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Cdos A. Arana
Aero Propulsion & Power Directorate
Air Force Wright Laboratory
Wright PattersonAFB OH USA

ABSTRACT la meanbeam length of radiation path

rit massflow rate
As performance objectives of new and derivative 9 thermal effectiveness
military engines require combustion systems to P pressure
operate at higher pressures and temperatures, bal- 4” heat flux
ancing conflicting demands of improved durability, T temperature
stability, and operability becomes more difficult
without technology improvements in combustor Subscripts
liner designs. Since combustor thermo-mechanical
fatigue is currently a significant contributor to en- air
gine life cycle costs, improved structural durability zv annulus
must be achieved, without compromise of other c casing
combustor requirements. This paper addressesthe g gas
application and verification of liner cooling schemes w Wall
and their interaction with thermal barrier coatings WH flame side
(TBCs) for the design of robust aircraft turbine en- WC cold side
gine combustor liners to meet the above mentioned 3 combustor inlet
demands. An analytical investigation was con- 4 combastor exit
ducted to determine the effect of TBCs on the aver-
age metal temperature for a full annular, semi- 1.0 INTRODUCTION
transpiration cooled combustor liner. The perspec-
tive is from a customer’s viewpoint, a combastor Air dominance is maintained by fielding affordable
liner designer who is continuously challenged to and durable high performance air platforms capable
increase combustor temperature rise capability and of delivering payload when and where needed in
operability for new products while maintaining the field command. Key to successful air platforms
cooling flow levels. is the propulsion system. The major key to higher
specific thrust is higher engine operating tempera-
LIST OF SYMBOLS ture. Current combustion systems still operatewell
below the stoichiometric chemical limits of kero-
area sene basedfuels. I” the future, major increasesto
Stefan-Boltzmann constant these values will be required (Hill, 1997) [ 11. It is
absorptivity estimated that overall pressure ratios are expected
density to grow from a present 20 to over 40, and the tar-
bine entry temperaturesfrom 1800to 2400°K. AS a
result of these higher combustion pressureand gas
viscosity temperatures,the heat flux levels in these engines
cooling effectiveness will also increase making the task of combustor
specific heat liner durability design extremely challenging.
combustor diameter Therefore, a critical technology need for the devel-
effective opment of advancedgas turbine engines will be the
emissivity control of heat transfer. Since thermal barrier
flame chamber coatings are an effective approach to heat transfer
fuel air ratio control, advanced materials will need to be inte-
heat transfer coefficient grated with robust thermal barrier coatings and in-
thermal conductivity novative cooling techniques to minimize increases
luminosity factor in cooling flow requirements. For a combustor

F’aper ,msen,ed at an AGARD SMP Mewing on “Thermal Barrier Coatings”

held in Aalborg, Denmark. 15.16 October 1YY7. and published in R-823.
liner system, TBCs act as thermal insulators reduc- l Combustor Inlet Temperature: As the inlet
ing the amount of heat transmitted to the combustor temperature to the combustor increases, gas tem-
wall from the products of combustion. The heat perature also increases and, therefore, the liner
flux gets dissipated through radiation back into the temperature increases proportionally requiring
hot gas path, conduction across the coating and more air to maintain a given liner temperature.
substrate,and convection through back side cooling TBCs can ameliorate this issue by enabling a re-
air. duction in the amount of radiant heat flux from the
flame to the liner (figure 2).
, 1300
Hot section components are significant mainte- e Uncoated
2 1aao
nance items in today’s engines. Almost 7 percent
of unscheduled removals of FlOO-200 engines in 1100
the F-16 due to core componentsduring 1991 were B
f 1000
caused by combustor or turbine problems. In fact, =
m 000
during this period of time, the mean time between 5
failures of the combustor in the -2OO/F16system 5 000
did not meet the Engine Structural Integrity Pro- E
gram requirements (Turner, 1996) [2]. TBCs can 8 n
E 0 v so0 ooo Hem
alleviate this problem, however, at a cost. Cur- CombustorInlet TemperatureOK(TJ
rently the Air Force spends on average $143.3 per
kilogram ($65/1b) for TBC bond materials. Each
Figure 2. Typical TBd payoff for combustor
combustor consumesaround 0.9 - 1.7 kilograms (2-
3 Ibs) of bond coat. For a typical top coat the cost
is about $28.7 per kilogram ($13/lb) and each com- l Combustor Temperature Rise: It is estimated
bustor consumesaround 1.7 kilograms (3 lbs). La- that for the high temperaturerise combustors which
bor time for the application of these TBC systems will be required to operate at an equivalence ratio
is approximately 1.84 hours per combustor. of 80 percent, over 85% of the entire combustor air
flow will be required to be introduced in the pri-
3.0 CHALLENGES mary combustion zone to completely react all of
the fuel. As a result, the amount of air remaining
In the future, the entire combustor section of a high for liner cooling and combustor exit temperature
performance aircraft engine, as shown in figure 1, control becomes scarce (figure 3). If the cooling
will be subjected to an increasingly severe thermal air is not reduced, there would be no dilution air
environment which will eventually approach stoi- available to reduce hot streaks. This further com-
chiometric conditions. plicates the task of maintaining the liner tempera-
ture at that allowed for conventional metal materi-

Figure 1. Internal view of a typical annular

combustor system
Two major factors will significantly impact the Figure 3. Increased combustor exit
ability to cool the combustor liner: temperatures reduce available
dilution and cooling air
From the practical combustor design standpoint, l 99% efficiency at all operating conditions
the objective is not to use improved cooling meth-
ods to lower wall temperatures below the levels Other combustor system design considerations:
achieved with present methods, but rather to
achieve the same wall temperaturesdespite reduc- l 2000 engine flight hours and 4000 Low Cycle
tions in the amount of coolant flow as shown in FatigueTACS - hot parts
figure 4. . 4000 engine flight hours and 8000 Low Cycle
FatigueTACS - cold parts
l 10 hour of operation at any steady-stateflight
l 1 hour of operation at simultaneousTJT,
l 350 hour of test cell operation

Other requirements:

l Buckling margin of safety as dictated by com-

bustor geometry (shape and wall thickness) shall
exceed 50 percent under maximum pressure and
Figure 4. Combustor liner material/cooling
progression for the past 15 years. l 5% creep limit without loss of mechanical
alignment, as dictated by structural geometry to
4.0 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS AND DE- mitigate the interaction of thermal and mechanical

The primary technical objective of combustor re- l Component high cycle fatigue life greater than
search and development is to provide the technol- 10’ cycles, as determined by both material and
ogy that will enable the designersattain combustor strncture
performance, operability, weight and cost objec-
tives for a particular mission and cycle definition. . -30 material properties (average for crack
As systems become more efficient and probably
more complex, the next generation of combustor l 500 O-maximum-Ocycles at maximum power
designs will need to balance conflicting demands
such as increased temperaturewhile improving du- 5.0 COMBUSTOR TBC EVOLUTION
rability, maintainability, and affordability. In order
to achieve these demands an integrated prod- Since the birth of thermal barrier coatings in the
uct/process must be implemented. This process early 1960’s, combustors and angmentors have
should enable the production of a robust design benefited from a series of incremental growths in
capable of operating efficiently in a wide variety of this technology. This has resulted in an increased
environments dictated by the intended air vehicle. ability to withstand higher temperatureswith a de-
To satisfy the requirementsof future cycle parame- creasein the severity of oxidation damage,and an
ters, technology improvements are required. Ad- improved cracking resistance to severe thermal
vanced planning allow us to establish combustor cycling for longer periods of time (Harris,
performance objectives that will support overall 1991)[3]. Early combnstor coatings consisted of an
engine system improvements. Some combnstor outer ceramic insulative layer of air plasma depos-
specific performanceobjectives are: ited, 22 weight percent MgO stabilized ZrOz. and
an inner metallic bond coat of air plasma deposited
l 50% weight reduction Ni-Cr or N&Al (Gupta, et al.,1994)[4].
. 100% increasein volumetric heat releaserate
. +900° F maximum combustor exit temperature As these temperaturesin the combustor have been
. +400° F combustor inlet temperature increased, the durability of this early combnstor
l 300% increasein fuel/air turndown ratio coating has become inadequate. The maximum use

temperature of the plasma sprayed magnesia- duced through the liner walls downstream of the
stabilized zirconia coating is on the order of dilution jets may not be effective in the combustion
1255’K since magnesia-stabilizedzirconia crystal- process, therefore, contributing to potential com-
lographically destabilizes above 1227’K. bustor inefficiency.

By replacing the 22 weight percent magnesia with

7 weight percent yttria composition, the spallation
life at temperature above 1255’K has been im-
proved substantially (Stecura, 1979)[5]. This im-
provement is approximately 4 times that of 22 per-
cent magnesia fully stabilised zirconia coating at
1367OK(Gupta et al, 1991)[6].

Since the operating temperature of the combustor

was increased to take advantage of the increased
temperature capability of the yttria stabilised zir- $ 24
conia, the underlying bond coat oxidation becamea ml6
problem. By adopting a more oxidation-resistance f
NiCoCr AIY bond coat composition from the tur- g- 0
bine section of the engine, the performance of the
combustor has been improved (Gupta et al., 0 DL-
1994)[4]. Figure 5 illustrates the progression of 6
TBC’s for hot section applications. P
It 4
= 0 Fdln
Current Low emissions
Production Combustors

Figure 6. Efficiency Benefits for Idle Engine

Operating Condition
Figure 5. TBC Progression for Hot Section
Applications 6.2 Exhaust Smoke Emissions

Exhaust smoke numbers decrease slightly with

6.0 TBC APPLICATION ADVANTAGES thermal barrier coatings as reported by Butze, et
al., 1976 [8] from which figure 7 is reproduced,for
Let us look at other potential benefits of applying a cruise condition. Soot is the primary source of
TBC’s in the combustor section: flame emissivity at high pressures. The intense
radiation from the ceramic coating back to the
6.1 Efticiencv and Idle Emissions flame results in a decrease in soot concentrations
due to reduction of the amount of soot formed ini-
As summarisedby the results of Mularz et al., 1978 tially and through bumup of the soot formed.
[7], from which figure 6 is reproduced, the appli-
cation of thermal barrier coating along the inside of 6.3 Combustor Liner Life
the combustor liner allows combustion gases near
the wall to be at higher temperatures.This mini- The averagecooling temperaturethat is required in
mizes wall quenching effects of the combustion a typical production combustor today is graphically
chemical kinetics and therefore, reducing unwanted illustrated in figure 8. The gas temperature re-
exhaust emissions such as carbon monoxide and ferred to in this figure represents the maximum
unburned hydrocarbons. Since the design intent of combustor exit temperature. The allowable operat-
cooling air is to protect the liner surface, air intro- ing temperature for the metal liner is about half
way between the maximum gas temperatureand the was performed in order to estimate the thermal per-
temperature of the cooling flow (T3). Also shown formance of TBCs and compare the capability of
in this figure is the relationship of the allowable TBC improvements against cooling effectiveness
design metal temperature levels to the incipient improvementsand T3 reductions. The heat transfer
metal temperatures. As shown, the allowable metal model outlined in this section closely follows the
temperaturelevels are near the incipient melt point development approach as detailed by Lefevbre, et
of nickel based superalloys. Therefore, any break- al., 1960 [ll].
down in the cooling layer would be detrimental.
400 -
Experimental Data
-uncoated Panel
360 - -Coated Panel

Calculated Data
320 - 0 Uncoated Pan
l n Coated Panel
280 -

Test Condition Fuel 240 -

A Cruise Jet A
0 Takeoff Jet A 200 -

Solid Symbols Denote 160-

Ceramic Coated Liner
cl?r llco 1180I-SC13401420I 120 -

Average Exhaust-Gas Temperature - K

Figure 7. Effect of ceramic coating on SAE
smoke number 4?01 .02
I .03
I .04
I .05
1 .06
I 4

Fuel Air Ratio
Figure 9. Liner Temperature Prediction vs.
Experimental Results

e Figure 10 illustrates the schematic of radiant heat

2 flow through a TBC at isothermal conditions. For
this analysis the temperature drop through the ce-
i 1000 ramic was assumed to be linear since yttria-
c” stabilized zirconia thermal conductivity is nearly
constant over the temperature range of interest
(1 SfO. 1 W/m*K over 1200 to 2260’K). Emittance
0 and transmittance were assumed invariant with
temperature. The cycle conditions chosen for the
analysis are as follow:
Figure 8. Exhaust, Wall and Air Temperature
Comparison P, = 3040KPa. T3 = 1144’K, coolant mass flux =
3.416 Kg/s-m’
7.0 HEAT MODEL It was assumedthat the gas temperaturenext to the
wall is equal to the average.flame temperature,
According to experimental results from Butze et having a value close to stoichiometric. This as-
al., 1976 [9], as shown in figure 9, the liner metal sumesthe possibility of a hot streak occurring next
temperaturereductions available through the use of to the wall due to combined effects of a localized
ceramic coatings can be accurately predicted using low annulus velocity on one side of the wall coin-
a one-dimensionalheat transfer model. Having that ciding with a breakdown in the cooling layer on the
in mind, a one-dimensional heat transfer analysis other.

Stabilized Zirconia
Ceramic Coating
Ceramic Filled Bond

Hot Combustion WoEoZ1

Gas Radiation
and Convection

\ i

Figure 10. Schematic of radiant heat flow through the TBC at isothermal conditions.

7.1 Internal Radiant Heat Flux 7.2 External Radiant Heat Flux

The radiation heat flux was calculated for the case Radiant heat flow from the combustor liner to the
of a TBC-coated liner using the results obtained by casing is given by:
Liebert, 1978 [12] where emittance of both the ce-
ramic translucent layer and the material substrate
were taken into consideration.

q”MD = cT(o.5)&,T;~5(Tg2~5 -Twff2,5) (1)

7.3 Internal Convective Heat Flux
The radiation heat flux was calculated for the case Convective heat flow to the combustor liner from
of an uncoated liner using reference[ 111: the gasesis given by:

q..RaD=a(1+2a”)eBT,‘.5(T,2.5-Tw~2.5) (2)
The flame emissivity, E,, was calculated using
reference [Ill: 7.4 External Convective Heat Flow

&g = 1-exp(-290P,L~~~~-‘.5) (3) Convective heat flow from the combustor liner to
the annulusair is given by:

where the luminosity factor was calculated using

reference [ 131: (TWA -T3)

L = O.O691(Cl H - 1.82)2.7’ 14) 171

where C/H is the fuel carbon/hydrogen ratio by 7.5 Conduction Heat Flux
weight. For future high pressure ratio engines, the
practicality of using this correlation could be The radial heat flux conducted through the liner
somewhat dubious. More experimental data will wall is given by:
need to be generated.
l Figure 12 shows how the heat fluxes vary as
the effective conductivity changes. The heat flux
due to conduction diminishes as the thickness of
the TBC system is increased. For the same case,
the outside convective and radiation heat fluxes
also decreaseas expected. The internal radiation
heat flux is maximum for the case of the uncoated
liner since a small fraction of the heat gets reflected
back to the gases.

The heat flux picked up by the coolant as it passes 1.600,000

through the semi-transpiration cooled wall is ex- 1,400,000
pressedby c-41,200,000

0 s 1,000,000
4 air=m,i,C~,i,ll.(Tw~-T3) (10)
g 600,000
where 11 is the thermal effectiveness, which is a ; 600,000

function of the internal heat transfer coefficient 2 400,000

within the liner. This heat flux is absorbedby the 200,000
coolant and therefore reduces the heat load that
must be removed by q”coNv and q”aAo on the out-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 1
side liner. % TBC thickness(3.81x10-4)m
The following figures summarize the results of the Figure 12. The Effect of TBC Thickness on
investigation: heat fluxes

. Figure 11 shows the potential reduction in

metal wall temperature attainable with a refractory l Figure 13 shows the reduction in metal tem-
coating for the semi-transpiration cooled liner sys- peratureswithout TBC as coolant temperature de-
tem. It is obvious that changes in TBC thickness creasesfor the same amount of coolant flow rate.
have a pronounced effect on combustor liner tem- Comparing these results with the results from fig-
perature as reflected in the figure. It is also evident ure 14, it is evident that although the TBC surface
that with the application of the TBC to the liner, temperatureis higher, the actual metal temperature
the liner wall metal temperaturewould be capable (substrate)on the gas side is much lower.
of meeting life requirements as mentioned in sec-
tion 4. 1550
1700 , x1500
I I I c T-TM --- --
1600 Al450
Y 2
& 1500
2$ 1400
i 1300
g 1200 1200
700 750 600 650 900 950 1000
1100 Coolant Air Temperature-K
0 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.75 1
%TBCthickness (3.61x lo-4)m

Figure 13. The Effect of Coolant Air

Figure 11. The Effect of TBC Thickness on Temperature Variation on Liner
Liner Wall Temperature Wall Temperature (Uncoated)
tem. TBC reliability must be equal or greater than
the substrate since the integrity of the coating be-
comes prime reliable as loss of the coating can re-
sult in rapid deterioration of the liner. Also, the
ability to apply TBCs to components with complex
geometries should be improved. As combustor in-
let air temperature approaches the maximum al-
lowable wall temperature, there simply will not be
enough cooling potential left to cool the wall ade-
600 I ! ! ! ! / ! ! ,
quately. This leaves the possibility of no metal wall
700 750 600 650 904 950 loo0 structure, no matter how effective, will maintain
Coolant Air Temperature - K
reasonablemetal temperaturesat those conditions.

Figure 14. The Effect of Coolant Air An analytical investigation was conducted to de-
Temperature Variation on TBC termine, through qualitative trends rather than
Liner Wall Temperature quantitative values, the effect of a ceramic coating
on the averagemetal temperaturesof a full annular,
l Figure 15 shows the impact of liner thermal semi-transpiration cooled combustor liner. This
effectiveness variation on wall temperatures. As investigation was conducted at a pressure of 3040
would be expected, the hot side metal temperature KPa, inlet air temperatures of 1144OK and an
is reduced as the ability of the liner to extract heat overall fuel air ratio of 0.67. The insulating effects
becomes greater for the same amount of coolant as well as increased reflectivity of the ceramic
flow rate coating were responsible for the reduction in heat
transfer through the liner walls.

y 1600 To solve the heat flux equations a non linear algo-

rithm was used. For that purpose a Newton-
& 1500
Raphson non-linear solver was developed to solve
1400 the equations in an iterative manner. It should be
E 1300
mentioned that the energy balance equations repre-
I-” sent a gross approximation to the heat transfer
1 1200 processtaking place between the liner structure and
1100 its surroundings. A more rigorous formulation for
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 the heat transfer process may be developed if spe-
Thermal Effectiveness cific details are required.

It appearedthat the reduction in metal temperature

Figure 15. The Effect of Variation of Thermal
at any given coating thickness is considerably
Effectiveness on TBC Liner Wall Temperature
greater than any improvements achieved solely by
cooling configuration changes.
It was noted that a relationship between liner
The quest for higher thrust-to-weight ratio will en- cooling effectiveness and effective conductivity
tail increasing combustor inlet and exit tempera- exists. That relationship was considered in the
tures. This will impose very stringent requirements analysis, however, with some limitations. In other
for the development of robust aircraft combustors. words as cooling effectiveness changes there corre-
A large portion of the heat transferred to the liner spondsa changeof effective conductivity.
wall from the hot combusting gases and particles
within the combustor will be by radiation. But 9.0 REFERENCES
significant advancescan be obtained by incorporat-
ing third generation TBC into the next production 1. Hill, R.J., “The Future of Gas Turbine Engines”,
of combustor liners. To maximise the potential, in “Propulsion and Energy Issuesfor the 21st
there needs to be a focused effort. The thermal ef- Century”, AGARD CP 824, March 1997,
fect of the TBC ceramic layer must become an in- Chapter 2.
tegral element of the combustor liner design sys-

2 Turner D., “Enhanced PerformanceExtended 13. Odgers,J., Kretschmer, D., “A Simple Method
Life Combustor”, WL-TR-2136, November for the Prediction of Wall Temperaturesin a
1996 GasTurbine”, ASME PaperNo.78-GT-90,
April 1978.
3 Harris, D., “Composite Thermal Barrier
Coatings”, Fourth National Spray
Conference,CF, May 1991.

4 Gupta D.K., Meier, S.M., “The Evolution of

Thermal Barrier Coatings in Gas Turbine
Engine Applications”, Transaction of ASME,
Vol. 116, January 1994.

5 Stecura,S., “Effect of Compositional Changes

on the Performanceof a Thermal Barrier
Coating System”, NASA TM-78976, 1979

6. Gupta D.K., Meier, SM., “Ceramic Thermal

Barrier Coatings for Commercial Gas Turbine
Engines”, JOM, March 1991

I. Mularz, E.J., Cleason C.C., and Dodds, W.J.,

“Combustor Concepts for Aircraft Gas Turbine
Low Power Emissions Reduction”, AIAA/SAE
No. 78-999, 14th Joint Propulsion Conference,

8. Butze, H.F., Liebert, C.H., “Effect of Ceramic

Coating of JTID Combustor Liner on
Maximum Liner Temperaturesand Other
Combustor PerformanceParameters”,
NASA TM X-7358 1, December 1976

9. Claus, R.W., Wear, J.D., Liebert, C.H.,

“Ceramic Coating Effect on Liner Metal
Temperaturesof Film-Cooled Annular
Combustor”, NASA Technical PaperNo.
1323, 1979

10. Wassel, A.B., “The Design and Development

of High PerformanceCombustors”, Lecture
Series 93, Von Karman Institute of Fluid
Dynamics, Brussels, 1997.

11. Lefevbre, A.H., Herbert, M.V., “Heat Transfer

Processesin Gas Turbine Combustion
Chambers”, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 1960,Vol.
174, No.12, pp 463-473.

12. Liebert, CH., “Emittance and Absorptance of

NASA Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coating
System”, NASA Technical Paper 1190, April

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