coordination 4.07 0.48
Control 4.10 0.49
Overall 4.11 0.38

Range Level

4.30 – 5.00 Very High

3.50 - 4.20 High

2.70 - 3.40 Moderate

1.90 – 2.60 Low

1.00 – 1.80 Very Low


Communication as the indicator with the highest mean of 4.16 are

assessed as high by the respondents. They have much observed the

communication activities of the NDRRMC. These activities include conducting

seminars to discuss the possible calamities of their corresponding areas and

the possible casualties it may cause at such fortuitous event. Also, with these

activities the respondents were able to observe that the NDRRMC discussed

about the necessary things to do, what to prepare when calamities occur and

emphasized the importance of readiness and obedience of the residents to

local authorities. Apart from this, the residents have also highly observed that

the personnel from NDRRMC inform and alert the community of the status of

a calamity before and after its occurrence. Lastly, alerting the residents of

when and which areas are already safe to move out are also highly observed.

The communication network and efforts of the personnel are highly observed.

The next indicator is the Control, in which it has obtained a mean of

4.10 and it is deemed as much observed. The respondents have highly

observed the personnel from NDRRMC are in control particularly with their

selves. This can be seen that they maintain self-control physically or with

regards to controlling their emotions and mental state during emergency. It is

also highly observed of them that they have a calm and patient character and

are always alert. They do not panic when there are emergencies. They also

have a direct control to higher authority in the municipality and has

established the image of being reliable so that the locals will trust and abide in

their authority. Self-control and authority of the personnel are highly observed.

Lastly, the indicator Coordination is the indicator with the lowest mean

of 4.07. It may be the lowest, it is still identified as highly observed. The


residents of the three (3) barangays have highly observed that the personnel

from the NDRRMC respond immediately in case of emergencies. As different

fortuitous events may occur, they immediately coordinate with the barangay

heads to work efficiently. This is highly observed by the respondents as well

that the NDRRMC personnel cooperate with plans and safety routes to the

community. Apart from this, the personnel also rescue the residents even if

they are from the most secluded area and tend to the medical needs of the

injured residents. In this manner, coordination with the NDRRMC, community

and of the barangay is highly observed.


Chapter 4


Overall, the level of emergency management among the residents of

Barangay San Miguel, Libuganon and Pagsabangan are much observed with

an overall mean of 4.11. The respondents have highly observed the activities

performed and extent of the services of the personnel from NDRRMC. These

include their efforts in Communication, Control, and Coordination. In the

pursuit of preparing the residents and making them aware of possible

calamities to occur in their areas, these efforts are highly observed.

The level of Communication obtained the highest mean of 4.16. among

the indicators as it is the much observed contribution of the personnel of

NDRRMC to the local communities. In support of this claim as parallel to the

study of (Ejeta, Ardalan, & Paton, 2015) that communication and awareness

programs are thoroughly and repeatedly discussed to individuals, community,

and even in organization levels to mitigate the growing incidence of disaster

risk and minimize casualties. The disaster awareness and preparedness

programs are continuously conducted because it is a carefully designed and

crafted emergency plan that aims to educate the locals and make them aware

of the consequences. It is much imperative to increase their knowledge and

attitude towards natural and man-made disasters to cope up with its adverse

effects. In support also, in congruence to (Ahmad, Balkhyour, Abokhashabah,

Ismail, & Rehan, 2017), that disaster safety education must be overly

emphasized because when calamities occur, there is no more time for

orientation and lecture on what to do. The period before the calamity must be

perceived as the preparation stage for a possible calamity to occur. It is to be

given more attention that the being unprepared increases the risk of life and

death among locals. When there is no help available during calamities, it is up

to the individual’s knowledge about disaster risk management on how they

can save their selves. That is why the respondents have highly observed the

efforts and activities of the personnel from DRRMC into providing them with

disaster risk education because it is for their own benefit also.

The level of Control obtained a mean of 4.10 and is much observed by

the residents. This indicator pertains to the control that the personnel of

NDRRMC manifest during times of emergencies. This indicator is in

consonance to (Bordon, 2019) that rescuers and volunteers often so

experience great pressure and anxiety in the pursuit of saving someone else’s

life but they must keep their cool. They carry the burden of their duties as

residents place their trust and confidence in the authority of these personnel.

But despite this, in order to ensure that everyone’s safety, emotions and

mental states are always in control. Furthermore, in accordance to (Gross,

2016) that during highly stressful situations such as encountering

emergencies and disasters causes the body to into fight or flight mode. This is

only natural for people; however, the rescuers always maintain their

composure despite the anxiety building inside them. These encounters cause

the body to overproduce the stress and slows down the critical thinking part of

brain. Thus, overproduction of stress hormones inhibits the mental capacity to

think of ways in order to survive. That is why the rescuers keep their calm and

do not panic so that they think straight and save multiple lives.

Lastly, the level of Coordination is the indicator with the lowest mean

obtained which is 4.07. The personnel’s coordination with the community and

with the local authority is much observed by the residents. They extend much

effort in their coordination as supported by (Bahadori, Khankeh, Zaboli, &

Malmir, 2015) that a well-knit coordination among the disaster risk

management councils, community and government is imperative and a core

activity before and during calamities. These well-coordinated participants may

identify operational issues and solutions for effective and efficient responses

leading to saving countless lives. Furthermore, in consonance to the study of

(Kaynak & Tuğer, Coordination and collaboration functions of disaster

coordination centers for humanitarian logistics , 2013), it is not easy to

coordinate many people at once especially that it requires a systematic

approach in all actions. This coordination is a strategy to be inserted in the

comprehensive plan of crisis management. The personnel from NDRRMC are

extending their links to the community and government in order to easily

coordinate with them because this coordination is vital to reduce risks and

losses resulting from calamities. Although disaster do not occur always, they

can still happen and the casualties are devastating. Therefore, the preparation

and coordination of the personnel, community and local authorities can be

effective in reducing the irreparable effects.


Therefore, the level of emergency management is much observed by

the residents of Barangay San Miguel, Libuganon and Pagsabangan. The

following conclusions were realized through this study:


1.The researchers were able to assess the level of emergency management

with the use of the indicators in descending order: communication, control,

and coordination.

2.The indicator Communication is deemed as much observed and this is

supported by the theory of (Medford-Davis & Kapur, 2014). This journal

article states that building communications is the most crucial aspect of

disaster management and is also given emphasis that strengthens

coordination and control. Communication is built on prior notice and pre-

writing announcement for the frequently asked questions during disasters,

maintaining statistics and data for the prone affected areas, communicating

with international media outlets, and keeping in contact with governmental

and non-governmental agencies. Communication efforts are being done

continuously and seek to disseminate information rapidly to all members of

the society. Up to date awareness and preparedness of the citizens are one

of the assessments to a disaster management agency’s communication

effort. The residents evaluated the NDRRMC as extending great efforts to

spread information and communication to the community.

3.The indicator Control is much observed by the residents and this is supported

by (Kumar, Nibedita, Mishra, & Chaudhury, 2012). This paper states that

during natural disasters, it is still difficult to employ full control and command

because of uncertainties and limit of human power. However, control is very

much necessary in order to minimize the complexity of the situation. Such as

members of agencies who do not show cowardice and panic to unlikely

events. Natural disasters carry potential threat to human lives but can save

more if performed with proper control of the situation and its linkages to

authorities. If the disaster management agency is wavering and not firm on

its standing then the citizens will have doubted reliance on the agency. The

residents evaluated the NDRRMC to be in control with the disaster


4.The indicator Coordination is much observed by the residents and this is in

parallel with (Kaynak & Tuger, 2014). This journal states that coordination

between disaster management centers, authorities and the community is

immensely important. It is given emphasis that in the occurrence of natural

disasters, everyone is subtly bound to help one another. The lack of

coordination among the members of the society can create big losses of

human lives and material resources. To minimize the possible casualties,

the disaster management agencies make sure their coordination with the

government and the local community is tight. It was observed by the

residents that the NDRRMC staffs are coordinated as well.

5.The anchored theory confirms the results of the study. It is congruent to the

theory that communication, control, and coordination is imperative in

triggering the preparedness and awareness of residents towards disaster

risk management.


The overall level of emergency management is muchobserved by the

residents. It is best to improve and if not, at least to maintain its status of

credibility among the local community. Communication obtained the highest

mean; therefore, it is good but must be maintained. The communication

outreach to raise awareness must be executed more. The NDRRMC can

improve their materials and communication methods to extend more to far-off


areas in the city. Through communication, it strengthens the other indicators

such as control and coordination. A well-informed and communicated system

will perform better and have greater control in times of uncertainty and

disaster. Next is the Control, although it got the second highest mean, control

must be made more visible to citizens. In the sense that they can see how

well the staffs of NDRRMC are in their controlled and composed state.

Proper control can be evaluated with how the staffs manage and command

during disasters. To have a firm and reliable image of the staffs indicates

greater trust from the public. Among the three indicators, Coordination

obtained the lowest mean. Thus, thorough study by asking more detailed

questions should be used for interrogating the residents in order to assess

how they rated the indicator as such. Coordination as pertaining to the

cooperation between the agency, government and local community must be

improved to be observed. Loose coordination can lead to loss of many lives if

not given the proper execution. The agency is to be blamed if it did not

coordinate with the members of the society. Furthermore, a more

comprehensive study about emergency management should be studied to

discover more of its underlying issues.


Action Plan

Objective Program Venue Persons Involved

 Discuss the overall  Executive Meeting Municipal  Local Authorities

disaster operation  Planning Phase or City Hall (City Officials/
plan Municipal
 Coordinate with the Officials)
preparation plans  NDRRMC
and recovery plans personnel
 Coordinate with the
support and
provision of shelter
and goods to
possible victims of
 Discuss the safety
and mobility of
these residents
 Determine the  Meeting for Barangay Barangay  Barangay
possible calamities and Purok Leaders Hall Officials
occurring in the area  Planning phase  Purok Officials
 Strategize the  NDRRMC
preparedness plans personnel
 Determine the
safety routes
 Plan awareness
 Coordinate with  Implementation phase Barangay  Barangay
possible disaster through preparations Gym Officials
occurrence in the  Conducting seminars  Purok Officials
area emphasizing the  Local Residents
 Orientation of importance of  NDRRMC
awareness preparedness personnel
programs  Conduct seminar on
 Discuss the safety what to prepare and
routes what to do before and
 Emphasis on after calamities
rescuing everyone  Demonstrations
even in secluded
 Discussion on
provision of medical
needs to injured


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