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Painting is a beautiful desire

The path of a poem without words by Sanchez Vivian

When I was 10 years old, during the

holidays I had no one to play with, so I
decided to draw pictures in my
grandmother's notebooks, however, I felt
very bored despite having drawing skills.
I found an answer to my constant boredom
by painting rocks with watercolors.

At school a teacher sent us to paint an

animal on a canvas, at that moment it
seemed very difficult, however, I decided
that it could be a fun activity for me,
so after presenting my homework and
receiving compliments. I decided to continue painting on
canvases. This is how my love for painting was born.

At first I had to learn painting techniques, which was very

difficult for me. However, I learned quickly and now I can
paint very beautiful pictures, this makes me feel very happy.
My house is decorated with many paintings so our visitors
can appreciate them.

To start painting you don't have to do anything complicated,

you just have to have a lot of inspiration and imagination,
however you have to buy the necessary materials such as
brushes, canvases and watercolors. Painting is a great way
to express your feelings and capture places.
And you never know, maybe one day you can sell one of your

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