Corossion Detection

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Corrosion costs an estimated 3–4% of GDP for most nations each year, leading to significant
loss of assets. Research regarding automatic corrosion detection is ongoing, with recent
progress leveraging advances in deep learning. Studies are hindered however, by the lack of a
publicly available dataset. Thus, corrosion detection models use locally produced datasets
suitable for the immediate conditions, but are unable to produce generalized models for
corrosion detection. The corrosion detection model algorithms will output a considerable
number of false positives and false negatives when challenged in the field. In this project, we
present a deep learning corrosion detector that performs pixel-level segmentation of
corrosion. Moreover, cnn and VGG16 variants are presented that provide uncertainty
estimates depicting the confidence levels at each pixel, to better inform decision makers.
Experiments were performed on a freshly collected dataset consisting of 1225 images,
discussed and validated herein.

Corrosion of steel and other engineering alloys is an ongoing concern for society, as the
resulting deterioration can result in significant consequences, environmental damage, and
significant financial loss1 . In studies that have sought to determine the annual cost arising
from corrosion it is usually estimated to be between 3 and 4% of GDP2 ; with between 15
and 35% of this amount thought to be avoidable, and a significant proportion relating to the
cost of inspection3 . Research into automated corrosion detection is driven by cost savings
and risk mitigation, with several publications on the subject over the last decade4–9 ,
prompted by improvements in deep learning, computer vision and the availability of
increasing computing power. A comprehensive review of research into deep learning for
materials degradation, including corrosion detection, was carried out and reported by Nash,
Drummond and Birbilis10. Previous work by the authors demonstrated the ability of a deep
learning model to produce semantic segmentation maps, labelling each pixel of an image as
either corrosion, or, background11,12. The current state-of-the-art for corrosion detection
trained three model architectures: FCN, U-Net and Mask R-CNN on a private dataset9 .
Using edge detection to refine the boundaries of detected areas the best performance was
reported for the Mask R-CNN model, with an average F1-Score of 0.71.

Bridge inspection is one important operation that must be performed periodically by public
road administrations or similar entities. Inspections are often carried out manually, sometimes
in hazardous conditions. Furthermore, such a process may be very expensive and time
consuming. Researchers [1, 2] have put a lot of effort into trying to optimize such costly
processes by using robots capable of carrying out automatic bridge maintenance, reducing the
need for human operators. However such a solution is still very expensive to develop and
carry out. Recently companies such as Orbiton AS have started providing bridge inspection
services using drones (multicopters) with high resolution cameras. These are able to perform
and inspect bridges in many adverse conditions, such as with a bridge collapse[3], and/or
inspection of the underside of elevated bridges. The videos and images acquired with this
method are first stored and then subsequently reviewed manually by bridge administration
engineers, who decide which actions are needed. Even though this sort of automation
provides clear advantages, it is still very time consuming, since a physical person must sit and
watch hours and hours of acquired video and images. Moreover, the problem with this
approach is twofold.
Existing System:

In the existing system different approaches have been applied like machine learning and deep
learning for the implementation. In the existing most of the machine learning approaches
have been used which result in lower accuracy rate. The image processing methods like gray
scale, hog, segmenatation and feature extraction is varied from images to image as it result in
lower aacuracy. In the existing system the result is based whether the corosiion detection or
not but . To overcome from this we are going to apply deep learning algorithms

Problem statement:

In the shipping industry maintenance of ships is regulated through the international maritime
treaty SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) and individual class
rules. Ships are subject to a through-life survey regime to remain class approved. There are
class surveys, intermediate surveys, annual surveys, and bottom/docking surveys of the hull
that indicate the needed maintenance of the ship’s structure. Surveys can be costly and time-
consuming processes exposed to human error.


 The objective of the project is to collect datasets from the resources like kaggle, ucr
repository etc. and analyse the data.
 applying deep learning approaches like cnn, vgg16 for training the images by splitting
them into train and test.
 Build model file for the train datasets
 Performance evaluation metrics that are employed to evaluate corosssion detection.
 Development of dashboard to build and web application which accepts the input
image and predict the wheteher it is corrosion or not.

Proposed system:
In the proposed system we are going to apply the deep learning technology like cnn, vgg16
for the development of the model. In this project we are going to collect the datasets of
corrosion detection. the collected datasets are preprocessed and trained using deep learning
algorithms. the web app is developed for what we have build where the user goin to upload
image and it will classify the result.
Literature survey:

Deep learning model architectures such as LeNet [13], AlexNet [14], VGG [15], DenseNet
[16] and FCN [17] have set benchmarks in competitive computer vision exercises,
demonstrating impressive gains in accuracy each year. However, whilst such models are both
efficient and have high levels of accuracy, these models do not provide estimates of model
uncertainty and would fail when the input is not represented in the training set, so called Out
of Distribution (OoD) data [18,19]. For decision makers or engineers, knowing the
confidence of automatic corrosion detection is essential. Bayesian neural networks (BNNs)
were developed in the 1990s [20,21] and have been extended to deep neural networks in
recent times, as indicated for example in the following works [19, 23–27]. Bayesian neural
networks modify deep learning models by replacing single point weights with distributions,
thus producing probabilistic outputs. For Bayesian deep learning the appropriate prior
probability distributions of the model’s weights are intractable and are usually taken as a
random initialization of the model parameters. Progressive updates of the posterior
distributions of weights are achieved through gradient descent, until a satisfactory level of
accuracy has been achieved. Thus, Bayesian deep learning is capable of advantageously
utilising the tools of deterministic deep learning to provide so-called Bayesian approximation
[27]. Three available methods to incorporate Bayes methods into classical deep learning
models are summarised as follows: - Variational inference methods replace a portion of
network weights with distributions, typically Gaussian, parameterized by the mean and
standard deviation. Data is then fed through the Bayesian neural network multiple times, with
the weights of the network drawn from their Gaussian distribution on each forward pass.
Shridhar et. al. have provided a straightforward method to modify convolutional neural
networks to permit variational inference [28]. - Monte Carlo dropout applies ‘dropout’ during
both training and inference, by applying a Bernoulli distribution to the weights, which again
requires multiple passes through the network. The application of Monte Carlo dropout was
utilised to modify the DenseNet model for Bayesian semantic segmentation of driving scenes
obtained from the CamVid and NYUv2 datasets [18]. - The ensemble method utilises
multiple models that have been trained from different initializations and therefore are likely
to be optimized to different local minima. A recent study summarizes the case for interpreting
ensemble models as approximate Bayesian marginalisation; whereby the ensemble model
weights are interpreted as sampling from the posterior distribution [29]. These Bayesian Deep
Learning models can then be used to output not just the predicted class map, but the
uncertainty of the prediction. Evaluation of uncertainty is typically categorized as epistemic
uncertainty and aleatoric uncertainty. Kendall and Gal explore these two categories of
uncertainty in detail for Bayesian deep learning [18], with these categories also utilised in
reported works [27, 32–34]. However, there is no distinct definition of what constitutes and
differentiates the so-called epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty. Epistemic uncertainty may be
reduced and is commonly ascribed to model uncertainty [31,32], with the understanding that
a deep learning model can only be trained on a closed set that is itself a subset of the
universal open set (i.e., all data in the universe). As the size of the training set increases,
epistemic uncertainty should decrease. Conversely, aleatoric uncertainty is related to the
inherent noise of the input signal. Resolving aleatoric uncertainty requires somehow
modifying the input, e.g., increasing resolution, illuminating areas, or capturing the data
(image) from multiple angles. Obviously, for any input already captured, the aleatoric
uncertainty cannot be reduced. Ideally, each input image will produce the same aleatoric
uncertainty regardless of the model, although in Bayesian deep learning the aleatoric
uncertainty estimation is dependent on the model.

Software and Hardware Requirements

Hardware Requirements
Processor : Intel i3 3.30 GHz.
Hard Disk : 100 GB (min)
Ram : 8GB

Software Requirements:
Language : Python
Software : Anaconda
Editor : Visual Studio Code
Framwerok : Flask
Notebook : Jupyter

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