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18/04/2023, 03:08 (462) BREAKING: IMF Launching New GLOBAL Cryptocurrency (to Destroy Bitcoin?!

) - YouTube

0:00 leaders from the World
Bank and

0:01 international monetary

fund are

0:03 gathering in
Washington for their

0:04 meetings this week the

annual events

0:06 attract a variety of

world economic

0:08 leaders from Bankers

and corporate

0:10 Executives to ministers

of finance and

0:12 leading academics

breaking news if you

0:15 hold cryptocurrency

the international

0:17 monetary fund just

announced a new

0:21 Global Currency

known as the universal

0:23 monetary unit to

transform the world 1/16
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0:26 economy so this was

an announcement at

0:28 the imf's spring

meetings 2023 and

0:32 Universal monetary

unit also known now

0:35 as unicoin is an
international Central

0:38 Bank digital currency

that has been

0:40 designed to work in

conjunction with all

0:43 existing National

currencies a lot of

0:45 people aren't familiar

with what the

0:46 World Bank and the

IMF actually do what

0:48 is their role in the

global economy yeah

0:50 well these institutions

were set up at

0:52 the end of World War II

they were part 2/16
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0:54 of the Allied effort to

design an

0:58 International System

that in theory

1:01 would contribute to a

more peaceful

1:04 stable world uh and

day to day the IMF

1:08 really is sort of the

Watchdog on the

1:11 financial beat this is

the imf's direct

What is Universal Monetary Unit (UMU)?

1:15 response to the rise of
crypto Universal

1:18 monetary unit or umu

is symbolized by

1:21 ANSI character U with

two little dots is

1:24 illegally a money

commodity can

1:27 in any legal tender

settlement currency

1:29 and functions like a

cbdc to enforce 3/16
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1:33 banking regulations

and to protect the

1:36 financial Integrity of

the international

1:38 banking system xrp

Community how we

1:42 feeling a new Global

Bridge competitor

1:44 well umu is going to be


1:48 interoperable with the


1:50 system Banks can

attach Swift codes and

1:53 bank accounts to a

umu digital currency

1:56 wallet and transact


1:58 cross-border payments

over digital

2:01 currency rails

completely bypassing

2:04 correspondent banking

system at best 4/16
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2:06 priced wholesale FX

rates and with

2:09 instantaneous real-

time settlement and

Is This the “XRP Killer”?

2:12 looking back at an
interview from the

2:14 imf's own Tobias

Adrian Tobias is the

2:17 financial counselor at

the IMF back in

2:20 2020 Tobias stated

that the traditional

2:23 system for payments is

outdated and

2:26 something like Ripple

is a solution and

2:28 you know a large part

of the population

2:31 in the world doesn't

have access to bank

2:33 accounts and even if it

does have access

2:35 to bank accounts

those are extremely

2:37 5/16
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expensive it's
expensive to make

2:39 payments

2:41 payments

2:42 so I think one of the

big motivations

2:45 for this new technology

right because

2:47 Augustine is asking

why is that there's

2:51 huge financial

exclusion and these

2:53 technologies have

proven to increase

2:55 Financial inclusion

enormously so I

2:57 think you have to look

2:58 broadly around the


3:01 uh I think this is one

motivation and I

3:03 think the the rebel

example is one

3:05 6/16
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example or you know

and Norman has

3:07 talked about that is

that International

3:09 payments are very

expensive and the

3:12 structure is not very

well built so back

3:15 in 2020 the xrp

community loved this

3:18 hailing to bias a

statement as potential

3:21 future adoption cut to

an interview with

3:24 Tobias at the

beginning of this year

3:26 Tobias was telling us

that the IMF was

3:29 concerned about

crypto as it could be

3:32 used to evade money

laws you know one of

3:34 the things one of the

deciding factors

3:37 that the FED cited uh

in in some of 7/16
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3:40 those uh decisions

was the difficulty to

3:44 enforce

3:46 um anti-money
laundering laws right

3:49 um I mean you must

be able as as an

3:52 institution to make

sure that what's

3:55 going on uh is is legal

right is is is

3:59 is you know and and

that is very

4:01 difficult to do uh in in a
world where

4:05 transactions are


4:08 um and and so that's a

fundamental clash

4:10 in between you know

traditional banking

4:13 regulatory approaches

and and the crypto

4:16 world and you know

it's uh you know I 8/16
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4:19 think Regulators will

not be at ease

4:22 unless there's a

solution uh to this

4:26 anti-money laundering

and terrorist

4:28 financing problem uh

so basically you

4:30 know making sure that

so so Banks you

4:33 know spend a lot of

resources making

4:35 sure that their

transactions are are

4:38 legal right and and that

that is just

4:41 you know

fundamentally at odds
with the

4:44 design of of crypto that

of course was

How Big Will UMU Become..?

4:47 from earlier this year
and now finally

4:49 in the most recent

direct quote from 9/16
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4:51 Tobias cross-border

payments can be slow

4:55 expensive and risky

but imagine if a

4:58 multilateral platform

existed that could

5:01 improve cross-border

payments at the

5:03 same time

transforming foreign

5:06 transactions risk

sharing and more

5:08 generally Financial

Contracting so again

5:11 the IMF wants this

Universal monetary

5:14 unit to be the new

global settlement

5:17 layer for all currencies

so Global but

5:20 also working in the


5:22 jurisdictions adopting a

global 10/16
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5:25 localization public

monetary system

5:27 architecture

5:28 umu can be configured

to operate

5:31 according to the

central bank regulation

5:33 of each participating


5:35 meaning the aim of

this isn't to replace

5:38 existing Sovereign

Nation currencies the

5:41 aim is to strengthen


5:43 umu is not attempting

to disrupt the

5:46 international monetary

system in fact it

5:48 strengthens it by
helping the IMF

5:51 achieve its stated

mandate to provide

5:53 economic and financial

stability to its

5:56 members States 11/16
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5:58 umu is a game

changer in how

6:01 cross-border payments

are transactions

6:03 and mitigates against

seasonal and

6:06 systemic local

currency depreciation

6:09 keep in mind that this

has just been

6:10 proposed by the IMF it

has not been put

6:13 into law yet but in this


6:16 legislation here are

some of those

6:18 details

6:19 in this proposed


6:21 umu should not be

enacted as a legal

6:24 tender for negotiating

domestic prices

6:26 or international trade

agreements 12/16
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6:28 instead the legislation


6:31 umu be enacted as a

complementary money

6:34 commodity for the

store of value

6:36 mitigating against

potential seasonal

6:39 and systemic local

currency depreciation

6:41 and tendered as

payment currency at

6:44 time of settlement so

they see this as

Bitcoin vs XRP vs UMU

6:47 what all domestic
currencies will

6:50 eventually be settled

into now the

6:52 Bitcoin Believers will

tell you that

6:54 Bitcoin should be that

store value the

6:57 xrp supporters would

have told you that 13/16
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6:59 xrp was meant to be

that settlement

7:01 layer in my opinion

these are the

7:03 regulatory lines in the

sand for crypto

7:06 that we've been

discussing for a while

7:08 on this channel

meaning that

7:09 permissioned
centralized regulated

7:12 cryptocurrencies are

not going away in

7:15 fact they're only

getting bigger just

7:17 like decentralized

open permissionless

7:20 cryptocurrencies are

not going away

7:22 they're only getting

bigger Universal

7:25 monetary unit is


7:27 reimagined from the

ground up to support 14/16
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7:30 Central Banking and

regulated financial

7:32 institutions it features a


7:35 consensus protocol

staked proof of trust

7:38 spot protocol and

multi-dimensional DLT

7:42 distributed Ledger

technology or

7:44 liability Ledger

enabling full service

7:46 digital Banking and

international trade

7:49 payments this is being

introduced as

7:52 crypto 2.0 the bearish

case for this is

Bearish Case vs Bullish Case

7:56 just like China's cbdc
this will be a

7:59 way for the haves to

better control the

8:01 have-nots for the

government to better

8:04 15/16
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control the citizens the

bullish case

8:06 for this this is a direct


8:09 Why We need Bitcoin

why we need

8:12 and while every

average person over

8:15 these next few years

will have to learn

8:17 okay what is this univ

personal monitor

8:20 unit how is it different

than Bitcoin

Inglês (gerada automaticamente)

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