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18/04/2023, 03:12 (462) Billionaire Mark Cuban Exposes The Cryptocurrency Market in 2023 | Full Interview - YouTube

0:00 just because it's crypto

doesn't mean you
don't need revenues it
comes down again
where ethereum

0:06 really becomes

valuable again is when
the applications are
there i i still think doge
has got more

0:13 applications potentially

available to it than

0:18 you know the beauty

of crypto is that it can
make a business

0:28 all right welcome back

everybody to altcoin
daily my name is
austin with my twin
brother aaron and
billionaire mark

0:34 cuban thank you for

being here my
pleasure sorry i don't i
don't know why it's so
dark got lots of light
coming up

0:40 so i apologize for that

it's cool it's cool we'll 1/75
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we'll be here as the

sun shifts around you

Why Mark Cuban Likes Cryptocurrency?

0:47 um hey let's just jump
right in i know you're a
big cryptocurrency
advocate you've been
in this space since at

0:52 the 2017 run-up what's

your why mark like
why does
cryptocurrency excite

0:58 i'm always into tech i'm

always looking for new
opportunities and i
always look for new
ways to do business
i'm an entrepreneur

1:04 and so you know when

you dig in on crypto
like all new
technologies i mean

1:09 just to give you some

background for a point
of reference you know

1:15 we started a company

in 1994 called
audionet which was
the first streaming 2/75
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company um first
commercial streaming

1:21 company let's say um

and then in 2000 you
know so i took

1:26 we looked at new um

applications for using
the internet right that
was when the internet
was just getting started

1:33 and then in 2000 i

started the first all high
definition tv network
and so i'm always
looking for new ways
to use

1:40 technology in new

ways um and so when
crypto started to

1:45 um i'd always paid

attention and wasn't as
excited about it as a

1:50 but saw unique

applications and what
really got me grooving
on it was

1:56 in 2020 when i started

just get trying to get 3/75
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updated on nfts and

started to really

2:03 dig in and more

importantly understand
what smart contracts
are about because the
beauty of nfts wasn't
the nft itself it

2:11 was the fact that it was

an application used in
smart contracts and
what else could smart
contracts be used for

2:17 then you start digging

into this
decentralization side of
it and i'm not one of
these guys oh it's all
about the

2:23 centralization for the

the trilemma and all
that kind of stuff i saw
it more as a way to
create new app

2:30 new ways of doing

business and so that's
really what i look for
you know because
when you find new
ways of doing
business 4/75
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2:36 you find ways to

disrupt existing
businesses basically
eliminate the middle
man with smart cars
it's not even just about

2:42 eliminating the

middleman it's just you
know what can you do
that's different that

2:48 disrupts an industry

that's always been
doing it the same way
that's what i look for in
everything and

2:54 anything what's your

thoughts on the
current macro
environment does that
concern you

Is Mark Concerned w/ the Current Macro Environment?

3:00 it's it's not yes it does
concern me but it
doesn't diminish my
bullishness on crypto

3:06 um you know if you go

back over the last few
years um

3:11 you know let's just go

back 2020 um we saw 5/75
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the d5 summer and

that brought a

3:18 lot of new people in

and it created a lot of
applications that
particularly for

3:25 and some l2s that

really got people
involved and brought
people to the table for
ethereum in particular
and those

3:32 applications make total

sense you know you
go on ave and you put
some money in you
deposit you borrow it
takes 30

3:38 seconds you know you

need to pull out some
usdc to go pay a credit
card bill now you can
do that right so d5

3:46 from being something

new that brought a lot
of people in people are
using their stimulus
checks rates were
really high 6/75
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3:51 back then you can you

could yield farm and it
was crazy as
everybody was figuring
it out you had a lot of

3:57 investor money

coming in subsidizing
yields and so you
really had um

4:03 you had this

groundswell of people
coming to crypto and
that was great it was a
unique application that
really put

4:09 people to work then

you saw the same
thing with nfts people
started collecting them
whether it was on flow

4:15 with top shot or it was

on ethereum with you
know punks or
whatever you know
board apes whatever it
may be and

4:21 everything and

anything was being
created and everything
sold at the beginning
right 7/75
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4:26 but you know and that

brought in a ton of
people still brought in
a ton of people so you
had nfts as a cool

4:32 application that led to

utilization because the
thing about crypto that
i think people
sometimes fail to

4:39 is you need users in

order for people to buy
and use

4:44 the ethereum or

whatever it may be
right to generate gas
fees because if gas
fees aren't being
generated or

4:51 fees aren't being

generated there's no
real business there
and at the end of the
day it's still a real
business that

4:56 has to sustain itself

and so that got me in
again and but then

5:02 8/75
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you know as the

speculation started to
to dry up and prices
dropped you saw the

5:08 people who were just

in it for the speculation
leave and when they

5:15 you know we've seen

prices drop
significantly and you
know they've popped
up some recently who
knows if

5:20 that's just a you know

a bear market rebound
and it's just temporary
i don't know i you
know you can only
guess but

5:27 but what concerns me

is the fact that there's
not the next

5:34 right we went from d5

to collectibles now

5:39 and rather than seeing

true innovation you're
seeing replication
where okay i'm moving
um d5 to 9/75
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5:48 this blockchain or that

blockchain oh i'm
trying to find value on
the edges

5:53 i'm going to create an

ai based application
that looks for the best
yields across all the
different d5

5:59 platforms and i'm

going to automate that
for people you know
it's not something that
is groundbreaking it's
just an

6:06 improvement on
what's already being
done and that's not
going to be enough to
bring people back to
crypto so you know

6:14 it really is going to take

that next big thing to
really drive utilization

6:20 that's so that's my

concern you know and
you know i've said this
before we saw the
same thing with the
internet you

6:25 10/75
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know streaming bam

it's fun new websites
bam it's fun amazon
you're buying bam

6:31 it's fun and then you

know everything kind
of cratered in 2000
and 2001 and there

6:37 no bams for a long

time you know there
wasn't happening for a
few years and

6:42 then you know in 2004

you saw facebook and
social networks hit and
then you saw

6:47 um app stores hit you

know when in 2007
when um the iphone
came out so we're

6:55 looking for that app

store iphone you know
platforming moment
where there's new
applications that bring
in a lot of

7:03 non-traditional crypto

users because you
know the the the thing
that's going to 11/75
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7:08 drive crypto above and

beyond just the
kryptoids is

7:14 something where you

just have to use it you
know you just need to
use it like

7:19 you know i'll use the

app store again as an
example whether it's
you know play store
and android or ios app

7:27 you know someone's

posted something on
twitter that was great
um one of the top 10
applications was just

7:34 an app that made it

look like you're
drinking a beer you
know or you had angry

7:39 that wasn't enough to

make you um go buy
an iphone but as
people started buying
iphones and the

7:46 foundation was there it

would became an um
an ecosystem where it 12/75
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made sense for people

to invest a lot of
money in apps

7:52 and what happened

everybody who
created an app right
there were zillions of
them right and 99.99

8:00 of them failed but there

were the few of them
the instagrams the
snapchats etc where it
said okay you know
this is why

8:07 i need a smartphone i

need that camera i
need to be able to use
this app crypto has not
had that moment yet
where it's

8:13 your grandma your

little brother your little
sister all have to use it
for different reasons

8:19 maybe but they need

to use crypto because
that's how they get
access to the
applications that they
really want

8:26 13/75
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to have and want to

use every single day
twitter spaces was the
app that almost

8:32 made me buy an

iphone because i'm an
android guy and i kept
getting booted off the
spaces but still an
android guy

8:39 i i use both i have one

of these because i
want to learn yeah
yeah but i liked where
you were going with

What's the Biggest Opportunity in Crypto?

8:44 that because you
know just thinking
about the next big
opportunity in the
cryptocurrency space
and to your credit

8:50 you were around for

d5 summer d5 was a
big opportunity in 2020
you were early in
saying ethereum and

8:57 is you know possibly

going to be really big
and it was really big 14/75
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after cryptocurrency
finds a bottom do

9:03 you have any thoughts

about the next big
opportunity in the
space it just comes
down to applications if

9:08 you guys got great

ideas i'm wide open
right i'm tired of the
pitches i'm getting like
new d5 for a new you

9:16 know there's a great

analogy between what
happened in silicon

9:22 with sas software and

other applications
even like uber right
where tons of money

9:29 in and subsidized all

these apps uber is just
now starting to make
money 15 years

9:35 whatever it is 12 years

later you know there's
other apps that same

9:40 thing and so what

happened with apps 15/75
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like i was an investor

in box and i actually

9:47 wanted them to just

generate revenue as
opposed to raise
money to subsidize

9:53 um online storage and

so um

9:58 they went in their way

they bought me out
and it took them i don't
even know how many
years for

10:03 them to make money

um i'm never a big fan
of raising hundreds of
millions of dollars to
do tens of

10:10 millions in business

but that's exactly what
happened in crypto
but crypto was
distorted because

10:17 looked at the token

valuations and so
what would happen is
they'd go out and do
a token sale and
generate a 16/75
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10:23 bunch of capital or

even worse they'd
raise hundreds of
millions of dollars

10:29 vcs and use that

money to create a
fake yield right you so
we we

10:36 saw that with anchor

right where it was like
okay we're offering
you 20

10:41 and then they hope

that they'd be able to
generate enough
loans to cover the
twenty percent

10:46 never came close all

that yield was
subsidized all those
five seven eight ten
twenty fifty ninety

10:54 a hundred percent

yields um have
always been
subsidized by

10:59 now with those

investors not willing to
subsidize anymore 17/75
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you're not seeing the

crazy yields and
you're not even

11:05 the inflationary yields

um from the
blockchains anymore
you know where you
would say okay you
know um

11:13 if you stake this we're

gonna pay you four
percent or eight
percent or twelve

11:19 and they can't even

afford to do that
because you know if
you inflate too much
there's not enough
intrinsic demand to

11:26 cover that inflation

and your token price
is going to drop and
that makes your
investors mad that
makes your

11:32 speculators mad and

it ignores the fact that
to be a real business
you have to be a real 18/75
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11:39 business and crypto

doesn't change any of
that talked about uber
i'm glad chris saka's

Did Mark Cuban Pass on Uber?

11:45 company is finally in
profit because it is a
good service that's
my big myth you
know he came um

11:51 travis came to me first

and i told him you
know i love the idea

11:57 but you're gonna just

get crushed by all the
um taxicab
commissions this and

12:02 that he didn't care

right he was like that i
don't care i'll do it my
own way and never
came back to me so
that was my

12:09 big miss and saka

never lets me forget it
so well he needs to
talk to damon to
update that wardrobe

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[Laughter] that
wardrobe was awful
but i was bad bro i
was like you let saka
not wear a

12:22 suit because when i

first came on the
show i was like i don't
want to wear a suit i
never wear a suit and
they you

12:27 know i caved and i

was so pissed when
soccer came on and
you took away that
five percent equity for
shark tank we're big
fans of

12:34 shark tank i

appreciate that yeah
all right let's get into
specific protocols um
you were early in
saying ethereum has

Mark Cuban: The Ethereum Merge

12:40 value despite all the
maxies coming at you
ethereum today going
through a huge

12:46 change coming up

sooner rather than 20/75
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later the merge what

are your thoughts on
the merge it's

12:51 interesting um
obviously it's great to
go proof of stake from
proof of work right for
all the environmental
reasons then with

12:59 you're going to

potentially have
deflation right so that
brings up an
interesting corollary

13:05 inflation versus

utilization because as
utilization goes up
and the value of a

13:12 token goes up then

the cost to do
something goes up

13:17 and so you have

these two competing
interests hey i want to
create an app that
generates a million
nfts a day

13:25 right just picking

something out of left
field right i'm not 21/75
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saying there is one

well if the value of
ethereum keeps on

13:31 going up because

there's a deflationary
spiral going on
because of 1559

13:37 now all of a sudden

where's the

13:42 and then there's the

question of all the
stakers with staking
heath right with you
know now there it's
it's staged on

13:49 when they can get out

but will they and how
quickly and what
happens the this
steak to eat

13:56 steve you know along

that period of time
and what does that do
for the pricing so
there's a lot of
uncertainty and you're

14:02 seeing a lot of people

speculating by buying
call options right the
the option rate versus 22/75
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bitcoin is is through

14:09 roof so it remains to

be seen but but it's
hard it's gonna be
really hard

14:15 to determine right and

so you know and i
don't and i don't
maybe you guys
know the answer will

14:22 calculations change is

the under proof
mistake right versus
what they were under

14:28 of work to even out so

that i have some level
of consistency in what
my expectations are

14:35 for being an nft

business or you know
whatever business
you know d5
whatever it may be
that i'm trying to do

14:42 you know do you

guys know what
happens to gas fees
at that point in time or 23/75
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is it still pretty much

the same formula

14:47 i'm not exactly sure i

know that you know
the misinformation is
that gas fees are
going to go down but
that's not

14:53 really going to happen

until more layer twos
and different things
are added but as far
as like evening out
and being more
stable i'm not sure

14:59 because you see

what i'm saying right if
all of a sudden the
price goes through
the roof like you saw
that before when you
talk about high gas
fees it's a

15:06 function of the price of

ethereum totally so

15:12 it sounds to me like

you think the merge is
a good move but it
might be a sell the
news event

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it might be a what
event a sell the news
event um that i don't

15:23 i don't know um i it

comes down again
where ethereum

15:29 really becomes

valuable again is
when the applications
are there because if
you think about it you

15:35 there's no there's no

deflation if there's no
applications use
because 1559 it
requires applications

15:43 that just buying

ethereum from
somebody doesn't
generate any of that

15:50 so yeah so let's say if

successful where do
you see ethereum as
this global computer

15:56 like in 10 years you

know versus with the
googles and with the
amazons taking over
working beside 25/75
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16:03 depends on the

applications if there's
a better search
engine that's on
ethereum whoever
creates it gets it

Mark Cuban: Polygon (MATIC)

16:10 hey who's a bigger
whale in polygon you
are mr wonderful i
don't even know does
kevin actually

16:16 kevin i have no idea

you know kevin and i
we just were shooting
shark tank two weeks

16:21 ago actually and

didn't even come up
did not even come up
he thinks he knows
about it but he
probably doesn't

16:27 understand anything i

just said you were
first you were first in
the crypto sphere

16:32 um hey another

popular protocol that i
see people talking
about on twitter all the 26/75
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Mark Cuban: If Cardano (ADA) Was A Shark Tank

16:37 time is cardano what
are your thoughts on
cardano you know

16:43 my thoughts on
cardano are the exact
same as they are on
polygon and

16:50 you know business

walks and bull it's just

16:55 there's got to be a

there there right and
you can go to
coinmetrics you can

17:01 to all these different

places and look for
transactions and i
guess the people in
africa are not

17:08 using it as much as

they expected it
expected to because

17:14 you don't see the

transactions you don't
see the fees you
know and the crypto 27/75
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you know i go i use

crypto a lot

17:20 right just to get a

sense of what's going
on it's just quick and
easy um but i looked
look at number
transactions and

17:26 to me that's the

bellwether of success
and you know now
they can be distorted

17:32 and you've got to

smooth it out because
somebody comes in
to a for a play to earn
game let's talk about
play to earn

17:37 two at some point

because that's
important right now
um because i think
that was that's

17:42 completely
misunderstood and
misapplied um but if

17:48 someone comes in

with one application
like on polygon you
know some plated 28/75
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earned games came

in and they were

17:53 subsidized by
investors everybody
dove in to try to get
some of that money

17:58 and then they dove

right back out and so
you know smoothing
it out i just don't see
where cardano has

18:06 much of an impact at

all you know they got
their smart contracts
what a year ago and
that was going to be

18:12 the inflection point

inflect away cardano
you know i just

18:18 have not seen it now

that doesn't mean
look you know i talked
about it for ethereum
for polygon if the next

18:25 application that

everybody wants to
use is on cardano and
you have to buy a ada 29/75
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18:31 go you know that's

great right the door is
open for that to
happen but it hasn't
happened yet

18:38 and then just finishing

up on cardano
charles hoskinson just
recently spoke on

18:43 regulations in front of

congress if charles
hoskinson was on
shark tank what
advice would you give
him for the

18:49 cordoning project i'd

say where's your
revenues just
because it's crypto
doesn't mean

18:56 you don't need

revenues you know
there's this distortion
in crypto called
market cap 30/75
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19:05 you know you you

have a small it
happens with um
some small stocks too
you have a small float
you get the price up

19:13 and you have you

know a total number
available um from the

19:18 treasury at a billion

and you make it a ten
dollar token and now
you have a 10 billion
dollar total market cap

19:25 you know now that's

not a cardano issue
but you know if you
do enough staking

19:32 and you have enough

inflation and you can
stake enough that
people don't sell

19:38 too much you're going

to have you know a
big enough market
cap to make it look
good dogecoin's got a

19:44 market cap shibuya's

got a huge market 31/75
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market cap but

there's no you know i

19:50 still think doge has

got more applications
potentially um
available to it than

19:56 coronado no that'll be

out there for sure but
you know you know
that'll be your
headline but

20:02 the opportunity for

cardano was greater
until doge really
becomes a platform

20:07 applications but you

get my point right it
still comes down it's
still a business no

20:13 matter what you do

no matter what you
say no matter how
you position it no
matter what your
market cap is there

20:19 to be some there

there and that's why
cardano you know
push for 32/75
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20:24 smart contracts i'm

guessing you know
that's why schools in
africa need

20:29 cortana you know but

it's just not there yet

How Mark Cuban Would Fix Axie Infinity | Play to Earn IS

20:35 what excites you
about plato earn i
know you were an
investor in axi yeah
what so play to earn

20:42 typically is subsidized

right so with axi they
were smart they were
first and they

20:49 had a huge subsidy

sponsor base where
they went out there

20:54 and got groups to

sponsor people left
and right and it just
blew up right and why

21:00 wouldn't it blow up it's

free money it's going
back to the old silicon
valley way for
software we'll
subsidize 33/75
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21:06 the cost for you we'll

subsidize the cost of
bandwidth or storage
whatever it is to get
you to use it and view
it as a

21:12 marketing cost but it's

still a traditional
ecosystem where

21:17 either you subsidize it

or you generate
revenues to buy the
tokens that are being

21:23 and if you don't

generate revenues to
buy the the tokens
either you have to
have new subsidies

21:30 continually coming in

or you have to have
new players coming
in to subsidize the
existing players and
the minute the

21:37 musical chairs stop it

collapses unless you
have an ecosystem
there an

21:43 economy there that

can continue to buy 34/75
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the the tokens to

make it worthwhile for
people to play

21:50 if they're playing for

some reason other
than the fact they just
love the game and so
what i had
recommended to

21:56 back when they had a

maximum number of
players was now's the
time to sell nfts

22:02 to people outside not

to the players
themselves but to
people outside you
know you know
somebody in the

22:07 philippines who's

playing this game you
know just generated
this um nft that

22:13 they using their

artwork that they're
selling for slp right
and we'll you know

22:19 they can sell that and

that generates 35/75
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revenue or or axi can

do the same thing
create nfts based off
the play the best

22:26 plays ever you know

um and then people
outside can buy those

22:32 you take that revenue

that comes in and you
use that to buy the
sop and the accident
tokens or you go to

22:39 or whoever and say

we've got x number of
people here's a
breakdown here's a

22:44 geographic
breakdown advertise
and we'll slip in just
like they do in video
games right here's

22:51 sponsor here's that

and because we have
millions of users
around the world
we're going to charge
you three million

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dollars and we're

going to take 75
percent of that 25
percent goes in to our
treasury for
operations and 75

23:05 percent goes to buy

sop and axey which
creates a virtuous
cycle which means

23:10 there's always going

to be a foundation for
pricing as long as you
have players right that
would that

23:17 makes it more

sustainable without
that sustainability and

23:22 it just doesn't work so

whenever somebody
comes to me with a
play to earn i always
ask them the exact

23:28 question all right the

player comes in they
earn their your
equivalent of slp right

23:34 whatever you call it

gameplay token now 37/75
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they're ready to sell it

23:40 why would somebody

buy it to be used in
the game they have
to yeah

23:46 so you oh but that

means it's only
available to players
right and players can
just buy it originally
right from the game

23:53 so there's got to be a

reason for somebody
to buy it and it applies
to every for
everything play-doh
you know

24:00 work to earn learn to

earn whatever it is
you know if

24:05 you know even nft

sales right so with
with the mavericks we
give away a free nft
when you show up at
a game

24:13 we don't sell it we

give it away now
other teams you know
and then there's the 38/75
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community tokens

24:19 the chili's etc you

know where they're
selling them and i
always ask the same
question why

24:24 would somebody buy

that from somebody
else if you collect it
great there's a reason

24:30 there right if you

there's some utility
great but if it's just

24:36 you know a play to

earn token from
somebody there's no
reason for them to
buy it you always
have to ask yourself
you know

24:44 what is the reason

that a second third
fourth level buyer will

24:49 otherwise it's going to

die and that was
interesting what you
said one way to solve
the subsidy problem

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that eventually dries

up is to bring in
outside sponsors like
coca-cola and then
they could be
providing value and

25:02 advertising yeah

because they want
the advertising they
want you know if
they're trying to sell
coca-cola in the

25:08 philippines they've got

people with money
readily expensive you
know when we
started audio

25:13 net way back when in

the early days of the
internet one of the
key selling points that
i always used is you

25:19 you don't have to

send people other
places to buy like
before the internet
you had to go to the
store right you go you
went to a

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sears catalog i'm

dating myself right i
don't know you tell
me what's that i don't
know you tell me

25:32 yeah and that had to

be delivered well
once the internet hit
you can be

25:39 listening to a baseball

game and as long as
there's a link to buy
whatever it is they're
pitching right there
you just

25:45 ordered it and it's the

same now with web3
but nobody does that

25:51 right it's it you don't

realize that if
someone's playing a
game and there's an

25:56 ad for coke and let's

takes a bad example
a digital product is
something better um
a movie and it's a
movie to

26:04 earn to own right or

music to own um as a
download not it 41/75
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doesn't happen very

often but just it's a
simple example

26:11 right um and then you

just click it and it just
clicks off you know
one axi token

26:19 and it's to deliver to

you immediately now
you're making some
money and that
subsidizes and plays
the game

26:26 and so if you don't if

your play to earn
doesn't have a way to
generate revenue
outside just the

Mark Cuban: SEC vs Ripple? | “The SEC Is Incredibly

26:35 mark what's your take
on the sec versus
ripple i haven't paid a
whole lot of attention
i've potentially
avoided it because all

26:41 the ripple lights or

whatever they call
themselves just go
nuts so the minute i 42/75
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say something then

you know it just turns
into my

26:49 timeline gets

destroyed on twitter
so but i can talk about
generally about the

26:54 sec all day long yeah

because it's kind of
like you know even if
ripple wins it's like

27:00 not in the

conversation no and
it's already too late
right because they've
gone back and forth
and that it's a different
battle than the

27:07 general issue of how

the sec deals with
crypto but yeah still a
few if ripple wins i

27:13 mean generally that

could be seen as
definitely positive for
crypto versus a loss
but just the sec in
general yeah talk
about that they seem
to really 43/75
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27:20 verbally yeah go

ahead sec is
incredibly hypocritical
you know they talk
about um

27:26 trying to protect

investors do you guys
know what the pink
sheets are like of the

27:32 no no not for a car

pink sheets are little
um public equities

27:39 that don't trade on the

the big exchanges
like the nasdaq or the
new york the penny
stocks penny stocks

27:46 but penny stocks can

be different types
there's over the
counter penny stocks
and there's pink sheet
penny stocks and

27:51 they're not

necessarily all penny
stocks they can be
big companies um
like luck

27:56 44/75
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what was the coffee

um company out of
china that turned into
a scam luck in

28:02 coffee or whatever

but anyways um they
trade over there too
well there i just looked
at this

28:08 yesterday because

some or two days ago
because someone
asked me there are
16 750

28:14 pink sheet stocks

right about probably
about the number of
tokens there are
probably right

28:21 there is no protection

for anybody anywhere
coming from the sec
and that

28:26 already falls under

their purview right
they're supposed to
be protecting you

28:32 there are funds etfs

and others that um
incorporate stocks
from countries that 45/75
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28:39 have no um no sec

like protections at all

28:45 they don't care you

can still buy them and
sell them right they're
companies that are
button sold on big

28:50 that have no audit

rights whatsoever you
don't have any idea if
the numbers are

28:56 and so when the sec

comes in and says
they want to protect
investors from crypto

29:02 they're not even doing

their job with what the
area they're
supposed to do their
job and then you've
got the issue

29:07 of their approach to

trying to figure it out
you know the sec
does this thing called
um regulation through

29:15 meaning they don't

come out and say 46/75
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here's the rules that

we want everybody to
follow give us your

29:21 they do what they did

with coinbase they
sue right and they'll
sue you and their

29:27 is that um the result of

the lawsuit is then

29:32 into precedent that

they're able to use to
enforce the way they
want to enforce it

29:38 it's not like someone

today could just call
the sec and say okay
we want to issue a
token we have this
you know

29:44 crypto business tell us

what we need to do

29:49 there's just no way

and so as a result
there's all this
uncertainty which is
why you see more um
crypto companies in

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singapore and the

bahamas and the
british virgin islands
um in caymans all
these different places
and people are

30:02 afraid to do anything

here and now you
look at the big
companies like
coinbase who create
jobs and are trying to
do it

30:08 right they're getting

over and so there was
i forget which um

30:15 politician that said we

should do it through
the um cftc instead of
the sec

30:21 and they're right

because the scc you
know they care more
about hiring more

30:27 than getting it done

the right way do you i
hear all the time that
hey big

30:33 money really won't

enter crypto until we 48/75
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get some regulatory

clarity is that what you
hear in your course of

30:39 because it's all

uncertainty and you
know there's the
security aspect of it
and we see what's
happening every day

30:45 there's there's a hack

somewhere and to
me it's unfortunate
obviously you don't
want to be the person
losing money but

30:52 again it's no different

than the early days of
the internet you got to
remember that there
was a time when
people said don't use
amazon because their

30:59 credit card is going to

get hacked you know
don't do any buying
on the internet
because you're
putting at risk

31:05 your credit card so it's

part of the learning 49/75
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curve and every time

people get smarter
and they learn from

31:11 it's just because of

the scale already of
crypto it can be
expensive and

31:17 recent headline we

saw is michael saylor
stepped on from ceo
to take a executive

31:23 position to still to

focus on bitcoin do
you think that story
we're getting is truly
face value what
happened do you

31:29 think he was pushed

out you think he
chose to i have no
idea and i really don't
care i don't think it
changes anything for
anything right one

31:37 still worth one bitcoin

yeah mark cuban
what's the metaverse

“Buying Land in The Metaverse is the Dumbest Sh** Ever!” 50/75
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31:42 the metaverse is

anything you want it
to be this is the

31:48 we are in the

metaverse right now
as we speak
unfortunately i'm in
the down

31:54 under metaverse and

it's dark down here
you know

31:59 um vecna has its own

metaverse you know
it's just everybody you
know you put

32:05 people that that focus

on vr want that to be
the metaverse right
people want

32:10 web3 to be the

metaverse anytime
you have more than
one person together
it's it

32:16 there's no rhyme or

reason to it yet now
will there be i don't
think it's

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it's going to be hard to

standardize things
and to make it
interoperable at least
for the foreseeable

32:30 and so you know i

think metaverse is
just like a zoom just
like this right only

32:36 whatever platform you

choose to aggregate
people um and then
you hope that grows
into community and i

32:44 probably the greatest

takeaway now that i
think about it if you
look across just
general business and
you look across

32:51 crypto um web 3 if

you want to call it that
um metaverse it all
comes down to

32:56 community where can

you create community
and what's the impact
of that community
your community might 52/75
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be you know you

know you

33:04 guys and your you

know your
organization the
people you bring in
right it could be the

33:10 community for the

dallas mavericks it
could be just
community within vr
using an avatar
there's a thousand
ways to

33:16 create community and

technology is going to
have a growing
impact on that
community whichever

33:23 platforms make the

communities will be
one type of
metaverse the

33:30 the communities

whichever platform
creates the largest
um community

33:35 will have another type

of metaverse if you
will and so it won't be 53/75
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just one size fits all

there'll be a lot of

33:42 different applications

and a lot of ways of
defining the

33:47 um but right now it's

more top than
anything yeah
metaverse kind of
likes the term

33:52 cyberspace in the 90s

just yeah that's
exactly right it's
cyberspace you know
um and the worst part
is people are

33:59 buying real estate in

these places i mean
that's just the
dumbest ever

34:04 the dumbest dumbest

did i say it was dumb
no that's not strong
enough super

34:11 meta immaculately

dumb you know it's
just like if 54/75
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34:17 you know it's not even

as good as a url or
you know an enf

34:23 you know because

there's unlimited
volumes that you can
create now after you
create a community

34:30 before but after you

create a community
then you can find
places depending on

34:36 how that community

works that can have
perceived value
because of access or
whatever right but

34:44 based off of a

traditional real estate
model dumbest

34:50 ever so i don't want to

put words in your
mouth but base but
based off that just

34:56 two random examples

you would say the
other side metaverse
because it started
with community with 55/75
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35:02 the board apes would

be better than like the
sandbox who's just
trying to sell the land
look i'm an investor
um when

35:08 you go through those

guys right um and i
still thought it was
dumb to do the real
estate it was great
money for

35:14 them right you know

but that wasn't based
off a utility now what
um what hugo's done

35:21 or is doing that is

smart they're you
know they'll call
they're calling it real

35:26 estate but really it's

just a token for

35:32 it's just marketing

basically um now
maybe they'll be able
to build it to turn into
other things

35:38 but you've got to have

a community first and 56/75
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then again it's just

35:44 gated access if you

will as opposed to an
address i want to
finish this out with a
few big

Mark Cuban Reveals Top 6 Low Cap Altcoins He Owns in

35:51 picture questions but
actually we get to
those one last
question on specific
protocols i know that
you're an investor

35:56 in ave or injective are

you still bullish on
those are they still
blue chip projects in
your opinion yeah i'm

36:01 not an investor in ave

he ghosted me
actually um we talked
about it he goes to
me but um

36:08 i still like objective i

still think um
perpetuals have a
real opportunity it's
not an easy business
but they have they 57/75
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36:14 have a chance that's

from what i looked on
your website you list
all your crypto
companies injective

36:21 seems to be the

lowest cap one in
your portfolio is there
another low cap
altcoin that's

36:26 just on your radar do

you find value in um
low cap altcoin i mean
i'm a fan of

36:32 klima um klima dow

right which used to be
high cap now it's
about a 30 million

36:38 dollar market cap um

one of the
applications that i
think will work or i
hope will work

36:44 um and i'll take a step

back to explain why
like a couple years
ago i went and

36:49 bought some carbon

offsets because i
wanted to offset my 58/75
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personal and
corporate um

36:56 carbon footprint and

it's a pain in the ass
to go and do

37:01 that right um it's you

have to go through a
broker you don't know
what's real or not real

37:08 is no real blockchain

type scenario to to
verify everything
that's easy

37:15 um and then klima

came along and i
invested purely
because i think

37:21 it's easier right now

as we speak to to buy

37:26 a clema token a an

mco token a bct token
and burn it and take
the treasury back

37:32 out you know and

take that as an offset
right and they make it
easy to do you know
now you can look at it
as an 59/75
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37:39 investment and

there's upside to it if
this happens a lot but

37:45 the the worst case

which is the way i i
also try to look at
things is worst cases i
just burn them

37:51 and based off their

treasury that i've
burned i've offset x
amount of tons of

37:57 and to me that's a win

no matter how you
look at it and so
they're still early in
the game they've you
know made some

38:03 missteps but i think

that they've really
gotten their act
together like polygon
came in and bought a
bunch and as a

38:09 result you know offset

their footprint for their
proof-of-stake um

38:15 and i think more and

more companies will 60/75
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do that and so that's a

low market cap one
that i like

38:21 excuse me um kl ima

um what was the
other one i have wait

38:27 i'll tell you real quick

give me nice

38:44 okay let me see if i

can find it there we go
meg clima i own i own

38:50 i own ape i own some

blt blocto because it's

38:56 um wallets for flow

injective um

39:01 aletha which is the

um integrating
artificial intelligence

39:06 to um to nft so that's

probably the other
one and i like ocean
as well and so you

39:14 the elita if you can

start integrating um ai
to into nfts are able to
create some 61/75
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39:20 virtual humans if you

will that have different
properties and that
expands and you can
have some fun with
that and

39:26 unique applications

and then ocean you
know for for
packaging data and

39:31 and reselling it so that

there's ongoing um
rewards to the people
who originate the

39:36 data they haven't

really executed as
well as i would have
liked but that's the

Mark Cuban's MOST Successful Crypto Investment EVER!

39:43 i i only have one more
question maybe
aaron has another
question but um mark
something that i like
on shark tank or

39:50 just in your

investments that you'll
say i missed out on
uber or this has been 62/75
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my most successful
shark tank investment

39:56 in the crypto world

what's been your
most successful
crypto investment and
then what what's one
that you heard

40:02 about but you didn't

invest and you
missed out on um
ethan has been my
most successful by

40:07 far um with bitcoin

right behind um i did
really well with helium

40:13 um but and i sold right

at the top i got lucky
you know um

40:20 in terms of one i

missed out on

40:26 none that i really wish

you know because i
got in early enough
that a lot of them
were really cheap i
could take flyers

40:31 you know buying

polygon in under a
penny you know 63/75
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those types of things

so there hasn't

40:37 really been one that

i've truly missed out
now i've timed some
of them wrong i
lightened up on a
bunch of stuff and um

40:42 on ethereum and

bitcoin so i lightened
up and some i got out
really well and

40:47 some i you know um

um i sold lower than
where it is now but
that's okay

40:53 you can't time it

always mark one of
my final questions big
picture type question
and please take

Mark Cuban Exposes The Crypto Market...

41:00 some time with this
this is the kind of
alpha our audience
wants to know okay
expose the
market what

41:07 don't average people

know that you know 64/75
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as a multi-decade
investor um

41:13 well i'll do this like if i

was explaining it to
bill gates right who
dismisses it and is a
tech guy

41:19 i think the the token

side is all noise the
price of tokens are
noise that has nothing
to do

41:27 with the foundational

value of of crypto um
put aside bitcoin
bitcoin store value

41:33 right you can argue

about lightning and all
this stuff the maxis
argue but it's not
really an extensible
platform enough

41:39 of it's not extensible

enough to build
applications on yeah
um which is a whole
nother question if you
can you know if

41:46 you're willing to

change it you know
that that creates all 65/75
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kinds of other
questions about
bitcoin and what the
maxies think

41:52 um but i think what

really comes to play
for me is the idea of

42:00 driven by smart

contracts so i
mentioned being able
to use you

42:05 know um to create

carbon offsets so the
question you know
somebody like

42:10 bill would come back

and say is well why
not why do i need
tokens why does that
matter right why don't
i just create

42:17 something that's easy

to buy you know um a
certificate well the
difference is the the

42:24 that are in place so

that royalties or um 66/75
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storage or exploring
you know those

42:33 those things aren't

necessarily available
through traditional
database applications
i mean i i spent eight

42:39 years my first

company that's all i
wrote was you know
distributed database
applications and so

42:45 i think there's a huge

advantage there i
think dows also have
a unique opportunity

42:50 not so much because

everybody gets to
vote but more
because it forces

42:56 organizations to
structure themselves
differently an
organization that is
vertical is

43:02 always going to have

a hard time fighting
through overcoming
his hierarchy whereas
the dow

43:08 67/75
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is vertical at some
levels but it's still
smoshed vertical right
so that the people
who start the doubt

43:14 everything no matter

how much you want
to lie to yourself about
how open-ended it is
right but at the same
time um as

43:21 it starts to evolve and

new things come in
um there's a voice to
the token holders

43:29 that isn't available in a

organization and
there's not the
standard hierarchy if
it's done right

43:35 that is typical to an

organization and so
getting rid of that
hierarchy um that

43:40 traditional
corporations have is a
huge step forward for
a lot of different types
of companies and
then i think um 68/75
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43:47 there's different you

there's different ways
to use crypto in
applications that

43:54 the distribution plays

a mate can play a
major part so if you
look at insurance
claims medical
insurance claims right

44:01 and so if you were to

um create an
environment where
you have

44:08 um what's the right

word 10 000 hosts not
host but

44:14 um nodes nodes yeah

so i have 10 000
nodes and i

44:19 train them right so

you have to put up x
number of tokens
worth ten thousand or
twenty thousand
something very

44:26 right we're not

anybody's going to be
able to do it and you
have to go through 69/75
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this training before

you're able to do

44:31 this where you have

to learn um all the
rules for approving or
disapproving a

44:36 medical claim and for

some it might be after
the fact for others it
might be pre-approval

44:42 there's 10 000 of

those nodes that have
been trained and you
use an optimistic roll-
up right where you
you also have

44:48 nodes that um

question you can go
in there and question
whether or not
something is a you
know whether a claim

44:55 was denied um fairly

or not fairly or
whether somebody's
trying to scam the

45:00 system like you see in

insurance all the time
and if the node in the
roll-up is 70/75
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45:05 um calls into question

another node you
know whoever's right

45:11 gets the stake from

the other one and so
that's a unique
approach to dealing
with something like
insurance claims that

45:18 think has merit and

you can do that as a
doll you can do that
as a traditional
whatever you
however you want to

45:24 approach it but those

are the types of things
that if i were you
know to try to just

45:30 an insurance
company right now
particularly given the
amount of money
involved 71/75
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45:35 it almost has to be a

vertical organization
like we see now and
we see what happens
as a result where they

45:42 everything possible to

deny claims as
opposed to do it and if
you made the actual
insurance contracts

45:49 you know depending

on what it was um
smart contracts with
extensions that'll
need to come for

45:56 the actual legalese

because somebody's
to sue somebody over
it so you know you
we'll we're starting to
we'll start to

46:03 see some extensions

to smart contracts
that leap over into the
real real world

46:08 legal um constructs if

you will um those are
the types of things
that are 72/75
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46:14 game changers not

cheap to do not easy
to do not something
you can do in six
months or one year or
five years it's

46:21 the type of project

that'll take you five or
ten years to really get
right but when it
happens it's an
insane game

46:28 changer mark thank

you so much for
taking this time with
us we're huge fans of

Mark Cuban's AWESOME Advice to Crypto Investors

46:34 we'll be watching
shark tank next
season appreciate
that friday nights on
abc nice your links
are down below but

46:39 final thoughts for the

altcoin daily army um
well let me plug one
thing for the all-core

46:46 73/75
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army that's outside i

started a company
which is the low-cost
product low-cost

46:52 provider of generic

medications today
and we're adding um
branded medication

46:58 shortly if you have

any prescriptions at
all with or without
insurance check out
typically our price is

47:05 lower than your copay

so it's not there's no
no tokens no crypto

47:11 if i could add value to

it with crypto i would
it's just not there so
that's one and
number two for crypto

47:18 business is business

you know the beauty
of crypto is that it can
make a business

47:24 it creates new

opportunities to to run 74/75
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a business and that

that's a beautiful thing
it globalizes in a way
that is not

47:32 easy to do with

traditional business
and so many other
things but there has
to be a business there
there has to be utility

47:39 and don't let yourself

get sucked in based
off of the value of
tokens and what
direction they go up
or down look

47:46 at the utility and the

value to you as a
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27:21 75/75

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